Official October Team Bumpkins

Welcome to sallybaybii and cloud9mummy.

Baby is laying of my rib for the moment, but has changed to my bladder now.

I had a nightmare last night that I was bleeding and my hubby and mum weren't taking it seriously and I had to get the bus to the hospital!
I rushed to the toilet this morning to knicker check!!!

Maffie - I wish the rain would start here it had been so muggy!! In fact I would be more than happy for it to rain right until my due date.

Keerthy - Yes the pee thing is annoying me now. Last night I hadn't had anything to drink since around 7pm, but needed to pee at 8/9/10/10.20/11 and 11.30. Then got up at 2 and 3 for some more! I don't know whats worse, baby standing on bladder and causing constant peeing or baby trying to break a rib!

Well have a nice week all.
It's the last week of the kids summer hols up here so we are gonna make the most of slobbing around for one more week!
I am dreading getting back into the early morning school routine as all I want to do is sleep just now.
Morning girls :hi:

Welcome to our new bumpkins :hugs:

Well we have been up for ages so no suprise where we are off to! i am a carboot junkie i think :blush: Doing it more to get out and get some fresh air tbh... But if a bargain is to be had then i'll have it :D

Hope you are all having a good start to your sunday... TTFN xxx
ooooh I do sometimes wish we had a car so we could go to car boots. I've noticed how house bound I am now that I cant cycle everywhere.
Morning girls. Hope everyone had a good nights sleep. I got woken at 12.10 by my housemate and her friends coming in drunk, and then at 1am by OH coming in from work. And was up to pee about 6 times last night. Plus cos we had a 12 year old sleeping in our room who was figeting it kept waking me cos Im not used to someone else moving around!

Going to have a lazy day today and just doss around the house or maybe wander into town. Just having a nice cup of tea. James decided last night that he was going to kick me so hard that it really hurt and made me squeal!
Morning Ladies,

Hope you have had a nice weekend.

Hi to all the new bumkins. - hope you have a nice day today and get some good bargains.

littlekitten - hope you get a better sleep tonight there is nothing worse than interupted sleep !!

I cant remember if I told you ladies that I had a private scan and the sonographer meausured me nearly 2 weeks ahead of what the hosp had given me. So anyway I decided I ring the hosp on fri, and I have to go in on tuesday and they will check things out ... SO fingers crossed I am 2 weeks on that would be amazing. Either way though Im happy because I am sure they will give me another scan.

I have had a bit of an emotional weekend. Just feeling like the pregnancy is never going to end. I know that sounds silly but I really have had it with being pregnant, not because I am suffering but because I just really want meet my baby, have my body back etc.

xxxx to all x
Well we are back :) it was getting hot so left the last 2 rows of stalls...

So the bargains today were............ A HUGE box of clothes ranging from NB-18 months for the total price of. £10! Got some other bits and bobs too.. Got a lovely pram blanket, some little dolly shoes in 0-3 and a shelf for her nursery :)

Ethan got a vtech laptop so he is happy and that only cost £2.50 :)

My feet are aching a bit now so will soon be getting my foot spa out .. My OH is gonna make some sausage sarnies in a min as i am starving :munch:

morning all! I'm all inspired by Baby Love's nursery so I am determined to make a start on mine today! I've been mainly using our spare room as a dressing room / tip for the past 3 years so you can imagine it needs a massive clearout before I can even think about putting baby stuff in it, and I want to do it before I get too huge/lazy!

Did a bit of a shop yesterday and reckon with all the things I am getting handed down from friends, I have pretty much everything I need for baby's first couple of weeks at least! Just need to find places to put it all! Got stuff for my hospital bag too which made me a bit queasy - have been managing not to think about that bit so far!

After getting used to needing to pee at least twice during the night (getting really good at going to the loo with out putting any lights on and pretty much keeping my eyes shut so I can get back to sleep easier!) I actually slept right through from midnight to about 7:30 - so I am all bouncing with energy and raring to go! Hmmm... let's see how long THAT lasts! I feel an afternoon nap coming on already...

