Official October Team Bumpkins

wow - that' s a lot of pink! How cool! I'm a little sad we have to keep iut neurtal for now... but I know I will apreciate the surprise when it happens. It is seriously getting in the way of me being a shopaholic though!
Hi everyone, just found this thread too, I'm due on 15th October with my 2nd, my first is now 16 so biiiiig age gap there but I did have her in my late teens. Unfortunately I've had a terrible pregnancy so far with hyperemesis since I was 6 weeks so have been off work sick since Feb and don't really get out much either. I'm hoping bubs arrives a wee bit early cos I have been told that the sickness goes as soon as it is all over .
We've got the nursery done and picked up our pram yest so it's all seeming more real (and scary) now. Hope everyone is well and doesn't mind me barging in here :kiss:
Hey everyone- hope you all had great weekends. I was stuck at work for 7am-5pm shifts sat, sun & tomorrow. Only thing keeping me going is that in 9 days, I will be on my 22 days of annual leave, which leads straight into my maternity leave, so NO MORE WORK after that for quite some time. :happydance:

:hi: & welcome to the new bumpkin members who joined the thread this week. I've noticed there are a few more in 3rd tri & the teen sections of this site to, so hopefully they'll find us soon, lol. :)

Just looked at my ticker; only 61 days to go. It all seems VERY real & impending now, hehe. Our cotbed is being delievered friday & I'm so excited. Getting rid of the spare room's double bed, wardrobe & bedside cabinet on tues & getting my feeding chair & footstool the same day. So... hopefully by next weekend, we should have our lil boys' nursery done. :) :) :) (Then I can repaint the rest of the house while OH is at work & can't moan at me for being anal, lol.)

Anyways, hope all's well with everyone. :hugs:
Chaos honey, to make your life easier & also because I'm bored & my OH wont let me paint the hallway in case I breathe in paint fumes, (anyone would think I was an invalid rather than just pregnant, lol) I've gone through & got all the other October due people I could find from 3rd trimester that I know of. There're probably more, but oh well, hehe.

To add:
special_kala (girl)

taylorsmummy (boy) (i can't remember if there was an underslash or anything loike that in her username, sorry!)
krissssiiii.x (girl) (i may have left out some i's or something there, lol)

laraa (girl)

jadesh101 (girl)


Missh (girl)



britt1986 (boy)

Neferet (boy)

janey09 (boy)


katieeeee (boy)


madkoi_baby (boy)

karentia (girl)

I think that's about it for now though...
thanks kte - i'm thinking i could be getting a little anaemic as after posting on here saying i'm not tired i spent several hours this afternoon sleeping lol i've got a mdwife appointment on 17th and due the blood test then so hopefully will find out.

welcome to the thread karentia and crafymum. your rug is soooo cute karentia! helz81 - i think all of your stuff looks lovely. - i'm loving your bargains and freya's shoe collection is very cute! i like my lie ins at the weekend but Kai is very lucky because his grandma loves car boots and is keen to find him bargains! i have even had to tell her to calm down a bit like when she got him two ELC toys that are exactly the same and bought him FOUR playgyms and 14 cot sheets!!

lucilou - did your hubby notice the difference when he came home? my OH never seems to - always says that i've made it worse haha he was very sweet today and kept telling me that I should just rest and that it can wait a few weeks but I filled two bags of rubbish and one for charity shop and he actually seemed impressed with that so redeemed myself a bit there!
hiya all! we have JUST finished the nursery lol just need to put rest in tomorrow and finishing touches then will post pics tomorrow =]
Wow! The nurserys really are looking fantastic, all the bargains, clothes, shoes and furniture - I'm thinking there's going to be a lot of spoilt babies due this October!!! Mine included...

OH has done 2 coats in the livingroom yesterday and it still needs another one... All this was done whilst I was zzzing last night...

