ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Ooohhhhh, good luck Sarah! No no more chatting TTC for you, keep yourself busy, but do pop in here when you can to say hi! I will be thinking of you and sending a ton of babydust your way that it all works out this time!!!! :hugs: :dust:

My baby shower was lovely! I got to sit about and be delivered food (omg, crayfish parcels. YUM!) and pressies by people, and had a lovely afternoon catching up with some people I haven't seen in ages. And yes, I forgot to get any pics during the party at all, but I did spread out the stash to get a pic of at least!
note the lemon jelly and prunes in the potty.... lmao!!! Some all-in-one type clothes, some bibs, a couple of photo frames (I've been eyeing up one of those ones where you put in a photo each month for the first year, but hadn't gotten around to getting one yet; just as well I didn't!) some exquisite knitted booties, a few gorgeous books, another throw/blanket, some nappies and wipes and stuff, a wee money box and a sippy cup thing. Now to sort all THAT out and then go out and get whatever else I need to fill the gaps!!! :D
good luck for this month sarah :dust:

sheryl - your cat sounds so funny!

Flying - looks like you got some lovely stuff! I really like that first year photo frame!
Another step closer; I went and bought a waterproof mattress protector today and put it on the bed, along with cheap sheets I don't mind ruined if my waters do break in the middle of the night...! Every day is bringing it all so much closer now.
LoL flying, hubby just said to me this morning that I should put a towel on the bed under my sheet and another on the couch where i always lie, just in case! (never mind that i'm only 30 weeks :haha: )
Sounds good Sarah! I echo Dew's request that you not disappear entirely during the next two weeks. We promise to be good and not bring it up at all.

Flying, glad you had such a lovely time at your shower :) And it certainly won't hurt to be prepared. If you weren't you could be sure your water would break in bed and your mattress would be ruined. But of course now that you're ready for that it won't :p

Sheryl, glad the carpets are done. My hubby used to be a carpet cleaner and it's hard work! He was in the best shape of his life when he was doing it full time.

Well I'm now making colostrum lol - had a very nearly embarrassing leak yesterday, but fortunately was wearing something that hid it well - I didn't even notice myself until I got undressed for bed and had a huge wet spot on my bra! lol. DH thinks it's hysterical.
Had a lovely afternoon at the beach (which we took an hour long really muddy, bumpy 4 wheel drive track to get to!) with my parents and friends of the family. It was a lovely hot day (unexpectedly hot for this time of year - felt more like January which will sound odd to most of you :haha:) but I spent the day worried about leaks as I'm not prepared yet! :haha: Oh and a very exhausting but lovely women's conference with my mom all weekend. So I'm very very tired after a busy weekend and not much sleep - and being in the heat all day today.
flying: nice stash!!!! :thumbup: wow I cant believe how the weeks are flying by and you will have a baby soon :cloud9: any feelings regarding if its a boy or girl?

dew: they dont do an ultrasound before the IUI no....wish they did as they would know if Ive ovulated or not. but its probably wasted time for them as what does that tell them and people would start to panic. they dont do anything in the LP either, other places do progesterone tests, will yours?
I purchased vitamin d and taking 2 tablets with my regular pre natals :thumbup:
you asked about the prometrium....they look like little white balls, not sure if you can take orally? I find theres no info on the package about that at all, but I was told to take 2 every night, placing them in the vagina as high up as possible, starting today.
good luck at your scan tomorrow, hope you have some good follies growing [-o<[-o<[-o<

ny: you had asked why I wouldnt do IVF in December...I suppose I have it in my head to try in November as Id love an August birthdate, and if it didnt work I wouldnt do anything in December so I can go home for Xmas. Having IVF in December I wouldnt know the results when flying home. Im going to ask my FS about flying....hubby said to me well whats more important xmas at home or a healthy baby :dohh: I suppose if I got my BFP Id be so happy nothing else would matter including being miserable with hubbies family at xmas!!

ndh: wow didnt realize you had to think about that so early....are you going to wear a special bra incase it happens again! Im so jealous you are having warm weather and looking forward to summer!!

afm doing accounting today :growlmad: but at least it will keep me busy. its so weird to think that inside me right now either the sperm and egg got together or nothing is happening. the company who comes out with a product that can tell you on 1dpo if the egg has disintegrated or not will make millions.
Thanks Sarah! I have no idea what to expect tomorrow at the scan, considering my increased FSH and low AMH levels, I can't be too hopeful :(

Sheryl: Take it slow and house will be back in shape soon. Must feel good to have fresh clean carpet :thumbup:

Flying: that's a lovely collection of presies, glad you had fun at baby shower :hugs:

