ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Hi ladies!

Last night was so much better than the night before, we got to sleep a bit more....this was because I forced baby to nurse, then gave a half ounce of forumula supplementation to top him off...it worked wonders. I have no milk yet and poor guy was at an 8% body weight loss or something so they said I should. I hope he gets the nursing right and we can get rid of formula soon.

I go home tomorrow morning. yay!

I dont know if I can even do another baby in a year because the risk may still be too great, but hope to find out more in the next year about if I can try or not. I planned to have another one very close to this one and be done so im heart broken:(

Hope everyone else is doing well....Thank you for the thoughts and kind words and support through everything. Its so appreciated.

Preethi- I think your daughter is a good weight considering how early she was so dont you feel badly about that. Sorry I mentioned mine being small. Was just expecting a big boy! He may be under 6 lbs now since he lost weight.....

I will write more later, Im finally eating lunch i'll be back!
NY he is just GORGEOUS, like really handsome already!!! Im so sorry you had a bad C section, I felt a little queezy just reading about it as I was imagining how you felt :hugs: are you woozy from the drugs during or pretty much awake?

Im also sorry to hear what they told you after, thats tough. Can they give you some notes to take home, mentioning why they specifically suggest you not having anymore, so you can research in a year? I hope that you will be able to have more gorgeous children if you choose too :hugs:

flying you are next :cloud9:
so I met with my fertility specialist this morning! the day didnt start out well. I left my house at 7:15 for my 9:15 apt, and at 9:15 was stuck on a street about 5 mins away not moving due to construction :growlmad: Finally I park and get there at 9:30 after running from parking lot to clinic, I was so worried they would say Id missed my time.

it went well, and funnily enough all my questions she actually brought up first!

first she said she wanted me to do the AMH....she said my FSH in normal and follicle count is great for my age, but she just wanted another measurement seeing as the last 2 cycles I only had 1 follicle. She said thats not unusual, and that in fact me responding with 3 and 4 the first couple of months was more unusual. So I went for the AMH right after, including my yearly blood tests as we last went to the clinic a year ago now. They took 6 vials out of me! I think a beta might be in that too, so I might know before the weekend if Im pregnant (even though it would be very low). Im so convinced that Im not pregnant that Im totally fine with knowing before my bday. The AMH they send out in batches, so not sure when I will know the result and they will only phone if its really low so I will have to ask about it next time.

She said she has upped the dosage of my gonal-f for next month, to 150ml, but perhaps I would like to consider IVF sometime soon. So I said well funny you should say that and said we were thinking about it for November. I asked her how many IUIs do they usually do until they suggest IVF and she said 3-4, Ive had 3. So then I asked whether to skip the next cycle or continue....I asked whether having a month at the 150 gonal-f would be useful for when doing the IVF dosage, and she said not really, and I didnt need to take a break either so its totally up to me. I asked her opinion and she said perhaps skip it and use the money for IVF as its a much better success rate.

She said I dont need any extra tests, but should just come to an IVF class in October so I booked that for Oct 13. I asked her a little about IVF but she said everything would covered in the class, but that she would recommend ICSI straight away due to my age. So the base price is $7200 for IVF and ICSI, and then the drugs which she estimated at $3000, so perhaps it will be nearer $10,000 than $12,000.

And thats about it, it was nice, even though I was late I didnt feel rushed. I did ask her why the success rates are so low in general, and she said its just chromosomal abnormalities in eggs and that a healthy 20 yr old often has 30% of eggs that are abnormal and that raises with age, and by 40's about 80%. I felt quite positive leaving there and excited about the class in 2 weeks.

So the question is....continue with next cycle or skip? I need to talk to hubby about it, but Im so unsure. Some of me would love to try the gonal f at a higher dose and see if I get more eggs, and perhaps we would save ourselves $10,000. But another part of me is fed up, would love a month off and to just save the $ for the big guns. This is a hard decision to make!! opnions welcomed, although they might confuse me more :haha:
Ny.. i dont feel bad at all !! :hugs: i was just typing it and laughing myself, because mine is really so small, that i was just thinking 6lb is great you know, from my perspective.. i myself was just a 2.8kg baby.. lol

im glad you finally slept and are able to go home today and i soooo hope your c section wont hinder you having any babies in the future, maybe you cant talk to them about it again.. i love kians light brown hair.. i love that sandy brown mixture..

Sarah, im glad your FS has asked you to go for ivf soon in october to get things moving on.. im sure it should help ! your hubbys sperm are great anyway, so FX'D things are bound to work out sooner or later.. you are doing all the right things anyway ! xxx heading towards the right direction and ive got a very positive feeling about it all x
Oh wow!!!

