Official August Mummies Club!!

I was just browsing through 1st trimester bumps. Some of their bumps are rounder than mine! :shrug: This is just bloated bellies in there right? Some of the girls are posting 5 week 'bumps'?! These can't really be baby right? :muaha:

I try to avoid 1st trimester at all costs because of all of the miscarriage threads that end up occuring. So this is the first time I've looked in there in a while. But I actually see a girl in there that MCed about the same time as me and who was really supportive in the MC forums when I needed it. She is at 9 weeks so I am keeping my fingers crossed for her now! :blush: Just thought I'd share. :dohh:

Well, I'm going back to :sleep: now.
lol Cleck, you came online at, what, 6am and looked at the first tri forum? Crazy lady! I do hope that girl is doing okay though, I can't even imagine what it must be like to lose a baby :( Glad you had help through your loss... It's so common isn't it? I know several girls, on here and in real life, who have been through a miscarriage. It's just heartbreaking :cry:

On another note, if anyone wants a bit of comic relief, check out the drama queens in September's thread!! Really, they all seem to take it all so seriously, they had a big bitch fight type thing over apparently nothing, and admin had to step in and threaten to lock their thread!!! LOL craziness... I can't even imagine us lot falling out like that, we are all far too laid back, right ladies? Hehehe...

I'm NOT gonna stay on the computer all day today, we're off shopping in a second so I'll check in later on (maybe about 17:00ish GMT / 12:00 EST??) and it'd be real fun to do a chat again! We'll see if it works out :)

Shadow xx
Your gonna laugh but I actually got on here and thought I clicked on 2nd Trimester but apparently not.:rofl: I thought it was odd at first cause there were all these posts by people I didn't recognize. :rofl: But after I realized, I decided to click through a bit.

How did you know about the September club thing? I'm gonna go look now! :muaha:

Edit: my sleep schedule is way off now I think. Last night I couldn't sleep and now I am wide awake and its 7:30 in the morning. I think I slept only about 4 hours last night. I hope this isn't my new routine!
well, I just wasted a couple of minutes I'll never get back reading about the September Gurls' drama!!!

comic relief from our domestic stuff of the day, anyway.

seeing it's bank holiday weekend, I thought we (ie OH) could use the time productively sorting out some rearrangements to our bedroom (1-bed flat, baby will be rooming with us). so now bedroom is a state of utter upheaval and I can't get into my bed for a nap (which I really need as I'm working from 5pm-1am and leave here at 3.30pm, ie in 2 hours, and I didn't get much sleep past about 8.30am). the bed has been moved, all the sh1t underneath moved - AND THE AMOUNT OF DUST AND CAT HAIR IS JUST UNBELIEVABLE - and ... I hate where we're moving the bed to. :( hate it. but it has to be done because we're getting a co-sleeping cot that attaches to the side of the bed and if we left the bed where it is, it puts baby too close to the radiator. which is ok in August because hopefully it won't be on, but from Oct or so... no.

but! where the bed has been moved to, with baby bed all snug and fine away from the radiator, takes up *so* much of the room. and if we put the bed so there's more room it means OH and I have to swap sides (which I am completely reluctant to do, it's MY SIDE, dammit) me and baby will be sleeping with our feet pointing out of an open doorway (can't attach the door because the skylight in the room is the only natural light souce in the whole of the upstairs and it would take up tonnes of room to be propped open) and I read years ago (which is why I put the bed where it WAS) that it's bad feng shui because the Chinese say people are carried dead out of a room feet first.


we need a bigger flat but there's no way in this economic climate PLUS being pregnant that I'm putting myself through THAT. not until we need to because baby is causing chaos and running rampant. it's a fine flat for a little baby, not so great for a toddler.

so I feel a bit stressed and I want a sleep but no chance because OH has the hoover out cleaning all the cat hair!

(bless him)

sorry for the whinge. I don't really mind a bit of inconvenience for my BABY - and it won't be forever, just while he is in the co-sleeping mode of the cot (it can turn into a normal bassinet thing once he's able to pull up and stand and all that, so that can be anywhere in the room).
PHEW!!! MJ, that sure is some big old domestic dilemma you've got there!!!

