ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Obviously policies vary from hospital to hospital and probably Dr to Dr even, but my friends who had csections here were all told that if they were back within 18 months it would be an automatic csection, if more than 18 months betweek births then they'd be allowed to try for vbacs. It will depend how thin your scar is too but i would think that just because its not your drs preference it wouldnt be unsaafe to have another so soon. i know women who have a year between sections - the babt has to come out somehow lol. The difference though is you might need your Dr to sign off for another transfer - not sure how that works.

And I'm well thanks for asking. Had a couple weeks of bad nausea but it passed a couple weeks ago. I'm so tired though and not being able to get a full nights sleep doesnt help. I'm contemplating nightweaning after her birthday.
I used to au-pair for a lady whose kids were 11 months apart in age, and both were delivered via c-section. But they were both elective c-sections which might make a difference.

Unfortunatley, if you do have your gallbladder removed, I think that means you have to be on a low fat diet for life as it does have somethign to do with the breakdown of the fats or something (my friend had hers removed over 10 years ago and i remember her saying something like that but i'm not sure of the details). Maybe you don't have to be quite as strict though, not sure :shrug:

Glad you've had a good week.
I dont get it, do you mean they said 2 years in between if you do VBAC? i was told not til 1.5 yr-2. but never knew if they meant not get pregnant or not have the actual baby in that time.
thanks ladies, thats good. NY I think that the 2 years bday to bday is for a VBAC, if you do elective c it might be shorter, I will find out. my MW seemed to think it wasnt the pregnancy that was the issue (i thought the growing bump might be something they wanted to avoid), but having a vaginal delivery/contractions etc with a previous c section incision. I would be fine to have another c section so want to find out when they will allow me to start trying.

I remember them telling you it might be dangerous to have another pregnancy but then did another dr say you could but with the large scar? what are your thoughts on that.

huggles luckily he said 6 weeks of low fat, and after I could resume my normal diet! he said the gallbladder is not needed and the bile just adjusts to it not being there. however after this experience I will never eat fat without a second thought again!

how is everyone doing, I feel like I just talk on this thread now. I know you all have journals that I never make it out to, but lets have an update on everyone! hows life, love, etc etc

omg Cieran is 4 weeks and 2 days already! this week Ive noticed big changes....he moves his eyes instead of his whole head to look at things. and Im definitely getting proper smiles and cooing. he is grabbing for things a little better but obviously still without much control, and he loves to kick his lil legs.

so I actually put Cieran on my breasts last night. I had been so terrified to try it after the pain I went through and my breasts were just finally feeling less bruised and sore. it wasnt for long but it didnt hurt. I did again today, I just hate not knowing how much he is getting so I still gave him the usual after. Im going to keep pumping but I want to see if him at the breast will stimulate more milk.
If he's still hungry hopefully he will let you know. I know it's hard at this stage when they still sleep a lot. As long as K gained the doctor said she was fine. Glad it isn't hurting you. Seems to have maybe gone to normal?

I know that you can see everything I am up to on FB now. We are doing well. Getting ready for K's party Sunday and stressing over unexpected expenses as usual.
Glad you are on the mend, hope you get the news you want from the Dr's hun!

News here... Elizabeth is 1 tomorrow. Lottie is very excited that she will now have a number. Lottie is hilarious and cheeky and a handful all rolled into one delightful, sweet, frustrating package! LOL Mike has been in his new job for 4 weeks now. It's going well and now works at home Monday and Friday and alternate Thursdays.

Business wise, I'm starting on my branding for my business. I have a lovely team of designers in Georgia working on it at the moment. So excited!!!!
Glad everyone is doing ok, glad your breasts are not too sore sarah, it will be interesting to find out when you can try again xxx

Cant believe time has passed so fast and cieran is 4 weeks already ! x

We are doing fine, moving to our old 2 bed apartment next thursday, It DH's old apartment, but its bigger and gemma ill finally have her own room x Other than that, we are proper trying this month for the first time again, unfortunately dh will be flying outdue to work on sunday only for a night though and im using OPK's. i think thats the start of my fertile period !

