ladies I promise I will be on here soon to update! the past 2 weeks have been a blur, and I went to emergency monday night with terrible pains and I couldnt breath....I honestly thought it was a blood clot or some fatal Csection side effect, turns out I have gall stones

probably from the pregnancy but I have to watch my fat intake, which is hard as been having takeout due to no time to shop, cook etc.
I have so much to tell you, in a nutshell Ive had a terrible time breastfeeding so am now pumping breast milk with formula top up if needed after having a breakdown from the pain. If another person tells me 'oh yes it hurts but it passes' I will pain far exceeded what a normal person would have, it was 10x more painful than my chopped off finger! I think a combination of a narrow latch that started the pain, large breasts with his small mouth, plus being very fair and sensitive (you just have to look at me and I bruise). we tried everything...prescription nipple cream, nipple shield, latch lessons, but each time I would dread the next feeding. Why does it have to be so hard, I dont think any of you had that? so with the csection recovery and lack of sleep its been really hard.
but I love my lil peanut, he is so good and really easy going which helps. I suppose this may change when he is more alert??
will post more soon I promise, how are you all