Official October Team Bumpkins

Morning ladies! Congrats to everyone notching up another successfull week :) .
I'm having a lazy day today methinks. Was up half the night with the dreaded heartburn again and i've developed a really sore throat to boot. I'm wondering if it's the whole acid reflux associated with heartburn that's causing it tbh. It does seem to feel like the acid is burning right up to the back of my throat. Hmmm, any advice on this would be muchly appreciated :) . I'm figuring that it can't be an infection as i've just finished a course of antibiotics xx

Sounds like acid reflux to me! I'm suffering too and I'm going to try a glass of milk before bed followed by sleeping sitting up. Hopefully this will work! :hugs:

That sounds like a plan, i may just have to join you in the pre-bed milk drinking :) . Thank you xx
Thanks everyone i am resting feel bit better now. To those ladies with heartburn ive found few things what really help milk ice lollys, cuttting out fizzy drinks as found this makes it worse, i try and drink milk before bed but dont lie down straight away afterwards, try eat your last meal before 6pm, ive also stopped buying gaviscon i buy a cheap heartburn medicine what they sell and its totally different texture to gaviscon and alot cheaper.
Afternoon all...

I've had a really very lazy day, (had a pj day...) even had a bath and put on another set...

OH has cleared more stuff out of the house, he's put some stuff in the caravan for now; at least it's out of the house for now...

Still in pain, uncomfy and I now have some really large bruises where I'm in pain... Think babe has been kicking the crap out of me... Bummer, but at least hopefully it nothing serious, I've also been swelling up too... Feet, fingers and ankles.... Oh well, I've told work I'm going to see gp on Monday anyway, so not to expect me in...
Hi ladies,

am in bed since morning!!!!! Not able to
read the prev posts sorry!!!!!am
typing in frm ma husbands iPhone.

I am feeling so so so tired today!!! Breathless wen I sleep due to LO position......S/he sticks out it's bum on ma right upper side jus below my right breast which makes
me so uncomfortable and breathless.
Got leg cramps and back pain....... Some aches in ma tummy!!!!! Esp down below.
Yday had been to hospital as an exam patient for OBgyn final exams- 7 doctors looked at my tummy!!! Mmmmm ..... LO went mad.... Moving abt a lot!!!!

My moms coming from India next weekend. She's gonna b wid me for 2 months to help me out now and after LO is here. Just can't wait to relax!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!!!!
I'm glad it's not just me that's had a lazy day :)

Didn't even get dressed until 2pm :blush:

I FINALLY got sofas earlier this week so I've been lazing around watching Ally McBeal re-runs this afternoon. It's so nice to finally have something comfy to sit on, it makes the flat feel much more homely as well. Completely skint now until the end of the month, lucky I dont have to shell out for the train ticket now.

Hope everyone is good, it sounds like we're all getting more uncomfortable now and can use the lazy days.

Right, I'm gonna watch the X Factor and eat meatballs :happydance:
Thanks everyone i am resting feel bit better now. To those ladies with heartburn ive found few things what really help milk ice lollys, cuttting out fizzy drinks as found this makes it worse, i try and drink milk before bed but dont lie down straight away afterwards, try eat your last meal before 6pm, ive also stopped buying gaviscon i buy a cheap heartburn medicine what they sell and its totally different texture to gaviscon and alot cheaper.

Hi Mumof4,

You can get Gaviscon on prescription and as pregnant you get the prescription free. I've stocked up on huge bottle of free gaviscon this way.

Evening all :flower:

Chaos- wow - 3.5 weeks! :shock: :happydance: I won't have even started my maternity leave by then (so long as LO stays put!) Enjoy your girls night :D

The antenatal class was good, although my brain was tired by the end of it! The lady taking the class basically re-inforced that labour will be painful and went throught the different stages of it. First of all we split up into little groups and filled out a question sheet. Our sheet was about when you should go to hospital - from before up to labour. OH got to do the writing and she struggled a little with reading his writing, he did warn her! :haha: She had a model of some pelvic bones and a doll called 'Scrappy'. We got to watch Scrappy being born several ways through the pelvic bones! She had also knitted a uterus and showed us what happend when the baby came out of it and what happened to the cervix. I must admit seeing a 10cm dielated cervix was pretty scary! Ouch! :wacko: We also got to see a fabric placenta been delivered too :rofl: Plus she explained a few medical terms we would hear and what they all meant. It was all very light hearted and amusing but informative as well!!