NDH: I didn't know colostrum is produced before baby is born...are you gonna ask your doc about it or is it normal?
Thanks Sarah! I have no idea what to expect tomorrow at the scan, considering my increased FSH and low AMH levels, I can't be too hopeful :(

you are on double the dose I was on, so hoping for a couple of good follies....thats not impossible is it? or do they think you will only produce 1 because of the counts of everything? Ive not research how people react to fertility medications with high fsh, low amh etc. If you had 7 follicles on the baseline scan isnt there a chance a couple of them will produce an egg? keeping everything crossed xxx
Thanks Sarah! I have no idea what to expect tomorrow at the scan, considering my increased FSH and low AMH levels, I can't be too hopeful :(

you are on double the dose I was on, so hoping for a couple of good follies....thats not impossible is it? or do they think you will only produce 1 because of the counts of everything? Ive not research how people react to fertility medications with high fsh, low amh etc. If you had 7 follicles on the baseline scan isnt there a chance a couple of them will produce an egg? keeping everything crossed xxx

I know what you mean but I don't think mathematics of follicle stimulation follow that simple rule :) What I am thinking is that every cycle I knew I ovulated naturally so FSH injections if not helpful should at least not impede that.
Esh, talk about BFing reminded me of something I made myself NOT comment about this week after it was said. I go to this moms group on Thursdays at lunch every week (at least until Kristin is here). There's a lady that has at least 3 maybe 4 kids. Her youngest just started walking within the past month and she has a 4 year old chubby daughter who the state program doctor recently told her is overweight at her checkup. Anyway, she was telling us that her 4 year old still asks to be BF. How terrible! I kind of think she still occasionally lets her or she would have stopped asking ages ago.
I've been leaking colostrum randomly for ages now; usually at night though thankfully!!! But yes, it's a bit annoying, as I don't want to wear a bra & breast pads at night yet if I don't need to, and as it's only randomly (I can go a week with nothing, then have three nights in a row of leakage!) I've been able to get away with it so far, but I think I'm gonna have to start wearing a bra & pads more cos I've had the odd time they've leaked during the day now too... Thankfully I work with wet dogs all day though so any wet marks on my top are usually just from dogs! LOL! I've been putting some nipple cream on every day lately too, supposedly it helps condition them for breast feeding, I don't really know but I got given two tubes of it at the first baby shower so figure I might as well use it! :)
Cute stuff flying! I love getting presents for baby! I got asked by my sister yesterday if I left anything on my registry because we go shopping for ourselves so often...so kinda running out of anything for her to buy me!

'No leaky boobies here. Guess I hope they're just saving it otherwise it may mean im not going to be able to BF?

Eww to breast feeding a 4 year old. That seems wrong to me. They should be potty trained and in preschool at that age...learning to ride a bike and stuff. Thats just kinda weird. At least I think so.

Ive reached a hormonal breaking point and it had my daughter even in tears because i was crazy. I felt so horrible and like it couldn't be stopped:( My poor daughter, I just feel terrible for making her feel sad too. Afterwards she laughed about it and made fun of me for being a little kuu-kuu nuts for a bit there, but I can't get over that she felt sad and cried because I was being mean. GRRRRR. All I can do is apologize, explain I was wrong, and move on I suppose....

Dew- is your hubs able to come with tomorrow to your scan? I hope its nothing that will put your hopes down again. You have been so realistic in all of this, but I'd like to hear something for your situation that gives you hope and makes you feel good for once!

Dew Sarah- I cant recall which of yours was oral but Is your progesterone peach balls to take orally? Thats what I was on for the beginning of this pregnancy. They always tasted and felt weird going down. I never had the suppository one but heard to wear a pad to bed because it can come back out in a sticky, icky kinda way. Lots of pregnant ladies had to do that too on forums that I read.

Im glad you both started some vit D. One other thing the other girl on IVF was put on with that was a baby aspirin....idk, maybe ask the FS what they think of that too??? Just trying to get you guys as successful as possible!

I wonder if I should put something waterproof on my bed....seems like I dis-clude myself from all the preparations of someone who is having a natural birth, but if I went early, I suppose my waters could also break all over! Some nights i've been up with such horrible cramps I coulda sworn I was starting labor....:shrug:...I wasn't...just getting read I guess!
Sheryl I used to babysit a girl who was bf til she was 4 as well! Seems icky to me as well, but in some cultures it's totally normal :shrug: I'd like to bf for at least a year but think I'd have a hard time of it once they start talking and asking for it with words lol.

