ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)


Keeping everything crossed for Dew and Sarah! :dust: :dust: :dust:

NY.. hope the pain eases hun!
Sheryl, great news about hubby's job... sorry you had to do all the leg work for him!
Natalie.. hope that all goes well for the job for DH...you guys need a break! :hugs:
Preethi... fab news on Gemma... well done little lady on your weight gain!! :thumbup:

Huggles.. I'm very much looking forward to hearing bubs name once he arrives

Sarah... my due date is 29th October.

:blue: NY: 12th October
:yellow: Flying: 14th October
:pink: Babyhopes: 24th October ~ Gemma Louise born on 30th August 2011 (at 32w +1)
:yellow: MummyCat: 29th October
:pink: Sheryl: 17th November
:blue: Huggles: 24th November
:yellow: NDH: 29th December

EDIT: some of that list was done from memory.... sorry if I got anyone wrong! :hugs:
:blue: NY: 12th October
:yellow: Flying: 14th October
:pink: Babyhopes: 24th October ~ Gemma Louise born on 30th August 2011 (at 32w +1)
:yellow: MummyCat: 29th October
:pink: Sheryl: 17th November
:blue: Huggles: 24th November
:yellow: NDH: 29th December

thank you, I have copied that! everything looks great just flying we would need to confirm. exciting that we are 2/2 for boys girls and 3 unknown so will we have more boys or girls!

wow not long now :cloud9: (although its crazy when I realize while Ive been TTCing you have all grown a human!!)
preethi great to hear from you, so glad gemma is doing well. I cant wait till you guys can go home and start your lives :hugs:

I didnt know that bill and guiliana were pregnant again, I think they've had some failed IVFs so that is great news!

dew if you are interested here is LL's IVF blog, she has been detailing the procedure and really made me hopeful that its not too bad
I know you are unsure about IVF, but Im hoping they are wrong and that you will respond to the drugs well and can go that route if IUIs dont work. I guess you will see next cycle. anyway its an interesting read and Ive learnt a lot from her blog.

I found out yesterday that my FS apt has been moved to Sept 28...I had asked for any cancellations to get in earlier than my Oct apt. So thats great, and depending on when my IUI is next week I might know by then if this cycle has worked or not. I will be asking (if I can find the money) could I switch from IUI to IVF for November, and if I can lets do any tests I need in October. I have done most of the tests but LL had mentioned a dye test or something and Im sure that would have to be done before ovulation so I would only have October to do that in.
I thought that NDH was team blue. I could be wrong though.
Lovely to see it all nicely listed like that :thumbup:

Great that your FS app was moved foreward Sarah!
Sarah, I bookmarked LL's page. I want to focus on IUI right now so been reading about it all over. Registered yesterday at https://forums.fertilitycommunity.com/intrauterine-insemination-iui/ I found it through google search.

I like the EDD list :thumbup:

Huggles: I think NDH is team yellow. She pondered over it and then decided to stay team yellow. I do predict a boy for her though :) and girls for Flying and Mummy!!!
Preethi: My friends' babies also lost weight after birth and regained it in a week or two. Great that Gemma is following a normal progress chart, it must be very hard to leave her in NICU but soon she'll be there in your car riding back home with you and DH. You would have recovered well by that time so can take care of her with all your energy :hugs:
Sarah- I think that dye test may be the same HSG one that Dew had done? I feel like a while back we had all talked about that....but I could be totally wrong. I have heard peopel say Dye test and not sure if thats the same or something completely different. Yay for an earlier appointment date though!

Huggles- can't wait to hear the name when he is here!

Preethi- im glad Gemma is growing again and gaining some weight. You must be exhausted from being in the hospital so much. Do you leave and stay at home ever now or are you still diligently sleeping there? I feel for you and admire your strength for your little girl. Some day she will be home with you and laughing and you will have your heart in better spirits.

and thats great about Bill and Guilianna. I watched that show for a while too. I thought they were actually giving up at one point.....good they stuck in there.

Mummy- thank you for the list:) Can't believe we are going to have so many babies in here soon. Its such a blessed thread. Makes it seem more amazing when I see it in a list. A year ago we were all TTC on here. I sure hope Dew and Sarah join us soon and can't wait for them to join the journey.

