ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Oh mummy, I'm sorry you've been having more trouble with Kian! Reflux does seem to be diagnosed for everything though doesn't it... I hope you can figure it out in any case!!!

sherylb it IS a good thing they've found those things now, as like Dew says they are fairly easily controlled by diet, and now he can know he's at risk of them being high if he's not careful! Much better than being unaware and then needing medical intervention....

Dew, I love the cake!!! Definitely looks like zebra stripes!! And I hope it all works out for you and you simply get a BFP rather than worry about the next stage!!! GOOD LUCK!

AFM, yup I'm still here. It's tuesday morning now, which makes me 11 days post-date now... lol! I did have another BIG glob of mucus this morning, it was really pale but still had a definite brown tinge too so it's all looking promising that things are happening, but we're still waiting too! I'm about to go to work though; I'm sooooooooo grateful to have a job I can still go to! Three days at home waiting was enough! lol.
Flying -- I would imagine keeping busy at work is keeping you sane right now being so late. :)

I think we will have lasagna for dinner. I think that's a good option as long as I don't add any salt which it shouldn't need.
Flying: that sounds good! hope things get started while you are at work, it will be another fun thing you could share later on with your clients/customers :haha:
I now understand why the 2 local fertility clinics which are otherwise in-network for us are out-of-network (OON) for IVF. It is because of the way they build the claims, they are building IVF claims under a different name which for whatever reason is OON for one and all. Our policy doesn't cover OON for fertility treatment.

There is a chance that Mayo clinic doesn't work like those 2 clinics. I talked to a lady at Mayo and she will be calling my insurance company tomorrow to confirm how much balance (out of a max of $8000) is remaining and if it can be used towards IVF procedure in Mayo. Praying so much it's a good news tomorrow.

If we do IVF in the other two local clinics, our remaining balance goes completely waste and cannot be applied towards IVF costs. But then to do IVF in Mayo, I am not sure if we'll be able to start the next cycle itself because they do require some testing and a mandatory orientation. Mayo is much much farther (2 hours vs 10 mins) and is costlier too. But it can be trusted by all means for the quality of treatment and if we do get to use remaining balance in insurance money, it will still turn out cheaper. Let's see how it all turns out.
Sheryl: If I were you I would wish that DH's high cholesterol is not hereditary but a diet related issue because it is much easier to deal with later and is less alarming as long as care and precaution is taken. What makes you think it might be from his parents? Do they have any heart problem or a known cholesterol problem?
Well DH wasn't called to work today either :(. One day a week I can deal with but not two :(

Dew I love the cake! How did you make it striped?

Flying, I can't believe you're going to work! Lol. Well it'll take your mind off things anyway.

Ny, have you asked for advice in the breastfeeding forum? I seem to recall a friend was told she was overfeeding her breastfeed baby and I think it turned out she was producing too much foremilk so baby was filling up on that and not getting enough hindmilk, and once she started expressing a bit before feeding things were a lot smoother. It could have been a completely different issue of course, but she did say the ladies in that forum are brilliant.
Sorry NDH :hugs: hope he gets called to work tomorrow..keeping FXed

For zebra cake, I prepared two batters, chocolate and french vanilla. I poured 1/4th cup vanilla batter at the center of cake pan followed by 1/4th cup chocolate batter at the center of vanilla batter....continuing with 1/4th cup scoops of alternating flavors, each flavor of batter dropped into the center of the previous circle of batter. Simple but a bit time consuming.
hi everyone :wave: wow you have been chatty. been out all day running errands and we went to the lab to do hubbies bloods....its almost been a year since we started at the FS clinic and they needed them renewed. now I feel like Im coming down with a cold :growlmad:

preethi :kiss: my ivf starts when I get my period I call and go in day 3. That will probably be the end of next week sometime.....yikes!! this month has been great, not thinking about TTCing. We only BD'd a few times and my mum is here now, so wont be upset for AF to come...in fact I cant wait!!

flying omg its almost happening, you have been so positive and patient! its got to be a boy....being stubborn and late and just loving cuddling with mummy as long as possible!!

sheryl hope all that stuff can be reduced, when you say frozen dinners do you mean home cooked meals that are frozen...not the ready made frozen dinners right? just because I know those have a lot of hidden sodium, fats etc. some of it is probably genetic, since my dad died I have put on 30 lbs and not eaten the best but my bloods tests always come back great so I think some of it is genes.

