OH making me stressed out & i don't know where to turn.

Thank you all so much for your support. We fell out last night, well he fell out with me because i told him he was wrong and i wouldnt put up with it ect and he didnt like it.
I went to bed and had some sleep havnt seen or spoke to him today he leaves for work before i get up. if he decides to grow up i will tell him again hes upsetting me ect but if hes still in a strop he will be ignored xx

good for you hun:happydance:and your post sounds like your on a mission!!!don't take any sh*t and i hope he soon realizes how lucky he is,take care xx
Thank you all so much for your support. We fell out last night, well he fell out with me because i told him he was wrong and i wouldnt put up with it ect and he didnt like it.
I went to bed and had some sleep havnt seen or spoke to him today he leaves for work before i get up. if he decides to grow up i will tell him again hes upsetting me ect but if hes still in a strop he will be ignored xx

good for you hun:happydance:and your post sounds like your on a mission!!!don't take any sh*t and i hope he soon realizes how lucky he is,take care xx

Thanks hun. ive told him he wont be at the birth if he keeps this up so he better get his act together.
He sounds hideous, im sorry. I know its hard to pluck up the courage when you feel so weak (being sick, emotional etc) but I seriously would not let him get away with this behaviour. I appreciate how hard it must be having other children with this man and not easy at all but he sounds so immature and completely out of touch with reality and has a seriously un funny, sordid sense of humour saying he'll laugh at you in labour. He is extremely lucky to be allowed in to the room to witness such a miraculous event. Nasty little man. And i call him "little" because hes no man. Men are strong and supportive, this little idiot isnt even human!
He sounds hideous, im sorry. I know its hard to pluck up the courage when you feel so weak (being sick, emotional etc) but I seriously would not let him get away with this behaviour. I appreciate how hard it must be having other children with this man and not easy at all but he sounds so immature and completely out of touch with reality and has a seriously un funny, sordid sense of humour saying he'll laugh at you in labour. He is extremely lucky to be allowed in to the room to witness such a miraculous event. Nasty little man. And i call him "little" because hes no man. Men are strong and supportive, this little idiot isnt even human!

he wont be there to laugh at me lol.
H e wasnt much use last time when i was in labour, he told me it wasnt that bad and fell asleep and had to be woken when it was time to give birth and even then he nipped out for a cig. looks like i'll be on my own in labour but id rather be that have someone useless there. and when i told him about what he did when i went into labour he went in a huff and said what about what i did do for you.....i dont know what he did for me.
My OH always jokes saying he'll be in the pub or having a takeaway and a beer in the corner while im in labour but hes just joking. He winds me up coz my sisters husband went out and got a newspaper and chinese takeaway for himself and sat in the corner and stuffed his face while my sister was in agony pacing the room, which my sister has never forgotten!

But your guy isnt joking by the sounds of things. So he should lose all his priviledges until he sees sense. Im sure it wont come to him not being there when the times comes but i would definitely threaten it!
I feel so bad for u.
I understand how u feel. I have a hubby who can sometimes, well.....mostly be such a piece of shit that I have such hatred towards him. he breaks my heart again and again, not by cheating, but by ignoring me and blaming me for everything in the world. I am actually crying right now as I am typing.
He barely talks with me when he gets home from work.
Anyways, how come his family dont know that ur preggers? U guys are married , aren't u??? So why can't they know? Maybe if they find out that they will become grandparents, they will start to hopefully treat u better????
I suggest that u ignore ur husband as best as u can, I know that it is hard, since u probably dont have many good friends to confide in, but he needs to know that by being an asshole, he is pushing u away......
Does he not see himself how much ur throwing up?
Men are pigs, i am telling u!
I feel so bad for u.
I understand how u feel. I have a hubby who can sometimes, well.....mostly be such a piece of shit that I have such hatred towards him. he breaks my heart again and again, not by cheating, but by ignoring me and blaming me for everything in the world. I am actually crying right now as I am typing.
He barely talks with me when he gets home from work.
Anyways, how come his family dont know that ur preggers? U guys are married , aren't u??? So why can't they know? Maybe if they find out that they will become grandparents, they will start to hopefully treat u better????
I suggest that u ignore ur husband as best as u can, I know that it is hard, since u probably dont have many good friends to confide in, but he needs to know that by being an asshole, he is pushing u away......
Does he not see himself how much ur throwing up?
Men are pigs, i am telling u!

