Official October Team Bumpkins

Morning girlies. Got up early this morning to go see the GP. He wants to do some bloods to check my clotting cos of the nosebleeds, and my thyroid function cos of the palpitations and high pulse rate. So I'm now getting stabbed on Tuesday morning for that and then Thursday for my GTT :( Also spoke to him about my plug and he says that if I get any more pains then I am to go to delivery suite immediately. Hmm lol.

Was hoping to wash the baby bedding today but no such luck. Very overcast and keeps spitting rain. Ah well. May have to wait til we move into the new house and have a tumble drier.
Mornin' Girls n Bumps,

Well my stupid hands kept waking me up last night. This is one pregnancy symptom that is getting right on my last nerve.

Re medical insurance ~ I spoke to our ... I guess you call him a broker? he said the Drs have it all wrong and hes going to call me at 2 today to go through it with me and sort them out. Its so confusing :(

Re bankruptcy ~ We found another lawyer we like the sound of, they have also been recommneded to us. I like them because they give you 2 free consultation appointments to help you come ot a choice before they start working on your case.

OMG I have to tell you something, I was measuring my self yesterday to get a new bra, now my pre-pregnancy was 36B, I'm a 38DD at the moment!! :shock: I was reading on the website (explained how to measure for nursing bras) and it said if you get a nursing bra before your milk comes in, to get it a size bigger :shock: :shock: They better stay after birth!!!!! :rofl:

Random question: Is anyone having trouble getting out of bed now? I have to roll out haha and then during the night I had kicked my trakkie bottoms off cause it was hot, I rolled out of bed this morning, tried to put them on and couldn't get my leg up! I had to lay back on the bed on my back and pull my leg up and get it in the hole. A right sight!!! :rofl:

Jlo ~ I had mega problems to start with, with earplugs. I brought latex ones by accident and put them in my ears. That was .. fun as I'm allergic to it lol. The ones I have now mute him enough to were I can sleep but I can still be woken up by the alarm and stuff. I'd seriously hurt him if it wasn't for them lol.

H702 ~ The hiccups make me laugh. Autumn gets them like 4 times a day, seriously .. WHO get them 4 times a day?! Before it felt like a twitchy eye muscle .. but because she's getting big now, by whole belly moved each time she hiccups.

Eswift ~ I'm glad the lawyers went well. Yay for your husband, that's great news about his weight :) Re swimming, we have a pool in our neighbourhood. Its so nice to go and feel weightless, swimming for me is a bit of a challenge tho cause my belly keeps making me sink haha.
The name of the book is "Hypnobirthing, The Mongan Method" by Marie F Mongan, M.Ed., M.Hy. It's the 3rd edition. It comes with a CD. It has a picture of an evil looking baby on the front. Seriously, the front cover freaks me out lol, I have to put it face down when I'm not reading it! Actually, here's a link I found on

LK ~ Glad the pilates class went well! Urgh re the bloodtests ... hopefully you'll get a good result.

Sam ~ Open mind is exactly what I'm going in with. I'm reading this hypnobirthing book and hope to do it medication free, but at the same time I know my limits and if I've been in labour for 2 days and need some sleep before pushing, then pump me with drugs, baby haha.

Keerthy ~ :hugs: Hope that SPD feels better!

Kte ~ Autumn does *exactly* the same thing with the OH. She could be doing sommersaults in there, belly jiggling like a bowl of jelly, he'll put his hand on it and she'll stop in her tracks lol. He says she behaves for him ;)

Helz ~ I'm sorry you're having family problems, hope they are resolved soon. :hugs:Let us know how the appointment goes!

Mrs029 ~ I was getting those type of pains last week, OB called me in to get checked out and he said it was Autumns head moving down causing pressure and cramping.

Maffie ~ lol 6 bags?! Nesting much? ;)

Ok, Friday, half a day of work and then 4 working days left until I am DONE. I am so freaking ready. Got a busy weekend ... going to his Mum and Dads on Saturday for BBQ. They live 50 miles away so its a bloody trek. Sunday a friend is giving us their futon cause they are moving so I can put that in the spare room for guests and then we're off to another BBQ at our friends! A weekend of non cooking for me, just the way I like it haha.

Ok I gotta go eat and get showered. Have a great day, loves. :hugs:
Hope you have a good day Chaos, I too roll out of bed and off the sofa as its too low to get up from :rofl:

I'm a horder so giving to charity shops makes sense :lol:
Back from midwife..went well,everything is fine, Im measuring at 27cm, heard heartbeat,baby gave a good kick at the doppler, urine was fine, bp 100/55 (she said was good,I dunno how the whole bp thing works) had bloods taken. Won't be seen now untill 34 weeks. Midwife thinks I maybe anemic (sorry,can never spell that word!!) as I mentioned that I struggle to breathe sometimes,especially in bed on a night, so just have to wait and see what shows in my bloods.
Hope everyone is enjoying their day :flower:
Chaos - I hope everything works out, there's nothing worse than worrying about money. It does play a major part in everything. I hope your adviser manages to sort out the insurance issue too. Gosh, you've so much going on in your life at the moment and so close to babe's arrival, bet you could really do without it all. A big thank you Chaos! Just ordered the book from (only as it was cheaper..)

