ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

dew yay so glad he will be home to be with you. as for injecting thats great too. I wouldnt want my hubby to do it as Id be scared he would do something wrong. but your hubby has experience so thats great :thumbup:

my lh was negative yesterday morning and this morning. I just got back from my ultrasound, so just 1 follicle 24mm, trigger tonight, IUI on Saturday :thumbup: my blood test is in 2 weeks....on my birthday.

we didnt BD last night as I wasnt feeling great, so I think we are going to have a quicky now...thats just under 2 days before IUI. I really want some 'up there' and hopefully the count will be a little more than last times 5 million (that was after BDing the afternoon before and the freeze and thaw). Nurse said that was an excellent count so it will be interesting to see what it is when BDing today.

I dont think Im lucky enough to get a bfp on my birthday and not too enthused about having 1 follicle so Im going to forget about this cycle as much as possible so I dont ruin my bday. I will be coming on to see how you do Dew but not talking about myself much. I will update on my IUI on Saturday then thats it! last month was too much for me as I got excited when I was late with high temps so Im not tracking anything. Im going to ask if I can go for the blood test on the day before so its not on my birthday, and I will be away in a hotel on my birthday so wont be home for the results...that way I dont get bad news on my bday. And in that time my period will probably come anyway.

my FS was the person actually doing the ultrasound today, I was like Oh I havent seen you in here before! I did say too bad I only have one follicle and she said yes its hard to dose the first one and we want to be cautious as its harder to pull back if we overstimulate. she said if theres a next cycle she would up the dose, and good luck I hope you get pregnant (which was nice as the others dont say that). I did mention how nauseous Ive been feeling and she said that was weird as its the extra estrogen that usually makes people feel nauseous and seeing as I only have one follicle it wouldnt be high. So she said next month we could switch to a different product of the same thing. then I said I have a meeting with you in 2 weeks anyway, see you then! Im looking forward to that.

Dew not long till monday, it will go quick, my first half of the cycle flew by!
Sarah: Best-est of luck!! as luck is all that can help us now :)

I totally understand you not wanting to talk about yourself during 2WW...we can discuss other things like I have been looking at videos of cupcake decoration for last 2 hours. I have some buttercream frosting in fridge so will try making some decorations on a wax paper. I am not an expert but love baking and recently started decorating cakes and cupcakes for my friends and their kids. I am still learning so it's kind of exciting :)
thats so cute! I am so not domestic is not even funny. My hubby is more than me, thankfully! I didn warn him when we met that I was looking for a house husband and that I am a business woman.

I think baking would be more fun that cooking though :thumbup:

what kinds of foods do all of you eat for dinners? we tend to rely on pasta dishes a lot, and chicken. Im alreadys interested in what others eat at home!
We eat simple stuff as we are usually rushing to soccer! Plus, with Ella, we have to kind of dumb up some things a little...our pastas are usually broccoli chicken alfredo or spaghetti. She loves lasagna also. We do chicken quite a bit. No matter what we eat its always some protein and plenty of veggies and salad. Im proud Ive got a 7 year old who is forced to sit with us and eat veggies and salads and stuff. She loves ribs and steak also! I do wish we made some more interesting things but neither of us are really good at that.....or have time....
Dew I forgot to mention this: at the clinic theres posters for different trials they do (I was in one for celiac disease and infertility but tested negative so didnt continue) and one caught my eye: vitamin D deficiency and implantation problems. On my last blood test with my GP she said I was vitamin D deficient and to take a supplement. This was after taking prenatals for 6 months so if theres any Vitamin D in those its not enough. So anyway Im going to get some Vitamin D...I did buy some drops but keep forgetting to take them so getting some pills to take with my multivitamin as I remember that every night.

the study is for people doing IVF, I guess they will monitor those with vitamin D deficiency and their success rate. heres some reading if you are interested:

Infertility is a common and psychologically devastating problem for 20% of Canadian couples. Approximately, 20% of infertile couples are diagnosed with unexplained infertility and left without an explanation for their inability to have a baby. Pathological uterine receptivity and embryo implantation are hypothesized mechanisms underlying sub-fertility in these couples. Embryo implantation requires a complicated sequence of events involving the differentiation of endometrial cells to attain uterine receptivity and the synchronized interaction between maternal and embryonic tissues. Vitamin D has been hypothesized to play a role in this poorly understood process. Vitamin D is a known regulator of signal transduction pathways involved in embryo implantation and its receptors are involved in calcium-regulation in various reproductive tissues including, the ovary, uterus, and placenta. In Canada, the prevalence of Vitamin D insufficiency is approximately 34-50%. The goal of the proposed study is to determine the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in an infertile population and whether this prevalence is higher than in average Canadian reproductive age women. More importantly, we will investigate whether vitamin D insufficiency in our infertile population translates to impaired implantation and reduced clinical pregnancy rates. Insight into vitamin D's role in reproduction is essential not only to provide scientific understanding of the mechanism underlying embryo implantation, but also because vitamin D supplementation could provide an easy and safe means of treating infertility.
That sounds like a really interesting study Sarah. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and infertility. It affects so many other things. Our family used to go to tanning salon (just 3mins) in the winter to battle the affects of seasonal affect disorder from lack of sunshine and therefore vitamin D and it did help but certainly not as much as real sunshine. I hated not getting outside in the daylight in winter :(

Anyway, if you do move on to IVF that would he a really interesting study to participate in.

