Official August Mummies Club!!

The one i two weeks is another nhs one and then f he/she doesn't play ball then we're going for a 4D one. Although knowing me we'll probably cave in and have it anyway. If I can't see the bits then I'll get a gender scan for sure at the very least!

I think in your position I'd do the same. I couldn't make it through an entire pregnancy without knowing the sex. I just like to shop too much and that isn't easy if you don't know what your shopping for. :rofl:

I have my fingers crossed for you Pippin and Coffee that your babies cooperate this time!!
So I think the next tests that we have take is the blood sugar test... which stinks... fasting while preggers and then drinking this crappy sugar drink in like 5 minutes and then wait 1 hour to have blood drawn... it is no fun...

Anyone done this test yet?
And yeah.. I was doing good with the weight thing in the first tri... i was so nauseous I couldn't eat:sick:.. now I am steadily packing it on:lol:... and I am not even eating a lot or terribly.. it is not fair I tell you...](*,)
So I think the next tests that we have take is the blood sugar test... which stinks... fasting while preggers and then drinking this crappy sugar drink in like 5 minutes and then wait 1 hour to have blood drawn... it is no fun...

Anyone done this test yet?

I am supposed to go in for this in 2-3 weeks my doctor said. She never said I couldn't eat though! Uh oh!! If I don't eat when I'm hungry I throw up or go into fits of dry heaving coughs. :blush: This pregnancy has been a joy let me tell you.
And yeah.. I was doing good with the weight thing in the first tri... i was so nauseous I couldn't eat:sick:.. now I am steadily packing it on:lol:... and I am not even eating a lot or terribly.. it is not fair I tell you...](*,)

I was only supposed to gain 15 pounds because I was overweight to begin with. Yeah, I've already just about gained all of my 15 pound allotment. Not quite there yet but almost. So I definately didn't listen well. :dohh::rofl:
So I think the next tests that we have take is the blood sugar test... which stinks... fasting while preggers and then drinking this crappy sugar drink in like 5 minutes and then wait 1 hour to have blood drawn... it is no fun...

Anyone done this test yet?

I am supposed to go in for this in 2-3 weeks my doctor said. She never said I couldn't eat though! Uh oh!! If I don't eat when I'm hungry I throw up or go into fits of dry heaving coughs. :blush: This pregnancy has been a joy let me tell you.

They told me to have water and nothing sugary... like really bland food.. and not much of it... My Dr gives me that sugar drink and directions and lab form and I do it on my own time.. but all places are different...

And yeah.. I was doing good with the weight thing in the first tri... i was so nauseous I couldn't eat:sick:.. now I am steadily packing it on:lol:... and I am not even eating a lot or terribly.. it is not fair I tell you...](*,)

I was only supposed to gain 15 pounds because I was overweight to begin with. Yeah, I've already just about gained all of my 15 pound allotment. Not quite there yet but almost. So I definately didn't listen well. :dohh::rofl:

:rofl: that is me too pretty much... :rofl:
Ok, dinner is in the oven, and it smells gooooood! :D SO hungry...

I'm LOVING the new colourful front page, nice one Cleckner!! Team Green for the unknowns is perfect: Green says "I'm here, but I don't want to be here, I'll be on pink or blue soon I hope!" lol

We're not doing a 4D scan, I dont know if I'd even want one if they were more affordable... I can't really explain it, but I think it looks a bit freaky seeing the baby like that before they're born!!! In my mind right now, he is in my uterus, and he is all black and white against my pitch black uterus :rofl: hehehe - Also, I'd like the unveiling of his facial features etc. to come with the birth, but that's just me :winkwink:

So I think the next tests that we have take is the blood sugar test... which stinks... fasting while preggers and then drinking this crappy sugar drink in like 5 minutes and then wait 1 hour to have blood drawn... it is no fun...

Anyone done this test yet?

Have you had this test done yet, Laura?? There's a thread in the main forum about Gestational Diabetes, I am just about to google it and read up, because my urine samples have all been high in glucose so far and they told me that if the next one is as well (next week) then they will be doing "blood tests"... I assume they mean the whole fasting, drinking minging juice stuff, waiting an hour and then taking blood... I didn't think everyone had this test, only if your urine samples show high glucose... Am I wrong?