As far as I know, colostrum production early has no bearing on whether or not you'll be able to bf. And it seems normal to both produce it early or not :shrug: just one of those things I guess that has no rhyme or reason. I did a search on the forum and its amazing how many people actually complain about being X weeks and not leaking yet! (usually less than 25). Really, people will complain about anything but whyever someone would actually WANT leaky boobs is beyond me :rofl:
Yeah, I'm content being able to get a little out by myself. I'd rather not leak as long as I know it's there.

And I think a 2 year old still BFing is really already too much. Had this lady not had a younger child BFing I hope her production would have ceased.
Back from my GTT. As I was told it wasn't fasting and that I could eat I debated for a long time if I should eat or not (if it's not a fasting one surely the results they're looking for would count on someone having eaten). I ended up deciding on wholemeal toast, just with butter, and a fried egg for protein. The pathologist asked if I'd eaten breakfast and seemed pleased when I told her what I'd had. So fingers crossed. It wasn't bad though - the drink tasted like Sprite and had even been refrigerated. I had 10 mins to drink it but I was thirsty and ended up guzzling it lol. I can't normally drink a can of pop but had no trouble finishing it. :shrug:

The clinic was chaos though - their whole computer system went down over the weekend and the poor receptionists we're flooded with phone calls as usual for a Monday morning and couldn't do anything but write down their name and number and promise to call back as soon as the computers were working again. The clinic is under renovations and they think one of the workers accidentally caused it.
NY: I am on baby aspirin as recommended by FS. Yes, DH is coming with me tomorrow morning for US. Then in the afternoon he is flying to Wisconsin.
yup NY, the leaky boobs thing means NOTHING about your ability to BF or whatever. It's one of those things that it varies from one women to another, and even then can vary from one pregnancy to another! I know some women who have a wonderful pregnancy, and then second time around everything is horrible; leaking boobs is just one of thsoe things that may, or may not, happen to you!!! It also doesn't mean if your boobs ARE leaking that you'll run out either! Someone on another thread was worried cos the colostrum is so important for bubs that she was going to run out of it by the time baby was born, but nope, our bodies will continue to produce small amounts of colostrum until the birth, and even then it'll keep producing it (in *tiny* amounts. I'm talking a few mls at once, if even that much) for a few days until the real milk supply kicks in properly. :)

And as for something waterproof on the bed, it's up to you I guess. It's likely you won't go into labour before your CS though, and remember that you can go into labour without your waters breaking anyway so I don't know if you want to go to the hassle of something waterproof or not! For me though I figure I'm spending a fair bit of time in bed now (tend to have to have a nap when I get home or something now too!) and intend to have a natural labour & birth, so might as well spend the $30 for a protector rather than the $$$ for a new mattress!!! LOL!

As for BF-ing until later ages, it really only seems icky cos it's not "normal" in our culture. But if you do the research there is actually NO rhyme or reason why on earth we don't BF for much much longer, except for the social stigma thing. There are a lot of articles and studies done on all the benefits of extended BFing. I doubt *I* will BF for an extended time frame, but I certainly don't think it's icky or weird having read so much info on WHY it's so good for everyone, including mum!
re the colostrum - your body can start producing it from about 12 weeks already. Some people start actively leaking from around 17 weeks, others around 30 weeks, others don't leak at all.
Last time, I didn't have any leaking, but after Jarrod was born my boobs did try and fill up, even though I didn't have a baby to bf. They finally realised about 4-5 days later that the milk wasn't needed and the stopped producing - but what i'm trying to say is that the actual birth process is what kicks off milk production. Leakage is just a random thing that might or might not happen, and doesn't mean you will/won't be able to bf.

I've recently (this week - 30 weeks) started noticing 2-3 drops of colostrum per breast each day. But it doesn't really leak as such. I just notice that something feels weird, then I squeeze my nipple lightly and 2-3 drops come out. But it only happens once a day. It is kind of reassuring for me as my boobs have not shown any indication of doing anythign up until now. They are no bigger than before pg, they don't hurt, they don't do anything. So for me I find it reassuring getting those 2-3 drops. But i know that the real production only starts after teh birth.

Also, don't freak out if your breasts are not suddenly full of milk immediately (or even 2 days) after birth. Baby only needs about 1 teaspoon of colostrum per day for the first 3 days or so. The actual milk only comes in on day 3 or 4. At birth their tummies are only the size of a marble! a few days later their tummies increase to the size of a goen marble (the big marbles), and by about 2 weeks (i think it was) it increases to the size of a golf ball (i think that's what i read). Found that fascinating.
This is an interesting article re bf.

This one explains the size of the baby's stomach. Here is a more detailed one about stomach size.
It's amazing how quickly their stomachs grow! And a good thing too cause can you imagine if they continued to need to be fed as constantly as they do the first couple of days?

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