ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

I will be almost 21 weeks by then. I just know that some places don't like to tell you.
yea i forgot sorry , i know some places can be a bit funny like that, maybe you can phone them up beforehand and ask if they would tell you during your scan, then that would save any disappointment if they dont tell you on the day and youve been waiting to know. x
Thanks Preethi - I do hope it goes away soon then.

And that's all I was asking Sheryl, if you were wanting to find out, not whether the sonographer would be able to determine the gender or not. Also I suppose it depends on whether baby cooperates or not lol. I have a friend who went five times to find out because baby was being stubborn and shy, and even then the sonographer would only say with 80% certainty.

Anyway good luck for a cooperative baby at your scan since you're wanting to know :)

Hope you're all well.... Dew I'm keeping everything crossed for you sweets!!! :hugs:

Natalie... I had a bad gagging reflex when pregnant with Lottie! Always worst when brushing my teeth... also if I started coughing I knew it would end up with me getting sick! :( It's the only way I could stop coughing!

NOt long till scan now Sheryl... it'll be here before you know it!

Preethi I hope your liver is okay! xx
Preethi- I dont think ive got the swelling yet, but read the other day that our bones in our feet can loosen and spread a little, causing our feet to get bigger during pregnancy! Lol. Its always at night if Ive not walked for a while and get up I can barely walk on them. And ive had incredible heart burn the past few days. Im literally burping up hot acid. Yum huh!!!!
Ooooh, and im so excited. OH just scheduled us for a 3D/4D ultrasound on july 2nd. Yay! We actually get a package with 2 of them. One at 24 weeks and the other will be around 30 weeks when its chubbier. I am hoping at 24 weeks I can see it moving around a lot since it has a bit of room still. I can't wait to see the facial features!
If the baby is not cooperating I am sure I will go back since its considered volunteering and is free.
hi dew

just wanted to pop on see if the evil one arrived, looks like your temp dropped a bit but not much. i remember you saying before your temp stayed high.

asf me Im now not sure if I ovulated as my temp was lower today :shrug: but as Im not thinking about TTCing Im not thinking about it, just bding every day just incase!

:kiss: to everyone
Thankfully my liver is ok, but ive got some gastro contraction something, usually when the muscles under your ribs contract or something, just got pain relief medication, but ive got the worst backache ever, it is really really bad ! i so cant wait for this all to be over, i just want it out already, not that im being ungrateful, but if im already in so much pain and im only 21 weeks imagine what i will be like later on. i will be a monster!

yay for your 3d/4d scan Ny, bet you're excited ! x
Preethi that sounds not fun! Is it permanent or just temporary? Yes, im very excited to see baby again at 24 weeks and hope it can move around a lot, then later at like 30-32 so its all chubby and features are there. Especially since Doctor said my 20 week ultrasound is it. Thats crazy long time to not see baby!

Got any new bumpy pics? I am just starting to gain weight and feeling frantic about it. Really wish I'd have not been 15 lbs over weight from the get go, because seeing that scale go higher is super duper hard now!
ive always been prone to backaches, but now its unbearable !

wow ny, i wouldnt imagine not being able to see baby until after birth . 20 weeks is a long wait !

luckily here they scan you every month at your appointment.

it will be nice to have a 4D scan though !

i dont have any new bump pics,just havent bothered taking one, i want my bump to be bigger than it looks ! i look in the mirror everyday for some kind of change !
Getting two 3D ultrasounds sounds awesome Ny :)
Dew, hope you're ok! :hugs:

Preethi... sorry you're struggling :hugs: I had SPD when pregnant with Lottie and my lower back/hips killed me. I had to have physio, but the two things that helped the most were 1) putting a pillow between my legs when sleeping to keep my hips at a good angle and 2) wearing a support band, it helped lift the bump a little and took the pressure off my back a lot. It was still painful, but it got better as the bump got bigger which is weird... but true!

NY... fab news on the scans :dance:

Hope everyone else is good... nothing interesting happening here! Baby is kicking a lot more and Lottie is cutting tooth number 18 of 20... I'm hoping the last two molars wont be long behind the one cutting now, and then teething is OVER! Teething is a buggar! You'll just think you've cracked the routine with the baby and it's sleeping and feeding etc etc... then a tooth decides to cut and it all goes out the window. This happens 20 times between 6 months-ish and 2-ish! :dohh: but they do eat and talk better with teeth... so can't complain too much!
Thanks, my back ache is more on the upper half of my back. :( i do sleep with a pillow in between my legs and also tried one on my side yesterday. hopefully it should work soon !