NY :hugs::hugs::hugs: I cant even imagine how you are feeling with no sleep, hope it all changes very soon before you are in the loony bin! and glad that kian is ok, thats scary. and the whole overfeeding thing is just :shrug:

ndh is there any reasoning as to why he is not called in?? like is it predictable at all when they will need him and when not? I hope it picks up soon. our spa business is so random, last week was a great week compared with the first two but who knows how the next will be, its hard to live that way.

dew you are so talented with the cakes, wow!! and I hope you can get that stuff figured out....Im sure what is meant to be will be. I hope the mayo clinic can find out how much you have left and use it....would be a shame to let it go to waste if it resets in january.

mummy now long for you....how does lottie feel about it? cant wait to see if you have a boy or a girl :cloud9: and not long for your trip....did you fly when lottie was so small too? if my IVF doesnt work Im going home for christmas so that will be something that will make me happy....have to think of positives either way. if I do get pregnant I will ask my FS what she thinks about me flying....hubby does not want me to after spending $12,000 but not being home for christmas will make me sad.

my head feels fuzzy so sorry if I missed anything :kiss:
After talking to DH's dad it is genetic. DH's grandfather died in his late 50s of heart disease and DH's dad is on meds for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. :(

DH came home and accused me of trying to kill him as I expected. :`-(

So I am trying to figure out what a low-carb diet looks like. It seems like we need to have ground beef (in much smaller portions) no more than 2x a week. Chicken is ok but fish is better. And I have really got to start incorporating fruits and veggies into our meals. I have looked into my snacks and they are whole grain but I need to include more of those types of things in our meals too. Yikes!
Hey girls- heres a link to a photo book I made of Kian. kinda fuN! Hope this works, Im not familiar with this process at all. :wacko:

Hey girls- heres a link to a photo book I made of Kian. kinda fuN! Hope this works, Im not familiar with this process at all. :wacko:


It says either the link was not shared properly or deleted...please try again.
Sarah, yes it's just random when they'll need him is all. He calls them daily if he's not called in though just to remind them that he's available, and sometimes they might need midday relief too, so you never know. He's confident that if there's work available they'll call him, but it's frustrating not knowing.

Dew, that sounds so easy and clever! I'll have to try it some time, but I'm sure I'll mess it up lol. It is a really neat effect.
i was going to test today but have managed to resist! im trying to wait until af is late x
Dew I love the cake! And I want some!

Guess I don understand y the link didn't work.....

Sheryl hope things get figured out w hubby. Tellnhim to start jogging and he will be good to go!

Ndh sorry hubs didn't get to work again. Thanks for the info about too much fore milk......I have some googling to do.

Kian has bad reflux, spitting up a ton. So maybe he is overfed. Idk.

Sarah sounds like you've been busy p! Glad you are enjoying your time w mom.
Oh Ndh, I'm so sorry hubby has missed out on another day of work! Ugh! It must be so frustrating to be living every day one at a time like that... I hope he gets called up more regularly!!!!! :hugs:

Dew, good luck about the Mayo thing, hopefully you can use your remaining balance with them to make it cheaper! What happens if they can't? Do you then not have any way to use your remaining balance for IVF? Will you then use it for more IUI or still go with trying out IVF but have to pay it all? Ugh, I wish so much you and Sarah could just get BFPs and be done with all of this jumping through hoops!!!!!!! :hugs:

Sarah, I'm excited for you too! I hope hope hope you can save that last bit of money up to be able to go for it next month!!! Actually, I'm hopeful that this month 'off' from stressing about it might have even done the trick naturally, but if not then I do hope you can go with IVF without worrying about the money too much! FX! I hope your'e feeling better soon too and it's not a nasty cold that hangs around for ages! :hugs:

And well, obviously I'm still here in one piece! Still waiting..... lol! I am really glad I have work to keep me occupied, cos I really would be in tears by now if I was sitting around at home alone, all day long, waiting! I've been a bit uncomfy at work though, with a fair bit of period-pain type cramping at times, and when the baby wriggles much it's almost painful down low. Also when I'm on the toilet, the downwards pressure is definitely owie (in a dull crampy sorta way, not unbearable at all, but definitely not nice...) and I've also had a bit more tinged mucus during the day, still nothing nearly as dark as yesterday at the hospital, but still a definitely brownish tinge... So it SEEMS like things are happening in there! I'm hoping the crampy feelings are my cervix ripening up and effacing (thinning) and making it all just a bit tender when baby wriggles there! Hopefully not more than another day or two... but then it could be ages yet so we'll see!!!
I typed up a reply to everyone's posts earlier this morning (about 5am), adn then my stupid phone decided to lose connection and lost everything I wrote.

Will do my best to remember what i said.