Hopefully works this month or next, would be nice to be pregnant again x

Hoping for the best x
happy 1st birthday lizzie :flower: :cake:

and kristin happy 1st birthday enjoy your party on saturday :flower: :cake:

mummy thats exciting, are you paying a lot for the designs? and how come in georgia??

babyhopes good luck, how exciting to be trying again. and good luck with the move too....please post photos! how did you get the old apartment back?

cieran has been on my breast about 4 times and although it wasnt painful during (apart from the first little bit) my nipples have felt really sore when pumping and I cant go on the highest setting because of it :dohh: perhaps Im just too sensitive for him to be at the breast. I might go to a drop in clinic today for one last attempt for them to look at the latch. it looks like Im doing it right, its just he has a really small mouth (like I do) and my breasts are so large, he doesnt seem to open very wide so I dont get much in so thats why I think he ends up mainly on the nipple.

we have a cleaner that comes every 2 weeks to do a nice big clean of the house, shes like a family member now. so she was holding cieran today and she got so many lovely smiles, she was so happy! surely they have to be proper smiles, not gas! I read its nearer 6 weeks they smile and coo, but he has been smiling and cooing all week.
Happy Birthday Lizzie !!! xxxx
Happy Birthday for saturday Kristin !!xxxx

aww, the first smiles are amazing arent they.. xx :cloud9:

Hope this latch thing works out for you sarah, youre trying your best xx if not, you can always pump .. xx hopefully it all works out !

We were renting davids flat out to this couple, but the tenant ended up getting a job in sydney after 6 months, and therefore had to break his contract in between. as a consequence , we cant now afford to pay mortgage for that apartment and rent for our current apartment and its been two months since weve tried to rent it out and we havent been successful . other than that, the rent around that area for the 2 bed apt is around 120K and the rent for a 2 bed around where we are living at the moment is over 160 K (per annum) therefore it would be pointless to lose all the extra and plus wea re looking to save and then hopefully move to the UK or Australia by mid 2014.
oh I see! how come you moved from there in the first place and rented it out?
do you like the apartment? thats great if you will save some money.

id be so jealous if you move to australia!! not so much if you move to the uk :haha: (sorry mummy but I hated the weather when growing up there!!)

I so want to go back to visit australia, I just loved it there. I wonder if I could persuade hubby to go, we would have to do the flight in stages so cieran could handle it.
Mummy what are you doing? getting cards for your photography business? happy birthday Lizzie!~ time flies

Sarah- good for you for trying to nurse again. Maybe you just need a few days for them to kind of "roughen" up to handle it? Long as its not the pain you had at first, maybe this is just something they need to condition a little! Let us know when they tell you what you need to wait to begin again. Yes, I was told by the doctor who did the section for Kian not to do it again and could be threatening to my life. (as I am drugged up in recovery, the witch). I didn't really ask much as I was so out of it I barely remember what she said. I asked my normal doctor a few months later he said I can, but would be for sure the last one, and a vertical, high scar. Ick. Idk, I am not thinking that sound so lovely. It would really be an ugly scar. But like I told myself before, I am way over the bikinis for good now so not sure it would matter? I would be hesitant to let OH see me naked probably though. He says it would be fine but I am not sure.

Preethi- I hope you get pregnant soon! Not sure how you are so brave. I can't imagine pregnancy with a toddler this age!

Kian is quite the handful as usual. More so now. He shoves toys at me all day and can't play on his own and if (like right his moment) I say I don't want to play with the car he sits and screams at me and throws a huge tantrum. He follows me around all day, making HUGE messes, knocking things over, falling down all the time, climbing up things and falling, breaking things. I am overwhelmed most days by the mess and the chaos that he is creating.

I have just started to use OPKS too. However, I decided to use them to avoid pregnancy! I just can't imagine it right now and thought it was wise to stop using the "cross my fingers" method. So hopefully tracking ovulation for me to avoid tha ttime will help. Although, I am not sure it will since this time we were DTDing all week right up to the postiive OPK because I didn't know it was coming....so yea. Hope we are ok.

I am not ready to wean Kian from nursing any time soon and can't imagine any sort of tandem nursing so def want to wait a while. Or never. Still not 100% firm either way. Seems to change each day but I sure am in awe over those who have a baby with a young toddler!