:hugs: hi hun yes he's seen me throw up and seen how ill i was when i was hospitalised. we ran't married but have 2 kids (one is mine from previous relationship which hes brough her up as his own for 6years) the other we have together so this is our 2nd together. i told him i didn't want his parents to know about it. because they would just cause me even more stress treat me even more like poo ans expect to the see the kid dispite how they treat me.
plus when i was pregnant with out first child together (thier grandchild) they ignorned me for the whole pregnancy.
Gosh hun, he seems like a kn*b and so do his parents to be honest. I know my OH doesn help me much when i am pregnant and i dont think he gets how hard it is being pregnant especially when you have another child/ children to look after but to the the P like that?! Hun if you werent with him would you be with your family? He should respect you more as a person and because you are pregnant. Being pregnant isnt exactly easy, you are growing a baby, go through sickness -and yours the worse kind, get backache, tiredness all sorts and then have to give birth - an amazing but hard experience for any women! Your man should realise that you need more respect and help and not to be spoken to like that. He seems like a self centred piece of you know what and i wouldnt stand for it. You need to stand and be counted for because im pretty sure all this stress is not good for your other children and the growing baby.

And you do need to speak to someone if you think you are heading towards getting pnd again. Its a horrible thing for any women to go through and do you really want 'that man - pftt boy' to ruin your relationship with your baby?!

Sorry to be blunt but you deserve better! xx :hugs: always pm me if u wanna chat xx
thank you for your reply. he wont ruin my relationship with my baby.
Dispite his nonsence or whatever our relationship ends up like. i love and want this baby and will love it and care for it as much as my other children.
It is hard because i've been so ill and tired even doing the school runs are a misson. and i end up lying on the couch most of the time because i feel ill and tired.

I really dont want his parents to know. the less they know the better.
people say i should tell them so they know what they are missing out on for their nonsence but im not like that. i just dont want anymore stress of rubbish from them.
:( Hope you are ok, I kinda know how you are feeling, my OH has changed since we found out, but blames it on my 'hormones' and me, even when I know it isnt, and there is no telling him otherwise, its worse when he tells people about it, because as soon as he says im pregnant and hormonal they all just assume its me! but its really not!!!

But that is really out of order, I would suggest counselling for someone to talk to, they wont judge you and you really need to get it of your chest it sounds. xx Hope it goes well xx
thank you for your reply. he wont ruin my relationship with my baby.
Dispite his nonsence or whatever our relationship ends up like. i love and want this baby and will love it and care for it as much as my other children.
It is hard because i've been so ill and tired even doing the school runs are a misson. and i end up lying on the couch most of the time because i feel ill and tired.

I really dont want his parents to know. the less they know the better.
people say i should tell them so they know what they are missing out on for their nonsence but im not like that. i just dont want anymore stress of rubbish from them.

I hope this doesnt sound too imposing but why are you with him if he treats you like this, you deserve so much better than that!! xx
thank you for your reply. he wont ruin my relationship with my baby.
Dispite his nonsence or whatever our relationship ends up like. i love and want this baby and will love it and care for it as much as my other children.
It is hard because i've been so ill and tired even doing the school runs are a misson. and i end up lying on the couch most of the time because i feel ill and tired.

I really dont want his parents to know. the less they know the better.
people say i should tell them so they know what they are missing out on for their nonsence but im not like that. i just dont want anymore stress of rubbish from them.

I hope this doesnt sound too imposing but why are you with him if he treats you like this, you deserve so much better than that!! xx

because i love him and hes not always an arsehole
Ok, well I hope everything goes ok :D I see you have recently become a lime, congrats!!
Ok, well I hope everything goes ok :D I see you have recently become a lime, congrats!!

I have indeed today:flower:
I have my 12 week scan on monday. ive had 2 scan already but exited to see baby again:happydance:

i can't believe in a week i'll be 12weeks already. when is your scan? xx
well done you for having a rant and getting it outof your system, may i make a suggestion , you both need some help ,him, because hes an asshole sorry i know hes yours husband and you love him but there clearly is no respect there for you , aand you need some support mainly to deal with him but you shouldnt be going through this on your own, it willburn you out, he needs to take your needs seriously and act on them appropriatley, what message is he sending out to your other children? that woman dont deserve understanding and some empathy when going through pregnancy?im not trying to fuel the fire but at 34 he is a man not a child and needs to step up, look up where you can get some counciling from and insist he goes, because if this goes on for too long one day you will flip out completley, which wont do you any good at all, im sorry for the situation that you arein and hope you get some resolve from it.:thumbup:
Ok, well I hope everything goes ok :D I see you have recently become a lime, congrats!!

