ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

hi everyone!

I just purchased these 2 items from etsy. I have to stop now as I have so many onsies!! I got these 6-12 months though. although I thought I purchased a lot but when I look at his closet it doesnt look like that much! I took photos of the room so far, will upload when hubby shows me what cable! Im sooooo happy with it and love going in there and imagining bub in there.

mummy glad that next fits big, I asked for some of them 6-12 months too as I have a lot of 3-6 already. I just love next as they have a different look to the clothes here.

flying thats so crazy, so they got pregnant within 4 months then? I guess it could happen to us but im hopefully going to start a FET asap (although I might change my mind when I have no sleep and a screaming baby!!). In fact I called my clinic to see if I can get in to see my FS in September, as it may be hard to go with a baby (plus I would feel bad, it always stung a little seeing a baby in the clinic even though it was a success story). I want to see if I can do some natural FETs at first, without progesterone/estrogen as I hope to be breastfeeding. If they say no then I will have to wait for 6 months perhaps. I read that progesterone/estrogen does carry through the milk but I wonder the side effects. I will be 40 when I give birth so want to get going asap, I hope at least 1 of our 7 are good (and crazy to think its up to them what they defrost and will it be another boy or a girl!)

I havent updated on my finger for a while..its pretty much healed but very sensitive at the tip and it will take a good year for it to heal and never will be 100%. but whats amazing is a tiny little fingernail has grown, the dr said he has never seen that before....I said it must be as a prayed for one seeing as I own a nail spa :haha:. its tiny and doesnt look great visually, but it makes me feel less deformed than if there was nothing there at all and just a stump. also I think theres more nail underneath to the sides where skin has healed over, as its sore and I can feel a hardness. he said I would need a surgery to open it, but to wait and see. Im trying to avoid any surgery until I give birth, but if it gets really sore and is stopping the nail growing I might have to (but will ask him if he can do local).

p.s Im getting Cieran written on the green onesie, im pretty set on that name! hubby prefers Ethan but its on so many top 10 lists where Cieran is not so known (is usually spelt Kieran here in Canada). the hat is included too!


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thanks ladies!
starting our hypnobirthing tonight, its 3 hours so I hope its interesting
our prenatal course was monday night for 2 hours, I tend to want to stay home and relax and dread going out, but it was entertaining so hopefully tonight is too
they both last 5 or 6 weeks so will keep me busy for a little while
I guess tomorrow is technically that V day but I wont be happier till 28 weeks
Great news about your nail! I'd hoped there might have been enough of the nail bed left to grow one but its so hard to know. At the very least this means you'll have a way to attach a fake nail which will help hide the injury down the road.

I hope your hypnobirthing class goes great :)

So excited for you! We wont celebrate V-day for another 4 weeks when statistics are better but its still great knowing tomorrow is technically v-day. Where has the time gone? You're almost out of second tri already.
yay for starting hypnobirthing and antenatal classes!
Hope the hb classes are enjoyable.
yay for HB classes sarah, hope you have fun.. and so glad a nail grew !! thats determination !!

enjoy buying all the clothes.. you will need all those onesies.. trust me !!

LOVE the name cieran.. xxx glad you settled on that one x
ndh where has the time gone??? its gone slow for me!!! and as for the nail Im not sure if I will ever be able to attach anything, its hard to explain but its at the top so theres nothing to really hold a nail (its quite a flat, blunt cut). it doesnt look great but its still better than nothing at all, that would make me feel really deformed. :cry: I am going to try and see some plastic surgeons eventually as surely theres something they can do. my hand guy says there is nothing, as anything to extend the finger would be floppy, the only way is to transfer a tip of a toe or finger with bone but thats rarely done.
I know you are ntnp, does that mean you dont do tests or anything? it will be exciting to see who gets pregnant next on this thread!

so the hypnobirthing class was good! at first I was wondering if hubby was uncomfortable as it was very intimate (4 couples and 2 teachers), and everyone was lovely and very 'earthy' types. but he tends to adapt to any situation and enjoyed it. he had a hard time on the visualizing exercises, (which is ok as its me that has to master it), and I think its probably as he felt a bit uptight and if we do at home he will get better. he is very much into natural things and not taking drugs in general, so he liked the whole concept.

