ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

I just did some rough calculations and 1 IUI w/ injectables will cost a total of about $4000 (a little less in D1 clinic and a little more in D2's), our responsibility is to pay 20% so about $800 goes out of our pocket.
No, injectables here = FSH injection; trigger is either HCG or ovidrel
Injectibles are what is used instead of a drug like clomid to stimulate the follicles to mature.

Good luck with your decision Dew :hugs:
Oh Dew! Hun! :( :hugs: I'm so sorry you've had bad news!! I know it's hard, but don't forget you DO still have follicles and eggs and some fertility, even if it's a lot less than you had thought/hoped for. Many women are totally infertile and are unable to ever even consider fertility treatments to help. It sucks sooooo bad, but it CAN always be worse. Loads and loads of baby dust heading your way though, and a ton of :hugs:'s too!
Oh gosh Dew, that's heartbreaking honey!!! :cry: I'm so sorry!! :(

I agree... D2 seemed to not want to waste any more of your valuable time and even though his news was harder to take, I think at least you know exactly where you stand. :thumbup: Sadly it sounds like any attempts for a baby now are going to cost you guys lots of money! Which sucks! Specially when people get pregnant when they don't want the baby :grr: It makes me so mad about how unfair life can be some times! :grr: saying that.... once you have that baby in your arms you wont care what you've spent to have him/her. It will all be worth it!

I guess the only way forward is one step at a time and see how it goes... but I think D2 would give me the most confidence in knowing that he's doing everything possible to help me get pregnant (If I were in your situation).

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and more :hugs:
NY - I think for me I'm using hte respisense mainly for the cats as baby will have it on no matter where he's sleeping. however, I think it might only be available in SA - not sure though. But i know a lot of other ladies have the angel care monitor with breathing mat and that is available worldwide so should also work to notify you if the cat is being a problem.

Dew - I am so so sorry you got such bad news :hugs:
I also tend to agree with the other ladies and think you should rather stick with D2 - he seemed more thorough and doesn't want to waste time which I think is good given your situation. It's really lucky that you will only have to pay 20% of the fee - yes, it is still a lot of money, but a heck of a lot less than if you had the pay it all. I really really hope he manages to help you get pg. I'm really sorry you had that news :hugs:
27 weeks today for me and I guess that makes me officially third tri!?! :happydance:
hi everyone :flower:

we got back yesterday at 5pm and had dinner, then there was a hurricane warning and I came online to catch up with you and the power cut out! so then I read the posts later on my laptop but I dont have my username/password saved on that so I couldnt reply to anything :dohh:

Sarah, where are you?

So, we visited both fertility clinics today. In second clinic, doctor (D2) decided to do a vaginal U/S on me to check my fibroid, ovaries and basal antral follicle count (BAF count tells the status of ovarian reserve). Unfortunately, we got bad news and we feel so discouraged and I can't stop crying since then. D2 could only see 2 follicles per ovary so a total of 4 which is considered very low. D2 said I don't have much fertile time left in me and he is not very sure how successfully I will react to clomid/injectibles (definitely need them in very high dose for superovulation). Even if we go for IVF, since I do not have good BAF, I may end up with fewer eggs thus reducing my chances of producing fertilized eggs/embryos (and definitely not a good chance of freezing embryo for later because I won't have any extras). I feel so discouraged and infertile and wish I was dead already.

I hate my gynec for not testing Estrogen levels on CD3 along with FSH because low FSH (a good sign) but with increased E2 will indicate poor ovarian reserve and we could have known about my situation long time back.

D2 suggested 100mg Clomid (CD2-6); if U/S doesn't look good then FSH injection on CD8, followed by Ovidrel trigger shot, IC (BD), IUI (36-40 hrs post-trigger) plus Progesterone supplement (LPS) [Next cycle will be modified based on first cycle observations and results]

Doctor at first clinic (D1) did not do any U/S, D1 also wants to do CD3 hormone tests; based on results and U/S start with injectables on CD3 (she doesn't believe much in clomid but left the decision to us); trigger shot; IUI; Progesterone supplement. She mentioned that E2 level information is missing but based on my medical history, she expects it to be fine. I think she is wrong because later D2 found diminished basal ovarian follicles. She also mentioned that if CD3 test results are not looking good, we won't proceed further (whatever that means?).

