ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Sarah, if AF is later than tomorrow, I may not be able to get HSG done this month :( as we leave for vacation on the 30th and I am really looking forward to visiting Smoky Mountains National Park.

I also lay in bed for about 2 hours after BD but I have retroverted uterus, they say lying on tummy (butts up, head down) is better position but I got nausea last 2 times I tried it.
but honestly after clear BFN on 14 dpo I have little hope.

someone in the over 35 folder just got a bfp on 15dpo, after negatives 8dpo, 10dpo, 13dpo, 14dpo. not that I want to get your hopes up as its horrible to have them crashing down, its just I still have hope and I cant stop coming on this thread until I know your status :hugs:

:hugs: :hugs:

I will update this thread of my AF or BFP status as soon as I know.
Hello ladies

Dew you werent an intruder. Lol. There are just these randoms who will suddenly post a weird "me, i do!" or something and thats it. Also, sarah is so right, you were the perfect last addition to this place, else she'd be alone right now and quite frankly, she'd have probably left us out of pure boredom! Lol. Its nice to have the amount of people in here that we can keep up with who is who and what is what and stuff like that. I like it.

24 weeks is "safer" than before that , but I hear so many stories of otherwise so its still scary after that in my opinion. I'll be happier once im like 36 weeks along....

Dew- have you been stressed out lately for the AF to be delayed? I hated when there was a long cycle for no reason and i kept getting bfn.....ugh. So annoying for it to make you wait for it when you just want to get on with the next cycle!

What do you do in the Smoky Mountains?
but honestly after clear BFN on 14 dpo I have little hope.

someone in the over 35 folder just got a bfp on 15dpo, after negatives 8dpo, 10dpo, 13dpo, 14dpo. not that I want to get your hopes up as its horrible to have them crashing down, its just I still have hope and I cant stop coming on this thread until I know your status :hugs:

:hugs: :hugs:

I will update the thread of my AF or BFP status as soon as I know.

Sarah, what's her name? I visit 'over 35' forum sometimes so may recognize her :)
Hello ladies

Dew you werent an intruder. Lol. There are just these randoms who will suddenly post a weird "me, i do!" or something and thats it. Also, sarah is so right, you were the perfect last addition to this place, else she'd be alone right now and quite frankly, she'd have probably left us out of pure boredom! Lol. Its nice to have the amount of people in here that we can keep up with who is who and what is what and stuff like that. I like it.

24 weeks is "safer" than before that , but I hear so many stories of otherwise so its still scary after that in my opinion. I'll be happier once im like 36 weeks along....

Dew- have you been stressed out lately for the AF to be delayed? I hated when there was a long cycle for no reason and i kept getting bfn.....ugh. So annoying for it to make you wait for it when you just want to get on with the next cycle!

What do you do in the Smoky Mountains?

Thanks NY!:hugs:

Yes, I have been stressed since 11dpo :( Don't ask me why....:nope: I have a mouth ulcer too which they say is stress related. Also my eyelids were twitching for sometime yesterday. So yeah stress could be delaying it too. I don't think aspirin would have that effect. I stopped taking aspirin on 11dpo because I was experiencing lots of it side-effects (yellow urine, bleeding tongue, ringing in ears, dry mouth) and on 10 dpo I got very severe pain for like few minutes where the gall bladder is supposed to be so kinda got scared that it might be harming me.

We are driving to SM, DH and I love long drives and I have never been to SM so looking forward to seeing my favorite scenery of mountains, greenery, water falls :) Have you been there?
No i havent but sounds really nice. Out of stupidity, what state is that in?
No i havent but sounds really nice. Out of stupidity, what state is that in?

Nashville, Tennessee. It's a looooong drive but we don't mind, we have done longer :) We stop in St Louis overnight.
Oh fun! Thats a coincidence, OH a couple weeks ago asked if i'd like to take a babymoon to tennessee before october because an older engineer of his at work own a vineyard there and wants us to stay there and he secretly wants OH to take over it some day but im not wanting to move there! But sounds like a nice babymoon. Other than the fact that i can't drink any wine. Boo hiss.

Do you guys camp there or lodge it?
NY: that sounds great to me...you should seriously consider that offer and if you can visit SM in Fall I heard it's very beautiful :) think about it, somethings in the world are better than wine :winkwink: lol

oh and we are staying in a Marriott, DH is using his points for that...since he travels a lot, he gets to enjoy perks like airline miles and hotel points :)
first of all, flying, HAPPY V DAY !!! - :woohoo: :woohoo: that is a milestone.

although i get confused sometimes because i see posts of loss etc of women who have ended up giving birth at 24 weeks so i dont know what to believe to be honest, but everybody celebrates the 24 weeks, i personally feel full term 37 weeks is safe,im with NY on that one ! xxxxxx

you are so close now, hun ! xxx :hugs: im excited for you, thanks for your support, yes the backaches i realised were because im lazy !!! i havent exercised once since finding out and the sudden weight gain has killed me. i did some stretches yesterday on the floor and it helped tons ! so i realised and made up my mind to go exercising everyday even if it means only 10 mins of walking and stretching !