Sarah, have you guys had a photo shoot as a family yet? Or did I miss those?
Sarah have you had Cieran checked for a tongue tie? That could definitely account for the pain and his not being able to open his mouth very wide.

Preethi good luck with the move and ttc!

Mummy its so exciting about your business! Hope Lizzie's party went well. cant believe how many 1 year olds there are now!
happy 1st birthday lizzie :flower: :cake:

and kristin happy 1st birthday enjoy your party on saturday :flower: :cake:

mummy thats exciting, are you paying a lot for the designs? and how come in georgia??

babyhopes good luck, how exciting to be trying again. and good luck with the move too....please post photos! how did you get the old apartment back?

cieran has been on my breast about 4 times and although it wasnt painful during (apart from the first little bit) my nipples have felt really sore when pumping and I cant go on the highest setting because of it :dohh: perhaps Im just too sensitive for him to be at the breast. I might go to a drop in clinic today for one last attempt for them to look at the latch. it looks like Im doing it right, its just he has a really small mouth (like I do) and my breasts are so large, he doesnt seem to open very wide so I dont get much in so thats why I think he ends up mainly on the nipple.

we have a cleaner that comes every 2 weeks to do a nice big clean of the house, shes like a family member now. so she was holding cieran today and she got so many lovely smiles, she was so happy! surely they have to be proper smiles, not gas! I read its nearer 6 weeks they smile and coo, but he has been smiling and cooing all week.

Thanks you lovely! She had a great day! Georgia just happens to be where they are. I'd have hired them if they were in Oz, SA, Canada... you name it. It's their work that I love!

Nikki I'll answer your question here too. The package I've gone for is their middle one, so it includes business cards and some stationery design. It's complete brand design so logo, alternate image, colour palette, typography etc. I'm paying $5000 for the branding and then it'll be another $1500 ish for web design.

I'll attach the inspiration board they designed for me. This is our starting point. I had filled out a 15 page doc on everything relating to my likes, my target customer, what inspires me, my type of photography etc etc etc. I told them I wanted a literary feel. I wanted it to be elegant. I told them about a castle I visited in Germany and I wanted it to feel like my client has walked into a library in a castle in a land far far away. Something mysterious almost fairytale like.

5 of the images in the board are mine (the people shots (3) the perfume shot and the tiara).

Sarah I hope you have some luck with the latch! :hugs:

Glad everyone is doing ok, glad your breasts are not too sore sarah, it will be interesting to find out when you can try again xxx

Cant believe time has passed so fast and cieran is 4 weeks already ! x

We are doing fine, moving to our old 2 bed apartment next thursday, It DH's old apartment, but its bigger and gemma ill finally have her own room x Other than that, we are proper trying this month for the first time again, unfortunately dh will be flying outdue to work on sunday only for a night though and im using OPK's. i think thats the start of my fertile period !

Hopefully works this month or next, would be nice to be pregnant again x

Hoping for the best x

Oooh... good luck honey!!!! Hope the move goes well and hope that you get your bfp quickly! :hugs:

id be so jealous if you move to australia!! not so much if you move to the uk :haha: (sorry mummy but I hated the weather when growing up there!!)

:rofl: No need to apologise. The weather here is crap!! :thumbup:

Mummy what are you doing? getting cards for your photography business? happy birthday Lizzie!~ time flies

Thank you! :kiss: Sorry Kian is being very clingy. Hopefully it's just a stage and he can keep himself amused a little. It's not easy when they can't let you do anything for a few minutes.

Mummy its so exciting about your business! Hope Lizzie's party went well. cant believe how many 1 year olds there are now!

Thank you hun! I think almost all are one now, just Kirsten, Sara and then little Cieran! :)

On that note.... Happy Birthday for tomorrow Kirsten! :cake:


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Aww yay that you latched him on without pain!!! I would keep doing that whenever you have the chance and topping up with the bottle. Hopefully over time you will be able to cut down the bottles and pumping, letting him feed himself! FX.

And don't worry, I ditched my journal on here and just post on facebook really, so you're not missing anything from me!

