ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Sarah- thank you hun. I can pretty much go to extremes. When we fight, we fight passionately, and when we love we love the same. So its tough for me to see through a bad fight and I usually just want to leave. But I always come around to knowing that is not the best choice and why would I want to put my children through that because I feel betrayed. Its not healthy for me to be like this pregnant, but pretty sure its the hormones that helped on this argument! We can and have gotten through a lot, so as long as I stop with being so evil about the smoking, I hope he upholds his promise to not lie. Its all I can do is have faith that he doesn't want to hurt me this way again as obviously he loves me with all of the other things he does for me and our family.

My boy names are so random....but now we are debating with Ian Elijah, Kian Patrick, and Jude ______. Those are a few of the top runners I think now. Its tough for us to agree on!
ny i'm so glad to hear your niece is home and doing well.
I like Kian Patrick.

Sarah, wow $12000 is a lot of money! :shock:
ny i'm so glad to hear your niece is home and doing well.
I like Kian Patrick.

Sarah, wow $12000 is a lot of money! :shock:

I know! and the question is how many do we do. I think I would do 3 attempts, no more than 5. we have quite a bit of equity in properties that I would take out to pay for it, I would need to feel like we gave a good attempt and if its not meant to be then at least we would have tried.
totally sucks that it's so expensive to fall pg though! Seems so unfair.
Really hope you don't even need the IVF though. Really hope you get pg in the next month or two! :dust:
totally sucks that it's so expensive to fall pg though! Seems so unfair.
Really hope you don't even need the IVF though. Really hope you get pg in the next month or two! :dust:

that would be nice!! at least by December and I would be happy. In fact my perfect month to get pregnant is November with an August birth as my family can come over to be there, and be there every birthday too (as my nieces are off school so able to come over)

For those of you who know hollymonkey she is pregnant again, praying this is her forever baby after she has lost 2 this year.
ny I like Kian Patrick, I think Kian is an irish name? Ive always loved irish names and most of my choices are irish!!
Ny, im indian so my sister is indian too lol .. she couldnt wait as she is studying for her MBA and probably has some exam later on due to which she had to make it this week.. Ny, i like Kian patrick too...

sarah,i really like caitlin, but dh dosent.. i wish i could have named her caitlin but i think it will have to be gemma purely for the meaning and because weve been calling her gemma from the beginning .. i love irish names too...... !! you will surely get to use them.. fx'd for your BFP asap never mind november..

yay !!!! i cant believe hollymonkey is pregnant again.. good on her ! im going to send her a message now that youve mentioned it !
Thanks Sarah and Babyhopes for your kind messages!:hugs:

I was actually snooping around here to see what dpo Sarah was on, please excuse me ladies:flower:

7dpo I see:thumbup:

I will creep back into my hole now...https://smileys.sur-la-toile.com/repository/Fantastique/monstre2.gif
Hello ladies,

Thanks for your support and advice. Here, I hope to be clearer about D1, D2 and my ovarian reserve situation. It’s gonna be a long message, I hope you have patience to read it through.

My gynec did day 3 tests on me but she only included FSH, prolactin and TSH. My results for these three hormones were very good and within normal range. Unfortunately, in the absence of day 3 estrogen level, FSH doesn’t make much sense.

“What we want on day three is a low FSH level in conjunction with a low estradiol level (<80). If the FSH is normal but the estradiol level is elevated, the elevated estradiol will often be artificially "suppressing" the FSH level down to the normal range.”

In addition to E2 and FSH tests, Basal Antral Follicle count and AMH levels are observed on day 3 or in pre-follicular phase to determine ovarian health status.

“While an abnormal result (high baseline FSH) tends to be very predictive of low egg quantity, a normal result does not necessarily mean that the egg quantity is good. There are a significant number of women with normal FSH values that have a reduced egg supply. The lower egg supply is not being reflected in their FSH value. This is why doing antral follicle counts and AMH levels can be useful. By doing multiple ovarian reserve tests, we are more likely to find an ovarian reserve problem if there is one.”

Now D2’s clinic has a policy of performing a diagnostic ultrasound for BAF count in addition to day 3 hormone tests, HSG and SA for DH. As a result of that u/s, D2 is one step ahead of D1 in terms of knowing my situation but that really doesn’t mean he is any smarter than D1. Both are old and have decades of experience in infertility treatment. In fact, after visiting first clinic and meeting with D1, we were very satisfied and if we didn’t have second option, we would have been happy to get treated at D1. D1 is just about 10 minutes drive from our house while D2 is about 30 minutes and if traffic is bad, it can get longer. D1 is cheaper than D2 to some extent. D2 is at a beautiful location and has fancier interiors.

