ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

I am very sorry Sarah. I was fearing this due to extended length of your cycle but was secretly hoping you'll get BFP. I have been through 2-3 long cycles and I can empathize with you big time. I suspect the cyst is doing her nasty trick, wish you could get blood HCG test results sooner than Tuesday. Temps rise when progesterone is produced by follicle that releases egg (this follicle becomes corpus luteum) but I have no idea what happens if a cyst is present :nope: Don't make decisions about future at this time, PMS especially during TTC can be very depressing. I would have hated DH too if he was inconsiderate in inviting guests over against my wish. I am sorry you have to deal with MIL in such mood. IGNORE and STAY CALM as much as possible :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

AFM, I have already had my share of crying done. Will tell later....you take care :hugs:

awwww please let me know, dont tell later :hugs: Im glad to have someone to share my ttc misery with, even though I hope it doesnt last much long for both of us.

Im not making any decisions and cant afford ivf till january anyway. but I do know that I dont want to do this again and so would prefer not to temp/test etc.

I wish my clinic would do a follow up u/s in the 2ww to check if you've ovulated. if my period is not here on tuesday and a bfn on blood test too I will ask to go in so they can do an ultrasound see if the follicle turned into a cyst.

I was always so happy that my cycles were bang on time, dont say thats going to change as well :dohh:
Oh Sarah!! :( Well one telling point will probably be your temp in the morning. I only got a BFP with Lottie on 16dpo. Not that I want to give you hope, as you have even mentioned that you may not have ovulated... but it is possible to get late implantation.

I completely understand your desire to start IVF asap.. and I think you should seriously consider giving it a go. for 2 reasons. 1) if it works - you'll never regret trying it! 2) if it doesn't work... you'll be pleased you didn't waste any more time trying and feeling this low! :hugs:

I do wish the men in our lives sometimes thought of us a little more than themselves!! :hugs: Hope you make it through the afternoon in one piece!

Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

:hugs: Dew... cos it sounds like you need them too!


yes perhaps my temp will tank in the morning then AF arrive tomorrow, that would be great as I can deal with only 1 day late.

did you get bfns with lottie before the bfp? I googled my situation and of course found a woman with same situation who got a BFP at 18dpo after bfns. I just always imagined Id get an early result like the majority and just think my cycle is being cruel as it was a shit cycle anyway!!!

I would do IVF immediately if I can afford it as I like the more direct approach it gives, no ovulation guessing! but its not an option till the new year
hubby is taking me for lunch then going for a long walk with the dogs, I hate feeling miserable and want to get my usual spark back. then inlaws come over and my nice day is over lol. but I will try and avoid MIL and probably watch a movie so she is occupied.

will probably not come online for a couple of days if nothing happens as I will be slowly going crazy and so I will not want to think about any of this nonsense. but I will come on if theres any update :kiss:
Yep Sarah... BFN's and then on 16dpo I got a BFP. I think i might not have tested on 15dpo...but def got a neg on 14dpo.

Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:
I think I may found my answer...

What causes these cysts?
A corpus luteum, or functional cyst, is simply a leftover follicle that has outstayed its normal lifespan. Sometimes, they continue to produce progesterone and estrogen, which may delay the arrival of the next period.

so this is whart Im going to assume is happening, just so I stop thinking about it!!
Hi Ladies, been so busy with everything, and its shattering having to wake up at 3am to express for feeds and send the bottles to NICU..

Ny, i am still staying in hospital in one of those rooms just next to NICU, they still give us three time meals even though im not a patient, and i never eat them, they also clean our room everyday and this is all normal procedure for any parents of babies in NICU. im very lucky to be in this country where they allow over night stays and lodge you in a room next to NICU until baby is discharged. i wouldnt change it for anything. my heart shatters even when i go out for some time knowing that she is in there .. i went home for the first time this afternoon with dh to pack some lunch and dinner and bring some clothes. it was nice to get out of hospital.. dh has been staying with me for the last two nights, otherwise, my mums usually stays the night. dh is off the whole week and starts work next sunday (sunday is the first working day of the week )

sarah, hope your evening goes well regardless of your MIL.. i can understand the space you need and how frustrating it must be when you dont want company .. xx

:hugs: to each and every one of you, hope you all are doing well... xxxx

Flying AND ny, you are so close.. xxx it is all very exciting.. hope all of you have a nice day... xxx
Im so annoyed at hubby! my inlaws arrived about 10 mins after I got the call from the clinic. I was crying in our bedroom with a mixture of sadness, relief to know and hormones, and the last thing I want to do is to try and make my face look less puffy and be all friendly to them. I know if I try and dissappear in the evening she will be all 'wheres sarah' and 'are you sure its ok we stay over'. I had mentioned in the week when she called about how I wanted to just relax this weekend and so now every call shes been saying 'are you sure its ok with sarah we come over' so if I act distant she will think the worst. Hubby doesnt get any of this. Im going to give the excuse I have a headache and try and go for an early night. I wiped a small bit of spotting just after the phonecall...funny ay!
Ohhh Sarah!!! :hugs: I'm glad you got the beta results back earlier though so you can KNOW for sure, that slight bit of unknown really makes it sooooooo hard!!! And in the future the temp thing means NOTHING if it stays high, a LOT of women have a high temp for even several days after AF comes before the temp drops back down!!! It really means nothing if your temp is still high, it is only if it *drops* that you can read it, but if it stays high it's neither here nor there. *sigh*
:hugs: anyway....