Happy birthday to all the babies!! Caleb, of course, turned 1 on halloween! He is walking about 40% of the time now, climbs like a monkey, has lots of words and especially loves asking "this? This? This?" while pointing at everything, wanting every little thing labelled and explained to him! lol. He is still breastfeeding lots; it has become a fairly normal toddler nursing relationship where some days he feeds heaps, other days he's busy all day and eating lots so barely has a suck or two! He is still in our bed and I love our night snuggles. He feeds around 4-8 times a night, but I hardly notice cos he finds the boob himself now! lol. I finally have started his vaccinations (I was delaying them until he was older) so we are doing a catch up program of jabs now (and I refuse to let them do more than one jab at a time, so we're heading in every other week for the next one it seems! lol) but I am really glad I waited. Ummmmmmmmm, what else? I still don't have my period back so haven't even thought about #2 really. Though I'd like there to be at least 2-3 years between them so won't be thinking of it for a while longer yet. It's awesome not having my period though!! LOL. I am busy with my needle felting, plus I am going through the process to become a LLL leader and am also doing a bit of work with the babywearing group so we are keeping busy. I have no intentions of going back to paid employment; DH earns enough for us right now (though it is tight at times, we are doing fine) and I want to be home with Caleb! And I do want a #2. And I do love the idea of home schooling. And when I am able to I could do some grooming from home in later years. So yeah, unlikely to ever go back to work!

We are hoping to get some family photos taken next weekend, so I'll post them on facebook then. :)
Sarah, at the beginning it was a silly thing about getting married and then looking and renting a house together rather than stay in the same old apartment that he had. I wanted us to do something together as a couple. But now it dosent make sense lol as we'd like to save some money and have his vacant apartment to move into.

Australia, well dh really wants to go, but does acknowledge that it is too far away from friends and family x For me, the UK weather wouldnt be too much of a problem at the beginning atleast since its so HOT all year round in dubai, it would be nice to get snow, and have all these different seasons !

Nikki, wow youre using OPK'S to avoid pregnancy.. lol thats a first ! i havent had a positive till now, but am going to get some tests done on tuesday, just general pap smears and tests to see if im ok to go ahead and theres nothing stopping me (hormones or whatever.

Mummy, good luck with the business xx amazing thing to be doing.. youre an all rounder now.. ! mum of 2 and business woman x

NDH ! wow youre 11 weeks already !! where did that fly by... lucky you xxxx
I know unreal hey? Two weeks left in first tri already.
Kristin's birthday is tomorrow 11/13. Her party was supposed to be Sunday but I was sick (as was Huggles overseas) and the party has been postponed until 12/1. Our schedule with DH going back to work (he's been off for the party) are just crazy.

Happy Birthday to all the new 1-year-olds!
hi everyone!!!

wanted to see if any of you still subscribe to this thread!!

how are you all doing, NDH how is this pregnancy...any feelings on whether is a boy or girl? Babyhopes are you trying? anyone else?

loving my boy, he is 4 months and such a happy boy. its been a bit crazy as Im self employed and have work to do, but im managing. Cieran has been with us at the spa for interviews, he just comes everywhere and is so good.

well I took my pump back today as Im going to start FET's in 2 months and FS wants 2 cycles for my levels to go down :happydance::happydance: im so excited, I fully expect it to take months this time and will do single transfers. I wonder how many of the 7, if any, are 'good'. They are lower grades than what Cieran was, but she said not to worry. They say to wait 18 months between C sections so thats trying when he is 9 months, but I dont want to wait that long and FS was ok to start when he is 6 months.

hope to catch up on what you guys have been up to, as we dont really talk on FB :kiss:
Wowie! Two months still you start transfers already! I love all the pics of your gorgeous man on Facebook.

Pregnancy is going well - had a bleeding scare at 14 weeks due to a SCH but that cleared up . And I ended up in the maternity ward in the middle of the night over the weekend due to some crazy, unexplainable abdominal and shoulder pain. Everything seems fine and I didn't think it was pregnancy related but the ER didn't want to deal with me and sent me to maternity :wacko: Anyway I have a scan this afternoon as a result, so two bonus scans this time that I never got with Sara. So much for my trying to limit them lol.

Hope everyone is well.

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