I never expected to hear such bad news about my fertility. Everything sounds horrible and so so pessimistic. Such a bad day :( and all these treatments are so ****ing expensive

dew :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
first of all please dont say you wish you were dead already, that scares me :cry: I understand this is devestating news but you can overcome this....it will just take some science but you can do it :hugs: I was watching a tv program in the hotel about this girl with legs that wont stop growing and it was so sad and I realized how precious life is and how lucky many of us are. you may not feel lucky right now but try and think positive thoughts ....you did get pregnant before so you CAN get pregnant.

I dont know much about the low BAF count....how many follicles per ovary did her expect to see? can you ask the other clinic to do the same test and ask for a 2nd opinion? just to make sure he is correct. Im not saying he is wrong but there are clinics who are in this to make profit and will exaggerate. Are there any clinics affiliated with big hospitals?

if you 'don't have much fertile time left' in you then honestly Dew skip the IUI and go right for IVF....why waste valuable eggs on a procedure that has a much lower success rate? if you dont respond well to the drugs they can change to an IUI cycle but I think you should go for the IVF straight away, if you could afford it. Id be doing it now but wont have the $ till January. how much will your insurance cover for IVF? half of the cost is drugs so hopefully that is covered well.

Im so sorry you are going through this and we are all with you :hugs: but at least you have some idea what is holding things up, Im unexplained and just not getting pregnant. you got pregnant before so I have every faith in you that you can do it again and get your forever baby. once day you and I will have our babies in our arms and will look back on these posts :hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss:
Hello ladies- ive read everything and hope you are all well and sending hugs around.

I have an issue and since you are all so level headed and have great advice im hoping to vent and get some feed back. Ok.

OH agreed to stop smoking with a bfp. There have been many times in the last 7 months that i've asked, accused, bantered, and fought with OH about me thinking he has been smoking. And in his car, nonetheless. BUT each time he has assured me up and down, promised, and said definitely he is not smoking. He even gets really mad at ME when i would bring it up or "accuse" him of things and would be in a fight because he would be mad that I accused him. Anyways, a month ago I decided to be nice and vacuum his car very thoroughly. I busted my butt doing this, getting into small cracks and under seats and all over. I found ashes, wrappers, and other things to point to the smoking. I just through it all away, cleaned it up, and hoped it was old stuff. Yesterday I for sure caught him. For the first time in a while I went into his car for something and noticed fresh white ashes on the floor and side dash of his car.....then I looked in glove box and found other evidence. When I asked him about it he denied it, got mad again, and actually left. Finally, its out, he has been smoking but now, get this, its my fault because I "stress him out." So, not only has he blatantly lied to my face COUNTLESS times in the last 7 months, but he's even smoking in his car, which baby will be riding in soon....The biggest issue I have is the trust. He travels for work sometimes and I find it hard to figure out now how important i am to him to not do things behind my back and just lie to me....so where is the line drawn at the betrayal he could justify? Im so torn to pieces over this, it hurts so much to think of being lied to over something so small for so long....Today I made a snide comment about him not answering his phone while at work because he was outside smoking and he said he would never smoke at work since he is in the Excercise Physiology division and that would NOT be accepted. All I can think of that is im so glad his work gets the luxury of him not smoking there out of respect for his career, but then its ok to lie to me for the last year about it and not think anything wrong of that.....us, his family, we are ok to hurt. IDk. What do i do?

hi NY....I have very strong feelings on this issue as Ive been through this exact thing....with my Dad :cry: I just wanted to give you my opinion and hopefully this will help you not be so angry at him. Yes its bad he has lied to you but I know that the addiction of smoking will make lovely caring men turn into liars. This is exactly what happened with my dad....when I was about 17 he started finding it hard to breathe and went to the doctor who told him to give up smoking. We were all worried about him and he promised he would stop. Well I could smell smoke on him and would confront him and he would lie right to my face....this was the man who I was so close to and here he was lying to me! I remember one time I basically caught him in the garage and he was all weird and still tried to lie. It was very strange. Here was my dad, my hero and the strongest person in my life lying and sneaking around. In hindsight I realized that it was really hard for him to give up, and that made him feel really bad and thats why he was hiding it. It ended up being emhysema and thats what he died from, and I do regret getting so angry at him around that time.

