ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

good luck tomorrow babyhopes and happy 29 weeks!

Hope your scan went well ndh! Yay for your mom being able to go with!
Good luck tomorrow Preethi.

I'm back from my scan - I don't have pictures yet - they were delivering them to my GP. I don't see her for another 4 weeks, but will call up the clinic tomorrow to see if they were delivered and then go pick them up.

Scan was lovely - I needn't have worried about him/her sleeping, s/he was almost too active lol. I only felt two of the kicks we saw, but there's definitely a little wiggler in there. Started kicking when the sonographer was trying to measure the femur length, curling up into a ball when she was trying to get a good look at the spine and otherwise being as much of a pain as possible :rofl:

Everything is looking great though, and measurements are bang on for my dates (ranging from 18w6d - 19w6d). And she said that from this point on it's very common for the baby to be measuring up to three weeks bigger or smaller and it's not a concern, so I found that interesting.

I'll post a couple of pictures as soon as I get them.

Oh, and we're still team :yellow: :thumbup: Before she started she picked up on DH and I referring to the baby as "him", so I said that we didn't want to know but just had a feeling it was a boy and refer to the baby as "he" rather than "it". When my mom was brought into the room for a look after the measurements were done the sonographer did say "come see your grandso...child" lol - then she said she hadn't checked and didn't know herself so not sure if she had slipped and was covering the fact or if she had just picked up on us saying "him". Either way, as there's doubt that happily makes us :yellow:
glad you had a great scan ndh and well done on staying team yellow!
The scan sounds great NDH, and good on you staying team yellow! My mum came to our scan too, and her worry was "what if it's obvious in the scan!?" and I told her that I didn't care, cos as long as the sonographer didn't say it's definitely one or the other, then no MATTER how obvious it looks, we will still be in some doubt as to if we're looking at it right or not, and therefore the doubt will keep it from being obvious enough! lol. Now the scan is done it's easy to stay team yellow I found too, cos there's no more temptation for a long time!!! lol

Preethi, I hope hope hope the growth scan goes well! Even if she's still small (I expect she will stay *small*?) I hope that at least she's growing and still doing ok... :hugs:

And yeah, I don't know how many times they take blood for this next level of test I'm getting done on friday. The 1 hour one was just; I arrive and drink the syrup stuff (wasn't bad for me... just tasted like slightly thick, flat, lemonade! lol) then go and sit in the waiting room for an hour, when they then bring me back in to the room and take my blood. That was the one that came back a bit high though (I did mine at like 3pm, no fasting required) so now I've got to do the fasting one. The lab closest to my house opens at 7:30am though so I'll be in there bang on opening time to get it over and done with as soon as possible so I can eat! I normally eat breakfast between 6-7am so waiting another few hours after then will be hard, but ah well. There's a McDonalds like right around the corner from the lab that will probably be my breakfast! LOL. But like I said, I don't actually know how many times they take blood for this one, I'll let you know on friday! lol.

AFM, bub has been soooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO active the past few days! Like, WOW. Yesterday (sunday) morning I spent well over an hour just sitting in the living room watching my tummy writhe around! I've seen some kicks and stuff before, but it was really pushing up and around in places, making my whole tummy contort strangely and really looked like one of those alien movies or something! It's been doing it all day today too, I was in a shop today, standing in line at the check-out and it's writhing around and kicking; you can see it moving through my jersey while I'm standing there! lol!

Anyway, we're off to ante-natal classes soon, so better go get ready. :)
NDH, glad you had a great scan and yay to you and flying for staying team yellow.. xx dont know how you do it !!!

today is our last antenatal class , they will cover c sections and baby care.. x
Hi everyone!

just popping on quickly and I just glanced through the posts....NDH so glad you had a great scan and good for you staying on team yellow....I do wonder if she slipped up or was just going by what you say!!! Preethi good luck tomorrow with your scan :hugs: ny is your test tomorrow as well?

dew where are you, I miss you :cry: I hope you are doing ok :hugs:

nothing new for me, 2 more nights of clomid. I hope my cyst doesnt grow, seeing as I didnt get to talk to the nurse I didnt get to ask any questions. I wonder if they will see it next monday or if it will look like another follicle by then. if this cycle had to be cancelled I wouldnt care that much as its the may birthday when my SIL is getting married. I would prefer a june/july/august birthdate as then my sister and nieces could come over when school is done.

