Official October Team Bumpkins

It sounds a bit bad but we will have a christening for our LO mainly because the best school near us is C of E and they will have to be christened to get in. Plus I think it will be a nice excuse for a family get together afterwards :) OH and I aren't religious even though we were both brought up in religion (OH was actually the lead quior (sp?!?) boy at one point, he is very :blush: about it though, he got to sing in front of the Queen and was even a better singer than Gareth Gates (if anyone can remeber him) who was in the same group. Hence my singing is never up to scratch but I don't care I can howl the house down and still be happy :rofl:

Nah, it doesn't sound bad :winkwink: the christening we went to today was catholic and i suspect that was carried out for two main reasons. a) to get the baby into the best school locally which happens to be catholic and b) to show her off :haha: the service was so dull - was 45 minutes long and I got a numb bum and there were babies crying all way throughout and it felt like 3 hours long!! Sounds awful but I have been to funerals that were more inspiring. If we were to christen LO would be CofE like you. There is a very good CofE school near us but have to go to church regularly for years and years to get in and I think I would feel just too hypocritical and manipulative doing that :shrug:

We are considering having a christening but seeing as we didn't get married in a church, we too feel it would be very hypocritical. I was never christened and I still attended a CofE school....amongst others (went to 14 schools in total! :dohh:)

We were thinking of having a 'naming day' where we would basically lay on a bit of food and drink, invite everyone round and generally show the LO off to family and friends, offically name them (after all, baptism is a sacrament that doesn't have to be done by a priest!), name the god-parents etc, without all the pomp and circumstance of a church service which I'm not really a fan of. We have the problem though that the family are so spread out, I'm not sure anyone would come! :dohh:
We haven't discussed christening the baby. I went to a CofE school, a great school and it had a great spirit to it, very friendly and caring and the vicars were always there and I got involved in loads of activities at school and church. I wasn't christened as mum thinks we should decide. I'm still not christened but do believe in God.
My oh used to go to your alt and has had a Christian lifestyle so it's something we will have to discuss. I do think if a child is Christened then i'd want it to mean more than just that and for the child to be brought up in that way.

ooooh 33 weeks today too :happydance:
Maffie, I think I'm with you on this one! I'm a very spiritual person, believe in God and would quite gladly attend church if I'm honest (and this sounds awful) if it was more convenient. Our village church closed down 10 years ago, and my hubby works 1 in 3 Sundays.

I'm a great believer that being at ease with your own spirituality will do more for your child's well-being. My Mum too thought I should choose what religion I wanted to move into, and I think that this is an important decision for everyone to make. Giving a 'good' upbringing is more important! (My uncle had all 4 of his children and him and his wife 'welcomed' into the catholic faith so that the children could go to the local catholic school.....seems a bit off to me!)
Morning girls

:hugs: to all in need and congrats to those reaching new milestones xxxx

Well here we are the start of a new week and its started crap already! My 1 year old staffy pup has got hives!! poor thing :( she has just had a cool bath and we are gonna try and work out what she has come into contact with thats different! We changed her food 5 days ago so seems as though that maybe it.. gonna put her back on the old stuff and see if they go down.
Only 2 days till my OH's operation so thats always a bit worrying, although he is a big strong lad i am sure he will be fine.....

Right time to try and wake up a bit... see you all soon xxx if it is the food what I was taught in college was when changing an aniamals diet mixe the new and old with a little more of the new and a little less of the old each day till its all the new, so there isn't a sudden change.
Thanks Maffie hun..

Well Lani (my pup) seems very happy after her bath so it must of given her some relief.
I've managed to get Dr's appointment for 11am... Still very uncomfy... Not sure what I'm hoping they'll be able to do, just want the bloody pain to sod off... Not very good with pain LOL

DS went off to school with no drama's excellent... I can't believe he's now in the final year of primary... They just grow so fast...

Maffie ~ the chinese sounded lovely... ~ hope your dog feels better soon... Mine's been rather close and protective all weekend, even to the point where he had his head on my tummy yesterday ( his boddy was on the foot stool) listening to baby... At the moment he's been under foot, under my chair etc not very far from me at all...

Right I'm gonna have breakie number 2... Catch you later all...
Morning Ladies,

Well another rubbish sleep ! Argggg I am sick of it now I seem to sleep ok at the weekend and then when it comes to a work night I have a rubbish sleep.

Baby didnt move around a lot yesterday I was getting a little worried because he is so active usually. But I think he was just having a quiet day because once I wanted to sleep he started !

Hope you all had a nice weekend, I didnt do much.

