ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

dont want to tomorrow as have to leave at 6am to get to the clinic for 8am, Im not a morning person so not going to get up at 5am to :sex: and I would feel a bit embarrased when they put in the ultrasound probe up there that they would be able to tell there was loads of goo in there :rofl:

this cycle has been good for action...CD3, CD8 and CD10 Ive had appointments, last cycles it was CD3 to CD13 so a longer wait.

I forgot about that, oh man! and how is it on day 3 US. I guess when they remove the probe, it will have blood on it :wacko:

I too will have US on CD3 and 8, don't know when next...

well for me since Ive been on medication I barely have any blood on CD3 anymore. but the first cycle I did, I was a bit shocked as when I went to change the nurse said you can take your panties off (no way, what if I leaked onto the robe) or leave your panties on and just take them off in the room. it was a bit weird to leave my panties on the floor with a pad on them while I climbed on the table :blush: but they must be completely used to all that!
I'll be watching Miss Universe Pageant tonight. Anyone else? DH is not at home this week.
Nikki, I'm not planning on using a sprayer at this point, and if I'm able to exclusively breastfeed as planned then I shouldn't need to do anything besides put them in the wash (and do a prerinse in the machine) for the first 6 months. If at any point I think a sprayer will be useful though I won't pay the $90 or whatever they cost here for one but will make my own out of a length of garden hose and a spray nozzle :haha: I know a few people who have done it and it works just fine. The issue is whether it can be attached to the toilet or not, as sometimes the pipes aren't accessible. :shrug:

Sarah, Huggles and I should have loads of advice on cloth diapering to pass on to you when the time comes for you to have your own little bundle to diaper. :) Although as Huggles and I are in similar climates and will both predominantly line dry, you'll probably need to make sure you get ones that are better able to withstand regular dryer use. Oh and I would love to have twins to put in cloth - would give me an excuse to double my stash :rofl: Don't know what I'd do with triplets period, let alone how I'd diaper them. Probably would be so overwhelmed I'd just cover the floor with puppy pads and not put any thing on their bottoms at all! :rofl:

Sarah, I wouldn't avoid BD just so you don't get man goo on the u/s probe. I'm sure they're used to bodily fluids and don't care in the least. Plus they're not going to check if it's cm or "leftovers" :haha: If you're aiming for trigger on CD12 and IUI on CD14, then I'd BD as much as possible before the trigger but not later than morning of CD12. That gives 48ish hours for them to replenish for IUI, which is plenty of time without there being old ones in the deposit, and as well will insure you aren't relying solely on the timing of the IUI again.

Good luck for growth of the second follie, and maybe even that another one has crept up above 10mm.

Dew good luck to you as well that your full flow starts so you can get started on your treatment this cycle too. :thumbup: I think it's interesting how both doctors have done different tests and had drastically different results (well that according to DS1 you're on the edge of normal/low fertility, and according to DS2 you're practically pre-menopausal if I've been interpreting correctly.) The former is definitely more promising. But it does sound like all the tests need to be looked at in conjunction.

As always, best of luck to the both of you, and thank you for being so open with your treatments. I don't understand half of what the two of you discuss but I'm trying :flower:
Whew, I have a busy week this week so haven't been on much!

I love the cloth nappies girls! I've got 5 pocket nappies now, and keep meaning to get some more but haven't gotten around to it yet! I do intend to do disposables for the first wee bit too though, just while I try and figure out everything else! lol.

Dew & Sarah; wow a lot of that lingo is going over my head, but I'm still finding it fascinating!!! I look forward to hearing about your appointments and following it all through to your BFPs!!! Cos I KNOW you'll both be getting BFPs soon! :D

Preethi; wow I'm so glad Gemma is doing so well and is out of the incubator! I hope the feeding goes well, but I agree that even if she doesn't pick it up in one week she's doing amazingly for that to be the only thing holding her back from going home!!! I can't wait to see more pics and to hear about her first days at home. :hugs:

