ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

so it looks like I have raised my $11,000 for IVF, but I still have to wait to see if the spa cuts into any of it before now and when I start. plus I have to get the ok from them on CD3.

dew are you going to be testing this cycle, and when did you say AF was due?
Good news Sarah! Hoping for a couple more cheques to come in this week so you have some buffer for the spa if needed.
Sarah... Fab news you got the money! :dance:

Nikki... hope you feel better soon hun! :hugs:

I had my phone stolen today! 3 days before my due date! :grr: I'm over it now... but was quite stressed, angry, emotional earlier!

Hope everyone has a lovely evening... or DAY if you're waking up in NZ...still pregnant! :) AMY... tell baby it's time to come out and play now!!
haha, yup well it's 13 days over now, and N.O.T.H.I.N.G. :coffee:

I'm in a really weird mental space right now. The excitement and anticipation has been building up to 'october', and then october came, and omg this baby was just around the corner! Then my DUE DATE came, and wow, it was like *right there*, and then another hour passed, and another day passed... And I'll go to bed in the evening wondering if it'll happen tonight, I'd wake during the night, and go back to bed, and then morning would be here, and nothing had happened and nothing WAS happening, and now there's another day ahead of me to face with no signs of anything. Another hour has passed, and another day and night, and another.... and another.... I'm sorta in a really bizzare, surreal state of suspended animation (mentally). Just hanging in limbo. The excitement and anticipation wore off a while ago now, and it's just this perpetual waiting now! It's almost like perhaps I'm imagining it all, and I'll just wait, pregnant, forever. I know it's not, but it's just a bizzare feeling in this head-space right now! I'm not fed up, I'm more resigned to the waiting than anything (though of course I am still having moments of tearful 'omg get this thing OUT' too! lol) it just feels so surreal to think that I'm ACTUALLY having a baby, not just being pregnant. lol.

I have another midwife appointment today to make sure all is well. :)
flying you have been so patient that Im surprised its taken you this long to be in a weird mental state! :hugs::hugs::hugs: everyday I hope to come on to good news, and every day I think surely this is the day! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
:hugs: Amy.

Sarah I love your profile picture!

Mummy, I can't believe someone stole your phone!

I'm ordering my diaper bag fabric today after all lol. Hubby's pay was high enough despite only being for 3 days that even with spending extra yesterday on his lunchbox replacement I can make it work. Now the only question is what type of fabric I want for the outer part of the bag. I have suede in my cart but that's probably not so good for a diaper bag... Though it won't be washable anyway as the liner fabric can't go in the machine and is only wipe clean.
Sarah whose baby is that it's o cute! Yay for your money! So excited.

Mummy, my cell phone went wacky so they had to send it in for a new one all week I had a terrible loaner phone. Well tonight we picked up my phone and the touch screen isn't working right. Omg. Soooooo mad! I hope you get a new phone fast. Sorry it was stolen.

That reminds me of stealing.....we went to pumpkin patch and brought home pumpkins and they were stolen off our front step. Can't remember if I already told you all that but we are still mad!
so it looks like I have raised my $11,000 for IVF, but I still have to wait to see if the spa cuts into any of it before now and when I start. plus I have to get the ok from them on CD3.

dew are you going to be testing this cycle, and when did you say AF was due?


Kudos on raising $11000 for IVF, hide it somewhere you can't use it for Spa. Is it the total cost for IVF including medications?

My beta is on Nov 2, next wednesday, exactly one week from today. I am not testing, regardless I will know on 11dpiui because my B begins to shrink in size again when I am not pregnant and I begin to get usual headaches too.

Got a call from current clinic today, they approved me for IVF without any more testing. If we decide to go for IVF next cycle, I call them on Day 1 of AF and they put me on BCP starting day 3. We haven't made a decision yet whether to go for one more IUI or head straight to IVF. Mine will be a really long protocol, compared to yours. By the time I am done with BCP and Lupron you will already be done with stimming. I always tell you, you are my immediate future. I sincerely pray for your sticky BFP because it will give me hope and inspiration.

I am hosting my dear friends (a couple and their sweet daughter) for lunch this Sunday. They are very close to us but live a bit far so when we meet we tend to spend the entire day together until their daughter gets tired and is ready to go back home. I plan to make a rich 4 chocolate cake for desert. This friend is my inspiration for baking and I hope cake is satisfactory if not perfect.

I am under the influence of progesterone pills, it is equivalent to being intoxicated, can't even walk without the support of furniture and walls, had to go back and edit plenty of times but if something still doesn't make sense, pardon me please.

A Q for Flying:
Are you against induction or in favor of natural labor and why? :)

It's a shame that a collleague drove over your DH's lunch box. I wish he offered to share the cost of new one. I am glad though that you were able to order the fabric. Good to get things rolling...


I hope Kristin didn't hurt you much today and hopefully she is out soon in a very healthy state :hugs:

Disgusting that people will steal halloween decorations from your porch, Ella must have been very disappointed, no use looking for it, it could very well be rowdy teenagers from outside of neighborhood. What is Ella going to be this Halloween ( sorry if you have already answered that Q). My sister's baby had bad reflux too, it seems he has an habit of using extra strength for poopy which makes him throw up. Hope Kian stops doing that soon.