Unfortunately, I was at CD7 on the day of appointment so we have to wait until next cycle to do day 3s and based on those results we move forward with our treatment.

OK, yes! we also questioned D1 and D2’s sincerity in suggesting my treatment because as you pointed out doctor’s are business men too. So, clomid is way cheaper than FSH injections. D1 is not a fan of clomid and thinks it has more side-effects and less results; she pushed more towards injectibles. D2, on the other hand, did that U/S and scared both of us to death, we were so not ready to hear about my poor ovarian reserve. We were dumbfounded and at the end of it, didn’t even know what to ask and expect. He talked and talked, gave us lots of published articles to take home and read, and finally, made a treatment regimen for us without our involvement (we were too shaken at that moment to participate). We came out of D2 clinic, very discouraged and I was in tears already. It was a long drive and we both went into denial stage, where we started to question D2’s findings and felt it is probably his strategy to scare us into getting more expensive treatment. But after coming home, we both read articles and I searched internet and we figured that based on my BAF count, I do have problem and D2 was just telling us the truth. At least, now we are better prepared for a surprise in day 3 hormone test results in next cycle. I think D2 will also do AMF test on day 2 (he wants to start a day early, may be because I ovulate early??).

However, I do not think that D1 is any less experienced or less capable because she did say that my day 3 FSH is insignificant in the absence of E2 levels and was not willing to plan treatment regime without that information. Although, considering my medical background she expected it to be normal too...quoting her... "Her medical history is unremarkable for factors that would negatively affect her reproductive system.". She too will do bloods (FSH, LH, Estrogen) and U/S on day 3. We also meet her one more time before my periods start and she intends to perform infectious disease (HIV, Hepatitis etc) blood tests before we proceed.

Well, we have still not made a decision. We have been busy reading articles, calling insurance company for additional information and just getting over the initial shock.

About insurance coverage, it is pretty generous but IUI with injectables is so expensive and $8000 (max coverage for infertility treatment) will cover only 2 IUIs, at the most 3 and we will still be paying $150 deductible and 20% of the cost.

I am scared about my day 3 tests and I have to pray really hard that my ovary/follicles respond well to stimulation.

I will talk about IVF in next message because it's getting long here.

Thanks everyone for reading. Sorry, if I am still not clear. Let me know. Thanks for being there for me…you are the only one in the world who I am sharing my sorrow with…
dew you are probably writing about ivf right now, but I just wanted to thank you for the detail! I have to ask if they have checked my Basal Antral Follicle count and AMH levels. I know my E2 levels are ok as they check that every time I start a new cycle and this past cycle even though I have a cyst they knew it was ok as the E2 was low.

so theres a chance your E2 may not be as bad as you thought, but at least you have some warning to digest everything.

please continue to vent....we are here to listen
I got thinking after I posted to huggles about november being my 'perfect' month....so now I want to do IVF that month!! I think I can probably find the money by november. but that means I would like to try injectables for sept/oct as I want to try them a few times with IUI, and Im not sure if I can do that...I think I need to see my FS and I wont till Oct. When I phone for my next CD3 ultrasound and bloods I will mention to them can I try injectables. If not I will just do clomid & iui sept/oct. Its perfect timing as I see the FS October and could ask for the next cycle to be IVF.

its so funny, every couple of months my plan changes and I move things forward. but Im not the most patient person in the world so forgive me :haha: the more I read about my age and only 1 in 5 eggs are good I really dont want to waste any time. And theres always a chance I can get some freezies, if Im really lucky. and to be honest dew your news has made me even more determind to move things forward, as my results could go downhill at any time, as Im 39 in just over a month :cry:
Out of curiousity how old are you Dew? DH and I were talking to SIL about her fertility issues last night and I was thinking you two were probably around the same age. She has been trying for years and is heartbroken every month but doesn't want to see a fertility specialist despite my encouragement to see my awesome doctor.
Out of curiousity how old are you Dew? DH and I were talking to SIL about her fertility issues last night and I was thinking you two were probably around the same age. She has been trying for years and is heartbroken every month but doesn't want to see a fertility specialist despite my encouragement to see my awesome doctor.