Ny, great news about the scan, its nice that you dont have to wait until the birth now !

Mummy, yay for maternity wear ! i have honestly only bought loose fitting dresses, not a single proper maternity wear !

NDH, all the best for your appointment ! let us know how it went ! xx

Sarah, i agree, if dew was not here, then i know how bad you would feel and im glad that you are not alone now and have someone to support you through, and im feeling VERY CONFIDENT about the clomid, so we will just have to wait and watch. i must admit, i have a tough time sticking to threads on pregnancy forums simply because there are so many women ! you cant remember who is who and it gets very impersonal.

honestly there is only one other thread that i post in, Ny is on that one too, but even then i dont have the energy to read all the posts , so i only really congratulate the women who have found out the gender etc, and there maybe days where i dont poist anything at all on that one, but even now, this is the only thread that i come on to everyday and post and maybe thats because i feel like we all have a relationship as we have been struggling together and we got out BFP's on this thread so its lucky and the same time its not like simply entering into a random thread with tons of people on it if you know what i mean. ! :hugs: :hugs:

Dew, please dont be superstitious, you are very sweet and certainly have fit in right with the thread, i remember you coming on jan or feb this year onto this thread and it was just right and you were a thorough support to sarah, im not sure how we would feel with hoards of other people joining in, it gets difficult to cope with ! :kiss: :hugs:

hope everyone else is doing ok,

AFM, i am just the same, a bit impatient about my wait for my next appointment as my doc has gone out of country for training of some sort and will be back on the 2nd . my appointment is on the 3rd
i will post my bump pics from yesterday. just managed to take two. xxx

:hugs: to all of you., xxxx
Bump pics from yesterday.

22 + 3 according to LMP and probably five days behind considering bubs's growth so 21 + 5 or something.


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Ny, yay for buying baby wear, we still have not bought anything yet !! lol probably waiting until 25 weeks or later. but we know what we want so we are ok with it, x
Awww Dew, hun! :hugs: I didn't think you were calling me (or anyone!) a POAS addict at all, I was just trying to help by saying why it helps for some, though I understand why it'd only be depressing for other personalities too!!!

And of COURSE you belong here! Don't you ever think otherwise!!!! Our worries of more people coming on here to join in is NOT like when you joined in, our fears are more that if heaps and heaps of new people come on, making it 'just another' thread, and loosing the 'family' we've become in here... I'm the same as Preethi; hardly posting on very many other threads at all. This is my 'home' right here, and I just explore other threads at times and have a few I sorta follow loosely, but nothing like our wee group here. :hugs:

And thanks to everyone for the congrats, I knew that 24 weeks is considered "V day", but didn't comment on it cos really, the chances of it surviving out of the womb at this stage are still really rather low! But yes, it's possible for it to be viable outside the womb if I were to give birth, but it'd be a haaaaaaard road and would be almost definitely long-term problems if it even survived... And hence, "V day" means nothing to me really!! 24 weeks is far more impressive than "V Day"! LOL!

I decided to shave off my poodle the other day. But I left a mohawk. And coloured it. heh!


these pics are washed out, so the colours in her mohawk don't show well.

and just cos she's a goon
Well the reason being viable is a good milestone is because here in the UK, if you give birth at 22 weeks, the doctors will not attempt to save your baby. If you give birth at 24 weeks (23 weeks is a grey area... some hospitals help, others don't)... they will do what they can to save baby as technically there is a 25% chance of survival. Obviously it's not a great chance and LOTS of people have lost babies born that early. However a lady I worked with had her daughter at 24 weeks and she's now a healthy 11 year old. So it can have a happy ending!

So I'm celebrating the fact that the doctors would try save flying's baby if she had baby from here on... obviously I would be happiest that we all go to term though!!!

Dew... FIRSTLY... We're all very pleased you're here... when you joined, you expressed interest in joining in on the chat... no one else has done that since you, as NY said... it's just people who come on and say 'Me too' or 'that's not possible any more'. So please don't feel like you're not part of the group.

I didn't get a BFP with Lottie until about 16dpo... it all very much depends on when you implant. The general idea is that you can get a BFP about 4 days after implantation as it'll take roughly that long for the HCG to rise enough to be picked up in the HPT. Implantation can happen anywhere between 6-12 dpo and people who implant at 6/7 dpo are the people who get BFP's around 10/11 dpo. But think about it... some people get disappointed when they get BFN's at 11dpo - and they may not even have implanted yet... so there's still a chance that if AF hasn't shown up yet, you could be pregnant. I know you may not want to spent too much time hoping, so i'll hope for you! :flower:

NDH... glad you cuaght another mouse! :D

Preethi... gorgeous bump babe!! :flower:

Flying... what a fab hairdo for your doggie! :dance:
Preethi - gorgeous 22ish week bump lovely lady!

