ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Thanks hun... it's quite tough knowing what to do and if you're doing it right! but we'll get there! x
Sorry I am jumping all the new posts, really scared right now....I think I am screwed no AF yet, temp slowly dropping and BFN this morning CD29 17dpo. I have never been so late, DH is also not in town, I don't know what to do. Next cycle is screwed too, may not be able to get HSG done and DH might not be around during ovulation, we had calculated the dates and he had planned hs travel accordingly.
And Huggles; yay for a good scan!!! Did you get any pics to share??
Huggles ya for a perfect scan! I wanna see pics!

Unfortunately the pics I got were really bad, so it's difficult to see what anything is so not really worth posting. I did get a video though :D

24 weeks is "safer" than before that , but I hear so many stories of otherwise so its still scary after that in my opinion. I'll be happier once im like 36 weeks along....
I knew that 24 weeks is considered "V day", but didn't comment on it cos really, the chances of it surviving out of the womb at this stage are still really rather low! But yes, it's possible for it to be viable outside the womb if I were to give birth, but it'd be a haaaaaaard road and would be almost definitely long-term problems if it even survived... And hence, "V day" means nothing to me really!! 24 weeks is far more impressive than "V Day"! LOL!
Huggles I'm sorry if our celebrations on Flying's behalf have distressed you at all. :hugs:
I'm sure Huggles will understand that we don't mean to upset her at all.. I imagine Huggles is also looking forward to being passed the 24 week stage! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Don't worry, I wasn't distressed or upset reading about everyone celebrating Flying reaching "V-Day" - Everyone on this forum seems to celebrate it so i'm kind of used to it. I just think that people seem to think that once the baby reaches 24 weeks it is magically guaranteed to survive if born. And sadly that is definitely not the case. Yes, the doctors will definitely do what they can, but unfortunately at that young age there is not a lot that can be done. And sadly, most babies simply can't survive at 24 weeks (there are of course exceptions).
So for me, personally, I look at 26 weeks as V-Day as there is a much higher survival rate if a baby is born at 26 weeks as opposed to 24 weeks. I know it's just 2 weeks difference but the survival rate is much much higher. so that is my goal. I am aiming to get to 26 weeks - once i get there I will be able to relax and finally believe (i hope) that I might get to bring this baby home.

But I know everyone else celebrates 24 weeks as V-Day, I just have a different view on it due to personal experience.

Sorry I am jumping all the new posts, really scared right now....I think I am screwed no AF yet, temp slowly dropping and BFN this morning CD29 17dpo. I have never been so late, DH is also not in town, I don't know what to do. Next cycle is screwed too, may not be able to get HSG done and DH might not be around during ovulation, we had calculated the dates and he had planned hs travel accordingly.

Dew - I'm so sorry the witch is messing you around so much! Must be really horrible not knowing what's going on with your body :hugs:

Flying - your dog looks so cute with a mohawk!
Sorry I am jumping all the new posts, really scared right now....I think I am screwed no AF yet, temp slowly dropping and BFN this morning CD29 17dpo. I have never been so late, DH is also not in town, I don't know what to do. Next cycle is screwed too, may not be able to get HSG done and DH might not be around during ovulation, we had calculated the dates and he had planned hs travel accordingly.

whats going on, I cant believe this! have you ever had a late cycle? I never have so it would be very usual for me. I hope if she is coming she comes today. You had the tinge of pink 2 days ago so if its like usual she might come tomorrow? what test did you use? there is still a chance that you implanted 2 days ago and the hcg is not high enough yet, but that does seem a little late although it has happened many times from my reading. I really hope it doesnt mess up your plans for next cycle. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
LOVE the bump preethi....you look lovely :cloud9:

omg flying love the cut and colour :haha:
Thanks Huggles and Sarah!

I just rescheduled my HSG exam to June 30th early morning...I'll be either on CD7(AF today) or CD6(AF tomorrow)...radiology peeps are very particular about doing it on CD7-10 so I will have to lie about AF date in later case. These are new guidelines, earlier they would do between CD5-10 so I should be OK I guess. As of now we are still going to SM on 30th but will start our road trip a bit later during the day. I hope I don't bleed or have too much pain afterwards, glad that DH will be there with me now during the exam.

