Oh yes, I was gonna answer that one for you as best I could!
I guess in the states you call everything that you'd put a baby or toddler in a "stroller" ?
Well over here we have loads of names for them: Pram, buggie, push chair...
Even I am not so sure which is which to be honest, but I think it generally goes like this:
A "pram" is almost always a tiny baby stroller, where the baby lies flat (horizontal) on its back facing you and you can look down on it as you push.
A "buggie" is a term that I think is used quite loosely really: But it's pretty much a stroller for a toddler or bigger baby who can sit up on their own and usually faces away from you as you push, in a little seat.
A "push chair" is probably the same thing as a "buggie", but since Travel Systems are so popular these days the lines between them all are getting blurred: I mean, I call ours a "buggie" or a "push chair", but really it is a Travel System: At its most basic, it's a "Buggie", where the older baby or child sits in a seat facing away from you and you push... But with the car seat / carry cot attachment it becomes a "pram" of sorts: The car seat bit fits onto the chair bit for the older child, but facing towards you as you push, and tilted back so that tiny baby can lie back and you can look down as you push
Make sense? No? It doesn't to me, either!!

Pippin, any help here?