ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Thanks mummycat - on the (highly) unlikely chance that i do go overdue he better not come at 40+3 - that's my birthday!!!
I must say, i'm very excited to finally be reaching a point where we can start shopping and getting stuff ready. Now just wish we had some money this month! Next month's gonna see us going wild for sure! (and we do our antenatal class and hypnobirthing classes next month too!)
LOL... I doubt he'll arrive on your birthday! but what a wonderful early gift for you! :)

Oh yeah... your work messed up this month! :grr: well at least it'll mean you'll be ready and raring to SHOP SHOP SHOP! :D

I found the hypnobirthing type stuff would put me to sleep! LOL... it calms you down so much I kept falling asleep with it. which is good I think! :thumbup: I did pretty well keeping calm through the early stages of labour, but started to struggle just as my waters broke around 6/7 cm's. I had been induced and in hospital for 2 days so I was knackered!

I hope you really enjoy the class, you'll have to let us know all about it! :thumbup:
huggles Im so pleased that everything looks as its supposed too....and so does that mean in the next 2 - 4 weeks that its the date when a baby can live outside the body? I really hope you do experience a large uncomfortable bump....only because it means he is growing beautifully :hugs: (but not too uncomfortable!)

preethi Im so sorry you are having all these scares, as NY says its hard they are telling you to watch for movement but it seems you dont feel much movement anyway. Well all you can do it keep getting monitored and I hope saturdays apt has some good news. you are a strong woman and we are all praying for you and lil bubs :hugs:

ny thanks yes if does feel like a resort or lounge up there! I love it. and thanks for the info, I wish at the beginning of all this someone would could have told me its probably going to take a year or maybe more but Im slowly realizing that!

afm nothing new, just bleeding :haha:

dew hope you have caught that egg while away :kiss:

wheres flying is she away?? hope everything is ok with her xxx
yes sarah, by 26 weeks the chances of baby surviving outside the body increase dramatically, and even more so by 28 weeks - like around 80% or something.

Mummy - i had enrolled for the hypnobirthing course last year, but never got to attend due to Jarrod being born so early. But i had done some reading up on it and the method etc, and so when i was in labour with him i used the breathing techniques they'd spoken about (slow controlled breathing, staying focused etc). I basically slept through the 4 hours of active labour! Was so incredible. Dh was really sceptical about it last year when i said i wanted to do it. After seeing how much it helped with the birth, he's now adamant that we attend the classes this year!
I'm still here Sarah, I've been here every day reading and reading. I start to post, but I can't think of anything that doesn't just sound trivial compared to what Preethi is going through, so I stop, and end up going away without posting anything! Preethi, I hope you know I'm sending a bazillion well wishes over to you though, I hope all works out well, even if it's stressful for now...

Huggles, I'm so pleased your cervix is still closed up tight!

Not a lot is happening for me really. I was almost worried yesterday morning when I realised I hadn't felt the usual morning 'rumble' from bub (it really does tend to rumble around in there early in the mornings!) and with some major prodding and poking I only got a feeble kick or two. I wasn't quite to the point of actually worrying, but I was paying close attention and was starting to get concerned when it finally started to make up for lost time and fairly pummelled my insides for a good half hour! lol. Still nothing compared to Preethis' worries though!

My lil fox terrier X dog, Riki, turns 13 today! She was my first dog as a teenager, so it's sorta scary that she's getting "old" now... Couple that with today I've hit 30 weeks and I'm starting to want to put the brakes on!!! Time is slipping away without me!!! 10 weeks!??!!???? eep!
Calypso had her baby girl yesterday in the 33rd week. Her little girl is doing fabulously with no assistance it sounds like. :) So happy to read positive birth stories.
Happy 30 weeks Flying! Wow, that really does seem like it's flying by!
Happy 25 weeks Sheryl!
Happy 19 weeks NDH! (wow, i still somehow think of you as being 5 weeks LoL)
and Happy 29 weeks NY - wow, almost 30 weeks!
Ny, they are not very liberal over here with stuff like sending you home with monitors etc, so yeah they basically expect me to go over everytime i dont feel movement, it is tough, but theres nothing else i can do..

