Official August Mummies Club!!

Cleck I totally understand what you are saying about the smoke. It makes me really uncomfortable, it smells and it's unhealthy. I squirm when I think of family who smoke coming into the hospital to visit us, and picking up the baby but there's not much I can do about that unfortunately :( I love our families, just not that horrible habit.

We haven't had anything used so far, and are trying to avoid it. I figure that if we're only having one, then we want to spoil it. We're fortunate that no one we know has had a baby recently enough to have kept the stuff - the only people who have, are pregnant again themselves!

I can understand what you're saying about people being cautious about getting excited. Hopefully once you get past the viable stage they'll be able to relax. And that's only a couple of weeks away!!! Yahoo!!

As for the 16 years, it's flown by. We're just lucky - we never argue and hardly ever disagree, even when we do we end up laughing about it. If you marry your best friend, you can't go far wrong. :cloud9:
Cleck I totally understand what you are saying about the smoke. It makes me really uncomfortable, it smells and it's unhealthy. I squirm when I think of family who smoke coming into the hospital to visit us, and picking up the baby but there's not much I can do about that unfortunately :( I love our families, just not that horrible habit.

We're just lucky - we never argue and hardly ever disagree, even when we do we end up laughing about it. If you marry your best friend, you can't go far wrong. :cloud9:

I agree with the smoke thing and am jealous about the not fighting thing.
I'm not letting smokers touch Ayven unless they follow strict rules to come showered in clean clothes before they smoke at all. DH and I fight way too much. We're one of those got married a bit sooner than other couples. My birth mother married my first step-father after she knew him a week. My MIL married her first husband, DH's dad after 3 months of knowing him. Me and DH started dating on January 31, 2008 and got married on November 13, 2008.
alright, i'm off to take a nap, Ayven said so lol
(sneezes three times in a row and has to wipe off the screen, lovely)
i've been waking up at like 4 or 5 am
sorry if i couldn't shut up today
I am really paranoid when it comes to avoiding smoke. If we even walk by smokers right now while I'm pregnant, I hold my breath and try to walk fast. Which is a bit much, but I just feel bad breathing it in. Thankfully, I live so far away that I won't have to worry about smokers holding the baby right away. But when we go home, I will have a hard time avoiding SIL's house because I love her so much. I just don't want my LO in a house that smells like smoke. And there is really no good way to avoid it when the main house we usually visit when we are home is her house. :hissy:

I love what you said about marrying your best friend Ava.:cloud9: I feel that way about my DH as well. Although we do argue whenever we get the chance. :rofl: Usually in a joking sort of way. Which we probably need to stop so we aren't a bad influence on the baby. I'm gonna miss all our wrestling but I know it will only teach baby violence. :blush:
OMG ladies..........gosh i wake up to having to read 5pages haha!! thats hilarious..but its so much to read...hehe.

I agree with everyone about the mother and my mil both smoke!!!GRRRRR and of course they never smoke around kids but i've found my mil picking the boys up and smelling like a pack of cigs.....YUCK. I can't stand it its so disgusting...

And i TOO am jealous about the no fighting lol. Me and hubby fight about the stupidest things..blah. And when the 3rd baby comes it will be hard for us. b/c they are so small/and colicky and it's just always been a rough few months...but i told him. this is our last baby so dont take anything for granted!!:)
I agree with the smoke thing and am jealous about the not fighting thing.
I'm not letting smokers touch Ayven unless they follow strict rules to come showered in clean clothes before they smoke at all. DH and I fight way too much. We're one of those got married a bit sooner than other couples. My birth mother married my first step-father after she knew him a week. My MIL married her first husband, DH's dad after 3 months of knowing him. Me and DH started dating on January 31, 2008 and got married on November 13, 2008.

