ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

I'll now go cook, then go for a walk before we eat dinner. Yes, we eat very late (around 8:30pm), unhealthy habits :dohh:

at least you have a walk before, thats good!

I have my pre-AF headache :growlmad:

after I was talking to you and NY about timing Ive realized something: first IUI we abstained for 4 days (sat night to weds noon IUI) and he had 29 million, but really thats the only shot we have and if I ovulated the day before it could be too late.

second IUI we had BD'd the day before as I didnt want it too old and thought it was going to be later in the week. So we only got 5 million, but at least we got some up there the day before rather than having IUI the only shot.

so for next cycle I think we are going to do that again, although perhaps BD 2 days before as that should give us about 10 million sperm and should still be good for having some up there before. Also if we abstain before the BDing there should be a good volume up there!

just thought Id share while I remember :haha:
at least you have a walk before, thats good!

I have my pre-AF headache :growlmad:

after I was talking to you and NY about timing Ive realized something: first IUI we abstained for 4 days (sat night to weds noon IUI) and he had 29 million, but really thats the only shot we have and if I ovulated the day before it could be too late.

second IUI we had BD'd the day before as I didnt want it too old and thought it was going to be later in the week. So we only got 5 million, but at least we got some up there the day before rather than having IUI the only shot.

so for next cycle I think we are going to do that again, although perhaps BD 2 days before as that should give us about 10 million sperm and should still be good for having some up there before. Also if we abstain before the BDing there should be a good volume up there!

just thought Id share while I remember :haha:

How are you feeling?
I only wish that we knew for sure when IUI will happen so we can BD at least 36-48 hours before IUI. In D2's protocol also there is a BD session before IUI. If you were to get pregnant this cycle, I would think it is from BD rather than IUI :winkwink:
NDH and Sheryl, any news on DH's job application?? Keeping FXed it works out well for both of you this time :hugs:
NY: do you go to Minnesota State Fair? I doubt you'll go this year though. If it is not too rainy then we are going today :)

Preethi: Waiting to hear back from you regarding Gemma's tests results. Hoping results are all normal :thumbup:
hi everyone, heres an email from preethi, I replied asking her if shes had any tests but she would have mentioned it and everything sounds good so far. AFM Im off for breakfast with my hubby and to the spa for some pampering (dont know if I mentioned to everyone that one of our business is a spa so theres no cost to me!) and just waiting for AF :coffee:

We are allowed as parents to come anytime of day or nite to see her and spend time with her. Infact I might get discharged today and go down to stay in the 5th floor as a lodger until she comes home as I mentioned before.. Xxx we are sorting out her birth certificate and insurance and stuff as otherwise we have to put down large deposits and get it reimbursed.. It is a big hassle. Mum has stayed with me every night since, but tonight dh will stay with me and probably tomorrow if I can convince him, he hates hospitals and hates staying over night.. As for now, he comes first thing in the morning and leaves late at night so its only the sleeping bit for which my mum gives me company.
Thanks Sarah!
Good to hear from Preethi. She is ready to be discharged, that's great news :thumbup:

Sarah, you own a spa business!! How cool is that :happydance: Enjoy your day!
Sarah- I think thats a good BD plan. Do something in the middle of what you've done now! Have a good spa day...

Glad to hear from Preethi! I, too, am very anxious for some test results. I am glad she can stay at the hospital with her LO. I never heard how long she'd be there, I guess she probably doesn't really have that information either. Just day by day.

Dew- yep we go pretty much each year. My back is so sore after just a bit of walking and I work all day today, so if we do go, it would be probably sunday so it had a day's rest....the ONLY reason i'd suck it up this year is my daughter wants to go so badly and im not very good at disappointing her. It hurts me to think she would be so happy to go and if I can't and have to say no, she would be very sad. I know she would understand as she does respect that her poor mommy is hurting, but I think I could suck it up for her. OH has done finances to see if we can swing it with other things that we had to do and he says yes as long as we don't go overboard. So its just waiting to see what my back feels like tommorrow or sunday. Yay for it not going to be sweltering hot this weekend, that will help me tolerate much better!