thank you so much sarah for your support and everyone else too xx:hugs: sarah, waiting to hear about your next appointment !!

flying, PLEASE dont feel like what you are posting is trivial in comparison. unfortunately i have not been blessed with a healthy pregnancy and am praying for a good outcome out of this but that should not stop any one of you from posting about your issues as we are all supposed to be here to support each other and post about our daily worries and celebrations .. i am not special or important or anything.. i just happened to have a worrying uneventful pregnancy throughout and so really, all of us are just going through different journeys in our pregnancies.. :hugs:

i was wondering where you were too.. im sure your bubs is alright, maybe he/she was just sleeping at that point of time ? HAPPY 30 WEEKS !!!!!!! :headspin: wow you are only literally 7 weeks away from full term. so excited for you hun !!! xx

hope everyone else is doing ok. x im going to pack my hospital bag soon as i dont know when i might need to deliver.
Oh I know you're all here for me too! :hugs:
I think the hormones were getting to me more than anything, I was feeling helpless when all I want to do is help you! And to help Sarah & Dew get their BFPs! It seems unfair that I'm having a healthy normal pregnancy with no worries, when there are so many others wanting the same thing...

I can tell you that at least I'm not taking it for granted!!!! I am LOVING this pregnancy, and my baby rumbling around in me. I'm not trying to skite, I'm just trying to mean that I KNOW that I'm soooooooooo lucky to be having this! Not just because of what you're going through Preethi, but I have a few others I know who are having troubles (one lady due in Oct is facing an early CS soon too, and immediate surgery for her newborn once it's out!) and I know there are so many still trying sooooo hard for a simple (???) BFP as well!

I don't think I can ever take this for granted, and it irks me when I know of some who do. Don't they KNOW about others who are having such troubles!? *sigh* Sorry, hormones have been running rampent lately, I had some stress at work the other day that had me in tears for an hour or so when I got home! Nothing big, just I think I'm not coping with general stress like I normally do!!!

I am seeing my midwife tomorrow (having missed my last appointment due to the snow we had) so I'm looking forward to hearing bub's heartbeat again

:hugs: to all.
i can relate to you on the welling up front, i am raging with hormones too and can cry quite easily at everything but sometimes i just feel emotionless and dont know what to expect or feel.. i dont know if i should feel sorry for myself or upset about what is going on but sometimes i just dont feel anything and that makes me feel worse, if it makes any sense? i wanted to experience the whole waters breaking normal delivery thing and now i have this on my plate.

since my news, i feel so weird going to antenatal where everyone else is talking about waters breaking and the midwife is also explaning about normal deliveries and im there, helpless listening, knowing, im not going to have the same thing. infact i will have more worries after my section knowing that my baby will be in hospital. it crushes me at times and sometimes i feel "what have i done to deserve this" why cant i have it just as normal as everyone else, but then im not one to determine whats given to me, if i have to undergo all this, then there must be a reason for it.. sorry for the rant, but im feeling quite emotional too.. i know how difficult it must be for other mums with complications and i find it heartbreaking that im having to visit the premature and gestational complications sections. ive stopped taking bump pics or doing anything. stopped cherishing it as normal as now i dont really have the bump of a 28 weeker, mines smaller because of the problems, my baby is smaller and its kills me knowing theres nothing i can do about it:cry:

i just want her safe and healthy xx the way you put it, its not unfair that youre having a normal pregnancy, youre gifted and lucky,. and nice to know you are counting your blessings.. xxx good luck with the MW appointment.. youll get to hear bubs again xxxx :hugs:
big :hugs: preethi, we are all right there with you. I think about you a lot, isnt it funny as Ive never met you! I hope that having us all around the world praying for your bubs will make a difference. Im really hoping for good news tomorrow...that fluid has gone up and things are looking better...that could happen right? Im hoping that she stays with you so less time in the hospital. I wish you didnt have to go through this, and cant wait till the days that you are complaining about the lack of sleep or her first day of school and we will be reminded of this :hugs:

afm I just got back from the clinic for CD3 bloods and ultrasound, she said I have a small cyst on my ovary but shes not too concerned about it and wants to see my estrogen levels on my bloodwork to let me know if I can continue with this cycle or not. Ive read people on here having to cancel a month if theres a cyst but she said it didnt look like anything bad whatever that means!! so am waiting for the call, I picked up the clomid anyway. I booked my CD13 bloods and ultrasound which will be a week on monday, and hopefully then the IUI on the wednesday :thumbup:
fx'd the cyst is nothing and the blood work shows you can continue with this cycle sarah!
:hugs: Preethi! this little baby girl is a miracle and a fighter... I know it! :flower:

Happy 30 weeks flying! Wont be long and we'll be starting to be labour symptom spotting! :thumbup:

Sarah, hoping the cyst is not an issue :hugs:

It's time for some BFP's now! We're ready and waiting :thumbup:
just got the ok to start clomid tonight. round #3 of clomid and round #2 of IUI coming up! I hope I respond well again with 3 or 4 follicles and that my lining stay ok.

I think Ive told you my mum is here right now, Ive not told her we are TTCing as I want to surprise her but after I got my period after my first IUI it was sooo hard not to tell her! she had asked me if we were going to try back in march and I mumbled something about wanting to lose weight first. she then said 'oh im sure it will happen quickly as I was very fertile'...meanwhile Id already been trying for a year so I said to myself if she asks while she is here I will probably tell her the whole story. But if not I will be quiet and hope to surprise her sometime soon.

anyway I had to lie to her this morning and say I was going to see my dermatologist and she kept asking questions as I was leaving so early (left at 6am to get there for 7:45am) :dohh: and then when I got back she came and sat in my office doing her puzzles and I was annoyed as I was waiting for the call from the clinic :growlmad: I mentioned something about her not sitting there as its distracting but she didnt move, just stopped talking :dohh: the phonecall came and I just let it go to message, I wanted to talk to them and ask my numbers but I couldnt!
:hugs: it's a tough one! My Mum is so far away (like yours) that I had made the decision to always tell her more than i would if I was staying closer as it makes her feel like she's being included and not so far away - does that make sense?? I remember texting her last Sept saying... my boobs were killing me (about 7dpo) and she wrote back saying Eeeeeeeeek - I wont tell your father :rofl: We got a BFP that cycle - but it was the baby we lost last November!

I do think you'll know when the time is right though! Maybe your Mum has sensed something? :shrug: Hence asking questions?

Anyway... wanted to wish you a very fertile cycle... :dust: come on clomid and IUI - you can do it! :flower:
Ohh Preethi! :hugs: !!!
Take some bump photos anyway, even if you don't load them off your camera and even if you don't look at them! Take them anyway, and cherish her. I know it's been traumatic, but in another few years the photos will be all the more precious for having taken them and be able to look back and show her! :hugs:

Good luck Sarah for this cycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks sarah, i feel the same way, its funny how you can feel close to people youve never met, maybe its got to do with the fact that we're all after the same thing and were ttcing at the same time etc. :hugs: im so sorry to hear about your cyst, but i do really hope you dont have to skip a month because of that !! i want to hear about Wednesdays IUI hopefully.. i can imagine how tough it must be.. i somehow have a feeling your mum suspects theres more going on .. mothers do just get those type of feelings.. im sure you will be comfortable either way, letting her know or not is obviously your choice.. xx i hope for the best outcome for you whatever you decide.. let us know about this cycle's IUI.. fx'd the clomid works wonders on you xxx

AFM, had another scare today, felt only one kick since morning and texted my doc who asked me to go back into Labour ward for monitoring so had to do that for an hour, even there she wasnt moving much, dont know if she was sleeping or whatever but they phoned my doc and he asked me to come in tomorrow morning as ive got an appointment at 9am anyway.. sarah, regarding fluid levels increasing, the doc didnt say that would happen, he is more concerned about monitoring me to see that the baby is ok, im not sure that the levels just increase like that, he did not state that they fluctuate, but ive read stories online of women who have had fluid levels increase in a week etc. so really im none the wiser xx

night night ladies xxxxx :hugs:
Night preethi and good luck. I hope you get some piece of good news for once. If not, we will be here to listen. I agree with Flying, take pictures every few weeks as you would normally. Not to post on here but just to have. Its still your journey, even if it was diffficult and had complications. I can't wait to see pictures of your little baby. She will be so pretty with the darker features!