Wow, you guys are really new together than! My brother was pretty much the same. Met fast and married fast. They have been married for almost 2 years now though so I'd say they are doing well so far! DH and I go through phases where we butt heads and bicker with eachother. Since trying for babies and being pregnant, we haven't had any fights though. I guess I'm the opposite of normal women and I'm a bitch normally but not a bitch when I'm pregnant?! :rofl::rofl: But really, DH and I have went through so much in the past year that it has made us so much stronger together. He was my best friend before but now I truly know how much we are meant to be after we had our loss. I think it is normal to argue at one point or another in a relationship. We aren't robots. No two people are exactly alike so opinions will cross sometimes. The real trick is to not take it all too seriously. :hugs:
Oh and I'm very jealous you all are getting baby stuff and rooms ready......:( Well at the moment were trying to get a bigger house. lol. We just can't seem to agree on one. Our house was built by my dad and my brother said he would buy it so thats not a problem...but if we could just find a house we both like. So as of now, no baby room getting ready...and that freaks me out.....were going to end up with a new baby and no where to put baby!!!:( lol. Also were not going shopping much because we have EVERYTHING.....i'm buying a whole new nursery bedding and all that and a new swing and some clothes but thats it.....not fun. i want to go shopping! Hope you all are having fun shopping.
OMG ladies..........gosh i wake up to having to read 5pages haha!! thats hilarious..but its so much to read...hehe.

I agree with everyone about the mother and my mil both smoke!!!GRRRRR and of course they never smoke around kids but i've found my mil picking the boys up and smelling like a pack of cigs.....YUCK. I can't stand it its so disgusting...

And i TOO am jealous about the no fighting lol. Me and hubby fight about the stupidest things..blah. And when the 3rd baby comes it will be hard for us. b/c they are so small/and colicky and it's just always been a rough few months...but i told him. this is our last baby so dont take anything for granted!!:)

hehe. I woke up with the urge to talk this morning after being gone from here over the weekend!

I'm wondering how my own DH and I will handle being parents. So far being pregnant has actually made both of us more laid back about stuff. I think a new baby will be rough on even the strongest marriage though! And I haven't even been there yet so I don't know this from experience but from horror stories of friends and family. :dohh:
If I were you Gabrielle, I'd go out and 'mommy' shop instead! Bath & Body Works type of stuff if your into that or some cute new clothes or something! And if you can't escape the LO's to do this, online shopping is like christmas in the mail in April! :happydance:

I am all about buying for the baby, but she is starting to get a better wardrobe than I have! So I may need to do some mommy shopping of my own one of these days. :rofl:
The real trick is to not take it all too seriously.

That's exactly it. When we disagree we always end up laughing. I think that's where the friendship side of the relationship stops us from saying hurtful things. Plus I'm just really lucky - my hubby is an absoloute sweetheart, he's kind and thoughtful and we pretty much see eye to eye on everything. I wouldn't change him for the world. :hugs:

As for baby making it tougher - I bet it does! Sleepless nights, worry, stress ... not exactly an aphrodisiac for a start!!! :rofl:
Lol yeah Samatha....that sounds good. I went an got a spary tan the other I was crying for about 30mins b/c i'm so fat...:( And hubby said honey, your pregnant!! But i didnt want to He then said well go get a spary tan b/c i know being tan makes you "mentally" think your skinner lol. So i was nice except my feet are so dark haha. But i can see the color and i do feel better!:)
I'm not a fan of body idk i have what i need and thats it. I get extra and it just sits in the bathroom drawer. hehe. I am going to get a pedicure though probably this week or next week. I hate spending on myself we always need something for the house or the boys so I dont. :)

I think it's hard for us b/c our kids are so close. and gavin will only be 17months when baby comes so we'll see how he acts. It's what we planned so oh well right! lol. We just have to remind each other that quote a song" these days don't last for long..."....hehe:)
I'm with you on the body type of stuff. I buy lotion and than end up throwing it out after it sits in a cabinet for a year. I do love smelling bath & body works stuff though. The only thing I'd use out of there is bubble bath and hand wash for our bathroom though! :rofl: I just know most women like all that crap. LoL!

A pedicure sounds nice! I spray tanned a few times and I always seemed to mess it up one way or another! I'm destined to never be tan though so I've grown to accept my whiter than a ghost skin. :rofl: I know what you mean about not wanting to spend on yourself. I used to get my nails done all the time but now I realize what a waste of money it was. I mean, I'd pay around $20 for a fill on my nails when I could have been buying a tank of gas for my car! LoL
Well ladies I went shopping and bought shed loads of stuff for the baby :yipee: I think I have got over my fear of jinxing all this!! :happydance:

We bought all the bedding (bumper, 5 sheets, grow bag & two blankets), a bath set, the changing mat to go on the set of draws, nappies for newborns and wipes plus the nappy sacks. :yipee: So much fun when you have a clear idea of what you want to get. I gave myself things to buy and that's all I looked at and it was fine, no tears of overwhelming feelings. We went to two Mothercare's (because we bought a crib bumper not a cot bumper and had to take it back :dohh:) I've now put it all in it's bedroom in the empty draws I cleared and I now keep going back to look at it. Awww it's so cute.

