"Oh... what if you named her ____" *baby name rant*

All of you have chosen such cute names! I especially like Colley - I haven't heard that before.

I love that most of you ladies seem to be open to more original baby names. I'm in the same boat on wanting something original. I always wished, growing up, that I didn't have to share my name with 4-5 people in my grade all of the time. Bennet is also special to me because she's named after my Dad (who is named Bernard but goes by Ben).

Our babies will be lovely, whatever their names might be! :kiss:
If it's any consolation I have never heard of a Bennet boy or girl!!! I do think Julietta is beautiful though xx
I think its adorable! Plus pairing it with a very feminine middle name, I don't think people will confuse it at all :)

As my husband always says lol "haters gonna hate"

We love the name Solomon- my FIL hates it. Says he thinks its too "jewish" and that people will think we are Jews ?!?! Which I'm kind of like ummm... why the f*ck would that matter anyway??! I don't care if people make an assumption that we are Jewish :shrug: whatever... people are dumb. Go with the name you love!
I love the name!! If we have a boy his name will be London James. We've gotten LOTS of weird looks and "I'll have to let that one grow on me" comments but I couldn't care less. It's unique and I love it! :) Go with it. She will be one super cool kid with a name like Bennett. :)
I've already been told all of my names are horrible and trashy in a baby names forum (The names were Kaidrey and Camden) so I understand your pain! I'm afraid to tell almost anyone in real life the names but so far the few I've told love them both. I think some people are just mean.

For what it's worth, I think Bennet is cute for a girl. If it's that much of an issue when she's a little older, she can always go by her middle name.
I have had a few bad reactions but seeing as I'm on team yellow people aren't as bad I think.
Everyone loves the name we have for a girl Evelyn but we're undecided on a boys name we got it down to Anthony or Jarvais - I LOVE Jarvais but family and husband arnt too keen :(
What's with people asking what are we naming our kids??? Who' s business is it anyway, we are keeping it hush hush but I hate when people ask, I just usually say a couple of names on the bottom of our list but say we haven't agreed on any yet ! don't people realize that there are some things we like to keep a surprise, I have already told everyone it's a girl so I have to keep something a surprise for the day she is born ! By the way we are naming her Harper Jade :) lol I don't mind telling you all xxx
To be honest, I think you should consider what your friends said. Having a boy's name when you're a girl is a pain. My husband has a typical french canadian boy name. However, here in the USA, they pronounce it like it's a girl's name. It's so annoying. Every time someone who don't know us calls us, they ask for Miss X and we have to explain that's it's actually Mister X. Granted, it wasn't its parents' fault because we don't have that problem in Quebec. But you are aware of the potential future problems with her name. Would you really want her to go through that all the time just because you like that name so much?

I understand what you are saying, but in theory your child these days can go and live anywhere in the world and A LOT of names out there go across genders in different countries, I imagine it actually would be quite hard to rule this out completely.

OP if you like that name go for it. With my first baby I got nothing but criticism (it isnt even that much of an out there kind of name, quite normal, just not common these days). Now I love the fact he is a little unique, it suits him completely and I get a lot of compliments on it. I have never heard of the name Bennet as a first name (dont think it is common as that here in the uk) so I wouldnt put the name to a gender until I had met that person to be honest, but I do think it is quite a funky little name you have there :) And love how feminine the middle name is - together it is very pretty.

This is why its best to tell no one till babys born as they are less likely to comment then :) xx
We had the same problem when we announced Alex's birth. The in laws were like

"are you sure its not Alexa/Alexis/Alexi/Alexandra"

Yes I am sure :grr:
That's such a cute name. It makes me think of Pride and Prejudice too, I think it's a lovely idea.

When we've decided on a name, I think we'll keep it to ourselves like we did with Rupert - other people are too quick to judge your names, but when they see the baby with that name, they wouldn't be as quick to criticise it. I love all the unique names on this thread! :)

So glad so many of you like her name! :happydance:

I think I may start keeping it a little more hush hush from now on...
We had names picked out months ago, for if it was a girl or a boy. Everyone loved our girl name and hated... I mean HATED our boy name. It's a name that USED to be unisex, but is definitely used more for girls now... doesn't mean it CAN'T be a boy name.

Well, surprise! We're having a boy. And everyone (my family, his family, you name it, his best friend, you name it) thinks they can get in on naming our kid. Ok, fine, they've probably talked us out of our first choice. That's bad enough.

But the comments:

(10 minutes after they'd gotten off the phone hearing our name choice) BIL and SIL send a text message saying "XXX is our choice for a unisex name starting with the letter you'd chosen."

Um... ok. Too bad you're not having any more kids and this one is OURS.

Then I was talking the other day to The Hubs' best friend (who is a woman, long story, and doesn't have any sense of boundaries.)
She says to me "I really can't figure it out. This is hard. None of us can think of a good name. My daughter thought of YYY the other day, so I texted that to your Hubby, but we're just stumped on any more."
I know she also told him the other day it was hard to choose names that start with the first letter we kind of like.