Sarah, I checked my charts on FF, I had a 28 day cycle in July last year (that was the time when temp stayed high even on AF day) but that cycle my first smiley was on CD13 and according to my temp reading/FF ovulation clearly happened on CD14. So my current cycle stands the longest in terms of LP. After seeing temp drop in the morning I didn't really expect to see a BFP but tested for peace of mind :growlmad: on $ store test. It was clearly negative. FYI, I had tried FRER along with $ test on 14 dpo, both were negative.

Flying: your dog looks very beautiful :thumbup:

Preethi: gorgeous bump :thumbup:
Thanks Huggles and Sarah!

I just rescheduled my HSG exam to June 30th early morning...I'll be either on CD7(AF today) or CD6(AF tomorrow)...radiology peeps are very particular about doing it on CD7-10 so I will have to lie about AF date in later case. These are new guidelines, earlier they would do between CD5-10 so I should be OK I guess. As of now we are still going to SM on 30th but will start our road trip a bit later during the day. I hope I don't bleed or have too much pain afterwards, glad that DH will be there with me now during the exam.

Sarah, I checked my charts on FF, I had a 28 day cycle in July last year (that was the time when temp stayed high even on AF day) but that cycle my first smiley was on CD13 and according to my temp reading/FF ovulation clearly happened on CD14. So my current cycle stands the longest in terms of LP. After seeing temp drop in the morning I didn't really expect to see a BFP but tested for peace of mind :growlmad: on $ store test. It was clearly negative. FYI, I had tried FRER along with $ test on 14 dpo, both were negative.

grrr I hate annoying cycles like this. I am very regular so have to be thankful for that, always a 14 day LP. But in January I had a weird cycle where I didnt ovulate and got a period 2.5 weeks after my period. I was so annoyed. I guess when we are checking things so closely its easy to see little differences. You should ask your doctor if having a LP that changes means anything....as its supposed to stay the same for each woman.

Im sure you will be fine with the HSG....I had a sonohysterogram which I *think* is the exact same procedure but one they do ultrasound and one they do xray. Apart from a little 'ow' when the catheter went up the cervix I had no pain, not even any cramping. I think the pain comes from blocked tubes, so lets hope you dont have that (I doubt you do as you got pregnant fairly recently). There shouldnt be much bleeding at all, as they dont cut anything while up there and you may just spot just like with a pap.

will you be away when you next ovulate then?
Yes I will be away when I ovulate. We leave on 30th and be back 5th July night. Earliest appointment I could get with my gynec is on Aug 5. Both DH and I will be meeting her, until then we are on our own unless there is a problem with my tubes.
Sarah, I know you didn't want to visit the forum during your 2ww but because of me you are here everyday. Thanks so much. Hopefully I will get my period today, then both of us can take a break from here. I plan to go to gym today, may be exercising will help open the flood gates.
Sarah, I know you didn't want to visit the forum during your 2ww but because of me you are here everyday. Thanks so much. Hopefully I will get my period today, then both of us can take a break from here. I plan to go to gym today, may be exercising will help open the flood gates.

no problem, Im just wanting to know either way then I can go about my week lol!! it really is the worst time, those last few days but even worse if you are late. you are assuming you are not pregnant BUT theres always that chance until she arrives. I always feel if the *itch is going to come then at least come on time :grr: :hugs:
Ohh Dew, I'm so sorry the witch is stuffing you around!!! I'm with Sarah, and I wish that if the blimmin *itch was gonna come, that the VERY least she can do is be on time!!! Ugh. :hugs: I hope she either arrives nicely, or if she stays holding off then you get a BFP!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs:

Preethi, I forgot to say before what a wonderful bump you're growing!!!!! You look great! :D

Huggles, I'm with you, I don't really care about the V day thing at 24 weeks. Yes, I know that now doctors would try to save it where as last week they may not have, but it doesn't hold any real hope for me at all, and I'm not really all that interested in celebrating getting here *because* of the 'v day' thing. I'm only celebrating getting here cos it's 24 weeks. I'm 24 weeks!! lol

As for the birth plan stuff, I hope to have a natural-ish birth if I can too. BUT I'm open to having medication if, at the time, I want it!! I'm having a hospital birth, but I do intend to TRY and go natural for as long as I'm able. Sorta doing the hypnobirthing stuff as well as general relaxation things. I'm very much looking forward to it all!!!! hehe.
I am going for a c section! Bring it on, I want to go a week before my due date too and I find comfort in knowing how it will all go.

