Official October Team Bumpkins

Happy birthday girls :cake:

Afternoon all, well been pottering around and managed to do 5 or 6 loads of washing, I'm half way through arranging the bedroom, must try to get the bed empty before bedtime :dohh:

I could really go do this :gun: to oh's ex, she drives me mad sometimes.

Need to start dinner but dont know what to make.
Afternoon all, well been pottering around and managed to do 5 or 6 loads of washing, I'm half way through arranging the bedroom, must try to get the bed empty before bedtime :dohh:

I could really go do this :gun: to oh's ex, she drives me mad sometimes.

Need to start dinner but dont know what to make.

LOL my bed is the same today! :dohh:

:hugs: about OH's ex making you feel bad / angry.

Hope you figure out what to eat. Luckily OH took me out due to me being so tired (Tesco cafe!) I had a yummy jacket potato with lots of Chilli on it *yum* :D
Evening Ladies...

hmmm well went to the 1st anti-natal class this evening, not sure I feel as though I know any more than I did before... Ok I know I've had a baby before, what do I expect... I kind of felt sorry for the 1st time mums that were there it was all so rushed and pain this and pain that... Not sure that they actually went into anything in enough details to inform you on anything...

Next one's on bringing baby home & breast feeding...
Well girls, wot a bloody nitemare day, first day of mat leave and I get admitted to hospital:cry:

Basically when I saw midwife last wed, she did the usual and tested my wee, said it looked like I had an infection and sent it off.

Today I have a call from docs to say that I have an infection and its not treatable ny oral antibiotics!!!

Was in seeing consultant at hospital at 6.30 and I have to have IV antibiotics:cry:
They took another sample that they are sending off for urgent attention overnight and they need to discuss with microbiology exactly how to treat me, they know whch drip to give me but unsure of for how long.

Wanted to keep me in tonite but persuaded them to let me come home and I have to go back at 9.30 tomorrow morning with a bag packed and expect to stay upto 48 hours:cry:

They can give me the anti b's via injection but the consultant didnt want to do it this way, with any luck microbiology will tell him its the way forward and I can come home between jabs then, which will be much better for my boys.

And then, as if that wasnt enough, I was driving home and the car decides to pack up!!! managed to get home but oh is going to have to drop me at hosp in morning and then take the car to garage, it has lost power and sounds like a tractor. It never rains does it!!!!!
:hugs: jlosomerset - that really does suck!!

I can't believe I'm up at this time girls!! Hubby is doing a double shift today :)cry:) which means he left about 5.30am and wont be back until about 9pm! At least he has a late tomorrow which means he can catch up on some rest. Only thing is that it means that once he's up I can't sleep so have to get up and try to nap on the sofa until it's time to put the vaccuum on! :blush:

I had a lovely birthday! I'm still full from the meal....we got back about 9pm and watched Wall-e - what a good film. I'd forgotten how good it actually was!

I have a busy day to finish sorting out the house so that we can go to the car boot on saturday! I'm so excited as any money we earn will be going on paint and things, and we can finally get the nursery done! I suddenly realised that I'm 34 weeks on wednesday and therefore only 3 weeks off being full term and lets just say that my old bod is making some very 'i'm ready' kind of noises - nothing major yet (No plug yet or false labour pains) but some very suspiscious aches and pains like period style pains lol. Time really is flying!

Anyway, I'm off to go for a wander and to have a trawl through ebay for a's the one major thing we've not got yet :wacko:

Have a lovely day girls xx
Good Morning All...

JLo ~ hope all goes well today... You're right though there now't like kicking you when you're down... Hope that car doesn't cost too much and that your infection goes quickly xxxx

Aimee ~ We too have a busy day ahead and looks like OH maybe struggling to catch any zzzz's today... I've a consultants appointment for my eye this morning, as we've no idea what they plan to do OH has got to come with me incase the put drops in as I can't drive if they do.. Then we've a midwives appointment this afternoon, OH is on about going to that too as she's going to discuss the home birth thing... Guess every little zzz will help...