Swimming went well, managed half an hour; as it was lunch time and I started with the shakes... I only managed 20 length this time, but I've been up since 4.30am... But as I woke up this morning with a sore hip again, I don't think I've done too bad. And NO NAP!?!?! Not feeling so tired...

Boss sent me home early again, he is looking after me bless. I struggle to walk, but waddle well... He knows I'm feeling tired and I guess he's got my best interest at heart...

OH is just getting out of his pit lol.. I'll get some company!?!?! Woo Hoo...
Chaos, sounds right about babies head casing the cramping cos like I said,Ive had quite alot of period pain the past few days and my midwife says he's head down now,so maybe there is some truth to it. Hope your money worries ease up soon :hugs:
Chaos- yes, gett8ing out of bed is like a mammoth task in itself. And as for putting socks on, dont even get me started! lol.

Anyone else noticing their babies butts sticking out a lot more these days? lol.
Afternoon all,

Well after sitting around stressing for half an hour they called me in to take my blood. Then the nurse didn't recognise the bottle the MW had given to me but thankfully she still used it, she was close to sending me to the Hospital to get them to take my bloods. She found a vein no problem but it was a bit releuctant to fill up the bottle, thankfully enought came out in the end :thumbup:

Chaos - Lol, what are they like! I am starting to feel silly asking him now, he thinks I have gone mad! I think I might tell him that LO behaves for him too lol :D Enjoy the BBQ's!

If OH has gone to work I can roll myself out of bed quite easily, otherwise I have to claw myself to the end of the bed until I can get my legs on the floor and then kind of flip myself up, don't know how much longer that will last tho!

I have to sit on the top step on the landing to get on my socks sucessfully! :rofl:

I have no clue how to tell what position LO is in :blush: How can you tell?!?

That book sounds quite interesting, thanks Chaos & Eswift :D

Glad everything went well at the MW appointment Helz81 :flower:

Just been given a Graco travel cot from someone at work, it's in super condition :happydance:

OK back to work, I have done enought skiving! It is sooooo nice and sunny outside too hope it keeps up for when I get home. Full weekend with OH so I am super happy.
Hello bumpkins!

Chaos > yes.... I am struggling to get outa bed now and difficult to wear my undies like b4! lol... I need to sit down and then wear them!

Tempted to clean my house today....... looks very dirty with everything here n there! But unable to gather my energy for that!!!!!

will prob do this weekend.. as hubby will be @ home! yay... I jus love weekends!!!!!
Keerthy - I know that feling about the housework... I just keep putting it off... I'm at work early tomorrow, OH is painting this weekend. I'm planning to do just the laundry and worry about the rest next week...

Chaos - forgot to answer you question about raising from the bed, sofa, chair, car; they're all a struggle. OH has had to help me a few times, like last night; I had sat for tea, babe moved. Well, I just couldn't get myself forward enough to sit up; OH had to pull me up as babe was in the way. I couldn't get my feet on the floor and stand up... Best bit was I needed a wee... OH ended up in fits of giggles... Like Keerthy, I'm struggling to get my underwear on too, and had to sit to put on my swimming suit too... Still got weeks to go... What fun!

Just been spending OH's money, just ordered a all in one suit and a baby grow set from Mama & Papa's inc delivery; all comes to less than the all in one suit should be. Babe's coming home set is sorted now. Well, pleased...

Tea-time, stir fry.... Then it'll be nearly bed time lol; I'm shattered now... Should have had my nap...
Hiya girls

Just wondering if anyone else is finding that their babies kicks are starting to hurt a bit? Freya has been super duper active the last 24 hours and they actually hurt, she stretched my tummy out so much earlier i thought she was gonna pop out! Plus she keeps dive bombing my pelvis and that reeeaaallly hurts alot! if i go another 9 weeks i will be amazed.

Hope all are well xxxx
Afternoon all, had an afternoon nap. I cant seem to manage without them at the moment! OH suggested a take away which i'm happy about as i'm shattered form doing loads of washing.
Maffie afternoon naps have become my best friend too.., Loving the take away idea :munch: I have a thing about sweet & sour sauce at the moment xx
Hiya girls

Just wondering if anyone else is finding that their babies kicks are starting to hurt a bit?
Yesss! Only sometimes though.

