Hello you lovely ladies

I am back from my GTT this morning, and I have just had a good old bawl

but they were REALLY happy tears!!! I'll explain...
Had the GTT, drank the lucozade etc. Very boring, had to wait around a lot bla bla bla... But the lovely nurse, right at the end, asked me if we knew what we were having. I said yes, it's a boy, and she said awww that's great. I told her we had really hoped he'd be a boy, and she said that's perfect then. Very sweet lady. Then she asked whether we had some name ideas yet, and I told her (as I love to do) "Oh yes, we have his name" and then I looked at OH who was beaming proudly and told her "He's called Vincent." She had the typical moment of surprise that I hadn't said "Tom" or "John" or something more common like that, and then she said "Ooooh, I like that! What a lovely name!" So we were beaming, and then she said "There's a song called Vincent, isn't there?" And I thought "Oh no, I hope it's not some crappy song, I'd be gutted" lol but she said it was by Don McLean, and I had some hope that it might be good, as I know I'd heard that he was one of the all-time best songwriters (from my mum!)
Still, I was NOT prepared when I got home and turned the laptop on and looked it up on you tube...
I just bawled my eyes out as I sat here listening to the most BEAUTIFUL song I have ever heard.... I am AMAZED!! In fact, I realise that I've heard this song before, yeeeeears ago, when I was tiny and my mum must have played it. But I always just knew it as "Starry starry night" and didn't realise it was actually called "Vincent" !!!
LOL we're hoping that he has "eyes of China blue" now!!
*wipes eyes yet again* That really caught me off guard, my pregnancy emotions just poured out when I heard it hehehe...