ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

I was given a little bag with the Gonal F prescription, I think it has the logo of the drug company on it. in there are some alcohol wipes and they gave me a little yellow dispenser for the needles. the gonal f package just has the pen and the needles.

I dont like needles much, every time I go for bloods and ultrasound I hate the bloods bit and tense when they take it, and sometimes it hurts. the medication needle is nothing like that, its sooooo thin and honestly you bearly feel it, in fact I have to look and see 'is it in there?'. I feel a little prick when I take the needle out, and it doesnt really hurt after (I bruised one time). They said to choose a different spot on your stomach each time so I alternate sides. I have a fairly flat stomach but Im able to pinch a roll of fat and put the needle in...perhaps the more you can grab the less you feel it!!

Im so excited for your apt tomorrow! even if you arent :hugs: do you know what dosage of follitism you will be on if they havbev prepared the prescription?

Thanks Sarah! I am not excited, I am so scared :( I think nurse said 125 IU Follistim for first 3 days, 100 IU next 2 days, then US on CD8 will decide rest of the doses.
Thanks Mummy!

In general, low sodium diet, regular exercise/30 min walking (but you have been asked to rest because of pregnancy), fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and fiber are helpful in reducing high blood pressure.


I always have low blood pressure measuring around 90/60 and nurse says 'great' :shrug:
I always have blood pressure about what you have. DH had another pre-employment exam today and they told him he has high blood pressure. DH says that when he tests high they test him again and he's normal. I'm sure our diet doesn't help.
Sarah- I read through that whole thing and im amazed at how much im learning:) Sorry about follie #2 but at least one is growing! Hope it responds and is lucky follie. Otherwise, like you said, NEXT! Begin IVF.....however, did the nurse mention which is the best outcome- to skip the month and then do IVF, or to just do it with no gap...was there a preference from them? Hope its fine to just go right into it.....

Mummy- yea, mother in laws suck! Lol. I got into a fight with mine a few weekends ago, she is just toooo overbearing. OH and I were having our own little issues that had nothing to do with her and she needs to follow behind me into the room every time I went to talk to him and if I was upstairs I heard her talking about me and asking him about things....so the one time I went into a room to talk to him, she followed behind me and I just walked off and she actually said "b itch" under her breath. I have not talked to her since, and supposedly she is "fine and over everything" according to OH and why am i not....what?!? She never even sent me an email to appologize, my own mother wouldn't even call me that word and if she did I would not like to talk to her either....so im still mad about it all. OH is taking her side of course, so thats lovely. Sigh. I really feel like just ignoring her. So yea, I wont like to have her come visit any time soon! I sure hope she doesn't raise your blood pressure:)

Dew- I was terrified to start the diabetes testing at home...the little pin prick to the finger or wherever else was hard for me because im kind of a baby! I would cringe each time and get kind of nervous. Lol. It was so small but I thought still kind of hurt! Although, when I stopped doing it on my fingers, and moved to a more padded place with more skin, it was fine. So that sounds like the stomach would be ok as its usually got enough skin on it. Do you do it at a certain time of day?
NY: I am asked to inject between 7pm and 9pm. I think I will do exactly at 8pm everyday.
Interesting, is this because things happen during sleep more often? Im pretty dumb about it all....but I do know that a LOT of women ovulate during sleep they say as the body relaxes and blah blah blah. So wondering if these injections are supposed to do more during night....
Interesting, is this because things happen during sleep more often? Im pretty dumb about it all....but I do know that a LOT of women ovulate during sleep they say as the body relaxes and blah blah blah. So wondering if these injections are supposed to do more during night....

My husband tells me how ovulation and certain other physiological process follow circadian rhythm. But I am not so sure why am I asked to take all my injections between 7 and 9pm. Will ask the nurse tomorrow.
my injections are taken from 6-9am! weird huh, I wonder if thats why Im getting side effects. I think its because they can control it better as you go to the ultrasound in the morning before taking another dose.

NY the nurse didnt know why the FS gives the different protocols so I guess I will find out when I meet her Sept 28. Im hoping that I can do another month then go straight into it, unless theres a really good reason not to as I dont want to mess up the IVF cycle and I dont mind saving the $1500.

Injections in the fingers are so painful! they did a celiac disease finger test on me at the clinic for a study and it hurt at the time and days after too! Dew believe me its not bad at all, I promise.

NY that so rude omg! I would be pissed too. With my MIL she is very nice and is loving towards me and would never be like that, but she drives me insane. Sometimes I wish I had a reason not to talk to her like you have, but theres nothing really mean she does. She is so used to being in control of all her family I think she finds it hard not to control hubby and I. Im an easy going person and she makes a big deal out of EVERYTHING and she will call or text constantly about it. plus she talks NON STOP, its ok if its interesting but often its not. I said to my husband the other day that he would hate it if my mum sat there and talked about her life to him. But my mum would never do that as she knows that it might be boring to him. But I have to listen to endless droning on about things and sometimes its just too much. She also asks me a million questions all the time that feel like an interigation, so I avoid talking to her as much as possible :dohh:

I will go and read your journal now mummy....
NY I would love you to try for another after this bub comes out....wouldnt it be lovely for you and OH to have another! I know its been stressful but I have a feeling you may forget all that once he is born.