Moooo! It's getting really hard to shave my legs and have nobody to help me do it! *rolls eyes* I know it's just going to get worse and worse and become impossible soon =[
Yes, Im abit behind you Babylove but I'm definatley feeling kicks that make me flinch!
Just posted bump piccy over in the erm bump pic thread. Ive finally solved the problem of the file size being too big so now I know I can post pics I'll be taking pics of all my baby stuff like a crazy lady tommorow and posting them on here :happydance:
i've found that babe kicks and wiggles more when i relax. I too have some kicks that really stop me in my tracks. But otherwise babe wiggles and moves around without causing me too much discomfort, unless they're sat really high up, then i feel so sickly and ill that i've no choice but to go to bed. OH is very understanding when i do this as he can feel and see how high and tight my bump is for himself. Once babe moves again i'm fine:) i'm hopin that it'll ease as space gets to be a luxury;)
Afternoon Loves,

Well I have some good news!! I spoke to our health insurance broker today. He said the way it works is this.

We have $1000 excess on our health insurance. We pay bills up until this amount. We have reached just under $500 of this from my Chiro care.
Once we meet the $1000, the insurance company will pay 90% of any medical bill to do with maternity and we will pay the remaining 10%.
That 10% will go towards a $4000 maximum out of pocket expense and once that $4000 is reached, the insurance company will pay 100% of everything else!!

Its SUCH good news, we were so afraid of having to pay $4000 before we got *any* coverage. This means we could be paying less that $1000 for the WHOLE pre natal, birth, post birth care.

The only thing we have to pay upfront is a $250 co pay for admission to the hospital on the day of labour. The rest we wait for the insurance company to bill us.

I can not describe to you the relief I feel over this. Of course this all starts from scratch in December when our year policy is up lol. But I don't care because Autumn will be born by then and all the birth will be on the 2009 policy!

I also just spoke to the bankruptcy lawyer and have an appointment on the 18th. They put my mind at rest on the phone as I asked how quickly the CC companies come after you. We pay nearly $1000 a month on credit cards and have never missed a payment but with me finishing work something has to give. I said we can make one (we have 2 CCs) of the payments this month but not the other. She said seeing as we've always met the payments, it will take them a while to do anything about it. So thats good.

Its still a worry to me, but its a nice way to start the weekend iykwim. Man I need a BIG glass of Baileys right now!! I wonder if taking a mouth full, swirling it round and spitting it out counts as drinking it hahaha.

I know everyone back home moans about the NHS and midwives and stuff, but BOY do I envy you lot not having to deal with the money side of it. Things are so different here in the states and sometimes not for the better.

Thanks for all the support you've offered :) :hugs:

Helz ~ I'm glad your visit went well! My OB put me on iron pills for anemia. Nasty ass things. I take them at night so I don't feel the nasuea from them lol.

Eswift ~ I'm glad you've ordered the book. Let me know if it helps your worries :) 20 lengths?! Holy shit woman. I can't even manage 1/2 with out flounding in a doggy paddle haha.

Flora ~ Oh I gave up on socks about a month ago, I just live in my crocs lol. Now knickers .. good lord, who ever invented them was NOT pregnant. Its like a gymlastic work out trying to get them on! Autumn always freaking sticks her butt out, my bump goes really lop sided!

Kte ~ Thats great about the travel cot!

BabyLove ~ Some of Autumns kicks REALLY hurt. And she also does this thing .. well I don't know what it is, but its almost like shes stretching a leg or arm right out and it REALLY hurts in the spot shes pushing on .. feels all bruised. I have to lay down on my side to get her to change her postion because if I push back to try and get her to move away, she pushes back even harder!!!!
I got a sassy lil moo inside me!

Maffie ~ I just had a 2 hour nap also. I spoke to my OB cause I said I felt lazy, he said its good to sleep when my body wants it at this stage.

Ok I better go raid the fridge to see what to cook for dinner. I have to drive 20 miles to Babies R us today as we got a bottle sterlizer from there and it has bits missing! Silly stores!
Morning all :wave:

I finally had a half decent sleep so we have decided to goto a saturday bootsale and get some fresh air.. I wonder what bargains are to be had today?!
Freya seems to of laid off my pelvis for now too which is a relief x I hope you all have a good saturday .. TTFN .. x
Morning all, well had some energy this morning, so i've got 2 loads of washing on the line and another load in the machine. baked some chocolate brownies and scrubbed the bathroom top to bottom.

OH gone to macdonald's to get free breakfast as last week they gave us all the wrong things :dohh: He keeps telling me off for working too hard. He said I don't know the meaning of taking it easy.

I'm just itching to get the house all sorted now readdy for the baby.
Morning all, hope were all well, had a better sleep last night, thankgod, feel abit better today, catch up later xxxxxxxxxx

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