Dew, I would love to learn how to decorate cakes and cupcakes - it sounds like a fun (and tasty!) creative outlet.
it was months ago my doctor mentioned the deficiancy, so when I saw the poster I was like hmmmmmmm. that and the progesterone might help!
*whew* just read through about 6 pages of posts! lol!!!

Dew; I can't remember everything that is happening for you cos it is all going over my head a bit, but good on you doing that first injection by yourself, and yay on DH coming home to help you for the rest!!! :hugs: and wishing you so much baby dust that it all works well for you and you get a lovely BFP without needing to worry about further months of fertility issues....

And Sarah; same to you hun! Only one follicle, but it only takes one! I really hope you can get a BFP for your birthday, though I can understand erring on the side of caution cos it's soooooo hard to be disappointed! Much better to be surprised than disappointed! :dust: to you BOTH!!

Love the pic NDH; it's popping out!!! :happydance:

Can't remember what else is going on, there was so much to read! lol. But :hugs: and love to all, and I hope everyone is going well!!!

I'm 36 weeks today, so next week I'm classed as full term... !!! It's friday here, so I've got a few dogs to do tomorrow and then that's the last saturday I have to work until November! woohoo! And after next week I'm cutting down on how much I'm doing at work overall as well, though I'll still be going in there full time, I will just be able to sit on my ass a lot more! lol!! Well, knowing me I'll be cleaning or something, but it's the fact I'll be *able* to sit on my ass whenever I want to that will help; ie not pushing to get everyone sorted and to run the whole place alone! I intend to be going in to work every day until I simply can't any more (either cos I go into labour or I'm just *that* uncomfy) but hopefully by then I'll have been able to get the place running ok so it can keep going while I'm gone!

What is really cool is that where I work, our wee parlour is in a small block of shops; on one side of us is a vet clinic, on the other side is a hairdressers, and on the other side of the hairdressers is a shop that has been closed up and 'empty' for a good 10 years. There is a guy who rents the empty shop, but he just stores stuff in there so it's really just a wasted place. Annnnyway, my midwife is part of a small group (4 of them) who work together, and they have managed to convince the landlord to evict this other guy and give THEM the empty shop to set up as their new wee clinic! So all week now there has been work going on there emptying it out (wow, it's full of JUNK too! And so MUCH!!!) and the midwives will be in there to clean and re-decorate it all soon. It's all coming almost too late for me, but now that I'm having weekly visits with the midwife hopefully I'll be able to get a few in the new clinic before I pop! It's always a mission to sort out an appointment because I work full time so don't have *time* to go out and see anyone during work hours, but being 2 doors along from work means I can just go there any time between clients!! :D

Anyway, all is well really, I've got a midwife appointment tomorrow and then, like I said, I'm on to weekly appointments from here on out. Bub is good at hiccuping into my cervix a LOT though so I'm pretty certain it's still head down, as I doubt it has enough room to move now anyway! lol. I have a baby shower on sunday that my boss is throwing me so that'll be nice; I'll be sure to get some photos this time to share!!! :)
Yay for the midwives opening the clinic so close flying! Pity it wasn't a bit sooner, but hopefully you'll get one or two of your weekly apps there.
So crazy to think that this time next week you'll be full term already!!!
flying congrats, you have made it so far and its gone so quickly (for me!!)
thats funny that a clinic is going to be near you....perfect for child # 2, 3, 4, 5....:haha:
hope the shower is fun and look forward to seeing the photos.
Hi Sarah, dew, flying, mummy, ndh, huggles, sheryl !! Hope youre all doing well, just wanted to pop by and say hello. xx

im so knackered most of the time, gemma finished her first whole bottle feed today so thats major improvement... hoping she carries on this way and we get to take her home soon. xx

thinking about all of you xxx youre all close to your due dates and milestones.. xx

sarah, i hope your treatments are going well and dew, i hope things are working our for you, big :hugs: to all of you xx will update more when i get some free time
Hi Sarah, dew, flying, mummy, ndh, huggles, sheryl !! Hope youre all doing well, just wanted to pop by and say hello. xx

im so knackered most of the time, gemma finished her first whole bottle feed today so thats major improvement... hoping she carries on this way and we get to take her home soon. xx

thinking about all of you xxx youre all close to your due dates and milestones.. xx

sarah, i hope your treatments are going well and dew, i hope things are working our for you, big :hugs: to all of you xx will update more when i get some free time

lovely to hear from you Preethi, I think of you often! I cant wait till you get to take Gemma home, and good for her finishing a whole bottle! take care and keep in touch :kiss::hugs:
its annoying how not knowing when you will get pregnant can really ruin your plans for travel etc. I always go home for xmas, and Im not sure if I can this year incase I get pregnant and am in first trimester (hubby wouldnt want me to fly 8 hours in first tri). especially if I pay $12,000 for IVF in November I dont want to risk it. If I dont go home I would want to pay for my family to come over after xmas, but Im not sure if they would be able to get time off and cant ask them to book it as I would come home if not pregnant!!