Sarah- boooo cyst! I think maybe we should just think of it as a good luck charm. Lol. Maybe its there to hang around and make you a bfp! I really want you to get success from IUI super bad!

I decided to push my doctors for the 3 hour gestational diabetes test just to be sure as a lot of things that I would expect to be bad for me to eat, do not send my sugars over the limit. So then I just want the 3 hour test to prove to myself that I do have it, so im not spending hundreds of extry money for nothing. Supplies and tests and appointments are costly, and my insurance doesn't cover too much. So monday I do the nasty test. ICK.
Preethi, I was thinking about the photo thing earlier, and I was thinking that you can ALWAYS delete photos later on if they cause too much hurt to look back on for whatever reason, but you will NEVER EVER be able to get photos of this pregnancy again... :hugs: I hope the appointment tomorrow goes well for you!

AFM I finally got to see my midwife again, having not seen her for 6 weeks! lol. Turns out the glucose test I had a few weeks ago DID come back slightly high. Not worryingly high, but high enough that with my family history of diabetes we're going to go on and do the 2 hour fasting test to double check, and probably get a scan done to check it's size and stuff too. I'm too not worried really, cos if I DO have GD now, it's only 10 weeks to have to manage it! And I get more scans to check on bub as we get further along if I have GD too. lol. And generally when it's only slightly high on the 1 hour test (no fasting) it comes back fine on the 2 hour fasting one anyway. So because I have friday off this week (I'm driving 5 hours up to the national grooming competition) I'll get that done first thing in the morning friday, and my midwife will txt me on friday night or saturday to let me know the result. I may get a scan on friday morning too if my midwife can get me booked in then, we'll see.... :)

Anyway, I got to hear the heartbeat again (yay!) and recorded it:
at the end she says "120... How many weeks are you?" and I reply "30". I cut the video off then cos it's just the same, but a bit later she decides that it's a *little* on the slower side (110-130 is normal for 30 weeks apparently, but my bub was dipping below 110 a few times) so she wanted to strap me to the monitor that prints off a graph for 10 mins just to get a better picture of what it's doing. So we did that, and normally it gets strapped on to your tummy to keep it in place while it records the heartbeat, but bub was squirming around sooooooo much that she kept having to chase it down to keep finding the heartbeat! lol!! It was funny really, she said she's not concerned cos if it's this active then it's obviously still doing ok in there! We finally got it settled down (sorta, it still protested with the odd boot at the monitor!) and yeah sure enough the heartbeat is totally fine. I got to keep the print out though :)
You can see the bit where it was really thumping around (where she wrote across it "active baby"!) and hard to get any reading on it at all and then where it gets a better reading it's all over 100 and mostly all over 110 as well, so she's not worried at all. :)

And finally, I went to see a dear friend who I haven't seen in *ages* and she gave me the most gorgeous gift for bub; a teeny tiny silver bracelet with an amethyst set into it, and a space where we can engrave it's name.

a size reference beside a set of nail clippers:
I LOVE lil keep-sakes like this! I'm a photo nutter so will get pics of bub wearing it when it's tiny, and then I can stash it away as a precious memory of how tiny my baby was once apon a time... :cloud9:

So all in all I've had a good day. And tomorrow I have no plans at all so can sleep in or do whatever! :D
Happy 28 weeks Mummycat!

Flying - glad all seemed well with baby. i suspect (as the mw said) that the intiial readings were maybe a little "off" at times cos baby was probably squirming away or something. I think that it's so active is definitely a good sign! Sorry your glucose levels were a bit high, hopefully the 2 hour test will come back normal.
gorgeous little bracelet!

Sarah - so glad you can go ahead with the clomid again this month! sorry you didn't get to ask the clinic for your numbers etc though.

good luck at your appointment today babyhopes :hugs:

NY - glad you requested the 3 hour test. I'm surprised they never did it because I thought if the one hour test came back with "bad" results then they automatically do the 3 hour test to confirm it. Fx'd it comes back normal!

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