Hubby is away racing this weekend, and I am determined he will notice the difference in the nursery by the time he gets back tonight... better get on then - wish me luck, I'm going in!

Have a great Sunday, everyone!
Gosh I miss so much chatter on an evening... Right, just caught up...

Hi to the newbies... - Well done on the bargains... I'm waiting for the bank holiday beforing we go to another car bootie as we have some large ones over that weekend...

Maffie - Good luck with the washing!!!

Lucilou - Good luck with the nursery!!!

We're off out for lunch today, tired to make the effort this morning. I've coloured my hair, going to wear a dress, dug out my pretty sandals too... I've been up since 6am today, I'm hoping to last until lunch time before snacking as last time we were at the pub the meals were huge... Not sure I'll be able to eat it all but hoping I can manage most as I'll be disapointed with myself if I can only eat a small amount. See if I can last without snacking!?!? Fingers crossed...

Hope you all have a great weekend!
Blimey that took longer than i thought sorting through that! There was loads of 3-6 months so thats Freya well and truly togged out :D

This is the box!

I am now shattered so might go laze on the sofa for a bit :sleep:

Lucilou have fun :) i am loving doing the nursery, although its taking longer than planned :dohh:
Eswift have a nice lunch xx

What a bargain of clothes! Look at the size of that box - bet your hubby has some muscles! Rather you than me washing all that lot...

You're not going to need to buy Freya any clothes at all...
arghh my sister in law is driving me insane now! iv got my neice ALL summer holidays and its driving me insane! iv had a week off though thank god. Anyway i have an scan and consultant appointment on tuesday and have said i cant have her.Well now shes dumped my neice with my really ill mum who has cancer for TWO days!

If i went into labour tomorrow she wil be truley buggered! its really stressing me out =[

just put DDs bouncy castle up in living room lol

Could someone please explain to me why I am up at 730 on a Sunday morning?! Oh and I came down to a nice big pile of cat puke on my white carpet. Lovely! lol.

We treated our selves to a take out last night and I had the most AWESOME Kabab omg it was good. They call them Gyros here (Pronounced year-ro) Not as good a high street greasy kabab shop, but I'll get what I can take.

I've been trying to research this carple tunnel thing I have in my hands. Its spread to my right wrist also now. I gave in and took some pain killers last night but I don't want to keep doing that. I read that at night you can get big relief from wearing a small wrist split to keep your wrist straight so not to cause more pressure on the nerve ... anyone had experience of this and had it work?

Littlekitten ~ Where we live is a new housing development and the builders start so freaking early here. Some days I could just go and punch them in their stupid faces. I hate being woken up abrutply .. nice and slow wake up please lol.

Bonfloss ~ Congrats on 29 weeks! :happydance:

Mrs029 ~ :rofl: ME! Autumn loved to launch her foot in to my rib at 20,000 mph. I think she just likes to make me leave the ground with a shreek.
The worse one is when she puts her foot or hand flat against the inside of my belly button and just stretches outwards. OMG it hurts SO bad. Then the area feels really bruised after, and if I try and push her to the side to relieve the pressure, she pushes back even harder!! Wait till she's 15 and wants to lay in bed till midday. I'll have the last laugh ;)
I had a dream last week I had given birth. I was so confused when I woke up, was all, well where's the baby?!

TaylorsMum ~ Congrats on 32 weeks :)

Sallybaybii ~ Congratulations :)

Cloud9mummy ~ Welcome! Re the book, I know right?! FREAKS me OUT. The husband thinks I'm so odd about it haha.

Keerthy ~ I pee like 30 times a day. The OB said it's only going to get worse! lol.

Maffie ~ Oh I love a good soak in the bath. They don't really do bubble bath here as we know it back home so I got my sister to bring a big bottle of radox over. Oh I love that stuff.

Lindak ~ Oh I feel you with being over the pregnancy. :hugs: To be honest I've had a good pregnancy, with no real worries and I was fine with being pregnant up until this hand/wrist thing started. Even the peeing 24/7 aint annoyed me that much. Now cause I just hurt, I'm ready for her to come out and meet her. Where I work one of our patients just had a baby boy 2 weeks ago. Omg he is ADORABLE. Totally jealous!

