ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Dew... I totally understand and agree with you! :thumbup:

:hugs: Sarah!!
LOL.. .I'm so glad I'm not the only one...

she couldn't watch a TV program (like X Factor) without complaining that there are too many gay people now.. it's like 'an epidemic' were her words.
She had a whinge that Jews and Muslims have to eat kosher/halaal food and why can't they eat 'normal' food like the rest of us! :dohh: What I don't understand... is that from a NON religious person I can kind of see why they wouldn't understand it... but she's been raised catholic.. in a very strict italian (well Sicilian) family who were supposed to follow their faith to the n'th degree and surely she should understand that Jews and Muslims are just following their faith as they are instructed to. it makes no difference to her what they eat... so just let them be! :shrug: is my view on it...

but yeah.... 2 weeks of that... coupled with her telling me lifting my arms up above my head will end me up on bedrest and whinging at me if I got up to do anything (I'm pregnant... not ill) oh and I got my UTI from hanging up washing outside without shoes on! :thumbup: yep... a medical mystery... but that's apparently how I got it!

And my hubby didn't understand why one night I had a melt down and cried myself to sleep! :rofl:

my view has always been that if the person is not hurting anyone, let them live their life how they want to.

many years ago my MIL had a heated discussion about gay marriage (perhaps some people on this thread may not agree with it, but I do as I have gay family members). she was saying that she doesnt agree with it being catholic but its legal in canada. I basically said to her, how does it effect your life in anyway? those couples who have gotten married in canada since it was legalized, how does that effect your everyday life? It doesnt, meanwhile its made them very happy, so just leave it. She didnt know about my gay family members at the time, so didnt know she was hurting me. Meanwhile what pisses me off is there are so many catholic married couples who have ruined the sanctity of marriage through affairs or divorce, but somehow its gay marriage who is ruining it! grrrrrrrrrrr
Oh I agree... I chose to take up the catholic faith, but learnt about it not from family but through going to catecism classes etc...

anyhoo... i firmly believe that taking on a faith is something wholly to do with the individual and their God/beliefs. They also say you shouldn't judge... and just because someone else doesn't live by YOUR chosen religion, doesn't mean they should be judged by others - does that make sense?? Well that's what my views were on what I learnt!

So precisely as you said... what does a gay marriage between two people she's never met have to do with her life? or her relationship with her God? Nothing... so I don't see why it needs to be an issue. :shrug:
An update on me:
I have been going to a Mom's group that I was invited to on Thursdays at lunch time. The instructor changed at the end of August and the new instruction decided to tell me that I wasn't getting anything out of the class and wasn't participating in discussions so maybe I should look at other options. How rude! After crying for 20 minutes and talking to my friend that invited me I responded to her email that I was getting a lot out of the class, participation expectations should be adjusted for my situation and that I was invited after my friend asked multiple people if it would be a problem for me to attend the class. I was only going to attend thru October anyway because I can't have Kristin in class with me (they have changed the rules since my friend had her baby in the class with her) and don't feel comfortable leaving her in the nursery where she's more likely to get sick. I hate when people make assumptions like that and do it in an E-mail so they don't have to hear themselves out loud.

i dont get it, is she annoyed that you are not participating?? people participate in different ways, so that shouldnt be an issue and you dont have a baby yet so might not have anything to input but you would learn from listening. is she allowed to ask you not to come?

She CCed someone else from the place in her last reply so I am thinking someone else may have suggested that I shouldn't be there. I participate in the discussions the most I can but since this lady took over as teacher at the beginning of September she hasn't discussed anything I know about enough to add to the discussion. Questions like: how do you play with your children, how do you discipline your children, what bad behaviors does your child display. Nothing that I should have an answer to right now.
Sheryl... i'm so confused about why she would want you out of it? Also... I don't get how they work the group? Perhaps I've read too quickly.. but here in UK, any Mum's groups you go to, is for Mum's to get to know each other and share experiences and babies are there with us... they don't leave our sight! I've not come across a single one (even instructor based) where the child is expected to not be with you! :shrug:

As I said... I may have not understood it right... but she sounds rather rude and good job for responding! :thumbup:

This particular mom's group is run by a community outreach program. There are usually about 7 women plus the instruction and all they do is discuss issues. The kids are not allowed to be in the room with us. Newborns used to be able to but they changed all the rules right before I started going there and they aren't anymore. They do provide lunch and childcare through age 12. And yes I agree that was really rude. I spent at least 20 minutes crying because I couldn't believe she would say something like that.
Dew you are so sweet to notice that I have a great, supportive relationship with my in-laws. :) And it's not really worth it for me to try to go higher up in the chain there because I'm just going to end up upset and crying next time I see that lady. My friend plans to make sure everyone knows why I am not there when people notice. It's a small group so they always know where people are when they are MIA.
omg this is exactly how I feel! she is nice, I know she loves me, but she is the most annoying woman I have ever met! so I prefer to avoid her, but that brings stress into mine and hubbies relationship as he is really close to his parents. every time he mentions they might come over I get all stressed, its something I was working on in therapy but I cant afford to go right now.

as for credit cards....my cards are all maxed from business expenses :dohh: and the spa just told me they need to order a large order from a supplier meanwhile its been slow. things will be a lot better in january when I get a fairly large amount of money in advance, Im just trying to get things done before then!! it would be lovely to just be pregnant this cycle, but I dont think I would be that lucky. a bfp on my birthday just seems way too unlikely after 18 months of nothing :nope: I am not feeling any symptoms, had the cramps around 4dpo and nothing since. Progesterone has been fine for me....leaks a little bit but nothing too much. Ive been on the treadmill this week and no dizziness....much better than when on the medications.
how are you feeling?

Sarah: I was told to abstain from aerobic exercises including running but walking/treadmill is allowed during 2ww. I was wondering if you would want to test tomorrow? It should be 12dpo, right? If it is negative you still have 2 days to recover and be ready to enjoy your birthday on Oct 1. :hugs: [-o<

Prometrium makes me dizzy 1hr15mins after taking the pill (effect then stays for about 2 hours). So I finish my chores in the morning before it kicks in and in the night, I take it half hour before going to bed and don't even feel it. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. A few twinges here and there, nipples are sensitive but breasts don't hurt yet...all of which is normal in 2WW.
Sarah: I was told to abstain from aerobic exercises including running but walking/treadmill is allowed during 2ww. I was wondering if you would want to test tomorrow? It should be 12dpo, right? If it is negative you still have 2 days to recover and be ready to enjoy your birthday on Oct 1. :hugs: [-o<

Prometrium makes me dizzy 1hr15mins after taking the pill (effect then stays for about 2 hours). So I finish my chores in the morning before it kicks in and in the night, I take it half hour before going to bed and don't even feel it. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. A few twinges here and there, nipples are sensitive but breasts don't hurt yet...all of which is normal in 2WW.

I think a bfn would still ruin my week, Im liking the oblivious who knows feeling, I seem less stressed/obsessive this way!

Im assuming the pill vs suppositories may have more effect...seeing as its going into the bloodstream where suppositories is more local or am I crazy? as usually Im very sensitive to things but havent been to the prometrium.

we are told you can continue any regular exercise, dont start anything new. seeing as I feel dizzy on the medication I only have these 2 weeks to work out. I was thinking while on the treadmill today perhaps I should take 3 months off from the treatments, get my body back in shape and start IVF fresh in January. I change my mind all the time!!
I think a bfn would still ruin my week, Im liking the oblivious who knows feeling, I seem less stressed/obsessive this way!

Im assuming the pill vs suppositories may have more effect...seeing as its going into the bloodstream where suppositories is more local or am I crazy? as usually Im very sensitive to things but havent been to the prometrium.

we are told you can continue any regular exercise, dont start anything new. seeing as I feel dizzy on the medication I only have these 2 weeks to work out. I was thinking while on the treadmill today perhaps I should take 3 months off from the treatments, get my body back in shape and start IVF fresh in January. I change my mind all the time!!

I don't know if taking a break to get back in shape is such a good idea. If your weight was an issue, yes it would make sense but you are fine so why worry? I wish treatment wasn't this expensive so we could rid ourselves of financial worry.
Sarah: Another IUI lady (usamom) in Assisted Conception forum got her BFP. She might not have any fertility problem and probably did IUI because she is using donor sperm and doing it all on her own (single mom).
Hi ladies! So sorry to keep you waiting,,,,,its insane how busy being in a hospital is. Im serious! I do update FB but thats only because i have an awesome phone that does it in like 20 seconds so its much easier. Plus, its mostly my family who is putting pics on there of my baby and tagging me.