Hehe... Well, let's see... Doesn't look like you'll get any proper sleep given that you only have 2 hours before work, but you could just rest instead: Put your feet up and think about nothing for a while, maybe even close your eyes, they say that rest is almost half as good as actual sleep, so you'd get a bit of energy for work that way!!

I love the sound of a co-sleeper cot thingy; I've never heard of that before! But it does sound like a bit of a nightmare getting your flat arranged just so- It sounds like you're found the only possible solution to the layout issues there, so go with that :D

LOL @ chinese superstition thingy... Sounds fascinating! I don't think I'd like to have my feet poking out of an open doorway anyway, whether or not it was bad luck! AND I know JUST what you mean re: sides of the bed. There's no WAY I could swap sides with OH now, we've been on these "sides" for 4 and a half years, in 4 different homes!! So stick with the solution you've reached, I would! :D

I'm sorry to have disappointed you about the whole september club thingy!! Sometimes I get curious as to how they fill so many pages when we are supposed to be a month ahead, and so I have a little look at their latest page, but it's almost always just boring stuff (lol... I'm sure they'd think the same of ours eh?!) But today I peeked and saw an admin grumbling at them, and got curious! So I, too, wasted precious seconds of my life looking back through their gossip to see what had happened! Turns out it was pretty much nothing :rofl:

Can I just say, my lunch today must have cost about 10p: I had two hot cross buns, which were 30p for 6 in Tesco today :wohoo: ...a plum, and a pint of banana milkshake (!!) which was all free this week cos MY HEALTHY START VOUCHERS ARRIVED!!!! Woohoo!!! So we got a load of milk, some bananas and some plums for free with our shopping today! And it was such a yummy lunch hehehe!

:blush: Just thought I'd share...

Shadow, those signatures look pretty amazing. :)

Gabby, I do hope you feel better soon hun. :hugs:

Nothing much going over up here save for having to work tomorrow (bleh) but at least I can log in from home.

MaryJo, I hear you about all the dust and cat hair. We have three cats in the house and the amount of fur they leave behind is crazy. We could clean up a lot each week but still we'd have enough fur to make another cat. :rofl: I've been a little lax in doing the cleanup as I've been trying to get my strength back up -- been feeling too tired. Hubby's a sweetheart in working on keeping the house in shape.
oh me me me shadow :D if you dont mind??? I am team yellow - 25th august :dance: had scan today bubs was sooooo beautiful - didnt find out sex but i think i saw a willy :( so i am a bit disappointed as i really didnt want to know but i could have been wrong, i have felt boy most of the time i guess so prob be a boy :rofl:

Sure :winkwink: Coming right up, JaiJai! Glad scan was good, and yes, you are certainly still on team yellow: You never know what you might've seen! But if it IS a boy: Boys are AWESOME! But I'll make you a groovy team yellow blinkie right now :D


Shadow please can I have one for mine too :) thanks so much hehehhee..Team pink, due 5th August. Thank you
Heh, thanks Shadow... as I thought I didn't get any sleep at all, or even a rest worth speaking about. So I'm here at work now, with a headache (because I didn't have my one cup of normal coffee this morning in the hope of catching more sleeps)... am half way through my second can of diet coke and hoping that zaps it! it's gonna be a long night...

and about the room. I've had to that thing nobody ever wants to do, far less a pregnant hormonal woman... compromise. :( yes. we found that if the bed was pushed right against the wall on what would have been MY SIDE, the person sleeping on the other side, plus hypothetical baby in hypothetical cot doesn't have its feet pointing to the open door - it's a near miss but not quite. so there goes one objection on my part. and the room is really so much more spacious with that set up than the one I was originally complaining about - it really makes such a big difference because there is no wasted space - that I've said we can TRY it. Meaning we have to switch sides! I've ALWAYS slept on the left of the bed, since ever I was sleeping in a double bed, even alone, since the age of about 20! So 15 years! It'll be so weird to have OH on my left not my right :( Baby will be on my right in the co-sleeper.

we're trying it out, that's all - hopefully I'll get used to it and it'll be ok, but still strange.

elly - goodness, three cats! my one fluffball is bad enough... I was utterly horrified by what came out from under the bed (which doesn't get cleaned more than once in 5 years usually, the shame). I think the hoover will need to be emptied and there'll be several kitties-worth in it!
In case, anybody know about my abnormal pap smear, finally I am able to have an appointment next tuesday for colpo :( gosh hopefully everything turn out ok.
I was just thinking. Are we going to have our own club still after our little babies are born? Like an August 09 Mummy club in the baby & toddler section?