What if we come back positive for GD?? Scary... I am gonna read up on it now.

S xx
Naomi.. I didn't mean to worry you... In the states I think most pregnant ladies have this blood test done between 24 and 28weeks.. If you do have gestational diabetes you just have to manage it with diet (reducing sugar and carb intake) and some have to take insulin if diet management is not enough...

I think all these tests can be scary.. so much for stressless pregnancies :shrug:
Yay! Green is awesome! I think I was already on my own little green team before this... since everything I've been getting for baby is green anyway.

Cleckner, I will hopefully tell you my baby's gender on Monday. Hoping for blue, but healthy is what counts!

I'm not looking forward to doing the blood sugar test. It is impossible for me to fast (well, I could've back when I still smoked). Hopefully the time that you're asleep and not eating counts and I could get a morning appointment for it. My stomach hurts so bad if I don't eat very often, and my body has never taken well to lower blood sugar levels. I think I might be hypoglycemic based on my history with blood sugar issues, but who knows? I've never been seen about it or tested for it before. I get very faint and sick very fast when I don't eat. I eat a lottttt of carbs just to feel "okay". Luckily they don't make me fat. :happydance:
Awwww Laura, you didn't worry me :D
I'm actually really looking forward to my appointment next week, not just for the extra scan, but generally because I'm a crazy loon and I actually enjoy going to the hospital! I guess I like the attention :rofl:
We're not having another scan ... well so far anyway. I feel kinda sad because we won't get to see this little mite until it's born, and that's a few months away!!

But this weekend we're off to Edinburgh so I said to hubby that I would indulge him and he could buy a little something for the baby - an outfit or mobile or something. His face lit up .. let's see when it's 15 and wants a pair of nikes if he's quite as excited :rofl:
We're not having another scan ... well so far anyway. I feel kinda sad because we won't get to see this little mite until it's born, and that's a few months away!!

But this weekend we're off to Edinburgh so I said to hubby that I would indulge him and he could buy a little something for the baby - an outfit or mobile or something. His face lit up .. let's see when it's 15 and wants a pair of nikes if he's quite as excited :rofl:

Hehehe that's cute
God women I can't keep up with ye all at the moment cause I dont get a minute during the day at work to log in, so much going on with us all these days.

Shadow: Yeah the yummy mummy thing was really mad wasn't it, you were right though admin must have deleted most of it cause I could only find the updates. What exercises do you do on the ball for your knees, I have chronic psoriatic arthritis and my knees are increasingly becoming weak due to the extra weight, so I would love some tips.

Elly 75: Yep I'm right there with you forgetting peoples names its terrible.

Mom on the 8/2009: Lovin your names.

TMR1234: I know what you mean about reading pages of stuff, its crazy here these days.

Jai Jai: Best of luck with your scan.

Welsh Warrior: you are not gate crashing, you are more than welcome.

Cleckner congrats on the triple test, you are not fat though I have seen your bump and you look brill.

Waitingfor Baby: Good luck for your scan.

Pippin, Coffee and Cleckner: How much are the 4D scans your getting, we are thinking of getting one done but they are €200 here in Ireland.

Smith87999: I haven't heard anything about getting the sugar test here in Ireland but we dont do the triple test or the nuchial fold scan, so we probably dont do that either, it doesn't sound pleasent though. I know what you mean about the lbs going on. I was 9 stone 7 lbs but I have now gone up to 11 stone so that means I have put on 21 lbs. I will have so much work to do to get it off after. I think I am eating more becasue I stopped smoking.

Avabear79: I dont think we have anymore scans here either except if we book in for a 4D one privately but then a friend of mine said that in the last month you have hospital appointments everyweek and that the docs scan you on a smaller machine, so hopefully that is the case as it is a long time.

Gabby: I'm so glad you are home honey, I'm sorry to hear about the problems with your heart rate, I hope it settles down soon and dont forget we are all here for you and are thinking of you lots :hug:

Well I hope I haven't forgotten anyone and you can just put it down to baby brain if I have :roll:
Hehehehe Jelr, you do realise that with such wonderfully detailed posts as that one, EVERYONE will want to reply, and so you'll have the same old problem of having paaaages to read through when you get on here!!! Hehehe I love it though :D

As for your question to me, I have a couple of good exercises that seem to have REALLY helped my knees. Before pregnancy they were my absolute worst joints, but lately they've been much calmer and feel stronger too, which helps my hips a lot as the knees can work a little harder to take the strain off the hips a bit!

