Hey girls sorry I haven't been on all week, but I'm just really tired and have been in the worst form ever and I dont know why, think I'm just extra hormonal at the minute.
Well there are too may of you to cach up with and reply to everyone, so I'm just gonna reply to the very few I can remember - Sorry.
Shadow: I love the curtains, sorry your in lots of pain at the moment and hope it all passes soon.
Cleckner: Sorry to hear about the morning sickness and I hope it passes soon.
Pippin: Dont mind whoever had a go at you, some people are just superstitious, you are organised and like to have things bought just because this other person doesn't doesn't mean there is anything wrong with it. You do what makes you comfortable.
Samstar: so sorry to hear LO is having some problems, stay strong and it is good that the hospital are positive. Is it you with the hole in the heart or LO - I know you had said about your lips being blue??
Elly: also really sorry to hear that LO is having problems, I really hope the cysts have drained.
MJ: Congrats on telling work, I'm delighted it went so well.
Well girls I cant remember off the top of my head anymore, but congrats to all who are viable on a few days left myself and cant wait.
Loving all the bump pics - you all look great and all the purchases are so cute.
I know what ye mean about the birth - I have been thinkin alot about it lately and it is starting to scare me to death and I have been thinking if my bits

will ever be the same after.
Is anybody feeling like time is going slow again?? I think there is just so much going on from mid may and that I will never get to it. We are starting antinatal classes on the 13th - getting to 3rd tri and am back in the hospital 26th. It all just seems to be taking ages to get to them.
So I think we have decided to get the 3D / 4D scan, it is very expensive here in Ireland (200) but I dont think I can resist and we dont anymore scans here in Ireland so I dont think I can wait that long until I see my LO again. at least this way we get a DVD and I can play it over.