Lovely that she was so pleasant and didn't make you feel rushed/stressed etc. I can not get over how costly IVF is! :shock: I mean I know it's expensive... but just to see the numbers written there still makes my eyes go :shock:

I can completely understand the need to have a break. Equally I can understand the thought that it might be a month wasted and potentially save you from having to spend $10k. Perhaps have a chat with hubby and see how he feels about it... I'm not sure what the IUI costs per month... but if he thinks that it's worth the money to try one more... maybe the increased gonal F may be what you need?? It's hard for me to suggest one route over the other and I'm not the one paying the money or putting myself through the stress of the processes... so I can't imagine how hard it'll be for you to make the decision!!

:hugs: Still hoping you get some good news to save you having to make this decision! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh wow!!!

Lovely that she was so pleasant and didn't make you feel rushed/stressed etc. I can not get over how costly IVF is! :shock: I mean I know it's expensive... but just to see the numbers written there still makes my eyes go :shock:

I can completely understand the need to have a break. Equally I can understand the thought that it might be a month wasted and potentially save you from having to spend $10k. Perhaps have a chat with hubby and see how he feels about it... I'm not sure what the IUI costs per month... but if he thinks that it's worth the money to try one more... maybe the increased gonal F may be what you need?? It's hard for me to suggest one route over the other and I'm not the one paying the money or putting myself through the stress of the processes... so I can't imagine how hard it'll be for you to make the decision!!

:hugs: Still hoping you get some good news to save you having to make this decision! xxxxxxxxxxxx

haha I was just talking to my hubby and the first thing out of his mouth is 'I dont want to talk about this yet as you might be pregnant' :growlmad: :gun::grr: meanwhile he's said that every month and Im sure its just an excuse not to talk about it!!! I said to him that I highly doubt I would ever be so lucky to get a bfp for my birthday so to talk to me about it! his first thought is to continue next month, and when I started listing him the reasons to skip Ive realized I think Ive made up my mind!! I do like the idea of a month off, Im exhausted, going to the clinic quite a bit per month for the last 4 months. Plus I do think perhaps its good to give my ovaries a break before the big dosage comes.

regarding the cost: arent you glad your pregnancies were 'free' :haha: although I guess $10,000 isnt much in the grand scheme of things...think about how much you will spend on them in a lifetime :cloud9: it will be hard though if it takes 2 or 3 goes.

thanks for listening mummycat and preethi :flower:
Goodness I'm not sure how I missed everything that went on yesterday. I mean, I know I took a break from the computer for the day but I did still check bnb on my iPod in the morning and before bed and I didn't see any new posts. I did think it kind of odd. My subscriptions must have been set funny I guess.

First off, congrats Nikki on the safe arrival of Kian Patrick! I'd love a 6lb baby lol - I'm dreading a 12 pounder or something crazy considering the size of my hubby, but he was only about 7lbs himself so I hope it's not too crazy (plus I've spent enough on my newborn diapers that only fit to 5.5kgs I want to get the most use out o them :haha:). I'm sorry you had such a bad section and that the doctors chose to tell you such devastating news when you didn't even have your son with you to soften the blow :(. Hopefully in a year and a half your body will be recovered enough that the doctors will give the go ahead for another. He's so gorgeous and Ella looks like such a proud big sister :)

Mummy, I can't get over your MIL - I don't know how you managed to put up with her for so long. It's amazing your hubby turned out as well as he did! Lol. Its one thing to be opinionated but another thing all together to be so vocal about it. Of course, things could always be worse.

Dew, thanks, DH is starting his course today and it goes tomorrow as well. He's stressed about it (though I'm sure he'll be fine) because he sees this as his last chance. He's talking about going home if it doesn't result in work soon as he thinks it will be cheaper to borrow money to fly home than to keep borrowing money here with no prospects. He forgets that we'd have no where to live and still mo assurance of work back home. I'd rather he considered trying to get FIFO work on the mines or something before going home (not that my parents would loan us money to take their grandchild away from them anyway lol).

Sarah, I'm still holding hope for your birthday bfp. You never know. Remember that I was so desperate for a baby by my 27th birthday and had given up hope of it happening, and I'll have a baby within two weeks of my birthday anyway, if not before. Hoping for a similar result from you :hugs: But it sounds like you've got a lot o considering to do if not. I'm sorry your businesses are leaving you wondering when you can afford IVF as you try to juggle their running expenses. Hopefully all the outstanding cheques arrive quickly and that October is a great month for the spa :thumbup:

Preethi, I'm so happy Gemma is doing so well. I can imagine that even a small to us 6lb newborn must look huge compared to her, but she'll be that soon at the rate she's growing. And she wouldn't even have been full term yet so even if shed been born today shed still be small (though probably a bit bigger than she is now, had she been growing properly of course). You have such a little fighter :)
Oh one of the girls in my December snowflakes who was only a week ahead of me had her baby at 26+4 - she weighed 2lbs 1oz, and is still fighting. Gemma would look massive next to her so it's all perspective :). And she's only been allowed to hold her baby once and lives an hour from the hospital so only gets to see her for 15 minutes a day too :(.