Better go post this in my silly poll thing too. xxxxx
Aww yay Pippin!! :happydance: It's exciting isn't it?! You'll probably not be able to stop yourself from buying now! You have officially caught the shopping bug!

When do you go in for another ultrasound Pippin? I didn't feel like searching back in the pages but you did say you were going again to find out what team right?
I go in next Monday a week today. Luckily the bedding I wanted is uni sex and I bought the same range for the bathroom bits so we are all good no matter what the gender is. If I don't find out the sex on the MOnday then I'll book a sexing scan for the weekend after. We are so desperate to find out now. I think Once I know then the shopping really will begin :rofl: It was lovely going with DH even on a bank holiday and we had to queue for hours. So nice to feel a little sorted. Really if LO came at 24 weeks we have the real basics now to get us by so actually I feel a little less anxious than I did before!!!
OMG I just had such a panic! I couldn't get on here!! It just kept saying "oops! this link appears broken!" ahhh!!!! lol panic over now though it seems...
PHEW!! You ladies sure can chatter!! Hehehe it is SO lovely to come in here and have plenty of banter to read!

So let me stick my nose in here and share my thoughts on everything...

Well OH and I aren't married, but we have been together for nearly 5 years now (gawd, has it been that long?!) So I think of his mum and step-dad as ILs now (for better or worse haha!) My ILs are sweet enough generally, and CRAZY about grandkids, so that's a real bonus. But they are just so different from me and my family that I find it hard to really feel comfortable with them. They are total clean freaks (and although I like things clean, I'm not fussed about tidiness, which DEFINITELY comes from my mum!) and they have some quite conservative views about the world etc... I think they had a bit of a shock when OH's first (only!) wife was a black lady, and he had his first child with her and named his daughter "Finlay" (his mother would've much preferred Susan or Jane, I think! Finlay is far too adventurous!) And they aren't crazy about the fact that OH's job now is my full-time carer (I think they sort of think his talents are wasted if he's not out working at a full time job every day!) But generally they are fine people, and I get on pretty well with his mum on the whole. They don't smoke, which is SO nice...

Which brings me to:


UGH. I TOTALLY agree with all of you: It is DISGUSTING> I don't really want Vince (or any of my kids, ever) to ever have to smell a cigarette! But my mum smokes :cry: which is the ONLY thing I would change about my mum if I could. I am just gutted that when she holds my baby she will undoubtedly stink of smoke, her hair and her clothes and everything :(
But then there's nothing I can do about that, she has promised never to smoke around Vince, and she has stopped smoking around me since I got preggers, so I know she means well and will do it. It's just, that smell ... *pukes* gross...
When I grew up, she used to smoke in the CAR when me and my little brother weree in it, and we'd be forced to breathe in that yucky death-stink with no escape :( My mum is a LOVELY lady, really, and in all other ways she is just the sweetest person, mother and grandmother I could imagine. It's just that one nasty habit, which she will never give up now (she is 61: I think it's far too late now)


Pips, YAY!!! for shopping!! I can't WAIT til tomorrow now! Do Mothercare have nice bedding sets? we need the lot: Bumper (for cotbed) sheets, blankets, everything... I'm hoping to get it all in Mothercare as we have money off from when my mum opened her Mothercard there when she bought the cotbed for us!!

Ooooooh, and are we sharing pet photos? I mean, these are all on Facebook anyway, but what fun to share them in here! Hehehe...

Here are my lovely pets: Ben, the 4 year old Collie cross, and Tweeky, the 2 and a bit year old Rex rat! (He is so old, and our last ratty left of 11, but he is doing SO well on his own and is amazingly healthy still! None of my rats has ever lived this long before!)


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LOL look what you guys made me do... when you chatter so much I feel the need to catch up! Hehehe love it x x x x
I go in next Monday a week today. Luckily the bedding I wanted is uni sex and I bought the same range for the bathroom bits so we are all good no matter what the gender is. If I don't find out the sex on the MOnday then I'll book a sexing scan for the weekend after. We are so desperate to find out now. I think Once I know then the shopping really will begin :rofl: It was lovely going with DH even on a bank holiday and we had to queue for hours. So nice to feel a little sorted. Really if LO came at 24 weeks we have the real basics now to get us by so actually I feel a little less anxious than I did before!!!

Which set did you get? Humphrey's corner? They are all very cute!


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