Hugs to all :hugs:
Well girls my pup is off to the vets as the bath only gave her a small bit of relief then loads of hives came up again :( I feel so sad for her as she looks totally fed up.. They will more than likely give her some antihistemines(sp?) but its best to make sure she is ok. Bless her heart she is still waggling her little tail...

Oh and this is her.. :cloud9: any chance to show off my baby x (do excuse my boxer's bum in the pic :rofl:)


Linda : Freya had a quiet day yesterday too. i hate it when she does it as i panic :hugs:

Right i am off to cuddle my puppy dog xxx
Hiya all,

I had a bit of a weird day yesterday.
I was having a lazy day, and felt really tired, then at around 7pm I started shivering so I took my temp and between 7 and 8pm it went from 37.0 to 38.3.
I felt really sick and dizzy, my heart was racing but I felt freezing cold.
Anyway I took 2 paracetamol and went to bed, and although I had to get up to pee 4 times, I feel fine this morning.

No idea what it was!

Thankfully my new mattress is being delivered in around half an hour, so I should have great nights sleeps until baby comes. Fingers crossed anyway!

Have a great week all.
34 weeks tomorrow!!!
Morning all,

Not at work today, it took me forever to get ready and then when I went to get my work pants out of the tumble dryer they were still wet. I have not other trousers as they were all in the same wash and nothing else fits me :doh: I have been so tired these past few days doing nothing, well, paperwork, washing clothes, pottering about doing house stuff and it just seems to have taken it out of me. I feel bad for not going in but work are fine by it thankfully.

OH just called to say I can help him with the cellar when I get home and asked me to move the bins round the front, after telling me I should relax. Lol Bless.

Eswift - hope you get to catch up on some those Zzzz's your seeing everyone else get x

I was brought up open minded but mainly C of E, we ended up living abroad loads when I was a child/teenager so we had lots of experiences that were from other cultures and back grounds...

I do feel that the final desicion is up to LO in the end, but I can't see the harm in a grounded education within a religion... DS was Christened at 4 months old, and attends a C of E school; through my choosing... I've had no regrets... I've to decide which secondary school to enrole DS into next year...

I agree, I can't see the harm in those experiences - as much as I and OH have made our decision I still feel like we should guide our LO and give them the knowledge to make their own.

I didn't go to a religious school but I grew up in Bradford and so I was exposed to very many different cultures and religions. My first school used to celebrate Easter and Christmas etc but we also used to celebrate things like Eid and Divali. My friend went to a Catholic School and obvioulsy they only followed Catholic traditions and celebrations.

I think the basic principals of religion are good, it helps teach good morals.

Nah, it doesn't sound bad :winkwink: the christening we went to today was catholic and i suspect that was carried out for two main reasons. a) to get the baby into the best school locally which happens to be catholic and b) to show her off :haha: the service was so dull - was 45 minutes long and I got a numb bum and there were babies crying all way throughout and it felt like 3 hours long!! Sounds awful but I have been to funerals that were more inspiring. If we were to christen LO would be CofE like you. There is a very good CofE school near us but have to go to church regularly for years and years to get in and I think I would feel just too hypocritical and manipulative doing that :shrug:

The last christening I went to was horrible, it was in the middle of a normal service. I only go to Church as support for my sister when I go and visit her. The vicar-lady held the baby and was jiggiling the poor thing about saying "he could be a bank manager or a bank robber but God will still love him" - WHAT KIND OF THING TO SAY IS THAT?!!

I couldn't go to church as regular as that! We would have to have a plan b! I just can't do it, it freaks me out. I won't waffle on about that though as I could be here all day! The Childminder we have has said they just need to be christened as she takes some of the other children to that school.

Maffie: Congrats on 33 weeks! :happydance:

We haven't discussed christening the baby. I went to a CofE school, a great school and it had a great spirit to it, very friendly and caring and the vicars were always there and I got involved in loads of activities at school and church. I wasn't christened as mum thinks we should decide. I'm still not christened but do believe in God.

My oh used to go to your alt and has had a Christian lifestyle so it's something we will have to discuss. I do think if a child is Christened then i'd want it to mean more than just that and for the child to be brought up in that way.

I was christened and even confirmed at a younger age but something just changed in me. Don't get me wrong, I do have my own views but I can not say I am completely religious. There are lots of things I agree with and others I don't. However . . . I wouldn't just get LO christened and say that is that. I wouldnt send them to a Cof E at all if I wanted to keep them away from religion. I would be happy in the knowledge that the school would be giving them some basic religious understanding and do activities that they can get involved in. I and OH would teach our LO the morals and lessons we liked and still believe in to this day. Like I say, I still want them to experience religion.