Preethi such a cute bumpy! I hear you on the weight gain hard on the body. Today at work I got stuck doing a surgery case where I was wearing a lead apron (heaaavy), surgical mask and stood for 2 hours in there with no break. It was aweful. I couldn't breathe and it hurt my body to stand there with all this extra weight. Its tough to get bigger!

Flying cute pup do! I always wanted a white little dog so I could color it pink but OH would disown me.

Dew what the heck is going on with your cycle? Especially since you KNOW when you ovulated. I never really knew since I didn't chart like you so this late AF woulda driven me crazy. Well, it did a few times actually. I wonder if that aspirin did anything to change this? Odd......

I, personally, hear of a lot more bad stories of 24 weeks than good ones so i'm gunna feel better at like 33. Until then I keep worrying now about preterm labor...especially since I feel so many braxton hicks. Ugh! Im afraid of having a bad cervix or something since im nearing the time that they usually go bad.....hope i just get to the 30's!

Goin outta town tomorrow for 2 days. Quick little trip to OH's parent's lake house. Hope weather behaves but I can't hold my breath on that one....grrr.
flying - i'm also planning on doing hypnobirthing! Got classes booked for sept. Had them booked last time too but things ended before i attended any classes. However, i used the breathing techniques i'd read about and they helped enormously. Hubby saw how well it worked and is now determined we must do it properly this time!
I will definitely have a hospital birth, but really hoping for natural with no pain meds again.
UGH! I'm sitting here at work, a bit pissed off. I only do a few dogs on saturdays, cos I work 8+ hour days mon-fri so I refuse to work a big day on saturdays too. A few dogs in the mornings and that's fine by me. First dog was due in at 9am, so I come in to work at 8:30 to get the bath sorted, computer going, shop open, etc etc. I check the answer phone, and at 6:30pm last night a message was left, cancelling the 9am dog. My next dog isn't in until 10am. UGH!!! I could have had a sleep in!!!! So I'm sitting here for an hour and a half with very little to do. No point going home and coming back really cos I'll only sit around there too. *grumble grumble*

However, bub is keeping me entertained quite well, it's kicking and wriggling around while I sit here, and I just realised that I can SEE my tummy jolt with the kicks!! How awesome! I'm trying to record it but it's hard for the camera to pick up the jolts. Still very cool. :D

I have the midwife this afternoon after work, so will get the heartbeat recorded, and see if bub kicks her again! hehe.
Dew, sorry AF is being a right PITA for you :growlmad: I hope something happens soon either way.

Flying, how annoying about the last minute cancellation!

Mummy, good luck with potty training. And I hear ya about the birth plan. I don't think I'll make an official one as I think it will get me upset if it doesn't go according to plan. I want as natural a birh as possible, but my first priority is a healthy baby and I will do whatever it takes to ensure that. I think I mentioned before, but if I can't have my birth centre delivery and have to have a hospital birth I'm hoping to hire a doula. That way I feel I can be confident that if I do need intervention or pain meds it was cause baby and I needed them not cause a doctor thought they were out best interest and I was too out of I to question or argue.

And I've suddenly forgotten anything else hat was said...

Oh ya Huggles - we'll celebrate your V day a 26 weeks then. It is amazing how much 2 weeks can increase survival chance.
I think 26 weeks sounds good for me too. I will be just a week ahead of Huggles.

NY did you have a C section with Ella? My doctor has already told me I have a narrow birth canal so he would let me try vaginally but if the baby is over 7.5 lbs he doesn't expect it to fit thru. So I am thinking small baby small baby small.

My husband, brother and I painted the nursery today. (water-based paint) I am so happy as I thought it would be my cousin, brother and I doing it tomorrow. Love love love my hubby for helping even though I know he has tons of school work to do. He didn't want us to mess it up so I was hoping he would be around tomorrow if we needed him. :cloud9:
Just giving an update: got my pre-AF migraine headache and light pink spotting once on TP earlier in the evening.
Sheryl, what color?
Yep I had one with Ella so thats why im positive this time will be one as well. Works for me!

Dew, I guess since we kinda knew it was coming, thats ok news because you dont want to be waiting any more days for it to come....sorry though that it came, but happy you get your HSG now.
Rejuvenate aka green.

Glad you aren't trying to do a VBAC. The idea of it is scary to me.

The link to the paint color doesn't take you directly to it but if you click on the paint samples to the right you can search for Rejuvenate.

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