I will probably start trying straight away, unless I have twins or triplets :happydance:
Thanks hun... I'll take care!

Regarding MIL... Here is an abridged version I recently wrote out in my journal :hugs:

omg mummy she was so rude!!! I would be upset and might not talk to her again! mine is very loving towards me but I just find sooooo annoying and hard to handle as I come from a very easy going family. I also lived on my own in another country for 10 years before I met Chris and so it was hard to suddenly have this nagging woman in my life. Theres been times Ive thought of divorce just because of her! but she hasnt ever done anything so rude that I can not talk to her, its just our personalities clash.

Im glad things are a bit better (although Im sure you will be waiting for her to say something else), how long is she staying at yours then? my mum will probably come stay with me when I have a baby, I can handle MIL much better when my mum is around as I dont think she is as bad.
I was given a little bag with the Gonal F prescription, I think it has the logo of the drug company on it. in there are some alcohol wipes and they gave me a little yellow dispenser for the needles. the gonal f package just has the pen and the needles.

I dont like needles much, every time I go for bloods and ultrasound I hate the bloods bit and tense when they take it, and sometimes it hurts. the medication needle is nothing like that, its sooooo thin and honestly you bearly feel it, in fact I have to look and see 'is it in there?'. I feel a little prick when I take the needle out, and it doesnt really hurt after (I bruised one time). They said to choose a different spot on your stomach each time so I alternate sides. I have a fairly flat stomach but Im able to pinch a roll of fat and put the needle in...perhaps the more you can grab the less you feel it!!

Im so excited for your apt tomorrow! even if you arent :hugs: do you know what dosage of follitism you will be on if they havbev prepared the prescription?

Thanks Sarah! I am not excited, I am so scared :( I think nurse said 125 IU Follistim for first 3 days, 100 IU next 2 days, then US on CD8 will decide rest of the doses.

that sounds like a good dose and I hope you respond well. So the thinking is because you have less baseline follicles theres less chances of more follicles right? (my nurse said so any given month I have 18 follicles that could grow an egg, I hadnt really understood it before) but you can also have smaller ones they couldnt see (perhaps they can grow with stimulation??). Im hoping you beat the odds and respond well....look at me with 18 follicles and only 1 maturing you will probably do the opposite.

I hope this other FS tomorrow finds a higher follicle count and that other guy was wrong...do you think this is possible?
Mummy, hopefully you don't develop pre-eclampsia!

Ny - I'm not working, but am still looking just in case... Nothing I've applied for has even resulted in an interview, which is most unusual for me. :(. I don't WANT to work, but I do feel I have to (we need money coming in somehow.)
And I can't believe your MIL! Mine is the sweetest lady and I would love to be closer to her.

Sarah, I'm so glad you got to have a really good chat with the nurse and got all your questions answered. It's too bad about only one folly, but as you said, everything helps with the data for ivf. Sounds exciting :dance:. Though of course, I'm still hoping you won't need it :)

Dew, I'm not sure I could inject myself with a needle either :sick: I used to be able to watch the needle go in, and come out, but after some fainting episodes while giving blood (lost too much too quickly as I'm so petite) I now have to lay down and look away lol. Good luck for this cycle :). I hope your follies respond well but not too much. 3-4 would be great though :thumbup:

Well DH finally got a call this morning from the interview - it's not busy enough now for them to take him on :(. They had a 15 minute chat on the phone though, and he's callin around to other places to put in a good word for DH. Also hebwqsnt the second person to recommend he go into traffic control (his trainer last week suggested it too - told him he's a smart guy and he'd do well with it). So he's going to look into the training, see when it is. It's about $700 I think, from memory, so would need yet another loan from my parents (oh joy), and their continued assistance until he's trained and working. I'm just so sick of this! I've never not had work at the same time he's been not working either, so while things have been bad before they've not been hopeless :(. DH can't get any benefits at all, but I could probably qualify for something after filing my taxes, but we can't even afford to file them yet (financial year is July-June here). Plus it would be 2 months of waiting at least anyway.
that sounds like a good dose and I hope you respond well. So the thinking is because you have less baseline follicles theres less chances of more follicles right? (my nurse said so any given month I have 18 follicles that could grow an egg, I hadnt really understood it before) but you can also have smaller ones they couldnt see (perhaps they can grow with stimulation??). Im hoping you beat the odds and respond well....look at me with 18 follicles and only 1 maturing you will probably do the opposite.

I hope this other FS tomorrow finds a higher follicle count and that other guy was wrong...do you think this is possible?

Sarah: My FS (D1) doesn't even know that I have low BAF count (I didn't tell her about D2's US) and still she prescribed me that dose. The reason I am so nervous is that tomorrow when they do US, they will realize how low BAFs are and they might want to change the strategy or something. I hope everything goes well. With DH not around, I can't handle any shocking surprises. So far I have done total of 5 USs and DH was with me for all of them.