Preethi, I'm so proud of you and Gemma! It must be so hard leaving her behind every time you leave the room, I can imagine it'd be leaving part of your heart behind each time... :hugs: hun, stay strong and I look forward to the day you can tell us about taking her home!!!! :)
:hugs: Sarah! I'm sorry you had such a rough day yesterday :hugs:

Preethi, you are doing such a brilliant job of being a mummy!! can't believe Gemma is nearly a week old :shock:
well I woke up and I have blood yay! I hope it turns into my proper CD1 with flow. usually I go in on CD3 for bloods & ultrasound but if I call today they might not get till tuesday because the long weekend so I may not go in till wednesday which is CD4. although they might have someone in on monday checking messages, as what happens with all the IVF patients etc. and I think im supposed to take the clomid from CD3.

flying, so far my temp has always dropped the day AF is coming, so it could have dropped this morning but Im not temping anymore! Im not temping or testing, just going to do the blood tests like the clinic asks on the day they ask. those last few days waiting are horrible so I dont want to do it anymore! I will do my best not to know the exact date and just keep FF for day 1's and IUI tracking. So I probably wont be on here much in my 2WW's, although I will have to come on and check once the babies are starting to come!!
where is everyone??!!

I phoned my best friend in the uk today as it was her birthday, she has a one year old little girl (she is 1 month older than me) and she tells me she is 4 months pregnant with her 2nd! I was in shock, and I just wanted to cry. I asked her how long had she been trying and she said it happened very quickly. It was bad timing after this weekend. Its funny as people on here talk about feeling jealous of other people and up until today Ive never felt that way. So I think Ive finally hit a wall, Im fed up and pissed off at the same time!

Funnily enough right after the nurse at the clinic phoned (didnt realize they work on sundays) and said Im booked for my CD3 at 8am on Tuesday. I asked her some more about the cyst and she said my blood tests indicate its not an active cyst, and it didnt change in size either, so she thinks its nothing to worry about. I mentioned my extended cycle and she said it was probably the clomid. I asked if I wanted to switch to injectables do I need to see my FS and she said no, and that she would leave the info in my file for tuesday. I asked hubby if he minded missing a mortgage payment so that I can do a couple of months of injectables and he said ok, so I might switch this month. She said often if people havent had success in 3 months on clomid its a good idea to switch.

you will laugh, I looked at hubbies phone today and he had done a google search for 'clomid and your sanity' as he was really worried about how upset Ive been this weekend!!!!!!! But I said to him thats a normal reaction for something I really want, but he just doesnt get it. I think he was surprised as Ive been fine for a year and more, but I think its finally got to me.
Sarah- not that any of your situation is funny- but just the part about what your DH googled about clomid. That made me giggle. Just wait til pregnancy;) I am sorry for AF messing with you and this cycle just being so so hard for you. Im super glad you can switch to injectables this next cycle though. Thats great news! Are you excited about that?

Preethi im so glad you get to stay with your LO. How is the nursing going do you get to actually hold her, or just pump milk for her to be fed? Does breast feeding hurt as badly as everyone says? Glad DH has been staying with you. This must be so hard for him to not have his little baby at home with him...You are doing so well, I am so happy for you!

Hello everyone else!
Nothing too interesting. Just nesting hard core, and its killing my body as i'll go for like 10 hours a day with doing things around the house. Its still a mess i feel like!
Sarah, I'm glad that you're trying something new...it'll give you something different to focus on and I think you're right to stop temping etc. Poor hubby... he might just be about to realise how much this really means to you! I can't believe how calm you've been through it all... you've done so much better than I ever would have.


NY.. enjoy that nesting while it lasts.... though try not kill yourself! :haha: I've been feeling ill this weekend... and I need my nesting to come back in full force as my MIL arrives on Sat! :)
Sheryl - i'm so glad to hear your hubby got that job! that's really great news!

Sarah - sorry your cycle was so messed up this month. Glad they'll let you try injectables :hugs:
ny it made me laugh too!! you know how people are always talking about clomid sides affects and how they were really moody on it...well I thought it was great until this month 1 follicle, 1 cyst and I think my pms mood swings were much much worse. I think its best to change incase that continues. But as well I think I have finally reached that breaking point with the whole TTC thing, so it was all at once. My hubby is just not used to seeing me like that, well the last time was when my dad died :cry:

mummy I do feel better today, I think the hormones are calming down! I do feel a little excited to be trying something new, I was googling last night 'are injectables better than clomid' and read some good info. although some people can pay $1000-$2000 and Im budgeting $1000 per month so I hope its nearer that. I think it depends how well you stimulate, from what I understand say if after 5 days you have lots of follicles you stop medication, so therefore its only cost you 5 x $100 per day. But some people keep going for 10 days or more.

multiples are also much more common on injectables...nearer 20% compared to 10% on clomid....shows that injectables must make better eggs for it to double in the stats.

huggles thank you :hugs:
*overwhelmed* I have been working on DH's paperwork for his new job. They sent us a huge packet that I need to try to mail tomorrow after we call them with a few questions.