We all have our 'vices' that we turn to when stressed - mine is food - but addiction is a powerful thing. I know in my head that losing 30 pounds will probably help my fertility but can I do it? no! I still eat 'bad' food as thats what makes me happy after a stressful day. Im an intelligent business woman, but I cant seem to find the willpower to beat my addiction to certain foods. He is probably understandably nervous about the arrival of the baby and finding the smoking to be an outlet.

Im not saying what your hubby did is right....but he has an addiction and needs your help not you being angry at him. Like you said he has been wonderful for your family so dont let this make you think so differently of him. He has only lied to you as he is covering up something he is ashamed of. And doing that probably makes him even more stressed and in turn he wants to smoke more. Hopefully you being more sympathetic to him will help, say you want to help him overcome and find ways to communicate better so he doesnt think you are nagging him about it. Perhaps he can go for laser therapy, I hear thats good? :hugs:
huggles congrats on entering 3rd tri :hugs: :cloud9:

preethi Im so happy bubs is growing and is still inside you :hugs: :cloud9:

Im proud of you both! :cry: :hugs:
Dew- That sounds heart breaking:( Im sorry to hear all of that news from D2....but take it with a grain of salt. He seriously could be jumping off the negative train a little bit if the two opinions are so different. Have you researched any of what he has told you now? I would find out your own information a bit as well...Some just don't like to make you hopeful for anything so they look extra successful in the end...I just dont want your attitude ruined by his/(her?) attitude right off the start. Otherwise it will not work either way. Unfortunately, your body needs positivity and hope in order for it to work properly. Just take a few days to stew over those words, then get determined again because at this point that is all you can do. I hope it works out for you, and do what you need to do to make a decision. Just remember that the 2 opinions were different and think of what is best for you!
Sarah, where are you?

So, we visited both fertility clinics today. In second clinic, doctor (D2) decided to do a vaginal U/S on me to check my fibroid, ovaries and basal antral follicle count (BAF count tells the status of ovarian reserve). Unfortunately, we got bad news and we feel so discouraged and I can't stop crying since then. D2 could only see 2 follicles per ovary so a total of 4 which is considered very low. D2 said I don't have much fertile time left in me and he is not very sure how successfully I will react to clomid/injectibles (definitely need them in very high dose for superovulation). Even if we go for IVF, since I do not have good BAF, I may end up with fewer eggs thus reducing my chances of producing fertilized eggs/embryos (and definitely not a good chance of freezing embryo for later because I won't have any extras). I feel so discouraged and infertile and wish I was dead already.

I hate my gynec for not testing Estrogen levels on CD3 along with FSH because low FSH (a good sign) but with increased E2 will indicate poor ovarian reserve and we could have known about my situation long time back.

D2 suggested 100mg Clomid (CD2-6); if U/S doesn't look good then FSH injection on CD8, followed by Ovidrel trigger shot, IC (BD), IUI (36-40 hrs post-trigger) plus Progesterone supplement (LPS) [Next cycle will be modified based on first cycle observations and results]

Doctor at first clinic (D1) did not do any U/S, D1 also wants to do CD3 hormone tests; based on results and U/S start with injectables on CD3 (she doesn't believe much in clomid but left the decision to us); trigger shot; IUI; Progesterone supplement. She mentioned that E2 level information is missing but based on my medical history, she expects it to be fine. I think she is wrong because later D2 found diminished basal ovarian follicles. She also mentioned that if CD3 test results are not looking good, we won't proceed further (whatever that means?).

I never expected to hear such bad news about my fertility. Everything sounds horrible and so so pessimistic. Such a bad day :( and all these treatments are so ****ing expensive

dew I reread your post.....so the clinic how did the ultrasound do they still need to do the CD3 tests....you mentioned having a high estrogen level on CD3 is not good...do you know for sure yours is high or are you waiting to hear back from both?
Sarah- thanks for the kind words about the smoking. I am very sorry about what happened to your dad. Its very sad, I just wish smoking were never around. To lose people that could have been prevented had cigarettes just never been here. So sad. ...I totally know giving it up is hard. But, since i've been there, I dont really have the sympathy towards him about it since ive done it. I just hope he really stays away from it this time, as he is telling me again that he is, for I will NOT handle anymore lying.....Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you.
HI everyone,

Happy 3rd tri huggles !!! :headspin:

Dew im so sorry :hugs: :cry: i wont say i can imagine how you feel because nobody can unless they are going through it.. it is heartbreaking and though i dont know much about follicles etc, i will say one thing after i read your post and everyone elses responses.. yes D2 did make you mad but giving you that news, but now you know where you are and think of this.. you WERE pregnant before, just like sarah said. so there is no certainty that you wont get pregnant now.. Also, i agree, why waste time and money and your eggs on IUI if it wont work or has less chance.. just go with IVF like sarah says.. but i understand money is a concern, is there no way you can get help ??

i am praying for you :hugs: and youre in my thoughts.. you will find an answer soon xxxxx

Sarah, so sorry about your dad, it is heartbreaking, and youre strong to have gone through that.. :hugs: Lying is the worst thing ever !!

Ny, im sure ive told you all before, that ive thought of a name and that i was going to call her Gemma Louise, purely because Gemma means precious/jewel in latin and Louise means fighter/ strong warrior in french and i couldnt think of a better suited name for her given what ive been through.. i remember you also saying Jemma was your "dogs" name and i said that Gemma is a well used by the English as a name for their babies.

i had my ctg today and it went fine, she was active, so its on to monday now.. my next scan
Sarah- thanks for the kind words about the smoking. I am very sorry about what happened to your dad. Its very sad, I just wish smoking were never around. To lose people that could have been prevented had cigarettes just never been here. So sad. ...I totally know giving it up is hard. But, since i've been there, I dont really have the sympathy towards him about it since ive done it. I just hope he really stays away from it this time, as he is telling me again that he is, for I will NOT handle anymore lying.....Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you.

but thats you....you cant expect him to be the same....

I have been battling this food addiction thing myself, and my hubby gets annoyed at me as he finds it easy to deal with diet and exercise. but he didnt go through the painful loss of a parent and the depression from that so he cant know whats in my head. perhaps your hubby is feeling internally stressed about the baby or work or family...all I am saying is to try and have a little sympathy as I think that kind of reaction would be more helpful.

Im just trying to give you a different perspective :hugs: I was told by my therapist to not expect people to act like you, as they are not you. that has helped me quite a bit when dealing with issues, but its hard!

hubby probably lied to you as if he had told you he was smoking you would have been angry....so lying is the easier option even though they dont realize its worse later. :dohh:

youve mentioned before how wonderful he is with your family so I hope you can move on and help him give up and allow him to share with you when he is struggling :hugs: :kiss:
Ive also got the options of Holly Jane and Kelly Jane, so lets see.. ive got only two and half ish weeks or so to go probably,so hope i make a decision by then..

Sarah,, nobody will understand a persons pain and problems unless theyve been through them like you say your dh does not understand the addiction to food thing and the depression because he hasnt been there.. youve been there, and youre coming out so strong :hugs: its all down to self experience .

Ny, you and your dh will get through this, and yeah like sarah says, you did mention he was great with you and ella and im sure he will understand if not now, then closer to the time when baby arrives xx
I failed my GTT yesterday by 2 friggin points and have to take the 3 hour test tomorrow. :( Close enough that the sugary muffin DH told me I shouldn't eat as I drove to the appointment could have been the difference.
Sarah- you are right. He isn't me and I can be quite a pill to swallow if something doesn't go the way I think it should. I agree that he was afraid of my reaction if I knew he was smoking. I have a hard time making it easy to come to talk to me abot something I will not agree with...so he feels it hard to talk to me about it as he knew i'd flip anyways. I am trying to be more open to the fact that he can't quit as easily as me, and there will be weak times of him smoking, but just hate being lied to. I hope that doesn't become a habit of his too....:(

Sheryl- yea, probably the muffin did it for sure. Hope you pass 3 hour and dont barf it up. I hated it so bad!
Preethi- yes now I remember the name Gemma! I love it! So so cute. I like it the best out of the ones you named. Glad she was being so good today! How exciting that she is giving some good news.

Got your bags packed for the hospital? think you are all set to go?

I am hoping my new neice comes home today and out of the NICU, i've not even really met her yet!

Happy 3rd tri Huggles! WOO HOO! Wish I could say it goes fast. Lol. I feel like ive been 32 weeks for like 5 months now! Although, all the stores have brought out halloween things to buy now and it makes it seem closer since by halloween I will have a baby!

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