From what I have learned, BAF count more or less remains the same so I am not expecting the number to be more tomorrow. That is why my chances of IVF are low and yours will be great with 18 follicles to begin with.
Dew, I'm not sure I could inject myself with a needle either :sick: I used to be able to watch the needle go in, and come out, but after some fainting episodes while giving blood (lost too much too quickly as I'm so petite) I now have to lay down and look away lol. Good luck for this cycle :). I hope your follies respond well but not too much. 3-4 would be great though :thumbup:

Well DH finally got a call this morning from the interview - it's not busy enough now for them to take him on :(. They had a 15 minute chat on the phone though, and he's callin around to other places to put in a good word for DH. Also hebwqsnt the second person to recommend he go into traffic control (his trainer last week suggested it too - told him he's a smart guy and he'd do well with it). So he's going to look into the training, see when it is. It's about $700 I think, from memory, so would need yet another loan from my parents (oh joy), and their continued assistance until he's trained and working. I'm just so sick of this! I've never not had work at the same time he's been not working either, so while things have been bad before they've not been hopeless :(. DH can't get any benefits at all, but I could probably qualify for something after filing my taxes, but we can't even afford to file them yet (financial year is July-June here). Plus it would be 2 months of waiting at least anyway.

NDH: it is really disheartening to know DH lost the job opportunity despite receiving rave reviews and recommendations :( Your financial situation is a bit worrisome but thanks to your lovely parents, things are still under control. These are truly testing times for you and DH, I am sure you both will sail through the crisis together and will be in a much comfortable situation soon. :hugs: to you!

AFM, looks like I only have 4 follicles to begin with so max I can have is 4. Also, if it is more than 4, they will cancel my IUI. I can only hope for the best.
NY I would love you to try for another after this bub comes out....wouldnt it be lovely for you and OH to have another! I know its been stressful but I have a feeling you may forget all that once he is born.

I will probably start trying straight away, unless I have twins or triplets :happydance:

Funny but I think so much more about my second baby :haha: May be because it makes me believe that I will not be under so much stress while TTC #2. I think we'll also start trying for #2 as soon as I feel healthy after delivery (8-10 months) :) I can dream, right?
that sounds like a good dose and I hope you respond well. So the thinking is because you have less baseline follicles theres less chances of more follicles right? (my nurse said so any given month I have 18 follicles that could grow an egg, I hadnt really understood it before) but you can also have smaller ones they couldnt see (perhaps they can grow with stimulation??). Im hoping you beat the odds and respond well....look at me with 18 follicles and only 1 maturing you will probably do the opposite.

I hope this other FS tomorrow finds a higher follicle count and that other guy was wrong...do you think this is possible?

Sarah: My FS (D1) doesn't even know that I have low BAF count (I didn't tell her about D2's US) and still she prescribed me that dose. The reason I am so nervous is that tomorrow when they do US, they will realize how low BAFs are and they might want to change the strategy or something. I hope everything goes well. With DH not around, I can't handle any shocking surprises. So far I have done total of 5 USs and DH was with me for all of them.

From what I have learned, BAF count more or less remains the same so I am not expecting the number to be more tomorrow. That is why my chances of IVF are low and yours will be great with 18 follicles to begin with.

I suppose Im just hoping he counted wrong or something :hugs: im surprised they decided on the dose without knowing your US or Day3 bloods but hopefully wont change it. also surprised they would cancel if you had 4 follicles, Ive had 4 follicles and nothing happened so I suppose feel the chance of multiples is sooo rare and not worth cancelling. perhaps you can just have intercourse if that happens. what time are you going? Im going for lunch with a friend tomorrow and wondering what time you will get back to update.
oh ndh thats too bad, but you never know perhaps someone he calls will be hiring. the new training sounds good, is there a lot of work in that field? and dont worry about your parents, in 25 years you will be doing the same thing for bub if they need it without a second thought and you will repay your parents once you are settled. FX something good happens asap.

Just think in less than 4 months my thread will be 1 year old...I hope we will be blessed with lots of healthy babies, a couple of sticky beans (or 3 or 4 lol), and financial security for all [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<
also surprised they would cancel if you had 4 follicles, Ive had 4 follicles and nothing happened so I suppose feel the chance of multiples is sooo rare and not worth cancelling. perhaps you can just have intercourse if that happens. what time are you going? Im going for lunch with a friend tomorrow and wondering what time you will get back to update.

they will cancel if it is more than 4, so if 5, canceled. Appointment is at 9:20, your 10:20am, but I plan to stay out afterwards for sometime to cheer myself up. pick up my prescriptions, have lunch in Panera Bread and go to Kohl's to use a $10 off $10 coupon to buy something...anything. I can take my iPad along and may be update you from Panera.

Enjoy your lunch with friend.
ndh, i'm so sorry to hear that hubby's potential job fell through :hugs:
i really hope he finds something soon.

Dew - re the injecting - i would recommend doing it whilst sitting (not standing/lying) as it's easier to grab a roll of skin/fat so would hurt less. Really hope the meds work for you xx

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