hi everyone! yes huggles thats him in my avatar, are you not on my facebook I thought you were so didnt post any photos on here. thanks everyone for the replies, preethi its not stupid as I do plan on going to see a lactation person at the walk in clinic, I was just in so much pain I needed some time off and couldnt face going out in public and having the searing pain in front of strangers.
flying thank you as well for the advice, I might try that. Ive honestly been so scared of putting him back on as my nipples are less sore after about a week of pumping only. they are still sore but not as bad, also got a larger size nipple for the breast pump which has helped (its hard as you dont know how to size yourself so was just using what came with the pump rental not thinking it might be too small until midwife mentioned it). it wasnt a cracked pain (even though both nipples were covered with one large scab on each) more of a bruised pain around the base of the nipple where it meets the areola. I think he would latch on well and then one time perhaps have a narrow latch and by the time I felt the pain the damage was done as I bruise so easily. also he lost weight in the first week so I was told to feed every 2 hours and I think that was were the damage occurred.
anyway after my emergency room visit on monday then going for ultrasound and results I missed about 5 pumpings and mum was home had to feed him formula, then next day my supply is half so Im now pumping every 2 hours trying to get it back up. I was so upset yesterday thinking why did that have to happen as I was pumping quite well, but midwife said it should come back up.
mummy I know how you feel and I never judge anyone for their choices. I was FF and my mum was so upset seeing me in pain and kept suggesting I give up. but him having breast milk is important to hubby and I, although I dont mind topping up with formula as I see it as a multivitamin just incase I am lacking in anything! and I like pumping then bottle feeding as I can see how much he is getting and its quicker, when on the breast he kept falling asleep and taking much longer each feed (which equals less sleep) and him losing weight was so stressful so I like knowing he is getting his 3 oz every 3 hours. I know theres advantages of the breast and I am a little sad but I might try again if he hasnt forgotton. All the nurse mentioned his strong suck so that probably didnt help with my sensitive skin!
I have to go see my dr about the gallstones, if I wanted to get pregnant again I would probably have it taken out as I wouldnt want that again ontop of everything else.
had a bit of a breakdown with MIL, right in the middle of the bad pain and feeding/pumping every 2 hours she phoned as she works with public health and lactation specialists. she basically said 'topping up with formula is the worse thing you can do as he will get nipple confusion', it was just not want I wanted to hear so I hung up and yelled at hubby that i was never talking to her again. Thing is, if she had phoned and asked for the full story she would have known I was already pumping and giving him a bottle inbetween painful feedings, so he was already getting the bottle with breast milk. and the formula was to stop him going into hospital because of his weight. I find she never really listens to me and just talks about what she wants to talk about, so it all got to me when I was in so much pain and stress and lack of sleep. Im not sure if hubby talked to her but she must have noticed I didnt txt her any photos or talk to her for a bit.
anyway gotta go and pump, talk soon