AFM, I'm all good. I realised today that in 10 days I'm at full term! :eek: I'm starting to feel it now too; it's taken all this time, but finally the whole discomfort thing people talk about in the third tri is starting to hit me. I can still reach my feet, but omg it's not easy! I have to sit with my legs spread like a sleeze or I can't bend *at all*, and it's getting to the stage that when I drop something and Paris (the dog) isn't around to pick it up for me (omg am I sooooooooo glad I taught her to do that!) I look at it for a while and consider *just* how much I need it, cos it's gonna be easier to leave it there than pick it up! lmao! Baby has hiccups a dozen times a day sometimes (ok, maybe not a dozen, but it feels like it sometimes!) and is good at getting me right up under the ribs *and* right in my cervix all at the same time now. And sleeping is just a cr@p shot; I might get a few hours before needing the toilet (that's a mission; getting out of bed...) or I might get only a half hour before a baby hiccuping into my bladder sends me off to sit on the loo too. LOL
But despite it all I am happy. I'm very happy. I am loving the whole thing, even the grunts I do when trying to get out of the car, and the kicks that can make the whole bed wobble! It feels really weird to know that in another month or so I won't be pregnant any more. I've been pregnant for so long (it seems) and I'm almost defining myself by being pregnant; it's going to be surreal to NOT be pregnant any more and to have a baby...

Last night we had our antenatal class (one couple had their baby yesterday, one had her waters break yesterday and she's waiting on contractions, and another was getting induced sometime yesterday afternoon!) tonight we have a breastfeeding class, tomorrow night we're getting a friend to do baby-bump photos, and thursday night I have two committee meetings to run between. I'm also working another 6 day week (my LAST 6 day week until december tho! yay!) which means I'm working on saturday, and then sunday is my baby shower. Ugh. Busy busy!!!
Oh my gosh Amy - I can't believe you're that close to term already! I know it's a few weeks beyond that til you're due, but it's scary how close you are! And Nikki just a week behind... Crazy! And even more crazy is that you're still working 6 day weeks! You need to rest crazy lady lol.
Wow flying, 10 days to full term! :shock:
So glad you're enjoying everything so much - I must say it can be fun, even with the grunting, groaning, temporary (minor) discomforts etc. It all adds to the experience. I'm also enjoying it rather a lot. I love that you've taught your dog to pick up things you drop! Brilliant!

I feel like i'm really falling in love with my little baby. Even more so recently than before. I've always been really happy i'm pg again, but just suddenly, the last few days, I really find myself interacting with him more and more and talking to him more and singing to him more and just so incredibly in love with him. Not sure if it's due to seeing him at the 4D scan, or if it's a result of the one hypnobirthing CD i'm listening to (it has a track about prenatal bonding), or if it's because he's moving so much lately (squirming), or if it's just simply due to where I am in my pregnancy and it's suddenly becoming real that we will get to bring this one home. Not sure what it is but I'm really glad about it, whatever the cause - I love my son :cloud9:
Wow Flying and NY you are so close to having your babies...unbelievable and so exciting!! :happydance:

Huggles: so sweet you are in love with your baby boy :cloud9: It must feel so real after seeing him in 4D. Looking at NY and your cute 4D scan pics, I have started liking 4D scans :thumbup: It must be a surreal experience! So glad you are able to enjoy your pregnancy :hugs:

Sarah: Waiting for an update from you, I hope follicles look good on scan and you can take trigger shot today :thumbup:

Its really sweet how you ladies are taking interest in mine and Sarah's treatment plans and cheering us on in our TTC journey :hugs: Thanks so much for being there for us :flower:
I actually want to reverse time:( I dont like this part, Im so miserable and uncomfortable and cant sleep.....but feel so so sad that soon I wont have my Bean inside of me anymore and that scares me so badly. I have also been pregnant forever and will miss this time more than I can imagine. It took me so so so so so long to get here, I am afraid now to ever try again for another so this will probably be the last time to experience it. I want this month to just stop for a bit so it doesn't fly by. I need more time with my baby inside of me!

Dew- I think it is good that you would be willing to do IUI again after IVF if IVF didn't work. When most would give up then. But, also, its hard to say really what you will want if all that didn't work. I hope it does though so you dont have to worry about it at all. Sounds like it is all very overwhelming, but just kinda trek along, and go with the flow and you'll be ok.

Sarah- I am nervous to hear about the follies!