also its hubbys 30th birthday in December and I was looking into cruises for around that time....theres some great deals on caribbean cruises and if I was preggers we could drive down. but I cant really book any of this as everything is up in the air (wont have the money till end of november anyway).

but its exciting to think about a trip in december :thumbup:
Today and tomorrow we are going to shampoo the carpets at our home. :) The only thing I didn't plan for is that it's supposed to rain every day Monday thru Friday next week and then DH's friends will be here next Sunday during my shower for their guy party. DH's dad is coming over at 1 today to move the first phase of furniture and then DH will shampoo the living room, hall and 1/2 the nursery today. Tomorrow we will have the media room (where we live during the day every day), the other 1/2 of the nursery, the guest bedroom and the master bedroom. It will be a big project but DH is aware of my limitations and doesn't expect me to do much.

SIL had a fertility appointment with my doctor this morning. I am waiting to hear how it went.

We actually got some surprise rain this morning which is very reassuring. Whenever good things have happened to us lately it's been when God provided rain for us. It's a reminder to me that if I am faithful he will take care of us. Faith and my husband are the only things that have kept me going for the past 7 months of struggling financially.
Glad you got some rain sheryl, and glad your sil has gone to see your dr for a fertility app. Good luck with the shampooing of all the carpets!
Flying: Congrats on completing 36 weeks today :thumbup: and yay! for last day at work on Saturday. Wow! you are so close to seeing your baby :happydance: Have fun at baby shower!

Preethi: Great to hear from you again :flower: Glad Gemma has learned to use bottle, you must be getting excited about taking her back home with you :thumbup:

Sheryl: is that $3 raise or 3% raise? Hope carpet dries out nice and easy after shampoo. Try not to put physical stress on body while house is being cleaned and rearranged :thumbup:

Sarah: Vitamin D has recently gained star status due to its significance in lots of physiological processes. I was not aware of its role in implantation. I have never been checked for Vit D deficiency either. my prenatals have 100% daily dose and I also drink a big mug of organic milk every morning (another 25-30%). On and off I have been taking calcium-vit d tabs but might call my clinic and ask for a test. thanks for sharing the info! Are you doing OPK today?

NDH: I usually watch videos on youtube for cupcake frosting and read blogs on cake and cupcake decoration. When I make something next time, I'll post a picture here. Today, I'll be baking banana bread...nothing fancy about it but I love how the house smells after baking :)

NY: how are you liking cold temps? I watched Contagion last night with DH. I am already paranoid and a bit of an OCD...washing my hands all the time...and I also found myself covering my face when someone was coughing in the movie (as in - on the screen :) I wouldn't want to watch this movie when pregnant and won't recommend it to any other pregnant lady :) Sorry you were not warned and I understand why it disturbed you so much. Hope you are over it by now :hugs:

Huggles: hope you are doing well and enjoying the weekend :hugs:

Take care you all...gotta go for lunch now :thumbup:
The merit raises are $3 more or less per hour (he gets one after he completes training and then can take verbal tests every 6 months for an additional raise/new title) and then there is a 3% annual cost of living increase. I still need to clean up our bedroom but it's my last room and we aren't shampooing it until tomorrow so I have plenty of time. I think all I will be doing while he is shampooing is filling a bucket with clean water in the sink. He knows that this is too much for me and I am taking it very easy.
The merit raises are $3 more or less per hour (he gets one after he completes training and then can take verbal tests every 6 months for an additional raise/new title) and then there is a 3% annual cost of living increase. I still need to clean up our bedroom but it's my last room and we aren't shampooing it until tomorrow so I have plenty of time. I think all I will be doing while he is shampooing is filling a bucket with clean water in the sink. He knows that this is too much for me and I am taking it very easy.

Thanks for explaining. $3 per hour makes sense and surely will be helpful.

We have never tried it but heard that one can rent some specialty wet/dry vacuum cleaners. Did you do something like that?

Googled and found this as an example...

dew no more opk's as the trigger shot will make it positive anyway! so last one was yesterday morning which was negative. theres a chance my surge could have started last night but the trigger may override that anyway.

so we BD'd yesterday around noon, so thats just under 2 days for sperm sample....will be interesting to see tomorrow what his count is. he goes for 8am then Im back for 11am. I was glad to get some sperm 'up there' incase I ovulated today. But even if I ovulate today the egg should stick around and be there for tomorrows IUI (which is why its timed 36 hours after the trigger). After tomorrow I can forget about all this nonsense for a while :haha:

I have the movie 'last night' with keira knightly and eva mendes to watch tonight..its about relationships and tempation, we'll see if its any good!
We are renting a Bissell Big Green from Lowes. There is a $25 rental fee but I got a $10 coupon from their site so it will cost us $15 plus the cost of the solution and we will have the machine for 24 hours.

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