A word of warning! She did tell us about a woman who got caught wearing cycling shorts, the LO was bulging out of the bottom so her and another midwife had to pull her pants off with a bit of a struggle as they stuck to the poor woman because of her waters! :shock:

OH gets to collect his new toy tomorrow and his Dad has said he will take him so I don't have to drive back now :happydance: I wasn't looking forward to driving back from Hull, I have just been so tired lately I was a little worried it would take it out of me. Instead I get to finish paperwork, wash clothes at my leisure and even get to relax :wohoo:

:hugs: Hugs for all :hugs:
Evening ladies x

I am writing this from my hospital bed!! I started having contractions at 5am!! By 9am they were 10mins 1pm I went to my local labour ward and after obswrvations, monitoring, swabs, bloods etc they have kept me in...jabbing my poor bottom with steroids!! TMI lol sorry!!

Anyways I have to stay her till they stop or stanley is born whichever comes first!! BTW I'm only 33weeks tomorrow!

Please keep stanley in ur prayers (tho he is bigger than average so I'm hoping that goes in his favour!)

Evening ladies x

I am writing this from my hospital bed!! I started having contractions at 5am!! By 9am they were 10mins 1pm I went to my local labour ward and after obswrvations, monitoring, swabs, bloods etc they have kept me in...jabbing my poor bottom with steroids!! TMI lol sorry!!

Anyways I have to stay her till they stop or stanley is born whichever comes first!! BTW I'm only 33weeks tomorrow!

Please keep stanley in ur prayers (tho he is bigger than average so I'm hoping that goes in his favour!)


honey, hope u are alright!!!!!
You are in my prayers... :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

keep us updated!
:hugs:Yemii:hugs: at least your in the best place and been looked after x

Hi all

Had a tour of the birthing centre this afternoon, its quite small and they only have 3 delivery rooms, 1 with a pool, and 6 post natal beds. Was a lovely atmosphere though and the midwifes are trained in aromatherapy, massage and reflexology:happydance:

I am getting a bit concerned, although I know I am in the minority!, the hospital like to discharge you after 6 hours, I was really hoping for an overnight stay, I have 2 DS's 3 & 6 so my house is always a hive of activity and would love to just have a full 24 hours to just concentrate on the new arrival, I think I will just have to cry and refuse to leave:dohh:

Am looking forward to Monday been my first day of maternity leave, have something planned for most days next week, am sure the novelty will wear off thou!!!

yemii_2009 - gosh hun - i hope you and stanley are gonna be alright and that the contractions stop and he stays put a few weeks longer x

thanks kte and florabean - it is a relief especially after all that googling i was doing which kept coming up with 'short rib polydactyly' which made me very concerned. florabean - i hope your belly button is healing up x

helz81 - I'm so sorry for your friend. *hugs* to you both x

eswift - what a nightmare at the hospital! i hope your urine infection and pain clears up soon and that the little babe is alright x

mumof42009 - i hope your little man hangs on a bit longer x - i love the picture you've designed.

jlosomerset - have you seen the website ? I was sceptical but cos Kai was lying oblique i tried one of the exercises recommended on there twice a day for a few days and he's turned to the cephalic lie now! i can't be certain that it was due to the exercises but each day i did notice he had moved a few degrees closer!

keerthy - i hope you're feeling less tired soon x i can relate to the uncomfortableness of bums stuck out! at my top right side kai sticks his feet out and above my belly button his bum sticks out - it actually puts my belly out of shape and feels really tight. sometimes i tickle his feet or push him gently and that does encourage him to move lol

the consultant is still saying that there is an, and i quote, 'odd contour', on kai's abdomen-thoracic junction. I don't know what that means at all in terms of his health or body shape or breathing capacity or anything. has anybody heard of this before?
Ok!!!!! No sleeP again :( :cry:

slept at 10 30 woke up at 12 30 :cry:
Feeling miserable.....,, has been a week I slept properly
Yemii- God, I really hope bo9th you & Stanley are doing okay... :hugs: (anyone had any news; I' pretty sure she doesn't have a text buddy yet)

Has everyone read Honeybee's post about Jadesh101??? She's a bumpkin too, from Wales. She was due 8th oct and is only 19 & has had a pretty rough pregnancy & pre-eclampsia, but she had an emergency c-section today (5th sept) & had her little girl Kiera Cariad, (cariad is welsh for love, btw) weighing 5lbs 12oz. Jade (altho in pain) & Kiera are doing well according to her sister. (I think I got all the info right... but anyone, the thread is in the 3rd tri section for peeps to read themselves, lol- the pics are gorgeous).

