Hey girls well I had replies to all of you in my head but now there were so many pages I have forgottten who wrote what he he the joys of baby brain.
Well instead I'm just gonna write my view on the things ye were talkin about instead of to people individually.
I know a few of ye are sick and have had hassle with blood pressure and things so I hope your all feeling better soon including you W4B so sorry about the puppy so am gonna send

to you all.
Lovin the scan pics they are all so adorable and the clothes, I feel kinda jelous now cause we can only buy neutrals seeing as we are on team yellow.
As for the pets we have one cat that has been with us for our whole relationship so 8 years and he was used to lieing on our bed and everything so what we have done is moved him out of the bedroom and onto a blanket in the living room and hopefully in the summer we are going to move him outside altogether, he always sleeps outside but is in every evening once we are home from work, but I am terrified of him getting into the cot with the baby or getting jelous when he is not allowed in when the baby is here, so that is why I hope to move him out before babs gets here and he can always come back in when babs is a bit hardier.
In relation to School, we can send them at 4 or 5 here in Ireland but we will be waiting until 5 as I went to school at 4 and school wasn't a problem but I was only 16 finishing which I think is way too young if they decide to go to college and have to be away from home - also I was to immature to know what I wanted to do then and in fact went to work is a crappy job and then spent years my early 20's having to retrain and get my qualifications then which was much harder than if I had went to college.
In relation to going back to work, I am lucky that DH can provide for both of us, but I am going to work 2 days a week as I'm the type of person who gets extreme cabin fever if I am stuck in and I think a happy mummy will make for a happy baby but at the same time I wont be away from babs for too much of the week, just enought to get out of the house and stay sane ha ha and also I am lucky and still make good money in two days so it will make us much more comfortable.
As for the star signs DH is a virgo but I think he is the exception too as he is so laid back he is nearly horizontal

and is definitely the calming side of this relationship

as I would be more uptight and panicky than him so I dont mind if babs is a virgo. I am near the end of August so I may go into September, but I would prefer to stay August. I am a cancer and am pretty bossy too pippin.
Well I can't remember what else ye were discussing and this post is long enough so I best I better stop hogging it
Oh yeah though had my check up today with GP and all is well - so I am back there in 3 weeks and back in the hospital in another 6 weeks.