Babylove ~ Yay on bargins! :) Lawsy mercy, I just saw the box of clothes haha. I have about 15 outfits for Autumn at the moment! You've got enough there to keep Freya dressed till she's 18 :rofl:

Lucilou ~ Gimmi some of that energy pls!!! :)

Eswift ~ Have a good lunch. You should take pictures of your new hair colour :)

Ok plans for today are, wash the bed sheets, clean, dust, hoover, make some sausage rolls and then go to a BBQ. phew!

Have an awesome Sunday girls.
Mornin' all!

Are we all in the 3rd tri now? =D

I swear last night the baby was trying to break one of my ribs or trying to get out of my belly or something... he was moving around so violently he had me yelling obscenities lol!

Chaos- I don't have any first hand experience of carpal tunnel, but my mum had it when she was pregnant a couple of years ago and she found that wearing a splint thingy helped a bit. She ended up having to have an operation because of it though.
Afternoon girls and bumps

I feel awful today, have no energy at all:nope:
Slept well last nite too so not sure why, keep coming over feeling sick and faint then Ill sit down and be ok for a bit.

Feeling really guilty as we are trying to get bits done on the house so DH is outside painting and I was going to tidy up garden but just cant muster the energy.

Back to work tomorrow too, really not looking forward to it after having 2 weeks off.

Chaos, dont think I have carpal tunnel (sp?) but both my wrists seize up and click lots when I rotate them!!

Enoy the rest of your Sunday girls, sorry for the moan:hugs: x
hello girls, how we all feeling today, feel tired today, babylove, freya will have clothes till shes 21!!!! ha ha..........
Lucilou - i hope it goes well with the nursery. I'm going to work on clearing ours today too and hopefully make some leeway. there's so much stuff stored in there as we have hardly any storage at all in the house and most of the stuff is of some use so don't know where will put it now lol well will start after lunch anyway lol

eswift - how did the attempt at not snacking go? you are a stronger woman than me if you lasted til lunch time! - that looks like a huge box of clothes!

taylorsmummy - why is your sister in law being so inconsiderate putting all that pressure on you and your sick mum?? can she not find childcare for the hols?

jlosomerset - i hope you are feeling better soon hun. it's so annoying when want to get stuff done and don't have the energy, isn't it?

the last couple of days i have suddenly felt dizzy and like the room is spinning. it subsides after a few seconds but don't know what is causing it. i was reading pregnancy book today and it said anaemia can cause dizziness. i haven't had anaemia blood test yet so don't know if i have that but i haven't been feeling particularly tired or anything. has anybody else felt like this? :S
hiya ladies , can i join im due on halloween 31st oct :wacko: im a regular on bb i didnt realise there was a oct thread :dohh:
Afternoon all,

Hello & welcome to Sallybaybi :wave: & Cloud9Mummy :wave: & Karentia :wave:

I am frazzled! The sun today here has been immense, not good when your stuck on a car boot stall all morning after forgetting my sunglasses at home!

Bumped into my aunt today who I haven't seen for over a year, she was shopping at the carboot, it was weird to see her as she is expecting too, she is due 30th Oct! We will be delivering at the same hospital too!

My LO seems to go quiet on a weekend, I hate it, I have had a few kicks and moves so i'm not too worried and it seems to be a pattern now lol but I just wish they would at some point have a mad half hour to keep me happier! Sometimes when they do catch something inside me (I dunno what it is!) it feels like an elastic band twanging inside! ouch! Thankfully that is not that often!

Chaos - The joys of cats leaving nice presents like that! I like how my OH is on gross cat duty at the moment! His friend / ex colleague suffered with carple tunnel when she was pregnant, she ended up just putting up with it but she is fine now.

Eswift - hope you enjoy the meal, I couldn't manage not snacking!

Cloud9Mummy - :hugs: anout the dizzyness - maybe speak to your MW if it continues? Hope you feel better soon.

Lucilou - Good luck with the nursery! :flower:

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