Official October Team Bumpkins

Evening all, hope were all well, just been to ikea, and im so tired now, hopefully this will give me a good sleep tonight, not sleeping much at all, hope everyone is well and taking care of themselves xxxxxxxxxxxxx
before I go to bed, just wamted to pop in and say MASSIVE good luck to Mumof42009 for your c-section next week; it must be a relief to know he's okay & is coming out soon; at 35 weeks he should be a good size & weight too, so I'm keeping my finger's crossed that everything will go smoothly for you both & that his sister's are nice & patient while you recover afterwards! (I don't envy you taking care of 3 girls- in fact, when they are teenagers, my GOD, that's all I'll say!!!! Let's hope your little boy will balance out all the PMT in the house in a few years time!!!)

Also, good news Taylorsmummy about the sweep/induction pro9cess. Not long now till you get to meet Dexter. You got me wanting sherbert fountains the other day when I saw your facebook status- Had to send OH to the co-op to get me some & I got all annoyed because of the new packaging & starting complaining about how when I was little they were only 10p. Realised that I am defo getting old coming out with crap like that!!!!

Eswift- your niece will have to get used to the wonder that is 'bitch hill' or Allt Glenrafon which she will frequent on a daily basis getting to & from the 3 psychology buildings of Brigantia, Main Arts (PJ hall) & the glorious Mac Lab. God that brings back some memories! She will also get used to reading road signs in Welsh before English, lol, and getting VERY drunk & in debt during Freshers week.

AimeeLou- you were a peer guide? Oh bless you. I refused to 'lower my standards' ro something equally as pretentious as that when they asked me to be one, lol, but all my friends were (with their sexy blue t-shirts) so i pretty much ended trailing the Ffridd site with them anyway! One of my best mate's did history, so chances are you may have passed him in the world of perr guiding at some point, since you would've been a 2nd year when he was a fresher. Did you live on College Road by any chance? My OH lived in the very end one opposite Main Arts/Library/Brigantia. I lived Lower Penrallt near Time for my sins, lol, then moved back upto Ffriddoedd (cefn y coed in 1st yr, then y glider end of 2nd yr, then tegfan in my final yr, altho I was pretty much always at my OHs tbh.)

Dammit, I am getting home-sick for Bangor now. Man I wish I was a fresher again!!!!!!!!!!! I may just have to dig out my 'Yes... we are analysing you' psychology hoodie from the back of my wardrobe for old time's sake. :)
Good Morning Ladies...

Families really know how to pee each other off, don't they? As you all know my neice is going away next week, (She's OH brothers daughter... Not that it should be an issue..) When she got her results I suggested to all the family about us all going for a meal to celebrate and congratulate her (There's 5 in total of brothers family, Plus OH mum & Sister and our 3 (OH other sister and family live in Manchester so we call them often but don't do meals etc due to travel...) But all of us that live within 5 miles of each other should be able to organise a simple meal out...

Nah, they can't even do that... OH brother has peev'd everyone up here off as he's ignored everyones request to go out all of us... He's booked purely for his 5... Not even told anyone where or when... OH is absolutely livid...

My family just aren't like that... My sister works away for most of the year (currently in the gulf floating around in a boat...) Mum, Dad and my Nanna live 30 mins away in one direction and my other Grandparents live 30 mins away in the other direction... We regularly meet up for B'day, anniversaries and just for curry nights because we can... My family are so much closer than OH's yet they live so close to each other...

OH Brother once tried to give me a gob full over the fact we don't go to OH's mothers house every other weekend like they do... He got a bit more than he bargained for... I don't see the need to have to go so regularly, I go frequently to see OH mum, when DS is at school, OH is at work. I take her out for lunch and we spend quality time regularly plus she knows what my phone number is and calls regularly when she needs anything... I told him a few home truths, I was absolutely raging... He tries to portrat that his family are so close and there for each other, he said he was going to help OH with getting the house sorted... Yeh right!? We've yet to see hid or hair of them... They're so full of crap...

LOL Can't you tell this all came out last night... I slept well as I was so tired... But I just don't understand them and it's bugging the hell out of me... I'd have had a go at my sister already if it had been her... LOL OH is raging... I think men deal with it all differently...