Flying - I love your poodle's new look :D

Mummy, how amazing is that that even 11 years ago doctors were able to save a tiny 24 week baby. But yes, it's easy to get caught up in the milestone that V-day represents but forget that it's not a magic day that guarantees a good outcome. Huggles I'm sorry if our celebrations on Flying's behalf have distressed you at all. :hugs:
Just looked at the previous page after I posted.

Preethi, thanks for asking about my appointment. My doctor hadn't received the results of my NT scan so wasn't able to tell me my odds, though that doesn't concern me anyway. I just wasn't sure if/when I'd get a 12ish week scan otherwise. She had me repeat my bloodwork to check my liver function, just to make sure they aren't elevated again (they were still elevated 6 or so weeks ago, but had definitely come down significantly from the first one). I've lost 2.5kg, which seems really odd to me but truthfully, at my last appointment I was about 1kg heavier than usual so I guess only 1.5kg less than my usual weight which is within my normal fluctuations.
Um, other than that, I got the request for my anomaly scan. Have to call on Monday to schedule it as I forgot today. Will try for an appointment in the second week of August that DH can come to. Otherwise I won't be seeing her again until 24-26 weeks for my GTT.
My first midwife appointment is on Monday. Nervous and excited about that one, and have no idea what to expect. Hopefully they'll tell me if I have a good chance of delivering at the birth centre, assuming my pregnancy remains complication free.
Mostly I'm nervous about it since DH will be working and can't come with me and I get really anxious in new situations with no one I know around. I have a friend who is a 4th year med student on rotation at the antenatal clinic right now and she's hoping to sneak into my appointment which would really help put me at ease. But then I'm also nervous about offending her as she wants to be an OB/GYN and I'm the type who thinks that the majority of births are too medicalised. (Not that I would ever in a million years want to take away a woman's right to have pain meds or anything else, and for all my talk I could end up to be a big wuss begging for drugs myself lol. But I think they're offered and/or administered a lot more than necessary.) But here I go on the subject again... I'm going to stop now before I say too much and possibly offend someone. This is why I'm afraid of offending my friend lol. I'm a very quiet and shy person most of the time, but when it's a subject I'm passionate about... well I'm sure you get the idea. I think I had far too many friends at home who were doulas and homebirth midwives lol.
Flying, wow you are good at what you do with grooming, that look is so funky !

sorry i didnt mean to put a downer on the whole 24 week thing, i think it is a milestone too, just think full term 37 weeks is a safer bet ! :thumbsup:

and you have to remember that most first timers end up going over due !

huggles im with NDH on what she said. im sorry if you feel upset about the 24 week thing. i completely understand,but thats why i stick to the 37 week thing, although to be honest you cant be sure about anything until the actual birth itself ! but then again if we dont stay positive, we will always be upset and worried :hugs:
yup, NDH, each to their own, you are not offending anybody sweetheart ! i personally think that birth here in dubai is very medicalised. they are very happy to prescribe pills for almost anything and everything. but then again, ive made up my mind and i want an epidural and gas and air and anything else i can get my hands on because my pain tolerance has shrunk !!

glad your appointment went ok and bet youre excited about your midwife appointment ! let us know how it goes, and bet you will get to hear the HB ! xx

by the way i have already made a birth plan, basically copied it off someone else on Bnb and amended it the way i wanted it lol !!!!
:D NDH... I had a birth plan where I wanted as little medication as possible.. but after being induced and in hospital with little food or sleep for two days it got to a point where I asked for an epidural and so pleased I did... because I slept through contractions! LOL

I was totally against it and in my birth plan but in the end I was so pleased I had it. I know what you mean about everything being very medicalised. I often don't understand why so many people would opt for a c-section (if not for a medical reason/breech baby etc) but then I guess people have very different stresses and concerns and whatever makes that person feel more comfortable is best for them.

I hope you get to have the birth you want hun! :hugs: Mine was completely not what I planned... but I loved it still! :wacko: crazy I know... but I'd do it all over again as it happened with Lottie as I got the most amazing little baby girl out of it all!

Preethi... re the 24 weeks...you didn't put a downer on it... I just wanted to mention that I know it's by no means a sign that all will be okay if baby is born at 24 weeks... just that Doctors will assist from this point. Which I felt was worth celebrating. I'm sure Huggles will understand that we don't mean to upset her at all.. I imagine Huggles is also looking forward to being passed the 24 week stage! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

It looks like I'm going to be spending my day glued to the toilet! Lottie's decided she wants to potty/toilet train and doesn't want to wear her nappy today! Yikes!!!
all the best with potty training !!!! good on lottie for wanting to potty train so early !

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