I have indeed today:flower:
I have my 12 week scan on monday. ive had 2 scan already but exited to see baby again:happydance:

i can't believe in a week i'll be 12weeks already. when is your scan? xx

well the midwife said it would be next week 'sometime; and they will send me a letter, but i haven't got one yet, will ring on friday! GOOD LUCK! hope all goes well :)) xx
thanks everyone. we spoke and everything seems a bit better. we spoke about him telling his parents but i just dont want them to know. he thinks its better they find out from him but i dont think the deserve to know for the shit they have put me through.
Pnd is post natal depression and this is my third.
Hes 34btw. it's him thats getting to me ive tried telling him he upsets me but he blames me all the time and im sick of crying over him.:cry:

Christ he doesnt act 34 does he?! You definately need to speak to him hun and explain to him how upset you are and how you are feeling about your relationship. x

I have tried i really have. but all i get is blame he blames me for everything and denys everything he does. and says im the one in the wrong. i dont know what to do anymore:thumbup:
prob end up crying myself to sleep tonight.

That is called manipulation honey! When he does something not right and you get upset and he tries to make you feel its your fault...Im sorry your OH is so insensitive to your needs..all we want at this stage is love and affection and understanding and you are getting the opposite...:(
I feel so bad for u.
I understand how u feel. I have a hubby who can sometimes, well.....mostly be such a piece of shit that I have such hatred towards him. he breaks my heart again and again, not by cheating, but by ignoring me and blaming me for everything in the world. I am actually crying right now as I am typing.
He barely talks with me when he gets home from work.
Anyways, how come his family dont know that ur preggers? U guys are married , aren't u??? So why can't they know? Maybe if they find out that they will become grandparents, they will start to hopefully treat u better????
I suggest that u ignore ur husband as best as u can, I know that it is hard, since u probably dont have many good friends to confide in, but he needs to know that by being an asshole, he is pushing u away......
Does he not see himself how much ur throwing up?
Men are pigs, i am telling u!

:hugs: hi hun yes he's seen me throw up and seen how ill i was when i was hospitalised. we ran't married but have 2 kids (one is mine from previous relationship which hes brough her up as his own for 6years) the other we have together so this is our 2nd together. i told him i didn't want his parents to know about it. because they would just cause me even more stress treat me even more like poo ans expect to the see the kid dispite how they treat me.

When I first met my in-laws, u wont believe how nasty they were to me. Specially his mom. She would talk down to me, treat me like a pile of trash, put me down......the rest of his family wasn't any better, but his mom was the worst. I took it and took it and just cried myself to sleep every night. I was such a loser that I just wanted to get their approval and I wanted them to like me. Finally, one day I just had enough! Keep in mind she never treated me bad in front of her son (my husband). In front of him, she would not disrespect me. So one day I was at their house I had just had enough of this whore! I cannot remember what she said to me. My husband was in the other room, so I stormed into the other room, hollering and screaming and yelling at him and telling him how disrespectful his mom was to me. To make a long story short, he almost ripped her in half (not physically), just verbally.
When we left, we did not speak to them for TWO years, thats right...TWO YEARS!!! Now, his mom is terrified of me becuz I am so serious with her. I dont let her get away with anything and I have my guards up. She kisses my ass now...haha. The reason why I am telling u this story is becuz ur bf is also at fault here. He should not allow his family to disrespct u in any way. When they are mean to u, they are basically disrespecting him too...doesn't he realize that???? what an idiot! How dare he allow that kind of treatment towards u from his family???? Does he know how bad they treat u? What does he say about it? See, the reason why my mom inlaw kisses my ass now is not becuz she loves me, b ut it is becuz she knows that if she mistreats me, she will propbably not see her son again for a long time, and she knows that her son will not allow his wife to be mistreated. Tell ur husband that he needs to stand up for u. When he says nothing to his family, it means that its ok to treat u that way. And u know what?? when u have this kid, if they continue to mistreat u, do NOT let them see the baby....I mean it. And from now on, talk back to her, if they are mean to u, give it right back to them.
By the way, can u give me some examples as to how they are mean? what kinda stuff do they say or do?

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