Flying- my FB status today had to do with the billion times I was up peeing last night, and how I give up with sleeping! I was up thinking too, randomly at one point...my body just doesn't get it that this is the LAST chance for sleeP!

NDH and Huggles- I will maybe try reusables, but for some reason im terrified to do it....I dont feel like I even want to make that decision right now, and just use throw aways for a bit. I still need a name for my baby!

Huggles- I feel the same for my little guy. I love the time we have together:) So precious.

NDH- did you ever start working? i cant recall if that was an update, or if i've missed it or soemthing. Or, at this point, are you going to just wait til after baby?
I feel like i'm really falling in love with my little baby. Even more so recently than before. I've always been really happy i'm pg again, but just suddenly, the last few days, I really find myself interacting with him more and more and talking to him more and singing to him more and just so incredibly in love with him. Not sure if it's due to seeing him at the 4D scan, or if it's a result of the one hypnobirthing CD i'm listening to (it has a track about prenatal bonding), or if it's because he's moving so much lately (squirming), or if it's just simply due to where I am in my pregnancy and it's suddenly becoming real that we will get to bring this one home. Not sure what it is but I'm really glad about it, whatever the cause - I love my son :cloud9:

so went from my ultrasound, the 1.5 is now 1.6 and the 1.2 still the same :growlmad: so I have to take gonal f this morning, then tomorrow morning take an LH stick, if negative take gonal f and go back on thursday and if positive call the clinic and IUI will be on thursday. I think it will be negative as its pretty early, so that means 2 more days of gonal f....I dont think the 2nd follicle is going to grow but hopefully the larger one will be a little larger.

so only 1 follicle but it could be a good one. Im not upset though as I had an amazing meeting with a nurse after....she was young and sooooo nice and listened to all my rambling questions....we were there an hour and got a $30 parking fine!! I told her its annoying to spend $668 in medications for only one follicle, and she was saying they always start off people slowly on the injectables just incase. She said I responded well to the Clomid so thats probably why I was on the lower dose and the first cycle is unfortunately a difficult one. but the good news is this is great prep for IVF as they will have a couple of months info to be able to be correct about IVF dosage first time.

dew I got the info you were asking about:
so my day 3 in june before medications were as follows:

Resting Follicle count: 11 one side, 7 the other for a total of 18 ( she said that was very good for my age)
FSH: 5 (they like under 10)
Estradiol: 150 (they like under 200)
she said I could go for my AMH but as these numbers are great theres no huge need, but I can order it and its $100.

I got to ask all my questions and she laughed at a lot of the things Ive read on the internet and said I should stop reading. She was so nice and I feel so excited about the next few months and really hope I can start IVF if this doesnt work. Dew I will try and write everything I talked about incase you find it interesting but its all a bit random so bear with me:

• last night I decided to work out and went on the treadmill doing a fast walk for about 45 mins. towards the end i started to feel a little lightheaded, and when I got off I was dizzy....but in a way Ive never felt before. It felt like being really drunk. It was horrible and it continued even after I was lying in bed. Anyway the nurse said it was probably my hormones, blurry vision is a side effect but they are more concerned if it happens to someone when they are sitting and doing nothing rather than after exercise. She said it was probably too much and so I said Im not exercising anymore while on the gonal f, just some walks with the dogs. She said how often people come in having started a new exercise regime and she wonders why, and so I said well I did want to lose some weight for IVF as Im in the overweight category. She kinda looked me over and said believe me you have nothing to worry about, dont worry about you weight (I take that as a compliment that I dont look overweight as I carry it well on my 5'10 frame!!). anyway I felt some relief especially as hubby was there....he was saying the other day how I havent been exercising and I was annoyed as I have been feeling nauseous with the drugs and felt he didnt care.

• so I asked her about the IVf thing....can I switch in november and she said only the doctor can say for sure, but I dont need anymore tests and its very likely. she said there was 3 options: birth control pill month before the IVF to 'silent' everything before stimulation, estrace before the IVF (same thing as BC pills but usually less harsh for my age, birth control can silent things too much she said) or no gap and straight to IVF. She said my doctor will say what she recommends and why, and to tell her if I really want to do an IUI the next cycle with no gap as she will take that into consideration. Im in 2 minds...some of me wants to skip next month and put the $1500 towards IVF. but I think a larger part of me wouldnt mind another month of the gonal f to see how I react (so more data for the IVF) plus its another chance towards not spending $12,000.