Also, RebaMc had her twins; a girl Matilda (Tilly) Grace AND a boy Jasper (Jas) Gabriel, born on 24.08.09, (-5wks4days), weighing 5lb1oz & 5lb15oz

So that's 4 October babies so far, with possibly Yemi's on the way too... keeping my fingers (& legs) firmly crossed for everyone now!!!
Morning all, well my colds got me up, i'm too snuffly to sleep. Didn't want to disturb OH has he as a 100 mile bike ride today as long as he's not too snuffly.

Yemii :hugs:

These bumpkins are keen, although there's a November baby already here too (Marleysgirl)
Yemii ~ I've got my fingers and legs crossed that all goes well, hope Stanley stays put for a little while longer... At least you're in the right place... Keep us informed...

Keerthy ~ I hope you start feeling better soon, at least your Mum's going to be able to look after you...

Good Morning Ladies...

I've slept reasonably well, had breakie and paracetamols already... My fingers etc are all swollen already... Wonder what today will have in store???

Thank goodness it's Monday tomorrow, back to GP, DS is back to school; only 2 weeks until I start my leave... I feel as though I may have left it a bit too long...

Hope you all have a lovely weekend...

Catch you all later xxxx
Morning all...I'm just laid here recovering from a horrid jab in the bum! Fancy waking heavily pregnant women at 6am on a sunday morning to make there bottoms sting like hell!!!!!

Well pain is ok...quite mild as in not showing up on the chart as very strong but dropped down to every 20mins...stanleys heartbeat etc is fine and he is still free (not engaging...yet)...have to see dr later to see if I'm allowed to go home and rest till something happens or weather I have to stay here...they were on about an internal (yuk) to see if I've dialated overnight (I slept though the whole dialating process with daughter!!)

Right I'm off for some breakie!!! Hope everyoneks ok and able to rest/put feet up...speak soon xxx
Yemii- God, I really hope bo9th you & Stanley are doing okay... :hugs: (anyone had any news; I' pretty sure she doesn't have a text buddy yet)

Has everyone read Honeybee's post about Jadesh101??? She's a bumpkin too, from Wales. She was due 8th oct and is only 19 & has had a pretty rough pregnancy & pre-eclampsia, but she had an emergency c-section today (5th sept) & had her little girl Kiera Cariad, (cariad is welsh for love, btw) weighing 5lbs 12oz. Jade (altho in pain) & Kiera are doing well according to her sister. (I think I got all the info right... but anyone, the thread is in the 3rd tri section for peeps to read themselves, lol- the pics are gorgeous).

Also, RebaMc had her twins; a girl Matilda (Tilly) Grace AND a boy Jasper (Jas) Gabriel, born on 24.08.09, (-5wks4days), weighing 5lb1oz & 5lb15oz

So that's 4 October babies so far, with possibly Yemi's on the way too... keeping my fingers (& legs) firmly crossed for everyone now!!!

Morning girls

Flora: Dont forget Hopedance! She gave us the 1st Oct baby as Samuel was born at 30 weeks :cloud9: So thats 5 early bubbas.
I saw the post about Jadesh101's baby and she is just amazing, makes me relax more too knowing that if Freya came now she would be ok and more than likely a pretty healthy weight.

Well all i done yesterday was rest and its paid off as i feel loads better this morning,. i slept alot yesterday afternoon and went to bed early last night.. I so needed it i tell you.... As being pregnant, having a son with Aspergers Syndrome and also building upto my OH's operation has been really hard work. Thank god his operation is this wednesday so his snoring may finally be a thing of the past :happydance:

Right i am off for a bit.. TTFN xxx
Well i'm back from seeing OH off on his ride, so gutted i'm not doing it too. Will have to try to train for next year. Will be going back down there later to take more pictures and see the finish.
thinking of yuo yemmie, take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning girls!

Yemii - I hope you're ok. We don't want too many early arrivals!

Today is a day all on my lonesome! :cry: Hubby is working like a trooper at the moment to cover his time off and to pay for the rest of the baby things. I feel like I never see him though. Working 9.30-6.30 today so I've got to have his favourite dinner ready for him tonight. Tomorrow should be nice though. He has an early start and finish then we're going out for tea and a spot of shopping.

Hope we're all resting up. I'm just going to get all my washing etc done and maybe pass the vacuum around.

Have a lovely sunday ladies. Just going to pop my feet up for a bit and watch Nanny 911....gotta love a bit of trash TV! lol


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