no, i am going to nurse, i just got some stuff for pumping/expressing
Pippin, I'm planning on going to a Mothercare tomorrow as well... but not a little one, we're going to a Mothercare World![]()
It's the first time I'll have gone with OH, I want to show him the pushchair I want, we may pick up some other bits and bobs... I really want to get some clothes and my little Mothercare doesn't have much.
Speaking of clothes - I was in Oxford St the other day and thought I'd check out H&M and New Look and Next and nothing! Nothing in H&M at all, in three branches I tried, then I walked down to New Look at Marble Arch thinking they'd be sure to have stuff and was told I had to go to the Westfield shopping centre for maternity! Then I tried Next at Marble Arch and they said to go to the Oxford Circus branch, because they had "a huge selection". So I walked back there and this "huge selection" turned out to be one pair of jeans, three smock type tops, a pack of three t-shirts (which were ot that nice) and a pair of black trousers. Huh?
Surely it shouldn't be THIS hard???!!!
All I have is a pair of jeans and a top from Peacocks that's lovely but a bit too nice for every day. I need something like a long cardi and a hoodie, to cover up, because I can't fasten my coat and with it being in between seasons I don't want to buy a new one.
So Mothercare World tomorrow for us - I went to one 6 weeks ago with my mum when she was down and there was loads of clothes but I didn't need them then and I was about as superstitious about buying clothes as I still am about baby gear!
We're also going to see OH's new baby nephew who was born on Thursday! New baby squishy cuteness...![]()
All I have is a pair of jeans and a top from Peacocks that's lovely but a bit too nice for every day. I need something like a long cardi and a hoodie, to cover up, because I can't fasten my coat and with it being in between seasons I don't want to buy a new one.
We're also going to see OH's new baby nephew who was born on Thursday! New baby squishy cuteness...![]()
Just to report, had my19/5 scan on Wednesday, and we found out that we are on team PINK!!!
Have two boys allready so it's nice to be getting a girl.
And she is growing lovely, BP is behaving, no problems except a small one with the blood flow through the placenta, I have a 'bulge' after the beat which means I am at high risk of high blood pressure... but we kinda sussed that when I had pre ecclampsia twice...![]()
Next scan is on the 29th April.