For me I am fine with drugs as Im not very good in medical situations and fear the pain, but at the same time want some tools to try and make it as natural and calm as possible. All the other couples know they want completely natural home births, where I was honest and said Im scared to say that I want natural as what if I cant handle it, but Im going into it with an open mind and hope. Its amazing to think that if you dont tense up and get into the right mindframe that the body can actually release endorphins which are just as powerful as pain medication...flying you talked about that. Im not going to tell anyone that we are going to try for a natural birth (her suggestion, as she said so many people are negative and love to tell their painful stories) and not get fixated on it for myself (incase I cant do it), but look at it as a way to decrease stress in labour.
yup, that is a great way to think of it! I always planned to have a hospital birth, and I told my midwife, and everyone, that I would LIKE a natural birth, but I'm *totally* not against pain relief if I want it at the time!! EVERY labour is different, even for the same woman, each child is a totally different experience! So there is simply no way to know how YOU will cope until you are right there experiencing it. And for that reason I was totally open to trying the various levels of pain relief if I wanted to, and even a CS if it was needed. I think that thought was sorta like a 'safety net', like on each contraction I knew that if it was getting too much I could totally ask for help, cos I'd already allowed that to be an ok thing, ya know?

As it turned out I didn't need anything at all; it was sore and hard work at the start, but as the contractions ramped up in the bath at the hospital and I hit the 'transition' point where I was pushing; it was totally painless!!! I vividly remember feeling each contraction swell up inside me, and the utter awe I felt as I felt my body push down without any pain! Between the contractions I was in my own wee world, but I remember thinking 'this is so awesome!' :haha: I KNOW that it's not 'the norm' though, so even when it comes to #2 for me I won't be expecting a pain-free birth like that again, cos it totally may not happen ever again! Keep your options open so you don't feel like a 'failure' if it doesn't go to plan.

Focusing on the biiiiiiig deep breaths I'd practised with the hypnobirthing helped a lot too, cos if I took a big enough breath and controlled it well then the contraction was over with in one breath, maybe two. And hell, even I can cope with pain for only a breath or two... lol. And the focus on my breathing meant I couldn't focus on the pain as much either. Your body does totally take over if you let it, and it was sorta like my mind was just going along for the ride. An amazing incredible empowering ride!!!!!!!! :cloud9:

I'd also recommend you start research on breastfeeding now too seeing you'd like to give that a go. Cos I know I was SO focused on the birth that I sorta neglected to think a whole lot about what it'd be like to parent a newborn! And if you do have problems breastfeeding, it's SO much more overwhelming and hard to get help when you're in the middle of it all, so DO try and research as much as possible now. See if you have a local La Leache League you can go along to (they are there for companionship, not just for people who have problems!!!) cos it's a great resource to have already made contact with in case you do have issues! And check out kellymom.com for a load of info on everything breast feeding-related!

A couple of key points to help: getting a good 'latch' from the start is the key to pretty much everything, so research that and focus on that a lot. And they go through loads of growth spurts and 'cluster feedings' in the first few months so expect that first week to be pretty much attached via a boob to him!

It's NORMAL for him to seem hungry ALL.THE.TIME as a newborn, and it is normal for him to want to feed almost constantly; it is the way he signals your body to make enough, NOT a sign you aren't producing enough! In particular I remember at around 10 days old Caleb fed continuously for 36 hours; never stopping for more than 20 mins through that entire time. It just about broke me cos by then I was trying to get things done about the house again but it didn't work when he demanded boob all the time. When I finally resigned myself to sitting down for as long as it took, it was a lot easier to deal with, and it did pass! It ALL passes!

But if you're aware of those things now, it will help when you're in the thick of it. Rather than being stuck under a 'starving' baby and panicking that something is wrong!!

I'm SO excited for you! Sorry for the novel! lol.
for those of you with little girls, this is a lovely fathers day blog entry


although a lot of the points could be made for sons too!
*sniff* that's so wonderful, thanks Sarah.

I'm trying my best not to temp or use opks. I am investing in maca root though.
Here's one for the moms of boys :)
awww, love the clothing, wish we had that store here!

Ndh, that mother son thing is so cute:)
Here's one for the moms of boys :)

ahhhh I love this part, im saving it

"You are home to him. When he learns to walk, he will wobble a few feet away from you and then come back, then wobble away a little farther and then come back. When he tries something new, he will look for your proud smile. When he learns to read, he will repeat the same book to you twenty times in a row, because you're the only one who will listen that many times. When he plays his sport, he will search for your face in the stands. When he is sick, he will call you. When he really messes up, he will call you. When he is grown and strong and tough and big and he feels like crying, he will come to you; because a man can cry in front of his mother without feeling self-conscious. Even when he grows up and has a new woman in his life and gets a new home, you are still his mother; home base, the ever constant, like the sun. Know that in your heart and everything else will fall into place."

ny the clothing is from etsy.com I think they are both located in the states!