We are considering having a christening but seeing as we didn't get married in a church, we too feel it would be very hypocritical. I was never christened and I still attended a CofE school....amongst others (went to 14 schools in total! :dohh:)

We were thinking of having a 'naming day' where we would basically lay on a bit of food and drink, invite everyone round and generally show the LO off to family and friends, offically name them (after all, baptism is a sacrament that doesn't have to be done by a priest!), name the god-parents etc, without all the pomp and circumstance of a church service which I'm not really a fan of. We have the problem though that the family are so spread out, I'm not sure anyone would come! :dohh:

We live in a small town and they are one of the best schools in the area so its very popular and as such having your child christened is an advantage over other non-christened children applying there. I don't really agree with this but I would like my LO to get into that school. It located two mins up the road if that as well. It just seems ideal in every way and my LO missing out becasue they weren't christened seems daft.

I'm sure your family would like to come for a one off special day such as that.

I'm a great believer that being at ease with your own spirituality will do more for your child's well-being. My Mum too thought I should choose what religion I wanted to move into, and I think that this is an important decision for everyone to make. Giving a 'good' upbringing is more important! (My uncle had all 4 of his children and him and his wife 'welcomed' into the catholic faith so that the children could go to the local catholic school.....seems a bit off to me!)

I agree about being at ease with your own spirituality. However, I also want my LO to be aware of religion and without me taking them to church each sunday (it's just not going to happen) it will difficult for them to be aware of them. Plus I want them to get a good education so that they can get off to a good start in life and if that means I have to christen them to get them into a good school in the area then so be it!

OK enough from me! Lol Time for :coffee:
well thats my pup off at the vets and i now have my boxer girl stressing out looking for her :cry:
... from another 7 September buddy :) Have a good'n ... we're off to antenatal tonight, so not the most romantic of occasions! xx
I was just posting a happy birthday message in her other post!

Is it your birthday today too Colsy?
I was just posting a happy birthday message in her other post!

Is it your birthday today too Colsy?

Yeh. Was a bit weird in the beginning our pregs - everything Aimee-Lou posted on here, I'd have to reply saying "me too" ... our original due dates were the same (although they've changed now - or certainly mine has anyway), we had our first couple of scans on the same dates, we share a birthday ... was getting a bit spooky!
Lol that is a bit spooky!!

Happy Birthday to all those celebrating today! Was my birthday over Bank Holiday weekend but didn't do too much to celebrate as was so tired after another week at work!

Kte - Was just wondering where do you live as I suspect you are not too far from me? I am in Bingley - hence my name on here being Bingers?
Happy Birthday to all those celebrating today! Was my birthday over Bank Holiday weekend but didn't do too much to celebrate as was so tired after another week at work!

Kte - Was just wondering where do you live as I suspect you are not too far from me? I am in Bingley - hence my name on here being Bingers?

Lol, I was just thinking when I saw Bingers I wonder if it's anything to do with Bingley!

I used to live in Undercliffe in Bradford but moved away about 8 years ago and my OH comes originally from Shipley but we live in Brighouse now.
I was just posting a happy birthday message in her other post!

Is it your birthday today too Colsy?

Yeh. Was a bit weird in the beginning our pregs - everything Aimee-Lou posted on here, I'd have to reply saying "me too" ... our original due dates were the same (although they've changed now - or certainly mine has anyway), we had our first couple of scans on the same dates, we share a birthday ... was getting a bit spooky!

Happy birthday to you too Colsy! We're off out for tea and I'm stupidly excited - anyone would think I was 6! lol

Yes it was a bit weird at the beginning wasn't it! I will start to get really freaked if we end up labouring/giving birth at the same time. Btw....I keep meaning to ask, are you booked in at Darley Dale?

I'm sure ante-natal will be lovely lol.....we have ours on Sunday which is an 'orientation' of the birth centre, including a treasure hunt for the dads. Hubby has been brushing up his map-reading skills lol.

Hope you're all a-okay! :hugs: have a lovely day!!
Happy birthday to you too Colsy! We're off out for tea and I'm stupidly excited - anyone would think I was 6! lol

Yes it was a bit weird at the beginning wasn't it! I will start to get really freaked if we end up labouring/giving birth at the same time. Btw....I keep meaning to ask, are you booked in at Darley Dale?

Yeh, we hope to go to Darley (assuming we make it to 37 weeks and without probs). How come you know about it? (Good reasons I'm hoping!)


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