He came home and I told him what she'd said. He was as floored as I was. It's just kind of like "We conceived this kid on our own, I think we can handle naming it."

So, our first name choice is on the back burner, but not completely gone... and we've come up with a few alternates that we're playing with. But we've decided not to tell ANYONE until he's born, and then no matter what anyone thinks, too bad, too late, it's his name.

I just don't get how people think this is a community project.
When I was pregnant with my LO OH and I gave up answering the inevitable ''do you have a name picked?' question once we had said we knew it was a boy, simply to avoid any negative or offensive responses to our names. We even denied we knew the gender yet just to avoid that question :haha:

People can be so insensitive and rude. At the end of the day, it is your baby and if that is the name you have chosen then go with it.

Uggggh I feel your pain.

People are CRACKING ME UP with their opinions on my name choices! :growlmad:

WHY do people think they have the right to criticize a name that I am telling them that I think is beautiful?! If they don't like it, don't use it on their kids...its that simple!

I could never be so rude as to tell a friend or family member that I didn't like a name they were considering for their child. Why rain on someones parade like that?!!!

I, too, love unusual names - I think a name is SO important and should be something that people put thought into. It should have meaning to the parents, and be a nice story to tell the child when it asks why you chose that name...

I think just naming them any old name that is in the Top 20 Baby Names list coz it sounds ok with your last name is lazy.

I hate the idea of my child sharing a name with another child in their class.

Our boy name options are Kylan or Mackenzie - all I hear is "Kylan is too weird" and "Mackenzie is a girls name".
As for our girl options - I love the names "Raine", "Fallon", "Seraphina", "Lakyn" and "Autumn" - I have ALWAYS loved them, but I have been completely put off them by the horrible comments I've had from supposed friends and my family.

Now we've settled on the name Malin-Rose for a girl - Malin is the name of the street I grew up on (Where my parents still live) and is also special to me because my grandmothers name was Mal.
We've decided we can't tell anybody this name because they're just going to ruin it for us like they have with the others we liked :cry:

For the record, I think Bennett is a really beautiful name. :thumbup:
It's so irritating isn't it! I don't know why people think they have the right to say such negative things about the names you've chosen :( We had the same thing when we were choosing names. We didn't know the sex of our baby so we had lots of different names. It was my hubby's family mainly. Chloe was one of the names we had chosen and they said it sounded a bit chavvy! They didn't like Leanne either. James is always going to be our boys name if we ever have a boy and they kept saying he will end up being called Jimmy. We kept saying that this isn't the case these days - we know loads of older Jimmys, but all the James' we went to school with were never nicknamed. Surprisingly they did like the name Holly which is the name that we finally went for, but it's so annoying how people feel the need to do this! I understand why people keep the name a secret until baby is born!
It is irritating. With my son,oh my, it was quite ridiculous. But his name has grown on them. We chose the name Autumn for this baby & my mom has thrown out 214528 names it seems like ranging from Sophie to Willow & I don't have an issue with those names but that's not her name. I mean you choose a more unique name you catch you choose less unique but pretty name and you catch you can't please people they will get over it.
Bennett is a lovely name for a little girl. I have no issues with using boys names for little girls. In fact in my family we have:

Avery Brianna
Logan Ann-Marie
Aiden Grace
and Austin Nicole.

(they are all nieces)
Uggggh I feel your pain.

People are CRACKING ME UP with their opinions on my name choices! :growlmad:

WHY do people think they have the right to criticize a name that I am telling them that I think is beautiful?! If they don't like it, don't use it on their kids...its that simple!

I could never be so rude as to tell a friend or family member that I didn't like a name they were considering for their child. Why rain on someones parade like that?!!!

I, too, love unusual names - I think a name is SO important and should be something that people put thought into. It should have meaning to the parents, and be a nice story to tell the child when it asks why you chose that name...

I think just naming them any old name that is in the Top 20 Baby Names list coz it sounds ok with your last name is lazy.

I hate the idea of my child sharing a name with another child in their class.

Our boy name options are Kylan or Mackenzie - all I hear is "Kylan is too weird" and "Mackenzie is a girls name".
As for our girl options - I love the names "Raine", "Fallon", "Seraphina", "Lakyn" and "Autumn" - I have ALWAYS loved them, but I have been completely put off them by the horrible comments I've had from supposed friends and my family.

Now we've settled on the name Malin-Rose for a girl - Malin is the name of the street I grew up on (Where my parents still live) and is also special to me because my grandmothers name was Mal.
We've decided we can't tell anybody this name because they're just going to ruin it for us like they have with the others we liked :cry:

For the record, I think Bennett is a really beautiful name. :thumbup:

Wow! :shock: How rude and judgmental you are for someone who's tired of being judged for her names choices. :shock: That's a pretty crappy thing to say. If you want to have a wonderful story and meaning behind your name's choice, then good for you, but don't say other people are lazy because they like common names.

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