ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

where was the pain in the abdomen? it wasnt at the top of the bump right side was it? I just ask as that could be gallstones like i had! it was such a terrible pain and went around to my back, but ive heard it can go to the shoulder.

so no feelings on gender? if I do get pregnant again Im going to *try* and not find out.

lol the title of this thread is great, 2011 seems so far away now.
The pain was all over - felt like a stitch you get in your side, but all over and more intense. It came on while I was sleeping and I couldn't move for about 10 minutes then I dragged myself to the living room where dh was still up and it lasted about another 15 minutes, abdomen only, then after a short reprive the same pain came back only in my arm and shoulder and I was uncontrollably repeating the same phrase to DH. When that subsided my face felt very strange and my teeth were chattering and I couldn't stop it even though I wasn't cold, and then I was acting like I was in the same kind of pain a third time though nothing hurt. It was the most bizarre thing ever

I kind of have a boy vibe again so probably another girl :rofl:

Here's yesterday's bump pic from 24+3

hi sarah! :hi:

I've been wondering how you're doing. This thread has gone remarkably quiet the past couple of months.

Glad things are going well with Cieran. I think it's so great you can take him with you to work. Makes me really jealous lol.

Can't believe you're going to already start trying for another in just 2 months!
Hi! Love your guy, his expressions amaze me! I don't comment or like many of your pics in case your family notices and wonders. My family knows now that some of my fb friends are from a parenting forum. Lol. My mom one day wondered how I knew so many from the UK so told her!

We are doing well. Loving my babies.

Super excited to hear of your new Ttc journey! Woohoo!
Haha. I try not to say anything too American so I don't get noticed.

Kristin is 15 months and I can't imagine having another at this point. Yikes!
Hi! Love your guy, his expressions amaze me! I don't comment or like many of your pics in case your family notices and wonders. My family knows now that some of my fb friends are from a parenting forum. Lol. My mom one day wondered how I knew so many from the UK so told her!

We are doing well. Loving my babies.

Super excited to hear of your new Ttc journey! Woohoo!

NY dont worry about that anymore....it was more when I was TTCing I didnt want to comment on babies too much as my friends and family would wonder. but its all good now so comment away! kian is looking so much older in the recent pics!

sheryl I know, its probably best I get pregnant before he starts moving around, as I might change my mind!! but Im 40 so I gotta get on with it if Im going to have more. you used to say you wouldnt have another, changed your mind yet?

ndh how are you doing? of course your pregnancy seems to be going quick to me, but probably not to you!

babyhopes are you trying for #2?

huggles how is logan? he looks so cute in your avatar

mummycat hows all the branding stuff going?

flying how is everything, caleb is so cute, sooooo blond! cierans hair is coming in blond so he has that half bald look.

so I just got my period so next cycle in about a month will be starting the FETs :happydance: wonder how long it will take me, or if any will work. it will be different this time around as I have cieran so less pressure. I dont mind it taking a few months as I dont mind 'using up' some of the embryos. will be interesting! started acupuncture today to gear up for it.

had the inlaws and aunts/cousins around yesterday. cieran is so happy every day when at home with me, barely cries unless he is hungry. but when he is around people he gets a bit cranky. a month ago we were at the spa doing maintenance my inlaws were there and he was screaming and mil convinced me that he had gas and to give him these natural drops we have. the only time ive had to give him the homeopathic meds for gas etc is when im with my inlaws so ive realized it cant be a co-incidence, that it must be just that he is overwhelmed or doesnt like the way she handles him or something.

he loves to lie on his back and kick around, when they are with him they want to hold him and I think that bothers him. anyone else notice that?

yesterday my MIL was insisting it was his teeth, but he has been teething all this time (has a 4th coming in) and hasnt cried like he was with them ( he never cries for no reason when with me, yesterday he was crying every 10 mins). she said 'he is crying real tears so something must be painful' and I wanted to say 'so please explain why the only time he is in pain is when he is with you'. it was so annoying! she wont give him back to me when he is crying as I think she wants to be the ultimate grandmother who can soothe him too. finally hubby said 'give him back to sarah' and she did. so I calmed him and let him lay on his back and talked to him. then at the end she came over and was leaning over him and he was all smiles at her. I should have said 'see how happy he is now'. I dont know how to handle her as we have a tense relationship as it is. I dont want her to think she needs to see him more for him to get used to them! its just so annoying that she is so convinced there is a physical reason for the crying and not realize it might just be them.
Shame your in laws don't do well with Cieran and not seem to get that they're the cause of his fussiness: ( some babies love to be cuddled and others prefer to sit back and take it all in.