Oh well... Catch you all later xxxx
Aimee, if it's any consolation, I've been up since just before 5am too. Can't sleep & have morning sickness style nausea; fun, fun, fun!
Have a ton of housework to do- bins to empty, washing up from yesterday to do, about 3-4 loads of washing (probably more if i strip the beds too), vacuuming, clean the bathrooms. I feel like the list is neverending! And it's not even me just 'nesting' out place is just a total mess at the moment for some reason & even though I do housework everyday, i just never seem to be able to keep on top of it... My OH now things that because I'm on maternity leave, that he no longer has to pitch in, coz afterall 'I'm sat at home doing nothing all day while he's at work.' I thought mat leave was for me to rest & get ready for bubs, but obviously not!!!!! *sigh*

Anyways, I'm gonna make a start on the washing up mountain. (who'd have thought 2 adults could make so much mess, hey?)
Aimee, if it's any consolation, I've been up since just before 5am too. Can't sleep & have morning sickness style nausea; fun, fun, fun!
Have a ton of housework to do- bins to empty, washing up from yesterday to do, about 3-4 loads of washing (probably more if i strip the beds too), vacuuming, clean the bathrooms. I feel like the list is neverending! And it's not even me just 'nesting' out place is just a total mess at the moment for some reason & even though I do housework everyday, i just never seem to be able to keep on top of it... My OH now things that because I'm on maternity leave, that he no longer has to pitch in, coz afterall 'I'm sat at home doing nothing all day while he's at work.' I thought mat leave was for me to rest & get ready for bubs, but obviously not!!!!! *sigh*

Anyways, I'm gonna make a start on the washing up mountain. (who'd have thought 2 adults could make so much mess, hey?)

I hear ya! I was washing all of Sunday and the basket is already full (Monday is bed-stripping day!) - I also have to clean the bathrooms (Tuesday) and make sure all the washing up is done. General whip around tidy up too takes about half an hour as my hubby is incapable of using a washing basket or taking his mug through to the kitchen......musn't grumble, he bought me a lovely watch for my birthday! :flower:I think my hubby has gotten used to me having a cleaning 'routine' now and kind of knows what will get done when lol (Monday - bedrooms, Tuesday - Bathrooms, Wednesday - Kitchen, Thursday - Dust, Polish and Vacuum, Friday - Washing and Ironing)..but we're doing a car boot sale on Saturday and I have to sort out all the stuff to go to that. Add to that my nesting instinct has kicked in big style and I desperately want to get the nursery sorted but can't do that until the weekend!

I think I need to get some more sleep! lol
Morning all, Jlo hope they get you sorted asap and your car is back on the road quickly. Eswift hope the eye appointment goes smoothly, sounds like hubby is looking after you well.

I felt very rough yesterday, oh told me off as he thought i'd done too much and he worked out when he got home i'd only had about 500 calories. Oooops! So he made dinner and made me have a rest. I'd been nibbling on fruit so hadn't really felt like a proper meal.

Got to stay in again today, moses basket came yesterday and oh's new phone is due to arrive today. Can't even do anymore washing as i've run out of drying space. I definitely need a new tumble dryer!
Aimee, if it's any consolation, I've been up since just before 5am too. Can't sleep & have morning sickness style nausea; fun, fun, fun!
Have a ton of housework to do- bins to empty, washing up from yesterday to do, about 3-4 loads of washing (probably more if i strip the beds too), vacuuming, clean the bathrooms. I feel like the list is neverending! And it's not even me just 'nesting' out place is just a total mess at the moment for some reason & even though I do housework everyday, i just never seem to be able to keep on top of it... My OH now things that because I'm on maternity leave, that he no longer has to pitch in, coz afterall 'I'm sat at home doing nothing all day while he's at work.' I thought mat leave was for me to rest & get ready for bubs, but obviously not!!!!! *sigh*

Anyways, I'm gonna make a start on the washing up mountain. (who'd have thought 2 adults could make so much mess, hey?)