Im soooo tempted to go for IVF earlier than January as Ive been really thinking about how great it would be to have some embryos to freeze, if we were lucky enough to have extra. That way I could use these embryos when Im 40 or 41 but they will be 39 yr old eggs. But I dont think we will have the money till January. Its just if I get pregnant from IUI I will be almost 40 when give birth so have less chance of conceiving another then (the rate drastically reduces at 40 from all the studies Ive seen). I see my FS again in October so I guess I will wait and see what she says then, although I like to go home at Xmas so thats why it might be best to wait till January to start anything. sorry just waffling!!

hope to have a nice week with mum ahead and my sister, BIL and nieces get here on saturday so monday will come around quickly. hope you all have a nice week!
Hi girls. Preethi how did it go?

Ndh I'm glad for your lovely scan!

Sarah I wonder if because this isn't your perfect case scenario for bfp this cycle, if you will get one now! Lol seems like that is how life is. Either way I hope the cyst goes down and doesn't interfere. Did you tell your mom anything yet? I do think it's a good thought about freezing an egg....just to be sure you can have a second baby in a timely fashion. Although, that still doesn't assure it. Butnyou know.

I am at the awful diabetes test. One hour down, two to go. I nearly piker the drink up in the first hour in drank it. That's the most sugary thing I've ever drunken and my stomach feels horrible. It also makes you dizzy and weak. Wish I could just sleep. Not to mention I'm starving for like a huge piece of meat now to break down all the sugar. Hate this.
Hi :hi: everyone!

Sorry, I know I went missing for a while. Actually, last week I was in Chicago and the weekend was super busy too with a baby shower, a dinner at friend's and a birthday party to attend to. In spite of my busy days, I do always squeeze in time to read all the updates on our thread. Honestly speaking, earlier my general feeling about the thread was that all pregnant ladies are doing well...experiencing new and exciting things with minor upsets here and there and I very much looked forward to coming online one odd day to be surprised by Sarah announcing her BFP. However, now, things have changed a bit especially with Preethi and her baby not doing so well and NY having to deal with GD. In addition, clomid treatment plus IUI has not been successful for Sarah. In between, Huggles shared her worries (genuinely expected) about her baby and fortunately her scan results were great **touch wood** All this put together with my failure to get pregnant has really dampened my spirits. Even though I do read all the new posts on regular basis, when it comes to replying I become totally blank due to overwhelming thoughts. Seems like there is no end to worries....
That's it for now...again going blank on what else to write.
Take care you all, hope to hear good news from everyone all the time :) and will come back and write more (better) later....:hugs:
Nice to see you Dew, hope to some time hear of a bfp from you as well. I am really waiting for you and sarah, and wish it wasn't so hard for you guys to conceive....

I hear ya on the bummer news in here lately, we need some good stuff occuring again!
My GD is nothing anymore to worry about. I just finished my 3 hour fasting test to make sure one last time that i've got it. We shall see. But im not so floored by it anymore. Diet will just have to be watched, and I pray my baby doesn't get too huge! Im like 5'1 so carrying it is already getting really really hard!

Did you ovulate when you should have making testing day really in 7 days? Hope for something good.....
Hi girls. Preethi how did it go?

Ndh I'm glad for your lovely scan!

Sarah I wonder if because this isn't your perfect case scenario for bfp this cycle, if you will get one now! Lol seems like that is how life is. Either way I hope the cyst goes down and doesn't interfere. Did you tell your mom anything yet? I do think it's a good thought about freezing an egg....just to be sure you can have a second baby in a timely fashion. Although, that still doesn't assure it. Butnyou know.

I am at the awful diabetes test. One hour down, two to go. I nearly piker the drink up in the first hour in drank it. That's the most sugary thing I've ever drunken and my stomach feels horrible. It also makes you dizzy and weak. Wish I could just sleep. Not to mention I'm starving for like a huge piece of meat now to break down all the sugar. Hate this.

you poor thing, good luck hope it goes well xxx
no mum hasnt asked so I havent said a word. Im good at acting like everything is normal!!
Hi :hi: everyone!