Well, that night I posted on here with concern, it happened to be it. I lasted about 5 hours of not knowing for sure at home before I called because the pain was getting bad. So they said come in, and they found my water to have broken. We had a c section at 3:36 am monday morning. Sept 26th. He weighed 6lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long. Pretty small guy. Had to be in level 2 nursery due to rapid respiratory and I only got to briefly see him. I had a very bad c section, took about 1.5 hours in operating room and they had to call an extra doctor in. I had a very bad build up of scar tissue and uterin damage apparently, and they had to figure out how to get in there. Also, had to scrape the vascular layer off uterus and that caused bleeding that wouldnt stop. Good thing- no transfusion needed. During the surgery I got very very sick, and actually had a lot of pain from the stretching around and constant pressure and pulling for an hour. Was very bad. After it all, I was told by the doc that I should very much not have another child. That devastating news was given while I was in recovery, in bad pain, and not being able to see my baby who was in level 2. The doc ended up with the conclusion that another baby would be very unsafe and risky, but IF i did get pregnant, not to for a year and a half...which is not what I had planned as OH is getting older...So, after that I had to wait 7 hours before seeing my baby boy because I was numb and couldn't go to him. But when I finally did, it was all over. Life was good again and everything was more than worth it, and other than the scar tissue problem, I wouldnt change a thing!

He is named Kian Patrick! He just didn't look like a Jude! Haha. He is beautiful, here are a few pics of my guy. My whole family is on cloud 9!


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Ohhhh Ny, he's GORGEOUS!!!! I'm sorry about the scar tissue problem, but gosh, he makes it all worth while doesn't he!! Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I'm soooooooooo freekin clucky right now, I want *my* baby to cuddle and LOOK at! I'm so happy for you and your new addition! Keep us updated as you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Nikki he is lovely :cloud9: you are right, he looks like a Kian :thumbup:

Sorry about the issues in the c section :( that must have been heartbreaking to hear! I hope you have a speedy recovery :hugs:
He's gorgeous NY! And i love the name Kian - good choice! :thumbup:
I love the pic where Ella is holding him - she looks so proud :cloud9:

sorry to hear about the scar tissue problem and that was fairly insensitive of them to tell you all that whilst still in recovery! So glad Kian is here safely though.
Ny, he is DAMN GORGEOUS !! :cloud9: please dont say he is small, he is just gorgeous.. if you want small, come see mine lol.. im so sorry you had such a bad experience with your c section and that doc said not to have another.. were you planning on having another ? xxx

im so happy for you.. i cant stop looking at his picture and that name is gorgeous as well. :headspin:
Hi, the check up was ok, she is weight 2.05 kg now.. she has some reflux and a lil bit of colic, not enough for her to be screaming all night, and he said its very common and we have switched to all formula because of her weight and doc said to give her just one feed of breastmilk as she needs to gain weight. x

hope everyones fine !! sarah, fx'd for your bfp this birthday weekend !!! xxx :hugs:
My friend had her baby girl a month ago... born at 6lb 1oz and I know that works out to about 2.7kgs. She looked very tiny to me!! considering I'm used to a 15kg toddler who was born at 3.79kgs (8lbs 3oz) so I'm sure Kian does look very small. Specially as Nikki is quite used to the size of Ella by now. :)
Obviously not as small as Gemma.... but still... a 6lb baby is still little!!

So thrilled to hear Gemma is picking up weight! Sorry to hear about the reflux and colic but hoping the formula switch helps! :hugs:
yeah i guess youre right, if youve had one full term baby with good weight then when you look at a smaller one, you do feel like theyre tiny.. ! i had a lady yesterday see us in the elevator of our bldg and kept saying atleast 6 times, oh my god, shes so tiny, shes so tiny, how much does she way.. and i said, well shes 2 months early, so i expect her to be tiny.. ! to me, its kind of like the worst thing you can say to a preemie mum is that oh my god youre baby is so tiny ! "yes we know it, dont you think weve been through hell and back because of that ! lol :)

but then again, yes i mentioned that i feel like the full term bubs are big because ive been surrounded by so many preemies for 3 weeks, so i get what youre saying !! xx

about the colic and reflux, she was always on formula, so its not the formula thats the problem, its just her ! i hope she gets over it or im going to suggest gripewater, ots supposed to help |?
Welcome Kian Patrick! :hug: :kiss: :kiss: Congratulations NY! :flower: your baby boy is gorgeous and I love his name :thumbup:

Sorry C-section was terrible, I hope your uterus and everything else heals properly in an year so you can plan another baby. I am glad though that you are doing better now. Ella is so pretty and she looks very proud big sister :cloud9: What an exciting time for your family! When do you get to go home?

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