ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

i'm also shocked they say that's normal baby behaviour!
Really hope she doesn't have more.
I'm epileptic but not on medication for it anymore. I was on meds for 10 years. Only had 2 seizures though (grand mal) - one when i was diagnosed, and one when i'd been off the meds for a year as a trial. Then went back on it for antoher 6 years. Been off it now for 4 years and so far so good.
Thats why i had it between quotes cause it doesnt seem very normal to me either! I think she meant as in not dangerous. But something to do with the way their brains are developing can sometines cause seizures that dont do any damage and they do grow out of. And apparently many babies do have then and they go unnoticed as babies move so spasmodically anyway. If i hadn't seen her eyes i would never have known or even suspected a problem
She may also have just said its likely normal to try to put my fears at rest until the tests are done and show whats actually going on as seizure disorders in infants are extremely rare.

Shes been otherwise great and is healthy. Im so proud of her - she barely cried at all while in hospital., in fact she cried more over getting her temp taken (under arn) than the bloodwork.
logan always seems to enjoy being in the hospital lol. Funny children.
my wrap is 5.5 metres long, BUT I am large (fat! :haha:) and I also wanted the length to experiment with different ties... I just went and bought a light-weight cotton weave fabric (ie a gauze type fabric) and split it down the centre. I then over-locked the three sides that needed it (the outer edge was fine, and I like having one long edge over-locked and the other not; helps to tell the rails apart when wrapping!!!!) easy-as, and turned out like $15 per wrap (they sell for $90+ here)
bear w me- one finger typing......

sarah, im sorry about your dog fight. will your finger be put back to normal or is it permanent damage? how are the dogs? i am thinking of you and baby.

Ndh- alsp glad sara is ok. i have heard of seizures in infanys being something benign that can just happen for no reason and pass. i hope iys all ok.

huggles- show pics when youve made your wrap!

tried baby oatmeal again and kian isnt too thrilled....but he is hungry. may think of puree veggies....
Those wraps are $45 here. Selling mine on craigslist for 40.
Oh NDH... poor Sara!!! glad she was a star for you but how scary!!! :hugs:

When Lottie weaned, she wasn't interested in the cereals much but loved the fruit/veg purees that I made! :thumbup:

Hope everyone is okay!

Sarah you're always in my thoughts honey! xxx
hi everyone

ndh glad Saranna is ok, that must have been so terrifying. hope all the tests come back ok. perhaps they see it quite a bit so thats why they said normal. big :hugs:

so Ive lost the top of my index finger, the finger tip and whole nail :cry: Im slowly able to talk about it, my 2 younger dogs attacked my older dog (last happened 6 months ago at my inlaws and it was over food, this time we were just lying on the bed and my older dog made a funny noise and they jumped on her). I tried to help but my finger tip got bitten off, I was in shock seeing my bloody finger and picked up the tip and dialed 911. i couldnt help my dog as I was talking to 911 and I thought they were killing her, the crying from her I cant get out of my head :cry:

cop & ambulance came and I had to leave, I begged the cop to take my dog to the vet but they were more concerned about me. in the ambulance my blood pressure really dropped and they stopped for a while to get me stable.
once at the hospital the cop came with my keys and told me they had taken my dog to the vet near me and he had phoned my hubby. hubby went to the vet on the way to see me and glad he did as they wanted $800 deposit to start on her :nope:

poor DH, I guess I phoned him before 911 and the message was just me screaming with the dog noise in the background. he didnt know what was going on, thought it could have been an intruder or something. he phoned our house, but I had left so he phoned 911 just on instinct and they said someone had already been disbatched. so he had no idea what had happened and just left work driving 140km/hr to get home. eventually the cop talked to him and explained a bit.

Im not good with medical things, I faint at the sight of blood or medical stuff in general so this has been really stressful. plus only taking OTC painkillers instead of the strong prescribed hasnt helped, but I dont want to take anything because of bub. I havent been thinking much about bub, not much I can do till 12 week scan anyway so we will see then. still been sick but its all mixed in with pain and nausea from my wound. i have to go have it undressed and dressed every other day and thats so painful, they sutured it a bit but its basically a raw wound that they are trying to have heal then see if I need the surgery. i go see the hand specialist on friday.

dog luckily survived and seems ok, but had a few bad wounds and we have to see how they heal. other 2 dogs have been at inlaws and we will now be seperating them from the older dog at all times. luckily we have a big house.

I have to get over the fact I now have a stubby index finger :cry: I know its just cosmetic but Ive always had my nails done nicely and so this is going to be hard. I just need it to heal, once its healed I will be able to get used to it, while its still raw I havent even looked at it when they undress. ok back to bed now, xxxx

sorry if TMI.
ps. thank you MummyCat, NDH, Flying, Huggles, Babyhopes for your kind messages :hugs:
Sarah that does sound traumatic. :hugs: I am glad your dog is ok and so sorry about your finger. I can't imagine how that makes you feel. :(
Oh honey! :hugs:

That's extremely traumatic! :hugs: I know that his is not something you'd possibly like to hear, although, maybe it might help... a family friend (in fact the MC at my wedding lost half of the ring finger on his right hand and the tip of his little finger on his right hand. It was a shock when it happened, he came off his bike and got his hand caught between the brake and the handlebar and a rock! But years down the line, we don't even notice it... we haven't noticed it for ages! So as hard as it is now to deal with.... it'll get easier and just become a part of life and of you. Hopefully one day you can look back on it seeing the positive things going on in your life at the time...like you'd only just fallen pregnant with your beautiful baby...but in the meantime you need to feel sad about it... you've literally lost a little part of you! :hugs:

