LOL it's so wonderful to see so many of you awesome ladies in here again

We really should do a big old chat again: Me and Cleckner and Mary Jo had SUCH a fun chat last night, I haven't laughed so much in suuuuch a long time LOL thanks girls
Ava, you are MORE than welcome to "hog the thread" honey!! Hehehe I know just what you mean about it suddenly all becoming real, and how third trimester feels so close now! I am viable on Thursday, I can't believe how quickly it seems to have come!!
Welcome to the group CMB, and congrats on your

pink bump!!!
W4B, glad you got to see enough at your scan, congrats and welcome to

team blue!!
Jelr honey, your pram/4-in-1 and your chosen nursery set are GORGEOUS. Seriously, I am going green with pram-envy here!!! LOL I don't think it's too purple at all for if it's a boy: I really love the spotty bits too, so vibrant and really awesome looking! I don't think you paid too much now lol, look at all the stuff it turns into!! Amazing hehehe
As for me, ladies... We went shopping earlier and I'm SO pleased with our purchases, but I will be avoiding in-person shopping as much as humanly possible now! It was nothing in particular that made it so damned awkward and not as much fun as I'd hoped, but I'd just much rather cut out the whole stress and difficulty factor and pay a couple of quid for postage. It probably cost us that in petrol to drive to Exeter to the good shops anyway!! So here's what we bought...
Steriliser + a couple of bottles + cleaner and stuff (and 2 free dummies / pacifiers, but I hope we wont end up using them cos I want to avoid them as much as possible if I can!)
More cuuuute clothes, two little body suits saying "Mummy's little hero" and "Daddy's little hero" on them

and a pack of three gorgeous little bright green and colourful tee shirts.
A bunch of bedding stuff... We looked and looked at the matching sets, but none of them looked like they'd be quite right in the nursery as we have done it so far (with the blue walls etc.) so in the end we went for some plain blue and yellow stuff which I may embellish with little colourful stars sewn on for added cuteness, and to bring the whole space theme into the bedding a bit.
We also got two packs of natural newborn nappies: the nice biodegradable ones. We were gonna go for the smart nappies, but we think we will see how these ones go first and make our choice from there. When he is born we may well give the smart nappies or terry nappies a go, but in all honesty, the price is not that much different so it's not worth it in terms of saving money as such, and as for the eco-friendly side of things, well, these nappies are degradable as I said, and the reusable ones would just end up making 10 times more washing for us to do, which would use a bunch of electricity....
*phew!* so all in all, we are very happy with our purchases today. But now I'm off upstairs to look at it all, and put the bedding on the cot and stuff!!!
Hehehe chat to you all later, I'm sure!
Shadow xxx