Can't believe you'll be starting FET in as soon as a month!

I'm in the third trimester already, how mad is that? Pregnancy really flues the second time around! At least when the second happens when you have a toddler. Maybe not so much with a school age child Nikki?

I had that pain back yesterday. I would say it was most likely originating above my bump on the right but I forgot to ask about gallstones. I am getting blood work done today to check my kidneys and liver. I actually was experiencing the pain at my gp appointment - no back pain this time but when I told her about the last time she said that radiating pain in my shoulder would likely be diaphragm or liver. And at my ultrasound last Thursday the only thing the sonographer could see out of the ordinary was a dilated right ureter. :shrug: So it remains a mystery. But after spending three hours in maternity at least I have the assurance that its definitely not early labour. Not that I was worried as the pain didn't feel like contractions or period pains or round ligament pains or anything else and my uterus wasn't tightening that I could feel (and midwife confirmed it). As a side note, the midwife I saw was the same lovely one who delivered Sara :-)
ndh definitely ask about gallstones...if your liver enzymes come back elevated Id be even more sure its gallstones. mine were elevated when I went in for the pain on my due date and thats why they insisted on a c section. when will the bloods be back?
I next see midwife on the 11th but the dr will call sooner if there's anything abnormal.
we're doing well thanks.

When the in-laws are around, do they take cieran immediately or do they give him a few minutes to adjust first?
I've noticed if we go visit anyone, or if anyone comes to visit, whether it's my parents, my in-laws or anyone, logan needs a few minutes in the safety of my arms to get used to them and where we are etc. If anyone tries to take him from me before he's sure of them, he's very unhappy. But if they give him the time and space he needs to assess his surroundings, he'll usually go happily and be happy with them.

Can't believe cieran already has 4 teeth! That's nuts!
sheryl may I ask why? just interested to hear different perspectives.

I would like many more but hubby is saying he is exhausted. meanwhile cieran is sleeping 8 hours and Im with him everyday so why is he exhausted lol (I dont mean that as hubby is busy 24/7 with work stuff plus we are doing taxes etc so its a bit insane). when I tell him look im not getting any younger he wont listen as he thinks im his age due to the way I act. but my body is feeling its age!! I cannot wait to be pregnant again, I loved it.

do any of you stare at your lil guys and cannot believe you made them, that they were once inside you? it still blows my mind.

huggles I do sometimes have him with me at first, but it doesnt seem to make a difference. but as soon as MIL comes she takes him, as she doesnt see him much and is so desperate. im going to try and be more insistent that he sits with me for a bit first. but she is in denial that the crying is because of her, insists its teething or gas.
I would definitely say keep him with you for a bit. It really makes a huge difference with logan. Even if she tries to take him just hold onto him and say "just give him a minute to adjust" or something and walk away. Go make a cup of tea or something. My mom and sil both used to try and take him immediately, but they've also both realised he actually needs time to settle and then he's usually happy to go. Even at daycare the teachers realised they need to leave him with me for a few minutes before i pass him over and leave. And it also makes a difference if they take him, or if i pass him. Sounds weird cos essentially it's the same thing, he's going to someone else. But for some reason if someone actively takes him from me he gets upset, but if pass him to them then he's fine (most of the time).

I also often stare at logan and just can't believe how precious he is, and how beautiful and how amazing and that i made him. I keep waiting for that initial sense of total awe to disappear and for him to become a bother (you know how you see people in supermarkets treat their kids like accessories that are just a pain?), but every day I just fall in love with him more and more and become more and more besotted.

Similarly to sheryl though i'm not sure if we will have a second. I'm not keen on him being an only child, and I always wanted loads of kids (used to want 8 :rofl: but then settled on 4, but dh said maximum 2), but now i'm not actually sure if I do want another.
I'm kind of hoping though that if we have a much better year this year compared to last that that will change.
It's a really hard adjustment at that age for them to go to other people. I don't think Kristin was ok with it at church until 7-8 months. Even now if she thinks I am leaving the house and leaving her with someone other than Daddy she's not happy. Even if I don't leave the room just suspecting I will causes her to fuss.