Hi everyone else! Off to work talk later!
NY: MSF is great fun for kids as well as adults like me and DH because we love colorful crowd, junk food and roasted corns :) We are not going today as the weather forecast isn't good. We get our tickets at discount (for $9) through friends and park free at one of the free bus pick-up sites. Still we easily end up spending $100 or more on food, rides and lottery scratch games :)

We have various activities planned for this long weekend as we both do not want to be sitting alone at home and allow ourselves to be depressed. We might visit Albertville outlet mall today to do some shopping.
The rest of the process for DH's job is a formality so we are considering this to be his new job. :)
email from preethi...

"All her scans and test results are fine and normal !!"

Im so proud of her!!


do you live near eachother dew and ny so you can go to the same fair? or are you talking about in different cities?
Awesome news!!! What a good little girl!!! She knows that her lovely Mummy has had enough to worry about!

Thanks for the updates Sarah! Hoping you all have a good weekend!
Great news about Gemma :thumbup: Sooo relieved!!! :happydance:

Thanks Sarah!
Sarah: How are you doing? Any spotting? Anything positive?

NY and I live in same state and we are talking about visiting the same fair :) Most probably we are going tomorrow and she might be going on Sunday.
Yay Gemma! Thats great news im so proud of our BNB baby she is proven to be a fighter for quite some time now. Its amazing! Hope Preethi is feeling well.

Dew- I usually enjoy going to the fair too and would hate to miss it...just thinking I may suffer a bit more this year with it. Im quite big nowadays and uncomfortable in many ways. But im sure it will be fun still so we are thinking tomorrow or sunday. Tomorrow was that chance of thunderstorms so probably sunday with the sunny weather. I really want a cheese on a stick! Lol. We also do the park and ride because its cheaper. Didnt get any discount tickets though, will be an expensive day!
Do you guys do the Renaissance Festival too?

Sarah- I believe in US each state does a huge fair....its the state fair. So pretty much everyone from hours and hours away in this state will be at the fair. Its a big deal. LOL. And the sad ending of summer:( Sigh. How was your spa day?
well Im just devastated :cry: sorry this is going to be long...

so today is CD15, and taking the scenerio that I ovulated the day of IUI (2 days after my first positive smiley) I am CD15 today. My LP's have been 13 days and 14 days (its probably actually the same each month but I dont know exactly when I ovulated) so technically today is the last day to get my period having a 14 day LP. I woke up and took my temp expecting it to have tanked, and it was still normal! I was like wow so took a IC test and a FRER and both stark white BFN :cry: so what the hell is happening, for the first time ever Im going to be late....is it the cyst or is clomid finally messing me up like it does for so many people?

its not fair, if she is coming she needs to come on time :growlmad: I did a blood test yesterday....I got a requisition from the FS in the mail for chicken pox asking me to do before next cycle and so I went yesterday and seeing as they were taking blood gave them the beta test too (they ask us to do every IUI cycle but usually I dont bother and ask them to add to my CD3 tests). But I wont know the results till tuesday now because of the long weekend. Im assuming my period will come by then though.

but whats crazy is that according to temps I usually ovulate the day off my smiley face as my temps go up the next day. So if that happened this month I am 16 or 17 dpo! and for sure a test should be positive. So I have to think that I did ovulate the day of my IUI and its coming today, but means my temps have not tanked for the first time ever....dew I know you have had this happen.

Im hoping she just comes today and my temps are wrong. I even looked back on old charts (I used to print a calender and write down my period, ovulation etc) and if I say 1dpo is the day after smiley face Im usually a 14 day LP, but if its 2 days after then Im 13. But this month Im 2 days later and 14 day LP, so much longer.

of course theres that small thought in my head that what if Im one of those people who dont get a positive preg test till later, but really what are the chances of that. it could be the tests or my temps are wrong....these are both ttc aids we rely on so its BS!! :grr:

Ive been trying to keep a pma every month and this is the last straw, I think Im done. I said to my hubby forget this nonsense I just want to do ivf for a proper chance and if that doesnt work thats it. A life without children is even fine by me as I love travel etc, Im just the type of person who is used to getting results when I try for something, and dont like this unknown thing. Ive worked damn hard all my life, moved to a different country for a better life, things have worked out great and I have a great life. This TTC thing sucks as when you add 1 plus 1 it should equal 2, but its doesnt.

ok rant over, pma over :cry: Im upset at my husband as he just invited his parents over even though I told him I didnt feel like company. His mother does my head in as she talks non stop and I cant just go and do my own thing as she acts like oh sarah doesnt want us here. Im really not in the mood to be social and already tomorrow we have a family dinner with them all so I just wanted to relax today, but no hubby had to ask them over.