I think we are going to switch cars a little earlier than Kristin's arrival because he will be driving about 30 minutes each way and my car gets much better mileage. He used to have a company truck to drive to work so we never had to pay for gas. Of course this means that we need to get the issues with his car fixed so that I will be comfortable and happy driving it instead of my much newer, smaller car. So tomorrow we will try to find the mechanic one of his former employees told him about and hopefully they can fix the ghosts in the mechanics and the speedometer issue. We also are replacing the radio (that also has somewhat of a ghost) with a 7" display radio, dvd player, navigation one. :)

We also need to get the entire house un-cluttered and un-junked so that we can move furniture around the house and shampoo the carpets before he starts his new job. We thought we solved the issue with the cats going potty in the hall but had poop one day last week and are already aware that their urine blends in obscenely well with the carpet and can only be detected by wet spots when I walk in/out of my bathroom.

My shower is less than 3 weeks away (25th). Hubby starts his job the next day. And I am 30 weeks Thursday. So much happier about seeing that 3 in front of the weeks than the 14 soon to be 16 (according to my dr) in front of my weight on the scale.

On another note, MIL got her shower invite in the mail and called to see who from her church she could discuss my shower with. The answer is no one. :p I had to explain to her that I already have a long list of people I know attending and I don't know any of the old farts at her church so I don't feel bad about not inviting them. She suggested that I have them over after Kristin is born because they apparently always bug her asking about us and the baby. Esh! She did get a pack and play for me to use at her house though which is good. She had decided before that she would just borrow ours and I told her we don't need one and I don't plan on getting one.

Preethi I am so glad that everything seems to be working out so well for you (aside from being at the hospital still).
Sarah I hope the injectables are just what you need.
Everyone else I do read your updates but my attitude right now tends to push buttons with everyone so I try to stay quiet. :)
Sarah bless your hubby - it made me giggle to read about his google search.

Sounds like you had a really rough weekend but hopefully things are back on track now. We all went through similar breakdowns when TTC so understand completely the emotions and the feeling like giving up and the jealousy when our friends around us fall pregnant. It just isn't fair is it? I do hope you have success on injectibles. I think it will be good to have a break from clomid. It's good that you don't have to see the FS first in order to switch :)

Sheryl, good luck filling out all your hubby's paperwork (funny how we always seem to get roped into doing it for them haha. My hubby has tERRIBLE writing/printing so it's always easiest for me to do it for him. Lots to do, but it'll all get done. I hope you manage to get the cats to stop using your carpet as a litter box! Thats the one thing I don't like about cats. Once they start it's hard to make them stop weeing on the floors, and then it stinks!

Preethi, thank you for sending emails to Sarah to update us so we can hear how you little fighter is doing. It sounds like the hospital is treating you so well! If one has to have a preemie, Dubai definitely seems to be the place to do it. It's hard enough leavin her in NICU I'm sure - it must be absolutely unbearable for all the parents who have to leave the hospital and go home :cry:

Well today we should hopefully find out if DH will be working. He's getting his White card today and then phoning the company as soon as he gets home around 4. I have a drs appointment tomorrow which it would be nice if he was able to take me to... But if he is able to start tomorrow I'll happily walk - I figure about an hour each way. I'm probably too optimistic lol, but it does always seem to happen with him tha when he gets a job it's a start tomorrow situation. My dad got really excellent feedback from the wife of the guy who interviewed him (well one of the guys) so I was really encouraging to hear that he made such a good impression on them. And on Sunday the lady who heads the prayer team from church who has been praying for our situation this whole time basically came up and told us that they strongly fel that they had received an answer and that he had a job, was it true? No one but my parents even knew he'd had an interview and they didn't say anything to anyone so that's a promising sign to me too.
And dad told me that this whole scenario is the result of our car problems, as he had no idea this coworker of his was married to a joint owner of a road works company. She happened to overhear him on the phone to the mechanic and dad told her our situation. But ya, her husband is a big softie and even if he wasn't as impressed with DHs interview as he was there's a good chance he might have gotten hired anyway as they're used to 18 year olds who don't really want to work but want to goof off and get paid.

I'm trying not to get too hopeful, or as DH says, count my chickens, but it's hard not to think of it as official ya know? I just hope this is something that lasts until we're on our feet and can get our debt to my parents paid back - or at least until he finds somehing more permanent and can go from one job to another without downtime.

I neve heard from my mom's friend about the barista job :shrug: but have applied for two more jobs. One is retail 3-5 days/week (where my old neighbour works!) and the other is a permanent 2 day/week medical reception/typist job.
fingers crossed NDH, it will be nice for you guys not to have to worry about that part of your life so I really hope its good news this week :hugs:
Hopeful for your hubby's job opportunity NDH. I for sure have been in your shoes lately and understand how stressful it is.

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