My pain hasnt gotten better, but its strange that it isnt my back right now. Its my knee. Who knew a knee could hurt so badly. Even turning over in the night is hard because it hurts so bad to lift and move it that I can't turn without walking totally up. Im more exhausted and frstrated than have been in a while. And of course, I work tonight! I may have to have a tylenol. Im usually very anti pain reliever while pregnant (even tylenol which is safe), but there comes a time.....

Can't wait to lose some weight again so my poor body stops failing me!!!!
Sarah- I think that dye test may be the same HSG one that Dew had done? I feel like a while back we had all talked about that....but I could be totally wrong. I have heard peopel say Dye test and not sure if thats the same or something completely different. Yay for an earlier appointment date though!

its probably that, I had a sono before my polyp removal so hoping they dont need to do another, but perhaps they always have a look before ivf. a sono was with saline not dye.

Im wishing your pains go away, but I guess thats wishful thinking ay? well it will all be worth it very soon, cant wait :happydance:
Yea the Hsg is done under radiology so they can watch your tubes fill up with contrast and see that they empty and are clear. However, thats weird they need that for IVF, because doesn't it bypass the whole tube thing anyways? I'd think they need it more for IUI to make sure tubes are clear!
Yea the Hsg is done under radiology so they can watch your tubes fill up with contrast and see that they empty and are clear. However, thats weird they need that for IVF, because doesn't it bypass the whole tube thing anyways? I'd think they need it more for IUI to make sure tubes are clear!

I agree! :shrug:

On second thought, HSG also indicates uterine cavity shape and size and something else (septa?) which helps them know if one will have problem in implantation.

I have a fibroid outside of uterine cavity but HSG indicated normal shape of uterine cavity suggesting that fibroid is not impinging on it (yet!). Hormonal treatments may increase the size of my fibroid too. I would really like to have just one sac because fibroid will be occupying space too and once the baby grows, it will result in more pain and may be some complications.
True Dew- they do look to make sure nothing is wrong inside there. I guess its good to take a look, also surprising though that they wouldnt do that before IUI to make sure tubes aren't blocked or bad. They found a fibroid in me also very early on in the pregnancy. I actually have forgotten all about it...maybe its why im larger? Lol. yea, thats going to be my excuse as im sure from pregnancy its growing too!
NY: I love your avatar pic...sooo cute :)
Love the new avatar pic NY :thumbup:
Could you maybe try strapping your knee with a bandage to give it some extra support?

And fibroids can definitely make you look bigger - my mom has a fibroid (or maybe a few?) which she's had for years and the gynae said it's making her uterus the same size as a woman who's 3 months pg!
Yea the Hsg is done under radiology so they can watch your tubes fill up with contrast and see that they empty and are clear. However, thats weird they need that for IVF, because doesn't it bypass the whole tube thing anyways? I'd think they need it more for IUI to make sure tubes are clear!

yeah the sono/saline showed my tubes were clear, perhaps seeing as Ive had that I dont need the HSG, unless they want to look at the things Dew mentioned.

love the new avatar!!
Ny, your avatar is great, sorry youve been having such bad pains, hope you feel better soon xxx

Im still sleeping in hospital every night.. im sure dh wants to go home, but he has been sticking with me and staying with me, we go out during the day for a couple of hours, we go home to put the washing on etc, i even went to the gym for a 30 min walk on the treadmill on tuesday , a week since my operation.. those little times help us feel normal, but every night i am here sleeping next to the NICU, because i cant bear to leave.. im worried that ive got a sore throat now.. as its been quite bad today and im worried because i wont be allowed in the NICU and definetely cant hold her, as she is so fragile with no immunity and is preterm so i cant risk giving her an infection.. :( im so upset, im going to see the GP tomorrow as im practically staying in the hospital.
awww hope you get over the sore throat very quickly preethi, that would be really hard.

urgghh I dont feel great, very nauseous...I had a terrible headache yesterday and a little nausea but today is worse. I left a message with the clinic to ask just incase, it does list nausea as a potential side effect of gonal f but its also one of the things to watch for ohss. Im very sensitive in general so not surprised Im not feeling great on these stronger meds. urgh can I just get pregnant already.
Sarah: I also don't take much medicines so I am also fearing side-effects from injectables. Why do you think OHSS, if at all, will happen so early in the treatment?
Yesterday, FS mentioned something about asking her patients to drink lots of Gatorade in stead of water when ______?______ (sorry don't remember exactly when but I think she was talking about OHSS).

Just googled and found this...