Sorry, I know I went missing for a while. Actually, last week I was in Chicago and the weekend was super busy too with a baby shower, a dinner at friend's and a birthday party to attend to. In spite of my busy days, I do always squeeze in time to read all the updates on our thread. Honestly speaking, earlier my general feeling about the thread was that all pregnant ladies are doing well...experiencing new and exciting things with minor upsets here and there and I very much looked forward to coming online one odd day to be surprised by Sarah announcing her BFP. However, now, things have changed a bit especially with Preethi and her baby not doing so well and NY having to deal with GD. In addition, clomid treatment plus IUI has not been successful for Sarah. In between, Huggles shared her worries (genuinely expected) about her baby and fortunately her scan results were great **touch wood** All this put together with my failure to get pregnant has really dampened my spirits. Even though I do read all the new posts on regular basis, when it comes to replying I become totally blank due to overwhelming thoughts. Seems like there is no end to worries....
That's it for now...again going blank on what else to write.
Take care you all, hope to hear good news from everyone all the time :) and will come back and write more (better) later....:hugs:

Ive been feeling that you have been having a hard time and I completely understand, its just nice to hear from you here and there! Im assuming the end of your cycle is next week as thats when Im ovulating so fingers crossed its your month. its really hard to have to keep going each month, I just try to hang on to the thought that it WILL happen when its supposed to :hugs:
AAAHHHH, wtf? I dont have diabetes. And the doctors werent even going to give me the 3 hour test that I insisted on having today. That I PASSED. So for a week and a half I poked holes in my arms/ thighs/ calves wherever I could get blood, monitored how many damn carbs were in the fricken air, went to extra appointments, spent over $300 in diabetes testing supplies, changed work schedules, and basically obssessed and stressed over diabetes- and I dont even have it??? My clinic is NOT on my good side right now. At all.
AAAHHHH, wtf? I dont have diabetes. And the doctors werent even going to give me the 3 hour test that I insisted on having today. That I PASSED. So for a week and a half I poked holes in my arms/ thighs/ calves wherever I could get blood, monitored how many damn carbs were in the fricken air, went to extra appointments, spent over $300 in diabetes testing supplies, changed work schedules, and basically obssessed and stressed over diabetes- and I dont even have it??? My clinic is NOT on my good side right now. At all.

Great news!:hugs: but WTH!!!??? can you claim all that money back? like sue them or something? But first things first, go eat all you missed in last one week or so :happydance:
Ive been feeling that you have been having a hard time and I completely understand, its just nice to hear from you here and there! Im assuming the end of your cycle is next week as thats when Im ovulating so fingers crossed its your month. its really hard to have to keep going each month, I just try to hang on to the thought that it WILL happen when its supposed to :hugs:

Thanks Sarah! you are a sweetheart :hugs: It's true my thoughts all over the place and somehow I prefer it that way so as to avoid focusing on just ONE thing. Don't even feel like discussing myself anymore, just want to come one day and give you all a good news :)
We can't wait for you to come on one day and give good news!

I dont know about claiming any of it...guess i'd not go to that trouble, but may let them know how aweful it is! I can't imagine all the extra money and stress had I not done this 3 hour? Just craziness! Now ladies, make sure you get a 3 hour test if you fail the 1 hour one!
:hugs: to all that need them! Dew.. thinking of you and Sarah! xx

London's burning tonight! :( NOT good news lots of people losing businesses and homes due to stupid stupid kids rioting!
I dont watch too much of the news, but love to catch up on CNN.com frequently so please no one laugh if there is something big going on that I should know, as I've not been on CNN in days.....but mummy, why are people rioting?
I wouldn't laugh hun if you've not heard about what's going on here...

But they're looting in essence because they're idiots!

Thursday last week a guy was shot by a policeman. There's an inquest in to whether he had reason to, but the family and friends started a protest on Sat, which turned violent due to a lot of youths jumping on the band wagon.... and now three days later it's just getting worse and worse...

They're burning down stores and people live in apartments over the stores... so people are losing their houses. It's horrific. Absolutely horrific. The police have nothing much they can do about it because it's so wide spread... so they're doing what they can... but they can't be everywhere at once!
I dont watch too much of the news, but love to catch up on CNN.com frequently so please no one laugh if there is something big going on that I should know, as I've not been on CNN in days.....but mummy, why are people rioting?

Mummy: Same here, I had a busy weekend so didn't get chance to sit and watch tv or follow news online. I just read online and am sorry the situation is so bad in London. I read youngsters are communicating with each other through blackberry messenger so as to keep it private and not get caught (as they would on twitter or FB and also because (may be) the guy had last texted his GF using BB). Stay safe and hope it ends soon. Peace.

Here is another article I am reading...


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