• we talked a little about IVF and eggs, and I mentioned how Ive read of people having 20 eggs collected but only 1 ends up implanting and she said they had someone have 40 eggs and only 1 fertilized. She feels that when the body is concentrating on making so many eggs the quality may not be as good as when it produces say 10 eggs. she said they do day 3 and day 5 transfers, and they prefer day 5 transfers as the blastocysts are so much more stronger and more likely to succeed. I mentioned how Id read if you have a smaller amount of eggs then they often put back on day 3. but I would prefer waiting to day 5, as putting them back on day 3 they can easily fail, so why not keep them to day 5....sure you may lose more but wouldnt they have failed in the body already so you might as well wait and see what happens outside body. then if all fail you dont do the transfer, you might save some money and save the heartache of thinking your day 3 embryos might take. thats my thinking anyway.

• She also said we can choose to have ICSI where they inject the sperm into the egg on the first day, or you can wait and see if they fertilize on their own first then do it. She said some people do 50/50 where half are injected. I think I would pay the extra $1500 and just have it done, as often eggs my age have a hard coating. Im so excited to do IVF as I feel I will finally be able to see how my egg quality is, and how they react to artificial fertilization, it will be so interesting. So thats why Im not too sad about my 1 follicle as Im focusing on this now!

• They do the pgd testing but rarely, and dont tell the sex to someone unless theres a genetic reason (gave the example of a family where boys had disabilites due to a chromosome and so they needed to put back girls). You can pay to have it done for downs syndrome for example but its expensive and they dont encourage it. I also think that some of the embryos dont survive the testing even though they could have been fine without it. She mentioned that private clinics looking to profit from it usually suggest it.

• she said hubbies count of 5 million and 50% motility was excellent under normal circumstances, let alone for 1 day abstainance (I tapped hubby on the back when she said this). I quizzed her about the BD'ing before my IUI and she said it doesnt really matter and wont make any difference as its basically for pleasure...not for TTCing! I was mentioning about the sperm being up there before and she was saying the shelf life of how long sperm lives is not that long and the IUI timing will be the most successful so it doesnt matter. I quizzed her some more about what if I surge earlier but she was saying the 36 hours after trigger is perfect and even if you ovulate the day before the IUI the egg will be there for 24 hours and the IUI sperm will still meet it. I also asked about back to back IUIs and she said its definitely not needed and I asked what if I wanted to do one the day after the trigger could I. She said they had a client who every cycle insisted on that and every cycle the doctor would tell her she is wasting her money and its not needed. They are so very confident about this! she was saying how a lot of private clinics have protocols that benefit them not the patient. She said believe me if it was proven to be effective we would do it, but it isnt. So basically you can choose to have a 2nd IUI but in their eyes its a waste of money and being a hospital they only suggest things they know work.

phew sorry its so long and Im amazed if you are still reading!!!
dew did your full flow come tomorrow and is your CD3 tomorrow?
Dew & Sarah; wow a lot of that lingo is going over my head, but I'm still finding it fascinating!!! I look forward to hearing about your appointments and following it all through to your BFPs!!! Cos I KNOW you'll both be getting BFPs soon! :D

dont worry most of the baby stuff goes over my head too! Dew and I are just happy to have your support and dont expect you preggers ladies to respond to all our TTC chatting!

Sarah I read all of that as it was so very interesting! My word I'm excited for your IVF!! :dance:

I hope you're all okay... Dew I'm glad your AF didn't mess you about! :hugs:

Huggles... that was such a lvoely thing to read! :hugs:

Huge hugs and best wishes to everyone...

Pregnancy update from me (I know you don't get these often) - I had traces of protein in my urine again but this time coupled with BP of 168/84. So I got the 20 questions on all pre eclamsia symptoms and have been told what I need to look out for. To call the hospital at any time to talk to them or go in to see them and they want me back next week to have my BP checked again.