Well done for being so strong honey. you are an amazing woman!! (I'm tearing up just thinking about all you've been through lately) ALWAYS here or on FB if you need to chat

great big hugs from me and the girls!!!
thank you mummy, your posts are always so loving :hugs: I do hope we can meet next time Im in milton keynes!! and yes, it does help to hear things like that as I dont know anyone with bits of their finger missing. Ive always taken care of my nails and have them done every 3 weeks, even have a spa that focuses on nails, so it will just be an adjustment. my hubby (who has been a-m-a-z-i-n-g) said he doesnt think it will look that short and that it just looks like there is no nail. Im not sure if he is just being nice. even though its been painful to have it heal this way without being closed theres a chance the hand dr might just say it can stay like this and will eventually heal. if not he might have to shorten a little to use the skin on the finger. so hopefully it will just heal like this. im over the worst, I just need to heal and my dog too. She is getting lots of cuddles and attention so I hope she forgets about it.
Sarah I would love to meet up... Milton Keynes is a hop skip and a 30 min drive away so it's not even out of my way! :thumbup:

I'm so pleased your hubby is supportive, though to be honest... I wouldn't have expected any less. He sounds amazing...always has done! You're a lucky lady to have such a wonderful man beside you! :flower:

I hope that the finger heals in whichever way is best for you (both medically and aesthetically).

I hope your poor dog is okay! It's awful to see them hurt!

Remind me again, when is the 12 week scan booked for?? I think we need something positive to countdown towards for you! I can't believe you had no pain killers... do they have gas and air there?? Cos that would have been safe!

I hope you find the time to share your exciting news with your in laws once you're over the shock of this and spent some time healing nicely!

big hugs :hugs:
Sarah I would love to meet up... Milton Keynes is a hop skip and a 30 min drive away so it's not even out of my way! :thumbup:

I'm so pleased your hubby is supportive, though to be honest... I wouldn't have expected any less. He sounds amazing...always has done! You're a lucky lady to have such a wonderful man beside you! :flower:

I hope that the finger heals in whichever way is best for you (both medically and aesthetically).

I hope your poor dog is okay! It's awful to see them hurt!

Remind me again, when is the 12 week scan booked for?? I think we need something positive to countdown towards for you! I can't believe you had no pain killers... do they have gas and air there?? Cos that would have been safe!

I hope you find the time to share your exciting news with your in laws once you're over the shock of this and spent some time healing nicely!

big hugs :hugs:

hi :flower: I dont have a 12 week scan booked, but I have my first midwife apt on march 8, thats next thursday! I thought it was the week after. so she will book the scan. if I go by my lmp I was 8 weeks on tuesday, but on my scan I was measuring a bit over, so we will see when she books it for but should be by the end of march. it will be a happy ending if bub is ok and we can tell the inlaws.

oh and at the hospital I was on oxygen and a drip, and they froze my finger at the knuckle so it was completely numb that day. when that wore off it was horrible. I started off taking 6 xtra strength tylenol per day (do you have tylenol in the uk?) as they are ok for pregnancy and am now down to 2 or 3 per day. the percocet they prescribed me is a narcotic and Im sure would have made me feel so much better, the dr said it was ok but the nurse was a bit nervous for me to take it so I didnt want to.
Gosh... you're such a good Mummy already! Bravely taking the pain to not risk anything for your baby! BLESS YOUR HEART!!!

Tylenol is not something I've come across here so no... don't think so. They only recommend paracetemol here unless a Dr says otherwise. So it's likely got similar ingredients! :thumbup:

Right.... so 8th March... that's basically a week away! So we'll look forward to news from your appt and hopefully you'll be given a 12 week scan date! :flower:
Oh sarah i had no idea it was that bad! :hugs: honey. I cant believe you showed that much concern for your dog in the mudst of such trauma. You'll be a great mom. Tour hubby must have been in such a panic at your phone call.

My dad lost the tip of his finger in a camping chair as a teenager and his middle finger is now shorter thsn the other two. He didnt lose the root of the nail though so the nail eventually grew grew back. Its short and stubby but makes it hard to tell he's missing the tip.
omg hun!! :hugs:!!!
I knew someone who was missing the tip of their index finger too, I can't remember what from, but I hadn't noticed at all for months until they said something; it was only the tip/not quite as far as the first joint, and she had a nub of a nail still too, so I just never even realised... It could be so much worse than just the tip missing; if it was half the finger (or more) it'd be worse and I'm sure that once it's healed up hardly anyone will notice. :hugs:

One day it'll even just be an interesting wee quirk; not something that really seriously disables you, but it'd be like having an impressive scar to show off (lol, I'm terrible with things like that, sorry if I'm offending anyone...!) and you can hopefully one day joke about it (use tomato sauce, hold up a big carving knife and go 'oh no! I chopped off the end of my finger! look!' :haha:) big big hugs though, it must be such a huge shock to have lost a part of yourself like that! And for your poor older dog!!!!!!!! :( :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
LOL flying that is funny!! I am already able to laugh about it. I want to give my hubby a thank you card and I thought I wold put my dogs paw prints on it. then I thought I would put my finger prints on it, but there would only be 9 :haha:

Im already thinking of ways to disguise it, I get nice gel nails on the other fingers so I thought perhaps I can use surgical tape to tape on a fake nail, if it doesnt look too short. guess I shouldnt be so vain. Im dreading telling my mum and not going to until she comes in may for sister in laws wedding. by then she will hopefully see me and the dog are ok.

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