Official TTC after Implanon removal thread!

i was shocked when the nurse said it but i guess she knows !! lol no such luck here though bleeding like a good un :dohh: but i suppose i can start my cycle straight away :winkwink:
Exactly. That's the problem I've got. I have no idea where i am in my cycle
Nor do i! I had a mini bleed a week before i had implant out (i think i bleed as i stopped nightfeeding bf) so it could just be im not due one or its gonna come tomo or im preggers lol
hate all this unknown stuff!
well im still bleeding here so deffo a period ! isnt it weird how hormones effect every1 so differently ! u would think we would all more or less have the same thing happen !!
Yep, still no AF here! BFN on wed. No sign of AF anywhere! Preg symptoms tho. Not sure whether it's just cos I am looking for them and thinking about it constantly. Gonna wait til wed and grab a frer and hopefully see what happens then x
hey every1 , well im on cd 8 and im ovulating already !!!! did a opk digi cause i had ovu pains an got a smiley face ! blaze777 no sign of af yet then ? let us know when u tested x
god its scary isnt it! I wonder whether its really true that you will have af when its taken otu! I've not had one yet!
well cd 9 and im still getting a smiley on an cb digi opk !! and ive still got ovu pains ! so guess im ovulating still lol
Hi everyone just a little update from me :)
Hospital went all good and found nothing wrong which is good news.
So today took a test and not due yet til next week but couldn't wait, anyway, good a positive very faint line so I am goin to do another test next week just to make sure it's not a false one. Fingers crossed xxx
hey karentia thankyhu for sharin this post with me :)

I had my implanon removed 17th of jan..... still no sign of pm .....

Its gud to see other women in the same situation as I am.....

Very gud post :flower:
Good luck with the testing.

I see some of u are waiting in af. It took 5weeks to have my 1st af then 7 weeks for my next 1 then 6 weeks. I also had some signs but nothing. Every1 is different and are bodies seem to like playing these games on us. I when af returned i started getting very sore boobs which this never happened before apart from when i was pregnant.
well here iam cd 10 an im still getting positive opk's !! thats 3 days running still got ewcm an still get ovulation pains mmmmmm wonder what my bodys upto :wacko:
Feeling extremely low today and having the horrible feeling I may b losing this baby before it even starts :.-( I don't know wot to do with myself, knowing I can not stop anything from happening makes me feel helpless. I really feel this is not my time!
Aww proudsmummy! Don't think like that. If you haven't had a proper positive then you are not pregnant yet. :hugs: At the moment its only hormones registering on the test.
Don't feel low, you are doing the best you can do and I believe it is up to fate. When its time, it will happen hunny. :hugs:
Hi, I'm very new to this site, I have a 5 year old and never thought id want to have another child after me and my ex husband split up, but i met my Fiance 4 yrs ago and are very very happy and are wanting ttc.. i had the implanon out on the 4th Feb, and am currently on my AF,,,, so due to OV on the 4th - 11th March, has anyone got pregnant first time trying after Implanon???/
proudmummsey , why do u think its going wrong ? r u bleeding etc ?? have u done another hpt yet ?? u are bound to feel low with all your hormones flying around xx

hi ms tudor rose welcome to the thread , ive heard a few storys of people getting bfp's 1st month :)
ms tudor rose an other implanon ladies , just found this on ttc board thought u mite like to read it , its about a lady conceiving quickly after implanon :thumbup:
just click the link above :winkwink:
Hello all

Do you mind if I join you? I had my implanon removed on 9th Feb and to be honest was going to go on the pill and WTT. Well I completely forgot to take the pill and... well I won't go into any more detail! Anyway, I'm not sure if I might be BFP as I feel the same way as I did when I fell with my Gorgey DS.
I fell within 6 weeks with him, but had been on the pill, not an implant.

Thing is, due to the above its made me really think that I am ready, plus after reading everyone's story's it might not happen like it did with DS so maybe I should start now anyway. Meaning I think we have entered the TTC bracket! (hubby has been keen for ages!)

I have absolutely NO idea of my cycle at all, so I guess I should wait a week more before I do a test? It's wierd, I feel so excited that we're now trying, and scared that I might not be BFP all that the same time!

Sorry for going on. Good luck to everyone :flower:


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