Once DS has gone to school, I'm off to catch up with a friend of mine I've not seen since the start of the summer hols... Will be lovely just to catch up...

OH is working late again, not due home until after 11am, he didn't leave the yard till after 12 last night... That's Life! He's gonna be so tired...
Morning girls

Mumof4: Well done for getting as far as you have and good luck for next Thursday :hugs:
JLo: :hugs: I hope everything is ok hun x

Well girls its the big day! my OH has got his operation and i think i am more nervous than him.. All last night i had cramps and an upset tummy and this morning i feel sick.. I just want the day over so i can have him home moaning about the pain :lol:

Will let you all know how he gets on, he is afternoon surgery so i gotta wait all day to hear if he is ok!

On the plus side 35 weeks today :happydance: 2 more till full term :D

Right catch you all later xxxxx
Urgh, 3.47am. :coffee:


Well today I have a 37 week OB app at 9am. Will be having a scan to check fluid levels and measurements and blood work. I think I lost my plug at the weekend, but will find out today! :)

I was having BHs/period cramps since Friday and felt odd the last couple of days, really restless and shakie and moody.

This afternoon we have the laywers and we file. Nervous, yet happy to get it over with.

OH! As you know I'm a part of a couple of 'mum groups' from Well I am hosting a scrapbook crop on Thursday at my house and have 7 people coming. Well I got an email from one of the girls the other day, they are all making me meals for the freezer for the week Autumn arrives so I aint gotta worry about food :) How lovely is that?? :happydance:

Eswift ~ I love to sit on my ball, it's so comfortable, I'll be on there a couple hours a night whilst watching telly. I just bounce up and down and then go in a circle action. I also like to knee down and lean over it and just let my belly hang whilst rocking left to right. SO comfortable.
Yikes, sounds like the night ... (I LOVE that smiley hahahah) Have a good time with the catch up!

Flora ~ Shit, if my hubby acted like the 'you stay at home all day and do nothing' I'd tell him where to go. He has a few set things to do around here, scoop the tray, feed the cats (I can't bend down to get the bowls haha) he hoovers (Mainly at the moment because every time I try, I start getting contractions) and empties the dishwasher. 4 things! He even *sometimes* hangs the clothes out the dryer off his own back. I think he finds it easier than me bitching :rofl:

Maffie ~ Hope you're feeling better :hugs:Take it easy!

Aimee ~ Ick, I don't have a man who puts dirty clothes on top of the clean, but I do have 2 days to who insist that my clean folded towels are their own personal bed! :dohh: I just hang stuff right out the tumble dryer, no need for ironing! I'm too clumsy to iron lol.

LK ~ How inconsiderate of those girls!! GRR.

Jlo ~ Sorry you are having a rough time of it atm. Congrats on baby engagement tho!! :)

Mumof4 ~ Aww I'm sorry the prospect of a C section upsets you, but you get to meet your beautiful little boy. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

HBunny ~ I hope the results come back with good news for you :hugs:

Babylove ~ Congrats on 35 weeks!!

Ok I'm gonna chill out on the sofa for a couple hours.
Morning girls

Chaos:flower: Good luck with everything today, hope all goes to plan at both appointments. hope the morning doesnt drag too much for you, I was thinking of you this morning (as I was lying in bed awake listening to oh snoring downstairs:dohh:) Fingers x for a quick recovery for your oh.

Well I phoned hospital this morning for my culture results and low and behold they were totally clear and normal!!!!!

Was told that the first sample must have been contaminated somehow, am slightly pissed off that they wanted to keep me in on Monday night and start pumping me with anti b's then and it was only my insistance to go home and come back the next morning that stopped that happening, would have had iv ant b's for absolutely nothing which cant be healthy surely?!?!

