Horray!! Lots of you are back!! Hehe it has been kinda quiet around here lately, I've had to fill the silences with my "yabbering" 
Gabrielle, I totally understand what it must be like with two little boys around: It seems to me that you should know your own body, so as long as you're not lifting heavy boxes (or heavy little boys!) or doing anything overly strenuous, then you should be fine to play it by ear for now. I'm SO glad to hear that the ultrasound went well, and that the contractions are staying away! FX for another few weeks for you!
Angel, congrats for your
Zoya and avabear, I've missed you guys! Glad that you had a great time in Edinburgh Ava, it's a lovely town isn't it? My uncle used to live there, and we still go there for holidays sometimes. Love it
I'm gonna check out that website in a minute!
I'll also make blinkies for you two now and PM them to ya
We all look so cool with our Blinkie-Bling!! Hehehe
Today we're chilling out in the sunshine (again!) but tomorrow we will be going shopping for baby stuff, and on Wednesday I have another scan!
Then on Thursday I will join tmr on team VIABLE! lol SO exciting to be reaching this point already! 
Is anyone else finding that baby's movements are forming a more consistent pattern lately? Vincent seems to wake up just after me in the mornings (as I'm finishing my brekkie) and then kick about for a bit, then he goes quieter for a couple of hours, then in the afternoon he usually has a right old kick on and then quiet again until late in the evening. As I lie in bed he loves to boogie around and kick like a good'un until I fall asleep! If he doesn't start kicking at about the same time as usual in the morning I start to get concerned! But he always picks up again
I just can't wait to meet my little squishy!!
Shadow xxx

Gabrielle, I totally understand what it must be like with two little boys around: It seems to me that you should know your own body, so as long as you're not lifting heavy boxes (or heavy little boys!) or doing anything overly strenuous, then you should be fine to play it by ear for now. I'm SO glad to hear that the ultrasound went well, and that the contractions are staying away! FX for another few weeks for you!
Angel, congrats for your

Zoya and avabear, I've missed you guys! Glad that you had a great time in Edinburgh Ava, it's a lovely town isn't it? My uncle used to live there, and we still go there for holidays sometimes. Love it

I'll also make blinkies for you two now and PM them to ya

We all look so cool with our Blinkie-Bling!! Hehehe
Today we're chilling out in the sunshine (again!) but tomorrow we will be going shopping for baby stuff, and on Wednesday I have another scan!

Is anyone else finding that baby's movements are forming a more consistent pattern lately? Vincent seems to wake up just after me in the mornings (as I'm finishing my brekkie) and then kick about for a bit, then he goes quieter for a couple of hours, then in the afternoon he usually has a right old kick on and then quiet again until late in the evening. As I lie in bed he loves to boogie around and kick like a good'un until I fall asleep! If he doesn't start kicking at about the same time as usual in the morning I start to get concerned! But he always picks up again

I just can't wait to meet my little squishy!!
Shadow xxx