Sorry if I've missed anyones updates - not intentional. Flying I hope when you get your pictures back you'll share one or two with us, now that we've seen a couple of bare belly shots anyway :). Sheryl I can't get over how your mothers group leader treated you. I hope you find another group after Kristen (Kirsten? Which one is it I can't remember) arrives where they'll welcome her presence and treat you better. Of course you canny contribute anything yet but you probably gleaned a lot. Huggles I don't remember what's going on with you but I hope all is well.

AFM - I'm now officially in third trimester, both being 27 weeks today and my ticker saying 3 months to go :). I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. Pregnancy-wise everything is still going great. Starting to get pain in my hips (a pre-pregnancy issue that flares up now and then As my pelvis is prone to rotate and put my hip out a bit, but the added strain of my bump isnt helping I'm sure) but if that's the worst thin that I've had to deal with then I really do count myself blessed. DH got to experience one of the baby's increasingly frequent workout sessions, as I call them lol. Where it's not just kicking/punching/moving normally but a 15+ minute period where it really feels like it's trying to make a break for it and my belly doesn't stop moving lol. We watched a movie the other night and the baby kept it up for the duration o the whole movie. It was a very action-filled movie and I don't know if s/he was expressing displeasure or trying to participate but DH caught the tail end and wasnt sure if it was more fun watching my belly jiggle or feeling the crazy movement.

Oh and we're petsitting a Maltese Shih Tzu for the week and the dog loves to snuggle on my lap - he wasn't quite sure what happened when he felt the baby kick for the first time (when unfortunately for him his head was resting on my bump :haha:) but now he doesnt care and settles quite happily on my writhing tummy lol.
yay congrats on entering 3rd trimester NDH :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::thumbup::kiss:
hope something works out real soon work wise, you guys deserve it
NDH - It's Kristin. :) I would have wanted to take a few months off anyway so it's not that big of a deal. We are busy enough as it is and now I don't have to drive across town. The ladies in the class really liked me. One of them was talking to me on FB today and she's going to go through her daughter's clothes for me and give me a bouncer, baby-wearing carrier and whatever else she thinks of.
Oh good I got it right the first time. Had a moment of doubt though and couldnt look back to check. I think Kristen is much nicer anyway :)

And yay for free things!

Thanks Sarah, I sure hope so too. Cant deal with the financial stress any more. Though I must say it is nice to have him home with me in the daytime :). Today is the first time I've been home alone in ages and it feels weird. Even the dog, who's been a real sook all week and following me everywhere and laying on my feet if I don't let him on my lap is ignoring me today and hasn't left his bed all morning.
Oh good I got it right the first time. Had a moment of doubt though and couldnt look back to check. I think Kristen is much nicer anyway :)

And yay for free things!

Thanks Sarah, I sure hope so too. Cant deal with the financial stress any more. Though I must say it is nice to have him home with me in the daytime :). Today is the first time I've been home alone in ages and it feels weird. Even the dog, who's been a real sook all week and following me everywhere and laying on my feet if I don't let him on my lap is ignoring me today and hasn't left his bed all morning.
Sarah, I'm still holding out some hope for a birthday BFP for you too, it'd solve all the decisions!! But I can definitely hear you on wanting to take a break for a month, and hey you can still try the 'old fashioned way' on your month off, and you never know; you being more relaxed about it, and going naturally, might just be the way for it to happen!!!!! GOOD LUCK anyway!! And my fingers are still staying crossed for you!!!

NDH! Third tri already!!?!! wow! Time really does fly by doesn't it! Congrats hun, and I hope hope hope that DH gets a wonderful job and there's no more money worries for you and your growing family!!! I know exactly what you mean about the work-out sessions though; I'm still getting them with only a couple of weeks to go! Supposedly they slow down as they run out of room by now, but nope, it's still trying to break out through my belly button... LOL

AFM I'm somewhat in awe right now that time is flashing by still. Tomorrow I'm down to only 2 weeks to go!??! Among the others due in october that I know (on here, and on various other groups/forums) there's been 4 births and another 2 in labour right now, which is just drilling it home even more. I'm soooooooooo concious of my tummy at times, I'm seeing, in my minds eye, what bub is doing when it's wriggling, and I'm trying to feel where it's laying, feel if it's getting down into my pelvis yet, and I'm getting rather pedantic about checking for any discharge when I go to the toilet etc too. Basically I'm blindingly aware that it could be ANY time now. But at the same time, I'm still working full time, so I'm keeping busy and almost forget at times. I don't really forget cos it's so 'up there' in my mind, but I almost can. I can almost feel like 'normal', just working and chatting and will do the same thing tomorrow, and the next day, etc etc. But then I flick the page in the appointment book on to next week, and I realise that on monday I'll be able to say I'm due "next week".... and it hits home all over again. lol.