yay for the kicks !! enjoy them thoroughly .. hopefully i will feel them soon. x

dont know much about teething but i do know that they tend to cry when teething and it hurts them so bad, but you obviously know more than i do ! hope everything is ok xxxx
Mummy - my cousin and i were just yesterday trying to remember how many teeth toddlers get! she thought her son had all his teeth and now she's discovered 4 more popping out! (molars). He's just over 2 now. I think she said he already has 20 teeth so we decided they get 24 :shrug:

Just got back from my 18 week scan and all is looking perfect :D
Cervix is still nice and long which is a huge relief as i was fairly sure it was shortening.
Baby was super active for a change - normally he's sleeping.
And my placenta has moved away from my cervix! :happydance:
(it was right over my cervix last time). It's attached right at the very top of my uterus, so there's a very good chance it will continue being pulled away from my cervix so all is looking good for natural birth at the moment which i'm thrilled about :D

Baby measured right for his age. Dr checked all the structures and measurements and everything and it all looked great. Some bits measured a few days ahead, other bits measured a few days behind. But the lady at my NT scan said that's all normal. She said that as long as everything is within 1 week of my dates they don't worry. You'll never get everything measuring exactly the same dates.

Brain looks good, with all the necessary structures there, and so does the heart - 4 chambers pumping away well. The stomach was also full indicating that the digestive system is working. So all in all it was a great scan.

My placenta is right at the back of my uterus, running up the midline, and attached at the top of the uterus. Baby is lying head down with his head right by my pubic bone - dr had to press quite hard to get the head measurement as he's so low. and his feet are right up at the top, nearly by my belly button. He's lying along the left of my uterus which is what i suspected as that's where i feel the most kicks and movements. In fact i got a good bunch of kicks while the dr was checking his head LoL.

Dr seemed very happy with everything, and told me not to worry. Also told me i can't really get an infection in the stitch as it's made from very specific material that can't get infected. Said i can still get a vaginal infection, but the stitch itself can't get infected which i was worried about as another BnB friend of mine lost a baby last year due to infection. But since i virtually never get vaginal infections anyway he said i don't need to worry.

Also got an awesome potty shot (didn't get a picture though) - very definitely another boy! No doubt at all LoL :happydance:

Next appointment is my anomaly scan at 21 weeks, then another gynae one at 24 weeks which is when i'll be stressing the most.
Then he said he only needs to see me again at 28 weeks for the rhogam shot - so i think that 4 week wait will be looooong for me. Then i think he said 4 weeks after that (32 weeks), and then i think every 2 weeks. Something like that. So it's less than i thought, but still quite a lot. But more like normal.

I'm so happy everything is still ok! :happydance:
Happy 18 weeks Huggles! Yay for an excellent scan and good news about your placenta moving away from your cervix. I was about to ask if you'd had the gender confirmed yet just in case the earlier scan wasn't completely accurate, then I kept reading lol. Glad to know they can be that accurate so early on :thumbup:
Glad your placenta is moving away from your cervix and everything looks well with your baby. !!! xxxx you deserve this. x
just popping on to see if dew had replied....I see you put spotting for yesterday, I was just wondering if you have been testing seeing as your temp hasnt dropped. was just hoping for some good news, but I guess not :hugs:

huggles yay SO glad everything is going so perfectly and you had a great scan :cloud9:

so I ovulated yesterday.....has loads of cramps and ovulation pains and temp went way up today. so now to keep the body and mind calm, and [-o<[-o<[-o<
just popping on to see if dew had replied....I see you put spotting for yesterday, I was just wondering if you have been testing seeing as your temp hasnt dropped. was just hoping for some good news, but I guess not :hugs:

huggles yay SO glad everything is going so perfectly and you had a great scan :cloud9:

so I ovulated yesterday.....has loads of cramps and ovulation pains and temp went way up today. so now to keep the body and mind calm, and [-o<[-o<[-o<

Good luck Sarah! If possible stay positive but not excessively hopeful as it gets difficult to deal with disappointment later :hugs:

AFM, temps seem to be dropping down now but if I don't get AF today, it will be longest cycle ever. I had pink tinged CM last night. No I didn't test again after 14dpo, it sucks to see BFN, don't know how POAS addicts deal with it :nope:

Sarah, excuse me if it sounds crazy but my superstitious self is at peak right now and I got thinking that may be subject/name our thread that says '....AND get pregnant in 2011' has to do something with you and me not getting our BFP....as if it says...deadline to apply for birth in 2011 has passed!!!:shrug: so further requests ignored :nope: Oh my!!

Huggles, congrats on great scan, so happy for you! Now no worries, you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy :thumbup:

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