Gosh, I'm feeling rather lazy... I'll see how tired I am when I get back from work as the house is looking very dusty and is now starting to do my head in... Along with all the washing that keeps being found... I'm convinced I must have been a really naughty little girl, you know what they say about the wicked...

Welcome and Hi to all the newbies... It's all getting rather exciting and coming closer faster... fingers crossed we'll all be ready for the babes when they arrive... I was chatting with OH about possibly looking for another moses basket yesterday or just investing in a travel cot, as it'd save bringing ours up and down stairs all the time. Plus a travel cot could be used as a playpen when babe gets a bit bigger. As It'll buy us some time to get everything sorted properly; as there's still big jobs that need doing since extension being done. Like the utility needs replumbing, rediators need fitting etc... Hopefully, we'll get the money back through solicitors soon ish then I can get my new kitchen ordered and fitted... So it may come in handy...

Just something I'm toying with... No urgency...
Morning girls

Well today i am off for some lovely blood tests and to see the MW :) I'm stressing this morning as gnats seem to be loving feasting on me :( One of the bites is rather red and hot so may have to get some cream for it...

Eswift: We have got a travel cot for downstairs to save moving the moses up and down, Its one with a bassinette so she is higher up when little, then when she is older it will be used as a playpen :) You can get some gorgeous ones on ebay, i got mine off the boot sale!!

Right time for my coffee allowance of the day as i am shattered xx TTFN xx
Morning all

29 weeks today :wohoo:

Got lots of washing to sort after my marathon of washing over the weekend. I think most is nearly all washed now. So glad I havebn't had to wash all ther new baby clothes too. I love my mum :cloud9:

I hope the rain that has come takes away this muggy heat as I found last night uncomfortable.

Hello to the new bumpkins...... not long to go now :happydance:
Morning all !! I absolutley love all your stuff !! And pink I love it... Il have to take some pics of my nursery...

No news to update other than I had a dream last night that I had baba. And i was 29 wks and he came out like a 4 month old lol .....And the funniest thing was in the dream I slept through the contractions and only woke to push and it was soooo east. I was saying to my friends " you all have no pain treshhold , that was so easy" hahah If only that was true.

Kisses to all xxx
Morning all,

Hello new bumpkin's! :wave: I seen a few people dotted about on the forum but never twigged there were'nt in here! Will we be having a team thread once the LO's have arrived? I noticed there are few groups that have rolled over in the 'B&B Groups' section or the 'Baby Club section'! Have got really attached to everyone on here and it will be nice to continue chatting to everyone and seeing how we are all getting on x :hugs: :flower:

eswift - we have two moses baskets, one for downstairs and one for in our bedroom. I don't really fancy carrying LO up and down in one all the time as the angle we would have to carry the basket up the stairs isn't ideal. They are something that's quite easy to pass on after the LO gets too big as well. - You have inspired me to go through LO's things and take pictures of them, I think it will be something nice to look back at too :D

Maffie - Congrat's on 29 weeks :happydance:

I am having such a down day today, trying to smile through. Just got really stressed before bed time so couldn't relax or sleep properly, then just had nightmares or woke up to pee and then couldn't relax to sleep again. Grr. Got to work today and realised I had forgotten my lunch :shrug: I know I need to chill out as its not good for LO, my OH is trying to comfort me and be nice to me but I just can't seem to snap out of it.

Anyway enought of the downer! I'm going for a cuppa tea :coffee: - thankfully there is milk in the fridge at work!
Kte :hugs: I think it's normal to feel a bit out of sorts. I know I have been and a few on here have been. The nightmares yes those are horrid. I manage them alot now (although last nights dreams were nice - although rather real) First one I was a crew memeber on a starship (Imust of watched too much star trek last night and the second one well that was a rudie :rofl: :blush: )

Just ordered 2 tankinis as the other 2 I bought aren't big enough on my but. So should really take some pics and stick them on the sale section in here. I so dont need 4 maternity tankinis, especially when the boobies dont fit in them!
Thank you Maffie :hugs:

Unfortuantly the only rudie dreams I have at the mo is OH running off and being rudie with other women! Not fair lol! Glad you had some nice (& extra nice!) dreams for once :D
hi ladies,

loving all ur stuff!!!!
Woke up tired today!!!!!!

feelign gloomy...... and sick..... unable to eat properly!!!!!
bubba moving loads....