Sheryl, I am 35; feb '76 born
Sarah, I had to go out to finish some chores. I will be writing about IVF a little bit later. Thanks for reading. I believe basal estrogen might be high for me.

Also for you and Sheryl, ovarian age is not so much dependent on your real (chronological) age.
Sorry Sarah I don&#8217;t mean to scare you. I am very sure your ovarian reserve is better than mine. Every woman&#8217;s situation is different. My friend first got pregnant naturally at 35 and then again at 38-39 without any difficulty. Both her pregnancies were effortless and babies are healthy too. Still, I wouldn&#8217;t want you to take it easy but be more aggressive in your approach. It&#8217;s totally OK if you want to pre-pone your plans for injectibles and IVF, makes all the sense to me now.

About IVF:

If I decide today to do IVF, it will take 6-8 weeks (basically 2 months) to prepare my body for the actual procedure. I don&#8217;t know the details yet but it involves taking Birth Control Pills etc etc&#8230;

On an average 8-12 eggs are removed from their follicles and collected in a petridish where they are incubated with sperm. Not all eggs will survive and out of those that survive, not all will get fertilized, and from those that do get fertilized not all will develop into healthy (high quality) embryo/balstocyst, so for IVF they really have to start with large number of eggs. For me, we don&#8217;t know how follicles will react to hormone stimulation, whether I will superovulate or not. So, I believe at least one or two cycles of dose optimization might be required to determine my superovulation status. Once doctor knows all the details about my reproductive system, he or she may be able to make a wiser decision for IVF.

As such preparation time for IVF is long and then if enough eggs are not produced they may cancel the procedure. It involves lot of time and will require lots of patience from our side. On top of that, it is a very expensive procedure costing around $12,-13,000 plus extra if we are freezing the embryos, which according to D2, will not be possible in my case as he doesn&#8217;t expect me to have many eggs and hence not enough embryos either :(

P.S. Sarah, since we'll run out of $8000 insurance money doing IUIs, we'll have to pay 100% out of our pocket for IVF unless IVF is in January which will be the beginning of new calender year so another $8000 for us to spend on fertility treatments. I can't predict anything at this time, can just hope for the BEST in such circumstances.
I am not sure why it didn't occur to me that the $8000 was per year not total. That's a lot better than i thought. That is very interesting to learn more about IVF. I guess I had no idea whatsoever went into it. I think my SIL is 31 but they have been trying for 5 or so years now.
dew....I still think you should go straight for IVF (unless money is a huge issue)....if you dont produce many eggs you can switch to an IUI cycle....as up to that point you've just been taking drugs. Ask them if thats a possibility, but Ive heard about people switching for those reasons so I hope most clinics allow it. You get 2 perhaps 3 IUIs for $8000 but that $8000 could go to an IVF with a better success rate. I remember you saying DH saying he wanted to do whatever it takes whatever the money, thats why Im suggesting it but I know its not that easy :hugs:

I just think you should go for the treatment with the most success straight away, at least you can fall back on the IUI. Much better than trying a few IUIs then going to IVF in my mind...why waste time and in the long run more money. Unfortunately IUI doesnt have much of a higher success rate than normal BDing, but they try it first as for SOME people its just what they need as they've had troubles with sperm accessing the cervix etc.

Obviously its you and the clinic that will decide, just wanted to give you some things to think about. Im still hoping that something will happen before for both of us [-o&lt;:friends:
Dew- to sum up the details of your levels of everything- does that all mean then that you've got bad eggs or barely any left, or what is it telling you? Or is this all hormonal issues....I still just dont understand exactly what it is...

I cannot believe the money you 2 have to invest in all of this fertility treatment. I am so glad the both of you are able to. So many women probably can't even think to afford all of that and just live with no babies.

All of this information is so interesting and bewildering! I feel like its very complicated. You 2 must be very organized. Lol.
sheryl, your sister's situation sounds very similar to my sil. They tried, unsuccessfully, for about 5 years. Finally she found a good fs and went for testing and it turned out she had pcos. Dr put her on metformin and clomid and she fell pg fairly quickly. Her son is now 2. She took one round of clomid again earlier this year and immediately fell pg again - she's now 22 weeks. She was also 31 when she finally fell pg first time.
I hope your sister does decide to see someone, because if they can just find the cause for her infertility it might be easy to treat like my sil.

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