Dew - that cake looks amazing! really cool!
Good luck for 2 Nov :dust:

NDH - really hope hubby gets called for more work today/tomorrow.

sheryl - sorry to hear about your hubby's blood results. Fx'd you manage to change your diet slightly and it helps to lower the levels, but if not, hopefully they can give him some meds to help. Always good to catch these things early :hugs:

Flying - glad things seem to be starting.

Oh dear, can't really remember what else - sorry if i've forgotten anything important.
sheryl do you cook with pasta at all? we have quite a few pasta meals and we use wholegrain wholewheat pasta...I find it tastes yummy. Obviously you have to be careful with the sauces but if you find a good tomato one and put lots of chopped up veggies in there you cant even taste them (I hate veggies but will eat them in a sauce!).

flying you officially are the most patient person I have 'met'!! I think I would have been in the hospital begging them to take the baby out by now :haha:
mummy now long for you....how does lottie feel about it? cant wait to see if you have a boy or a girl and not long for your trip....did you fly when lottie was so small too? if my IVF doesnt work Im going home for christmas so that will be something that will make me happy....have to think of positives either way. if I do get pregnant I will ask my FS what she thinks about me flying....hubby does not want me to after spending $12,000 but not being home for christmas will make me sad.

Nope... not long now... though I think my baby is waiting for Amy... (i'm trying not to jump the queue here! :thumbup:) So hurry it up little baby Flying! it's time to get out of there!!! :haha:

I'm so very much looking forward to our trip. No we never flew when Lottie was teeny tiny as she was born in the April.. so the family took advantage of coming to us over the summer.. her first trip was when she was nearly 1.. She had her first birthday in SA... and then we went again in Feb (when this bubs was conceived) --- Huggles... we can say...Proudly South African! :rofl: as baby was made in SA!

Oh I can completely understand that hubby wouldn't want to risk it... and if you do stay in Canada for Christmas it'll be for a perfect reason! (being pregnant) so I'm sure you'll probably cope better than you think you will! The year hubby and I got married (2007) we decided to decline invites we had to all the family events over the Christmas. We spent 18 months arranging a wedding overseas and trying to please everyone and so after getting married in the November and having a bit of family overdose.. we decided that our first Christmas together would be a completely low key event and we'd have it at home... just the pair of us. Before havign Lottie we would drive to one family on one day and another on another day and just generally tire ourselves out driving round the country.

Anyway... apparently we upset people by saying no thank you! but stuff it... it was one of our best Christmas' ever and the only one we ever had just the pair of us. The next Christmas I was 20 weeks pregnant and my folks came.. the next Christmas we had Lottie and Mike's folks came for Christmas... last Christmas we obviously STILL had Lottie and my folks came and this Christmas we're going to SA to see all the grandparents! (but with TWO children) so yeah.... point is... do what you guys want to do and don't feel bad for upsetting people! :thumbup: (if you don't want to spend loads of time with your inlaws... see if you and hubby can maybe book something for the pair of you... like a few days away that you can drive to??)

Amy...hope you're managing okay! From the sounds of it... I don't think you have much waiting left!

Natalie.. sorry to hear about hubby's work! :(

Hope everyone is okay!
mummy I wouldnt mind a xmas just the two of us....sounds lovely! but there is no way that would happen...his family is religious and christmas is a big event with them starting with fish and midnight mass on christmas eve. I dont like fish and do not follow organized religion so their christmas just feels so odd to me. I love love love my christmas at home, and my mum being 72 I worry how many more we have with her. I did think I will be so ecstatic that I am pregnant that I wont care, but you know I will be so happy and want to be with MY family on Christmas. I guess I first have to see if I get pregnant (seems such an unlikely event at this point!) and then decide.

I googled flying and early miscarriage and found this thread
the people saying they think the flight caused a MC have one post, so they obviously googled this term and posted. there must be millions and millions of women in their first trimester that fly and dont MC.

perhaps if hubby and I booked a little break after xmas I wouldnt feel so bad staying here.....we could drive down to florida and go on a cruise or over to california or something. Although not sure if I will want to cruise in early pregnancy, might be too sick!
I fle first trimeste! My oc said absolutely no reason not to even with my risky spotting and stuff. He said long as ill b near a doctor when we land it's fine. However, mynflight was much shorter...... But that being said, in 2009 we had a trip set up to spain and I had just found out I was pregnant. Doctors again said that was fine. We had to miss it anyways cuz oh got h1n1.....then I miscarried:(. So I see how you'd b afraid, maybe lying to florida would be better? It's shorter at least.

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