I still havent downloaded my photos, Im such a dunce with cables and keep forgetting to ask hubby. and now i want to take a bump photo so keep putting it off, will do soon!!
those links are great! I love that bit you quoted too Sarah, and it about sums up why I love the 'attachment parenting' theories so much!!! Caleb is growing up knowing I am here for him, no matter what. No ignoring him to cry or 'tough love'. Just being here, 24/7 and unconditional love. Love it!!!!!!!!

How are you feeling lately Sarah?? You're close to double digit 'days-to-go' now!!!! I'm looking forward to the pics too!
flying whats all that leaving to cry and tough love...is that a technique people use? my friend is lending me a book called 'the baby whisperer' as she got hers to sleep through the night at 12 weeks, I think its routine based so Im not sure if it will be different to how I want to mother. I dont even know how I want to mother, I dont know anything about it :dohh: :haha:

Im feeling great thanks for asking, apart from the sciatica pain (its being managed by weekly chiro trips but it still stabs me unexpectantly) and bad allergies (cant use my strong meds) but apart from that 2nd tri has been great!

we had another hypnobirthing class last night, I seem to respond well to the deep breathing and go in a relaxed state. They show us a few birthing videos and I think i have more of a fear of it than i realize. im loving the techniques, but i have a fear of not having painmeds and it being too late and being in pain. I know I have to really believe in the method and thats something I need to work on.

they also showed us a video about connecting with skin to skin contact right after the birth. I started crying as it was so touching, watching all the bubs looking up at their mums. i felt a bit silly but when the lights came back up i think a couple more mums were teary. i was thinking about how my mum said that when I was born my dad and i took one look at eachother and that was it, we were joined at the hip. I miss him so much :cry: hubby said after it got him too but he was able to keep it in, I love how emotional he is about all this too.

25 weeks today! 15 weeks-ish to go! and yes 6 days till double digits!!
I would say tough love is what we did. If I put the baby down for bed and I knew she was fed, dry and tired we would allow her to cry in her room and let her settle herself. I wouldn't think that would be connected in any way with what your plans are since you plan to have the baby in your room with you. I'm sure you would be closer to what Flying does in nursing to sleep and nursing them whenever they wake, etc. What we did was difficult but Kristin is a great great sleeper. If she wakes up it's because she's hungry or the neighbors are being loud.

For several months now I just put her in her crib for nap or bed and she goes right to sleep. Except that now that she can roll both directions if she wants to play for a while she will roll from tummy to back, play and roll back to her belly to go to sleep. No crying, very quietly playing. We had some nights where she played a long time after eating at 5am but she always just went back to sleep so I left the monitor on so I would hear her if she needed me but went back to sleep.
yeah, I had NO idea about parenting theories/methods/techniques before having Caleb. I was sorta focussed on the birth and immediate stuff after then, but the whole parenting a child for the rest of my life thing was beyond me! lol. I followed my instincts initially, and later found out the stuff I was doing comes under the [vague] title 'attachment parenting'! lol.

But yes, "cry it out" (aka CIO) is an * incredibly* touchy topic that you really need to research yourself! I researched it a fair bit and I don't personally believe in it at all, but I know it 'works' too, so many many mums use it and therefore I can't really speak my mind about it without putting those mums on the defensive instantly! Please remember that I FULLY accept that everyone has the right to parent however they like, and if they wish to use the CIO methods then that is their right and I don't want anyone to think I'm attacking their parenting choices!!!! EVERY mum believes they are doing the best for them and their baby, so there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way. :)

But I do suggest you research all that stuff yourself at some point, and come to your own decisions and choices! Everyone should research their chosen methods; both the good and the bad. I have found the need to research a hell of a lot since becoming a mum, cos your methods get challenged by basically everyone and you need to know WHY you do what you do, and therefore really deeply believe in what you do, so you don't feel guilty or too defensive when challenged! Remember, no one can MAKE you feel guilty but yourself, so you need to 'own' your choices and decisions. :)

But don't stress about it either. It'll all come in time! Just read what interests you now, and as life moves forward you'll start being interested in other aspects and read about them! That's what I did. :)

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