I'm with you on this!! :happydance:
In case, anybody know about my abnormal pap smear, finally I am able to have an appointment next tuesday for colpo :( gosh hopefully everything turn out ok.

Good luck hon like the ladies say lots do come back and they can still do the scrape thingy when your pregnant so don't worry to much. :hugs:
Ahhh! Bellingham is my home town (born and raised!!). I miss it there so much. I also have family in Everson and Custer, so I used to visit up north of Bellingham too. Ever take your kids to the water slides? I've had sort of a "craving", if I can call it that, to go back there. What are the odds of finding another Bellinghamster on a forum dominated by UK members?

That is crazy... I too love it here... born and raised and raising my kids here... small world... :)
Shadow... those blinkies are great... can you please make me one.. Team Yellow... August 9.. you are awesome...

Hey gals.. had a busy morn and missed you all this morn... would love to do a chat again soon.. was nice to chat real time with you and look forward to checking out everyone's pics on facebook....

Have a super Easter all.... :hugs:
iam gunna have to get on more thow the day iv allways got pages on pages to cach up on. i cnt belive iam 24wks on mon yay how fast is this tri going.

Lucas has took up kicking every time he haers oh or son but kicking very hard i had the tv controll on my tummy last night and he kicked it off lol.

still trying to sort and wash all he clothes i know its early but i just love it.

tack care stacey xx
am i the only one with more than four boxes of baby clothes organized and folded?
Hey girls hope you are all enjoying Easter Weekend.

Shadow I know what you mean my last post was huge, but I hate leaving anyone out and even being away from this for a few days there is so many pages to read.

Dont worry though ladies I dont have time for a huge one today and apologies for not writing messages to all of you at the same time.

Shadow: I love the new blinkies, can you do one for me Due 21st August and on Team Yellow please and thanks a million for the exercises, I have a ball and we are due to start our anti-natal classes next month which comprises of 4 classes with the midwife and 4 with a physio so I might see about getting some extra to help as my joints will defo be in bits by the time August comes around.

Cleckner: I definitely wasn't trying to be sweet, your bump pics look fab, my BMI was always normal but I too now have one that is too high and I weigh more than DH since I got pregnant, all I seem to do is eat eat and more eat :hissy:

Gabs: I really hope your boys are feeling better and you are getting some rest.

Ducky: I hope your smear is only to do with pregnancy.

Well girls I'm must go over now and have a gawp at the September club to see what the drama is that ye are talkin about. I love nosin at drama :rofl: and I may get ready as we are heading out for dinner for a friends birthday so I'm looking forward to that he he more food why wouldn't I :rofl: :rofl:
He he me thinks I just dont know how to do short posts :rofl: :rofl: cause that one wasn't so short after all. :rofl: - I guess DH is right and I do like to talk :rofl:
oh, ladies, ladies, ladies. I'm at work and - I can't stop eating today!

on the list so far:
- bowl of oats, all bran, nuts, strawberry & banana with milk
- packet of pickled onion monster munch
- packet of cool original doritos
- little pot of plain natural yogurt
- chicken, bacon & pasta salad with honey mustard dressing
- buttered hot cross bun
- a Yorkie

The baby made me get the Yorkie, heh, it's not for girls!

I expect there'll be more and then I'll be having chicken & veg curry with rice for my dinner when I get home.

(My normal day's food is the bowl of oats, etc, a sandwich and a bag of crisps, my dinner and one, maybe two bars of chocolate)

is it going to get worse? can't decide if it's boredom (despite the chaos that reigns around me), stress, hunger, greed or baby!

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