I hear ya! I was washing all of Sunday and the basket is already full (Monday is bed-stripping day!) - I also have to clean the bathrooms (Tuesday) and make sure all the washing up is done. General whip around tidy up too takes about half an hour as my hubby is incapable of using a washing basket or taking his mug through to the kitchen......musn't grumble, he bought me a lovely watch for my birthday! :flower:I think my hubby has gotten used to me having a cleaning 'routine' now and kind of knows what will get done when lol (Monday - bedrooms, Tuesday - Bathrooms, Wednesday - Kitchen, Thursday - Dust, Polish and Vacuum, Friday - Washing and Ironing)..but we're doing a car boot sale on Saturday and I have to sort out all the stuff to go to that. Add to that my nesting instinct has kicked in big style and I desperately want to get the nursery sorted but can't do that until the weekend!

I think I need to get some more sleep! lol

I've decided all men are incapable of using a washing basket for their dirty clothes!!!! My OH leaves a trail from the front door (shoes & socks & coat), then his shorts/jeans on the floor in the bathroom, then his t-shirt on the bedroom floor once he gets home from work. He then leaves the same reverse trail with his non-work clothes when he gets changed for bed (he goes thru 3 pairs of boxers a day, lol, otherwise he says he doesn't feel 'fresh' - he's such a dork!), then in the mornings in our ensuite bathroom, he leaves his boxers/PJs on the floor next to the shower...
First thing I do once I get up in the mornings afetr peeing is pick up all his damn clothes from around the house, pick up all the mugs & empty drinks bottles left in every room he's been in the day before & wipe the kitchen surfaces from his stupid toast crumbs!!!! He's like the most predictable messy man I know, lol.
I wouldn't mind if it wasn;'t for the fact that he EXPECTS it to be cleaned up, and knows that I can only let it go a couple of dys before flipping out, giving in & doing it myself.
Still, his saving grace is that he always does the shopping, does most of the cooking, generally empties & take out the bins & doesn't appear t mind driving me everywhere all the time... and he also gives great back massages & makes me laugh on a daily basis with his attempt at humour, lol, so I can't complain too much. And even though we've been together ages now, he still buys me chocolates, sweets, flowers, sexy underwear etc for no reason other than to see me happy. I just hope he still does it after we have the baby & get married in April, lol.
Sounds like you're living with a clone of my hubby! lol

I don't mind really although the occasional gripe does pass my lips (mainly on here! lol) as like yours, all I have to do is ask and he will do anything lol. The clothes are a bug bear though - he delights in putting damp towels and dirty clothes on top of the pile of ironing in the bathroom! :dohh:

Aww when in April? Our wedding anniversary is the 12th April - such a lovely time of year as all our photo's are full of blossom and daffodils! :thumbup:
I'm not sure but it may be a allergy that all men have - laundry into baskets... I'd even gone as far a moving the laundry basket to OH side of the bed next to the bed (within arms reach of the bed) and he still put the dirty washing on the floor... I gave in and through the laundry basket out... Now I just collect the laundry from around the house, and put it on the floor infront of the washer, ready to go in each and every day... Save a lot of bickering....

I'm hoping that the eye consultant goes well too, I've my fingers crossed that I'll have my vision in my left eye back before babe gets here. I need a lense making or a cornea graft doing (not sure which they're doing...) Not as nervous about it as I was last time I saw them... Think it's because I know they can do something about my sight...

Maffie ~ you must start to relax! The food thing is an issue for me too, not wanting meals as such, much sooner pick... (or just have a pudding instead.) Try not to let OH ex pee you off either... She really isn't worth it... Funny how some people get right under your skin, isn't it? I'm hoping that after dashing about today I can make apple & rubarb crumble... Must remember milk & custard powder... Yummy (both apples and rubarb are home grown...) We had homemade tomatoe soup yesterday...