I'm not being allowed to do much here... my MIL is kinda taking over! :dohh: wouldn't be a pain if it wasn't for our history! :dohh:

Love to you all... be back in full force in a couple weeks! xx
mummy I dont know much about that kind of thing, but hope you get lots of rest and it goes back to normal next test :hugs:
whats your history with your MIL I forget?? hope she doesnt drive you crazy like mine wood!!
Thanks hun... I'll take care!

Regarding MIL... Here is an abridged version I recently wrote out in my journal :hugs:
sarah - really glad you got to ask the nurse all your questions and that you're so excited about the IVF.
Also glad to hear that at least one of your follies has grown.

Mummy - I hope your bp comes down and that you don't develop pre-e. I'm glad your mil is taking over a bit. I know it's difficult given the history, but I think it might be necessary - you need a break to rest!
Sarah: when you first came online 2-3 hours back, I waited for your message but then felt so sleepy that I dozed off on the couch itself...I never sleep around this time but AF was full flow in the night and I probably didn't sleep well...

It's kind of bad the other follicle hasn't picked up yet, hopefully it will in next few days. I guess it is better than producing too many follicles and a canceled IUI (one lady in Assisted conception overreacted to Follistim).

I am glad you had great conversation with the nurse. I understood everything you wrote. Your ovaries are in great shape. I don't think you need AMH test because BAF count is plenty :happydance: My FS is looking for Estrogen level less than 70 or 80 but every clinic have different standards to follow. I still have hope that this IUI will work for you. If not, I am pretty certain that IVF will work. Did you ask her if there is any test to determine quality of eggs?
Mummy: I too hope that your BP comes back to normal. Did they ask you to avoid salt...?? I'll pray it does not cause preeclampsia [-o< Take proper rest :hugs:
My prescription medications are ready but I think I'll pick them tomorrow after the morning appointment. I have never inserted a needle in my body and don't even look at it when nurse inserts one to draw blood. Tomorrow I will be all alone injecting myself in tummy. I wish DH was at home to do it for me the first few times, he has been a physician so should have been a cakewalk for him.

Sarah, do alcohol swabs come with injections or I have to buy them separately? Do you change sides on tummy every day or just a different location on same side? Does it hurt afterwards? Also, do you do it lying down on bed or standing? Thanks!
Did you ask her if there is any test to determine quality of eggs?

she said currently there is no test, they can only see how the eggs react during IVF

Sarah, do alcohol swabs come with injections or I have to buy them separately? Do you change sides on tummy every day or just a different location on same side? Does it hurt afterwards? Thanks!

I was given a little bag with the Gonal F prescription, I think it has the logo of the drug company on it. in there are some alcohol wipes and they gave me a little yellow dispenser for the needles. the gonal f package just has the pen and the needles.

I dont like needles much, every time I go for bloods and ultrasound I hate the bloods bit and tense when they take it, and sometimes it hurts. the medication needle is nothing like that, its sooooo thin and honestly you bearly feel it, in fact I have to look and see 'is it in there?'. I feel a little prick when I take the needle out, and it doesnt really hurt after (I bruised one time). They said to choose a different spot on your stomach each time so I alternate sides. I have a fairly flat stomach but Im able to pinch a roll of fat and put the needle in...perhaps the more you can grab the less you feel it!!

Im so excited for your apt tomorrow! even if you arent :hugs: do you know what dosage of follitism you will be on if they havbev prepared the prescription?
Mummy: I too hope that your BP comes back to normal. Did they ask you to avoid salt...?? I'll pray it does not cause preeclampsia [-o< Take proper rest :hugs:

Thank you sweetie, and no they didn't tell me to avoid salt.. What do you know? Spill the beans :haha: and I don't use a lot of salt but I do use it in cooking.. So I hope that is ok?

My prescription medications are ready but I think I'll pick them tomorrow after the morning appointment. I have never inserted a needle in my body and don't even look at it when nurse inserts one to draw blood. Tomorrow I will be all alone injecting myself in tummy. I wish DH was at home to do it for me the first few times, he has been a physician so should have been a cakewalk for him.

Oh Hun... Hope it goes ok! I wouldn't want to inject myself I'm a wimp with needles!! :hugs:

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