Here we go:

The first exercise I did for my knees was to get my gym ball and stand with my back to a wall and the gym ball held between the arch of my back (at the bottom) and the wall, then to very very gently bend my knees and roll the ball a tiny bit down the wall. At first, I could only lower the ball about 5cm or something ridiculous, but very gradually I increased it and now I can do a lot better, bending my knees pretty far.
Edit: I forgot to mention that it's vital to keep your knees in line with your legs/feet (so that your knees are parallel to the direction of your feet) when you do this exercise: If you let your knees roll inwards when you bend them, it puts nasty strain on things, and is bad!!!

Another big thing that has helped my knees has been climbing steps carefully, concentrating on how my knees are positioned when I do it. I use two handrails still to control it, but am finding that I can put weight onto my knees more than I ever could before (I used to sort of "waddle" up steps and put the strain on my hips, which was making everything worse!)

I'm sure there's more, but I'm aware of my suuuper long posts lol... maybe I can give you more some time :)

Do you have a gym ball? Are you able to get some physiotherapy through pregnancy? Not sure how it works in Ireland...


Oh, and another good and easy and fun one is just sitting on your gym ball and bouncing, I do this to the radio :D And over time, as you bounce, you can start using your knees to keep yourself in the "up" part of the bounce for a bit longer- I was eventually able to bounce myself right into a standing position, which was really surprising for me as I never thought my knees could handle that unless I was holding on to something!
This thread is definately picking up lately! There seems to always be something new to read when I get on here.

Jelr-Your sweet but I definately weigh more than I look. I have quite a high BMI. I weigh more than DH... Yikes!! :dohh: And as far as the 4D ultrasound price. I'm not sure what the currency conversion is but for me it is $80.00 for an entire package that includes DVD, CD, Prints, Gift Bag & Gift Frame. So it sounds like it will be quite an experience to remember.

Shadow- your posts usually are long enough to have everyone in the thread respond as well! :rofl: Which is always fun!

Gabrielle- I'm not sure if your on or around but was thinking of you today. How are you feeling today? I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you and that little boy of yours. :hugs:

Is it wrong of me to be SO jealous of you girls that get these awesome scan piccies? I get on here and see new posts with girls and they always have these perfect profile shots of their baby. Do you know what picture I got for my 20 week scan? A blurry foot that is almost too embarassing to keep. DH and I keep having a laugh over it because there were so many better pictures that we could have gotten but the ultrasound guy gave us a blurry right foot. And at my doctor, we only get one picture and that is what we are stuck with. I made sure to put the picture in the hallway at our house so we walk past it and laugh all the time now. :rofl: I need to frame it and write "our little foot" under it. :rofl:
jelr it's £179 here in the uk so that's about €198 so about the same. That's for a medium package sounds like the US is a lot cheaper. I've decided to go for it I think as this only happens to us a few times.

Did I tell you all I met two of my best baby and bump buddies today? WelshRose and Forever3. It was so lovely to meet them finally after all the texts we send and have lunch together. We were chatting for 5 hours before we knew it!!!. x
Ooh Pippin I didn't realise today was the first time you'd met them! That must have been so cool! Was it scary to finally meet them in person? Were you nervous??

Hey can I just say that I LOVE the picture I'm on in my ticker now! When I first made my ticker and saw that picture I thought it was the cutest one in the ticker! Cuter than the "ready to be born" baby pic I think! Hehe... Wonder when I'll move up a "box" ...
Hi girls, Having had time to post in a while but I've been trying to keep up with reading all the posts. Anyway just got home from my 20 week scan and it looks like we are on!!!!! DH and I are super excited. Neither of us really had a preference or any idea or gut feeling one way or another. I'm glad that we got to find out as baby wasn't too cooperative at first.

Congratulations to everyone else that has found out and hopefully everyone is doing well.
Pipin.. that is great that you live so close to some BnB'ers... lucky you... the odds are far smaller of us in the states... <----- jealous :)

congrats rivanpincess!!!!

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