I'm still around! lol. I read the posts most days but haven't made a reply in a while. And yup, that list is right (14th oct for me) so YAY that there's so many bubs due so soon!!! And I'm only second on the list.... eep!

Preethi, it's so nice to hear from you hun, it must be hard but at the same time it must be good knowing she's under such strict good care and is growing well now. :hugs: and do check in with us when you can! :)

Sarah & Dew, I wish you both soooooooooooooooooo much baby dust that it all comes together for you ASAP! I really really do....

AFM, I'm off for my next, and final, scan this afternoon! I'm leaving straight from work so won't get back online until tonight so will post the photos up then. I'm 35 weeks tomorrow, so the scan is quite exciting as it'll look like a real baby, and not slightly alien-ish like it did last time! lol. The in-laws are coming to this scan (cos my mum and sister came tot he last one) so they are really excited about it too. :)
Bub is doing well, I had a midwife appointment on saturday and my bump is still staying bang on size, despite the fact I've now actually LOST a couple of lbs from my pre-preg starting weight (I was maintaining my weight at exactly the same) due to feeling really -blah- about food at the moment. It'll be interesting to see how big the baby measures in the scan though, I hope my lack of appetite isn't affecting it's growth... But I suspect I've got more than enough fat on my body for it to pull everything it needs from me, and it's *me* that will be suffering, not the baby!!! Antenatal classes were supposed to finish this week, but because we had to cancel two of them for snow, we've still got two weeks to go! Next week I also have a breast-feeding class on the tuesday which should be good...

As for bub itself, it's trying to break out fairly regularly now. lol! Like, seriously thumping around, it can make the bed rock!! Hubby had his hand over my tummy the other night in bed, and he thought I was scratching my belly firmly or something cos my whole tummy was moving so much, but nope, it was all baby. It's also taken to sitting right up under my ribs at the moment too, so I can't bend *at all*, even bending enough to wipe myself after I go to the toilet is verging on painful cos of the big lump in my boobs & ribs when I try bend that much!! It had me verging on tears yesterday just cos I was feeling crappy and sore, but I'm still working full time too which isn't helping I think! My maternity leave kicks in in another week (finish this week, and work all next week, then it kicks in) so I will finally be able to cut back then! I'm a sucker though and will still be going in to work, just not doing much. lol. And in the end, despite being uncomfortable at the moment, I'm still loving the whole pregnancy thing. It's utterly amazing seeing the strong squirming every day and feeling it's hiccups all the time and stuff. I can't wait to 'see' it this afternoon, and to finally meet it in around 5 weeks... :)
Thanks girls- silly OH put painter's tape on me as a smiley face and needed a photo of my happy bump.

Huggles- great advice to wrap the knee. I bet that would help me at night since I think its worse at night because must swell more. Also, before being pregnant, I had a bigger issue with a protruding stomach about a year, I bet it was the fibroid. Never knew!

Preethi- I would take Zicam or something right away that helps prevent any cold sickness you may be catching before it gets out of hand. Im sorry about your throat. I hope it is avoided. Good for you doing a treadmill just a week later! That gives me great hopes that I will be healed enough to take my children trick or treating 2 weeks later! I was worried about that.

Dew, Sarah- what is OHSS?

Hope you start feeling better Sarah, sounds miserable:(

Flying- have fun at your scan! We don't get any more. So my place goes from 20 weeks - birth with nothing! Of course, I had 2 paid for scans in between there:) I should be ok now. Mine has been very painful to bend also. And having lots of braxton hicks that make movement and breathing stop. Its hard to deal with! Sorry you've been so sore. The funny thing is, reading what you wrote, it feels liike I wrote this. I have felt EXACTLY all the same. I have been to tears with pain and frustration as well. Must be how far we are....no one warns you about this misery at the beginning!
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a complication occasionally seen in women who take certain fertility medicines that stimulate egg production.

Normally, a woman produces one egg per month. Some women undergoing fertility treatments are given medicines to help normalize egg development or increase egg production.

However, if the drugs stimulate the ovaries too much, the ovaries can suddenly become very swollen and fluid can leak into the belly and chest area. This is called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). OHSS occurs only after the eggs are released from the ovary (ovulation).

You may be more likely to get OHSS if your doctor gives you an injection of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to help trigger ovulation. You may have an even greater risk of this syndrome if you receive more than one dose of hCG after ovulation and if you become pregnant during this cycle. OHSS rarely, if ever, occurs in women who only take fertility medicines by mouth.

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