Anyway, I can now start to enjoy my mat leave and bounce my days away to hopefully get this little man out:happydance:

:hugs: to all x
Morning girlies x

First and foremost I want to thank everyone for their encouragement over the weekend...sitting in hospital not knowing what was going on was made better by the fact that so many of u wished us luck xxx thank u xxx

Quick update: stanley has stayed put (for now)...I have a major uti that is causing uterus (sp?) Problems, and may still cause me to go into labour...I was sent home yesterday only to have to go back to the labour ward last night...yet more test and monitoring etc just to be told to come back today at lunch time for a scan, review and see a consultant (not sure what they are going to say/do)....

Thank u again for keeping my spirits up xxxx
Mumof42009: I wish u all the luck and blessings for next week...u will be in my prayers...
Thanks so much for support ladies :hugs: im so crapping it! I didnt sleep at all last night just so much going through my head, i was bit brief yesterday why theyve decided to give me a c-section. I was at the hospital all day from 8am as had 2 appointments, my consultant sent me for a scan and from the scan i had 2 weeks ago adi's growth was minimal and placenta has started to shread away which means i could have an abruption at any time because ive already had 3 c-sections it would take longer to do the operation which could result in us both losing our lives if i couldnt get to the hospital in time. I got to speak to the neonatal team who advised me that he would proberly have problems with feeding and he could be in hospital anything from 2days-2 weeks just depends on how he is when he is delivered. Im going to ask Nanaki to give you all updates when i go into hospital. Thanks again eveyone :hugs:
Yemii-2009 hope you can hang in there a few more weeks hun:hugs:
good luck mum of 4!

My god i had such a rubbish night sleep, i had major pain between my legs, pubic bone and back last night that kept coming and going. but it was very painful, i couldnt turn over ect.
Then i had a horrible dream:
i gave birth to dexter but it was in a theatre? but i was pushing and it was dark and just the surgical light on. With loads of people running around. As soon as he was born he was put on me but i noticed half his nose was missing?! and noone would tell me what happened or what will happen =[ it was horrible but he was so so gorgeous and TINY! even though they have said he will be big lol
Morning all,

:) I am happy as someone from work is going to bring in lots of stuff we can have for LO so I am excited to see it all :happydance: They will be bringing thigs like a high chair, travel cot, baby bath, soft playmat, ELC blossom farm blow up ring, high chair stick on steering wheel toy and various baby toys :D

I have antenatal class No.2 tonight too :thumbup: ~ Hope you don't have to wait to long to hear about how your OH's Op has gone :flower:

Chaos ~ good luck with your appointments and solicitors today :flower: (Great smilie by the way! lol)

Jlo ~ great news for you! :thumbup:

Yemii ~ Hope you get some more answers today :hugs:

Mumof4 ~ lots & lots of :hugs:

Right all, best get back to work!
Hi Ladies...

Gosh it lunch time already... OH just got home, the catch up was lovely... I've done 4 loads of washing and hoovered through... Hope all the wshing dries on the line today...

DS is at swimming tonight so the rest of the day's mine to do as I please... My friend gave me some cooking apples, might go brambling after lunch... Love apple & bramble pie... druel... Told ya I'm much sooner have pudding than meals at the moment...

Right best go hang the next load of washing out...

Chaos - Hope all goes well today love... Fingers crossed that things work out well...

JLO ~ Glad to hear UTI all clear... ~ Hope OH's op goes well...

Kte ~ Golly, all that stuff will come in handy and save you a fortune... Is nice when things like that happen... My friend gave me a brand new pair of school trousers for DS (M&S with labels still on) DS's came from Boyes (£6)...

Have a good afternoon all...
Afternoon girls!

Hope we're all ok - Kte, you have very generous co-workers. A couple of people from hubby's work have offered us clothes and one has even done some knitting for us (very sweet of her)....she's going to send it home with hubby when I reach 37 weeks.

Btw - 34 weeks today!! :happydance:

I've had a productive morning really! I've called up re: tax credits....they're saying we should get something straight away and then I'll have to ring when LO gets here! I've also rung and sorted out my union stuff - because I'm on maternity my sub goes down from £10 a month to £1 a month! Being pregnant has suddenly become profitable! lol :thumbup:

I've got some serious sorting out to do. I've sorted the whole house bar one room.......the 'junk room'. It's got loads of stuff in it, the majority of which will be coming with us to the car boot on Saturday so it needs packing up ready.....also need to pack the 2 tressle tables lol. I'm quite excited about it as afterwards (provided we make enough money) we're going to wickes to get the paint for the nursery! Woohoo! :happydance:

Have MW tomorrow too....Hubby had a quick go with the tape measure this morning...he's pretty good and is only normally a cm or 2 out from the MW. According to it I have a 44 inch waist :shock: and have a FH of about 36cm so pretty much on track for our chunky monkey! :thumbup: Just hope everything stays on track for the next 2 weeks before our 36 week check.