And having said all of this, it'll probably end up being late and will drive me mad with waiting for the next MONTH yet!!! Next weekend would be fine lil one; a bit early but nothing to be worried about.... lol! We shall see I guess.

And yes, of course I will share the pics when I get them back! I can't WAIT to share them, cos I know they'll be amazing! heh.
Happy Thirs Tri NDH !!!! :cloud9: cant believe time has gone by so fast for all of us !! xx before you know it, youll be posting your birth story ! xxxx thanks for the advice, i do know that its all in perspective considering weight etc :hugs: it must be so horrible for your friend to be able to see her baby for only 15 min a day .. my heart goes out to her. x

Flying... omg, 2 weeks to go soon.. cant believe it..youre next !! :cloud9:

fx'd for your dh's job NDH, im sure it will work out soon xx
I suppose my to-do list for today includes packing my hospital bag and Kristin's diaper bag. I still haven't finished going through the gift bags so I have to work in the nursery again first. I do get to get pick up a gift today though so that's exciting. :) There's a lady from my mom's class that's going to get me a gift and give me her daughter's clothes, bouncer, baby-wearing carrier and some other stuff.
Happy 3rd trimester NDH :happydance: Wishing sincerely that your financial worries fly away very soon :hugs: Good luck!

NY: Are you at home already? hope baby and you are doing well :flower:

Mummy: Hope you are feeling better now. Please remind me when is your EDD? Thanks!

Sarah: Even though I may understand your situation the most still I am unable to suggest which path you should follow (one more IUI, one month break followed by ICSI or go directly for ICSI). I think finances have to play a major role here. If insurance coverage for my treatment was more I would choose IVF too instead of wasting time with IUIs....and if ICSI was not an extra charge I would choose ICSI with genetic testing over IVF. I guess I have accepted the reality that there is a problem with me and medical intervention at its best is the only way to yield results. I received a letter from my FS yesterday saying that she is satisfied with my response to treatment and if necessary, would recommend following same plan in next cycle. I wish you a sticky BFP on your birthday :thumbup:

Now I forgot what I wanted to say to others :dohh: Sorry if I have missed something important. I wish you all a happy day (night). :hugs:
Oh good I got it right the first time. Had a moment of doubt though and couldnt look back to check. I think Kristen is much nicer anyway :)

It's Kristin :)
Oh and I forgot to ask Sarah, did you hear back from clinic about your blood work results. You can call them if they haven't, I do that :)
Dew... it's 29th October.... just think Halloween and you'll be about right as by my lmp I was due on 1st November.

How are you today Dew? xx
Oh and I forgot to ask Sarah, did you hear back from clinic about your blood work results. You can call them if they haven't, I do that :)

when you call you just get a machine and they call you back in 24 hours, I actually left them a message last night to ask if I still need to do my beta on saturday as originally asked, Im assuming not seeing as I did one yesterday. but they might ask me to as yesterday would have been very early but assume it would still show a low result if pregnant. So they should call back today with the answer to that and perhaps my beta result. I will be fine if its negative and just happy to know, so I can enjoy my weekend. It wont ruin my birthday as Im feeling excited about IVF. Im pretty sure Im going to skip the next cycle, mainly as it will be nice to have a break but also might as well put the money to IVF. Plus I love the idea I might get some frozen embryos with IVF which I wont have if I get pregnant this month or next month.

dew thought you might find this interesting


how are you feeling? I had a gush of watery CM this morning, and Im pretty sure I get that normally....I usually get around ovulation but I think I may get it before AF??
Dew... it's 29th October.... just think Halloween and you'll be about right as by my lmp I was due on 1st November.

How are you today Dew? xx

Thanks Mummy! Now I won't forget your EDD :)

I am good today, actually will be busy preparing animal figurines (using fondant and gumpaste) for my Animal Jungle cake that I am making for my friend's twin daughters' 4th birthday tomorrow. This is my first time doing this kind of cake so really excited as well as nervous about it...just hoping not to disappoint the kids :)

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