I gonna blow up my ball today, as I've found I'm comfier with my hips spread out... Kinda sat on floor with my legs spread out and my feet together... Not too happy sat in a chair with my legs down... Ok, I'm not too sure why I have the urge to do this... But I've decided to just go with the flow of my feelings and not worry too much about how nutty I seem... LOL even have moses basket now dressed and made up in the bedroom... Feel happier about that being done, just need to do the one for down stairs... Ive got the bedding out for it already...
Morning all :flower:,

I have been non-stop clothes and pot washing since the weekend too and the piles just haven't got any smaller ~ it's really disheartening! I even had chance to do extra clothes washing with my sick day yesterday and it still doesn't look any better! The tumble dryer was full, the line was full and my airer in the front room! I can't get this stuff done quick enough!

OH leaves his worn stuff all down the side of the bed, even though the wash basket is only at the bottom. To be fair at the moment I'm quite happy as I seem to end up with 1x clean basket and 1 x dirty basket in there and he doesn't know which is which and can sometimes put his dirty clothes on the clean stuff :dohh: One day, when I get on top of it all it won't be a prob :lol: . . . plus he is very good around the rest of the house so I defo can not grumble and he has also stepped it up whilst I have been pregnant and especially with cat loo duty so I am very proud of him.

Jlo ~ hope you get sorted asap and feel better soon and that your car is back on the road quickly without too much cost.

Eswift ~ hope the eye appointment and your appointment this aft go well. I love Rhubarab, my Mum and Dad used to grow it at the bottom of our garden when I was little. Rhubarb crumble - scrummy :D
Morning all....

:hugs: to all those who need them!!!!!

Had a crappy night with bloody weird dreams...... :doh:

Going for my exam.. @ 1 30 pm today and another paper tomorrow the same time.
I am sure... it will suck!!!!!!!! :haha:and I won't do it well... Prepared like crap!!!!! :dohh:

Wish me luck girls.... Pray for me.. that I will make it till the exam centre!!!!! Hope I wont get ma Labor pains in the exam hall :haha:

just want to :sleep: I dont want to go for the exammmm... :nope::nope::nope: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! It will be a shame if I don't..... Oh am so confused this morning!!!!! :wacko::cry:
Kte i'm with you on the washing mine never seems to go down. Only time it did was when mum took it all and washed dried and ironed it all. Just so glad I didnt have to wash all the baby clothes too. I love my mum :cloud9:

I hope the exam goes well Keerthy, whats it in? Nerves before are good, I always find I didn better n exams I was more nervous about.
Keerthy ~ hope the exam goes well... Try not to worry too much... I'm sure you'll do well...

Kte ~ The washing & pots ever increasing piles are awful... Just think if they're the vain in our lives now, what are we going to be like with newbabies as well as the piles??? What a horrid thought... LOL ah, it doesn't do it self so will still be there the following day(ssss)...

I had more apple than I realised, done apple crumble and apple & rubarb... One for tea one in the freeze. Along with the left over soup... Starting to freeze the extra portions for when babe arrives as OH & DS are good but they'd live off chips, chips and more chips if left to their own choice, with sausages and burgers added depending on what DS fancied... OH is such a softie... Just like a marshmallow... looks hard on the outside but all mushy on the inside...

Right shower time, before waking OH up... Coor the weather here is crappy, dark clouds and wind... Yet weather man was bragging about sun and heat... Guess it's north south divide again.... LOL mind you after the heat rash a couple of weeks ago, maybe rain & wind is better for me...
Morning ladies,

Keerthy- Good luck with exams

Kte - Argg washing does my head in and there is only 2 of us. What is going ot be like with baby clothes aswell !

Had a good sleep last night thank god ! Weather is rubbish here in dublin today. So I think when I get home from work Im gonna curl up on the sofa and chill for the night ! Have doctor app today , just routine urine and bp.

Hope you are all well xx :hugs:
LOL ~ Thats the scary part, all the extra washing on it's way. I'm sure LO things will live in the washer! :wacko: I have just started to do LO's washes as a 'treat' in between normal washes at the mo! I just wanted to be on top of things before LO arrives, then I won't feel so bad if (when) I get behind again! :haha:

Maffie - I wish my Mum lived close enough so she could do that! OH's parents have helped in the past (when the washer broke) but it was hard work so I will just plodd on!

Keerthy ~ Good Luck :flower:

It looks so overcast outside yet its really warm - very weird!

:hugs: xx

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