You don't write much about your pregnancy these days, but you are always nice enough to respond to everyone's post. I appreciate that. Hope you are doing well.

How disappointing that you lost your cell phone. I am more concerned about identity theft when cell phones get lost especially if it is internet phone where you are logged into email and stuff. Have you bought a new one? Which onee's on yoru mind?

20th Nov is far, would love to know of progress Gemma has made over all these weeks. Do you love dressing up your pretty little girl? Take ccare!!

Please share Kian's pictures once again, would really love to see them. Thanks!

Talk more later....:hug: and take care!
and Sarah, who is that cute baby in your avatar pic?
Dew; I'm not against induction as such, but I'm against it for no REASON!! And so far, there has been no reason to do it (except I'm post-date, which really isn't a reason in itself!) I'd prefer a natural birth, if possible, but I'm totally open to being induced if it comes to that.

As for why, really just because it is generally a huge ordeal for everyone and so often it's sooooo unnecessary! The drugs used to induce you generally cause strong constant contractions, which leads to needing strong pain relief (ie epidural) because the body can't cope with that, which in turn often leads to a c-section. It generally just all becomes a rather 'forced' sort of situation that you end up in, with it all snow-balling into so much more than I'd ideally like. And there's the whole 'forcing nature' thing, that surely there's a reason that baby hasn't come out yet...?! I'm an 'animal' person, and I'm from a farm, and you'd never even consider inducing an animal if she was 'overdue', so long as everything was ok from the outside then you'd leave her to it! Yes animals have still-births and so forth as well, but that's why I'm being monitored closely; animals aren't! lol. I dunno, it just rubs me the wrong way to think of forcing it all to happen when there's absolutely no need to at this point.

But I MUST stress, again, that I am still totally open to being induced if at any stage there seems a need! If I'm worried I haven't felt the baby in a while then I'd be calling my midwife and getting checked, if there was ANY worry I'd just go for inducing or even a c-section right then and there. If the monitoring we're doing says it's in trouble, again I'll do whatever to get it out. In the end it's my baby I care about and I'll do anything for it!!! It just means that, for now, 'anything' means waiting. and waiting. lol!!! :)
I agree with you completely Amy! But for this one, I will let them induce at 42 weeks if I make it that far because my brother is getting married the week after that lol. But I think that as long as baby is still healthy and happy and there's no indication that the placenta isn't doing it's job any more there's no need to make baby come any sooner than it's ready.
Sarah, yay for the IVF money !!!! :headspin: hope it carries on coming !!

Dew, glad that they approved you for IVF , although what are you planning to do about the funding if you plan to go that route? hope you find a solution soon xxx I dont really dress her up as most clothes dont fit her, she only wears sleepsuits of a very very small size, bless her. we cant dress her until she grows bigger.. ! im not too fussed about her weight at the moment as she seems to be demanding a lot more milk now, so thats good... x

Mummy, i would be livid if my phone got stolen !! dont know how you are dealing with it. imagine having to lose all your contacts and then finding them again !! hope you get sorted out soon.. xx tomorrow is your due date !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yellow: or :pink: we shall see soon xxxx

Amy, completely agree with you, you have been gifted with patience and i in your position would not be able to wait any longer, but gotta admire you for waiting so long xxxx
Nikki, we dont really have halloween here, although they tend to throw lots of costume parties in clubs and bars etc.. lol and you can get costumes etc, i was astonished to see the size of the pumpkins imported from the states etc, in big supermarkets here, always wanted to celebrate halloween, but its not really a big thing here.. sorry your pumpkin got stolen, hope you still have a great halloween and that ella is all excited with the costume etc for trick or treat x what is she dressing as?
I had my phone stolen today! 3 days before my due date! :grr: I'm over it now... but was quite stressed, angry, emotional earlier!

on no, where, how?

I was in a shopping mall getting passport forms for the new baby and having lunch with Lottie... popped into a Mothercare store to look at a few bits and then head home. I had the phone at lunch, put it in the front pocket of Lottie's change back which was hanging over the back of the pushchair. I was then pushing the pushchair so the bag was between me and the chair at ALL times apart from when I was paying for parking! I turned my focus 90 degrees away from the pushchair.. it's the only time I think it could have happened!

Definitely wouldn't have fallen out as it was in a deep pocket and it was turned off immediately... which made me KNOW it was stolen. My phone is fully charged all the time seeing as I'm due in 2 days!

Sarah whose baby is that it's o cute! Yay for your money! So excited.

Mummy, my cell phone went wacky so they had to send it in for a new one all week I had a terrible loaner phone. Well tonight we picked up my phone and the touch screen isn't working right. Omg. Soooooo mad! I hope you get a new phone fast. Sorry it was stolen.

That reminds me of stealing.....we went to pumpkin patch and brought home pumpkins and they were stolen off our front step. Can't remember if I already told you all that but we are still mad!

Sarah.. I agree... love your avatar!