Hows everyone feeling?
Morning all...

Been to work, and just made myself a coffee... Bliss...

Kte - I've got to agree with the others, we all have up & down days/weeks... I'm not sure of the best advice to offer, I think we all deal with things in slightly different ways. I'm a bugger for ending up so fustrated with everything I just cry, beats getting worked up about things I can't do anything about... When I get really really angry, I bake... I know it doesn't make sense but it makes me feel better... I have found that the further into the pregnancy I get, I have there are days where I feel so isolated and a bit (i don't know) vague (does that make sense? as if I'm watching my life from far away..) I can't put my finger on things and just find that it passes, maybe it's to do with being tired and worn out.

I'm planning on trying to do the dust busting today... I'm gonna watch Jeremy Kyle, have my brew; put the music on and get the hoover and cleaning stuff out... LOL - Just wait I'll get everything out and do bugger all with it...

I'd love to suddenly turn into Super wife/Super Mum but certainly don't think that's going to happen; unless I've suddenly got an energy boost from nowhere... Here's hoping...
Thanks eswift - I know there is no real reason for me to feel like this, I think that makes it harder as when I know whats up I make sure I talk about it, I can't keep things bottled up. I just feel like I have been so happy lately something or someone will come along and ruin it but there is not reason for me to be thinking like this! Daft huh!

I plan alot of cleaning . . . thats are far as it gets too! Think I need to invite some people over to my house as that forces me to get my act togehter!
well all hubby noticed when he got home last night was 4 bin bags of rubbish, a suitcase of clothes to go in the garage and a box of books to put away somewhere til we get a bigger house where I can actually have bookshelevs (whenever that may be!) but he couldn't figure out how I had done all that and yet the place was STILL more of a mess than before he went away... I think he appreciated that I had tried though! It's a work in progress I think.

think I may have overdone it yesterday though, by the time I went to bed I just couldn't get comfy and it was really hot but we couldn't have the windows open because it was raining too hard... texted work this morning and told them I was having a lie-in, but I suppose I had better go in for a bit now....

only 5 more weeks to go though - I am 31 weeks today! Flippin heck!
arghhhh im so buggered off!!!!

im so tired and sick and hot today =[ so i asked adam if he could get up to have taylor so i could go back bed, well i got about 20mins of sleep before he started stressing at me and DD about tidying up. He NEVER does housework, i cook/clean and might as well wipe his arse for him! Then i heard him slam the kitchen door as DD kept going in the kitchen while he washing up. So i dragged myself downstairs sorted DD out, just turned laptop on and he came storming in shouting "instead of sitting on your f***ing arse the washing needs putting on"!. so i go and do it, hes got a proper attitude on him, anyway i say something about him staying on comp last night chatting to someone, he comes storming in slaming the door ending up in braking it and putting ahole through the door!!

So now im up, feeling like rubbish, but made to feel to bloody guilty to do anything. I didnt stop yday, i cooked, painted the WHOLE nursery didnt stop till 12am! =[ im so fed up today cant stop crying, and DP called me a fat ugly usless cow =[
I was down for a few days a few days ago. Must be something that happens around this time!
I feel better today, probably because I had no nightmares last night, and slept right to 8am.

My only problem right now seems to be eating.
As in I am doing far too much of it!
I am not stressing about gaining weight in pregnancy, I know most people do and I gained 4 stone with my dd so it's not new to me, but.....I am on course for a 5 stone gain if I keep eating this way!!

I started at 10 stone and last week was 12.6
I am too scared to weigh myself again until nearer my due date as I am still eating loads all the time.

Hope you all have a good day :)

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