Anyhoo, I'm off to go nad get started on my sorting. I'm in a really energetic mood (hence the phone calls etc) and having hubby at home all morning was lovely. He has another double tomorrow but then a 4 day weekend :happydance: Woohoo!!
I've had a productive morning really! I've called up re: tax credits....they're saying we should get something straight away and then I'll have to ring when LO gets here! I've also rung and sorted out my union stuff - because I'm on maternity my sub goes down from £10 a month to £1 a month! Being pregnant has suddenly become profitable! lol :thumbup:

Hi Aimee, just wondering if you know how come you're entitled to some tax credits before baby is born. (Sorry if this is too personal a question and you'd rather not answer - if so, sorry, just ignore me!) I thought child tax credits could only kick in once you'd actually had the baby? (It might also be that we're talking about two sorts of tax credit here - the sort related to kids and the sort unrelated to kids ... it's a big minefield out there.)

Thanks for any enlightenment you may offer xx
It has saved us an awful lot. They are very generous, I couldn't believe it. I did ask them if they wanted anything for it and they don't :shock: It is really really nice of them. OH and I are keeping a 'thank you' list so we can thank people properly once LO is here.

Congratulations for 34 weeks aimee-lou :happydance:

Think I may check with my Union, I was wondering what would happen about that! Thanks for the inspiration!! :thumbup:

I was wondering the same about tax credits too. I didn't know we had to call them as well, I haven't really investigated it properly yet. :shrug:
The man on the phone said it's Working tax credits because i'm on maternity leave or something. It's not very much....I think he said £21 a month!....but every little helps lol. He said that that was just from initial figures.

Kte...I have paid my full 12 months premium to last me from now until next August (I will have to call them when I go back to work in May though). Costing me £12.80! lol

Good news ladies!! Just been on the phone to the Union rep who's helping me with my case. It looks as though my work are accepting partial liability. It's not set in stone yet but he's really happy. I should know more on Friday - keep the fingers crossed ladies!
The man on the phone said it's Working tax credits because i'm on maternity leave or something. It's not very much....I think he said £21 a month!....but every little helps lol. He said that that was just from initial figures.

Kte...I have paid my full 12 months premium to last me from now until next August (I will have to call them when I go back to work in May though). Costing me £12.80! lol

Good news ladies!! Just been on the phone to the Union rep who's helping me with my case. It looks as though my work are accepting partial liability. It's not set in stone yet but he's really happy. I should know more on Friday - keep the fingers crossed ladies!

I will give them a call when I start my maternity then, thanks! :thumbup:

Bargain!!!!! (Mine is £12 a month at the mo!)

Fingers and toes crossed! :flower: :D
Thanks hun! I am so giddy right now but hubby has left his mobile behind and I can't ring him until he has taken over from the morning shift at his office (not really supposed to call him on the office phone but this is BIG news! lol)
Thanks hun! I am so giddy right now but hubby has left his mobile behind and I can't ring him until he has taken over from the morning shift at his office (not really supposed to call him on the office phone but this is BIG news! lol)

Argh! That's typical! I'm sure you can sneek a call in just this once :happydance:
Thanks hun! I am so giddy right now but hubby has left his mobile behind and I can't ring him until he has taken over from the morning shift at his office (not really supposed to call him on the office phone but this is BIG news! lol)

Argh! That's typical! I'm sure you can sneek a call in just this once :happydance:

It is blooming typical! lol

I have to wait until 2.30 as then the morning shift will have definitely gone. Normally he rings me to tell the coast is clear lol

Sod it...i'm having some chocolate cake! lol (leftover birthday cake he he)

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