Thanks Nikki!! I feel a little lost without it! :( But I should be getting a new sim card today and we found an old phone, sadly I only have the car charger for it... so going to have to leave the car running for a bit to get some charge in it... then at least I can take Lottie out to the park or something this afternoon!

Sorry about your pumpkins being stolen! :( that's just wrong! :(

How disappointing that you lost your cell phone. I am more concerned about identity theft when cell phones get lost especially if it is internet phone where you are logged into email and stuff. Have you bought a new one? Which onee's on yoru mind?

Your cake sounds divine!!! :cloud9: in fact I might need to go get myself a big fat chocolate cake to make me feel better! :rofl:

It's my biggest concern... that they have access to all my stuff... I immeditately phoned the network provider and barred and blocked my phone, so they had no access to use my sim card etc... but I don't know how much of the information on the phone they can get to?? :grr: I've changed all my passwords for everything that I could access from my phone!

We're using an old phone between now and when my Mum arrives. My Mum is bringing me a Nokia E5 that she was given while waiting for a replacement blackberry. It's a brand new and modern phone which means I'll at least have internet access (as my contract covers internet coverage!) My contract is up for renewal in feb... so i may just wait until then before I get a new phone. It'll be a touch screen internet one... but currently undecided as to go for Apple or Android. The phone that was stolen was an old iPhone 3, hubby is a big fan of Android though?? I guess I'll see when I get there!

Mummy, i would be livid if my phone got stolen !! dont know how you are dealing with it. imagine having to lose all your contacts and then finding them again !! hope you get sorted out soon.. xx tomorrow is your due date !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yellow: or :pink: we shall see soon xxxx

Preethi hun... due date is on Sat... the 29th! So i still have 2 days! :)

Yep...all my contacts... GONE! I'll have to slowly get them all back from my friends, some will be easier than others. Specially those who are on my facebook as friends as I can message them so they know my phone is gone.

LOL... :yellow: or :pink: you say..... I think you have a feeling I'm not having a :blue: :rofl: But yes.... not long till Amy and I find out what we're having!

Unlike Amy, I will be opting for an induction when offered one... (completely understand your reasons for waiting Amy) but my reasoning is due to having my family flying over from South Africa next week and we'll wait till 10-12 days overdue and then induce. Also I had an induction with Lottie and was not displeased with how it went!

Fingers crossed though that I wont need induction!
Thanks mummy - yip, 36 weeks today. one more week until full term and one more week until my stitch comes out! And then anything can happen! So excited :D

Dew - that cake sounds truly heavenly - you might need to post the recipe! I'm a total chocaholic LoL
So glad you have been approved for IVF and don't need any more testing!

NDH - glad you can order your fabric!

Flying - hope baby decides to come nice and soon :hugs:

Babyhopes - glad gemma is eating well :thumbup:

Sarah - so glad you got all the money! Fx'd the spa will continue to do well so you won't have to use any of it for that.
Had my first antenatal class tonight :thumbup:. Didn't really know what to expect but I enjoyed it. And discovered that with a referral from my GP (who I see next week) I can get free prenatal aqua aerobics at the hospital pool on Wednesday mornings! There were 10 preggos in class - 2 ladies on their own (they have partners but were unable to come - one is working in India until 38 weeks! And the other just moved and hubby was home building the bed) and one teenager who came with her mom. Everyone else was probably around our age, mid-late 20s, though one couple couple have been late 30s? 8/10 bumps are :yellow: and we're all expecting #1. Most were 27-29 weeks, one other lady was also 31 weeks, one was 32, one was 34 and one was 24. Oh and I also found out that at least one other couple was TTC for quite a while - she said almost three years!

Sorry for the essay - I'm just pleased as it was better than I expected lol. Looking forward to the rest of them now.

Oh and I did get my fabric ordered today :dance: and hubby does for sure work tomorrow too, so all in all I had a good day :thumbup:
Good morning everyone bim a bit fuzzy so hope I can remember what to type! No sleep!

Dew, I will keep fingers crossed forvthe 2nd......or sooner if you can already tell before that. However, I think th progesterone can mess up the way you feel either way? So going by symptoms may not b the most accurate.

Ella wanted me to make her costume and I'm horrible at that stuff. She wanted to be a scary fairy. Lol. Whatever that is! So I just made a float skirt with black spider web sparkly fabric and paired it with a black shirt and glued orange spiders on it and orange fairy wings. It's cute but super amateur. She likes it. I'm not so sure! I wish I could have just bought something that is put together cuz I have no skills!

Mummy, I am super excited to see if you go first or Amy does. Lol!

Huggles, almost there! I had mine at 36 weeks 5 days so anything can happen!

Preethi I hope you are getting more sleep than me. I am seriously losing my mind and when he fussed every time I set him down it's starting to make me really angry. Lack of sleep can make people insane.

Ndh I can't wait to see your diaper bag! What does dh think of it since he may have to carry it around if he goes out w baby!

Oh, I forgot,i think I'm dressing baby kian up as a pumpkin and taking him with when I take Ella trick or treating.

Amy, I hope you have an October baby. Lol!

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