FYI heres my chart, I wasnt temping as my family was here and I wish I was to pinpoint my ovulation better. who knows perhaps I ovulated later, they do say sometimes it doesnt work and tries again later, and so my period will just be later.
Hmmm, what kind of HPT did you use? And are you positive its super white? I just know that I used IC's and when I got a line, I looked at one from a couple days ago and realized it really did have a faint line but I thought it was bfn. Not that I want to get your hopes up because you know, quite frankly, I dont do that or think like that. Im just trying to figure out an explanation. I know your cycles are regular, but I was having some weird ones suddenly also:( Unfortunately, no reason for it. I would chop it up to something being wrong one day. Your thermometer, your ovulation test, or even the HPT. Something has given a false reading somewhere. Now its really up in the air to when you did ovulate...or if you are just one of those girls whose body is stubborn and you dont get a positive HPT right away. So frustrating:( So, what do you plan on then until you can IVF, stopping with it all for a few months? I am sorry youre dealing with this crap, I dont know what the issue is for you getting pregnant and I'd really like it for you also. Seems so unfair....
Hmmm, what kind of HPT did you use? And are you positive its super white? I just know that I used IC's and when I got a line, I looked at one from a couple days ago and realized it really did have a faint line but I thought it was bfn. Not that I want to get your hopes up because you know, quite frankly, I dont do that or think like that. Im just trying to figure out an explanation. I know your cycles are regular, but I was having some weird ones suddenly also:( Unfortunately, no reason for it. I would chop it up to something being wrong one day. Your thermometer, your ovulation test, or even the HPT. Something has given a false reading somewhere. Now its really up in the air to when you did ovulate...or if you are just one of those girls whose body is stubborn and you dont get a positive HPT right away. So frustrating:( So, what do you plan on then until you can IVF, stopping with it all for a few months? I am sorry youre dealing with this crap, I dont know what the issue is for you getting pregnant and I'd really like it for you also. Seems so unfair....

they were both stark white, not a hint of anything! one was the 10miu IC thats supposed to detect a tiny amount and one was a FRER which should detect on the day of a missed period! thing is I dont even mind if it comes, as this was my least favourite month to get pregnant. its just the delay or unknown thats the worst.

perhaps this month was a dud because of the cyst and weird timings, I just hope I dont have to go on medication to get my period or something. For the past 18 months my period has come on time with just one month I didnt ovulate and got a period earlier. But perhaps the 3rd month on clomid and the cyst are prolonging things. :growlmad:

I dont think I would give up the iuis, but I would probably not temp or test or anything, just go for the blood test when they say I have to (they write the date on the requisition). I have to do the ov tests if they say to but Im hoping to just ask them to do the trigger every CD13 even if I only have 1 follicle to avoid what happened this month.
another scenerio is I didnt ovulate and my 1 follicle turned into a cyst like one did last month :growlmad: but would my temps have gone higher if I didnt ovulate, anyone know??

if that happened I would insist on the trigger every month as that guarantees ovulation.
I am very sorry Sarah. I was fearing this due to extended length of your cycle but was secretly hoping you'll get BFP. I have been through 2-3 long cycles and I can empathize with you big time. I suspect the cyst is doing her nasty trick, wish you could get blood HCG test results sooner than Tuesday. Temps rise when progesterone is produced by follicle that releases egg (this follicle becomes corpus luteum) but I have no idea what happens if a cyst is present :nope: Don't make decisions about future at this time, PMS especially during TTC can be very depressing. I would have hated DH too if he was inconsiderate in inviting guests over against my wish. I am sorry you have to deal with MIL in such mood. IGNORE and STAY CALM as much as possible :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

AFM, I have already had my share of crying done. Will tell later....you take care :hugs:
Oh Sarah!! :( Well one telling point will probably be your temp in the morning. I only got a BFP with Lottie on 16dpo. Not that I want to give you hope, as you have even mentioned that you may not have ovulated... but it is possible to get late implantation.

I completely understand your desire to start IVF asap.. and I think you should seriously consider giving it a go. for 2 reasons. 1) if it works - you'll never regret trying it! 2) if it doesn't work... you'll be pleased you didn't waste any more time trying and feeling this low! :hugs:

I do wish the men in our lives sometimes thought of us a little more than themselves!! :hugs: Hope you make it through the afternoon in one piece!

Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

:hugs: Dew... cos it sounds like you need them too!


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