I don't think I have the patience to do this again. I already struggle with just 1 and feel so lost on what she needs to learn, what I need to teach her and how we will get there. My SIL is putting her 8 month old in Mother's Day Out 2 days a week and I think that's crazy. She stays at home and she should be spending that time with her daughter not paying for someone else to care for her. She says she doesn't know how to teach her but their 9 year old is really smart and they did great with her. Maybe if Kristin was 3 I would consider something like that but it's about $150/month and I don't think they can afford it any more than we can.

There's also the expensive of having another child. I don't want us to be restricted financially when we don't need to be and things are already tight without adding another mouth to feed, clothe, put through school, etc.
huggles when you say better year is everything ok? Im a bit out of the loop and so cant remember if you have shared whats been going on :hugs: Im a bit nervous how its going to be when cieran is doing stuff, right now im able to get some work done as he likes to lie by me and just kick and talk, but soon I will need to watch his every move. I think I will completely babyproof one of the rooms and take my computer in there and try and get a bit done here and there.

sheryl that makes sense. I havent even thought about what I need to teach him and so on. All I know is I will shower him with love, and let him explore life at his own pace. Im assuming he will learn all he needs at school? the money thing I can see being a big issue for many people, especially now that its hard to live on one income.
Not sure if you remember but Logan has had loads of medical expenses from being sick lots of times throughout his short life and Huggles works 4 days a week and pays for daycare. I'm sure she's hopeful that she won't have to spend a load on medical expenses next year and another baby is more feasible.

We have one room that we designated as the playroom. We have a huge couch to lay on, our computers, the tv, her toys and the doorway is gated off from the rest of the house with a swinging gate. It makes our life much easier though Kristin does love to roam the house as much as she can. Any time I let her roam even while I go to the bathroom I have to search multiple rooms (playroom, living room, kitchen, sometimes her room) to find her. If it's quiet she's causing trouble and it's no surprise when I find her eating cat food.
Yeah, he was in hospital 7 times last year (twice for minor ops, 5 times for illness), and had been on 9 courses of antibiotics by the time he turned 10 months. It takes it's toll on a person.
That plus working for a company that refuses to give me any time off when he's sick and expects me to leave my 6 month old alone in hospital for 2 days, yah, things weren't so good.

I think that basically really wore me down badly.
Plus he doesn't sleep particularly well so I'm generally very run down and exhausted.

A big thing that worries me about having a second though is that I might turn against logan.
At the moment I pretty much spend every waking moment watching him and looking after him (when i'm not at work) etc which I love, but it also means I have no time to myself at all. He now only naps once a day, if i'm lucky it's for 1.5 hours, but often it's less. During that time I have to either grab something to eat, quickly do more laundry, clean the kitchen, whatever i haven't been able to do while he's awake. Usually i try and sit down for 15 min to catch up on bnb and stuff and just have "me" time.
But I find myself losing my patience with dh for no reason whatsoever, and my cat that used to be my absolute baby now drives me crazy and i have no time for him. And it's basically becuase I'm just so desperate and in need of some time to myself that when logan is asleep I just don't have the energy to care about anyone / anything else.

And I'm scared that if I have another baby I'll do the same as I've done to my cat. He was always totally my baby, and I never thought that could change at all, but now I can't even find it in me to stroke him or pick him up or anything. And it's purely because i'm so drained i just don't have anything left to give.

I know they say that love multiplies with each child you have etc, and that might be true, but time doesn't, and i already feel like i have no time for myself at all and i would have even less with a second child and i'm scared about what that will mean for either logan or that second child, becuase either i'll turn against logan or i'll resent the new baby.

Basically right now i'm just totally not ready at all for another.
Whether or not that changes is yet to be seen, but I think it will only change if things go better than they did last year and I am able to build myself up a bit more again.
Hi Sarah.. Just logged in today after ages... So exciting to know that you are going to try again next month.. So close , Sheryl, I totally understand how you feel and haggles glad Logan is doing much better and things are okay.

As for us, we were supposed to try but things were not going well generally.. There was pressure and dh said he wasn't ready and thinks we need to work things out first of all.. Just between us. And Gemma was ill and I was Ill, we travelled as well and basically I couldn't convince him.. But we are okay now and had a decent talk about it and I have basically spent £180 on clearblue fertility monitor and sticks from the. Uk and we are going to officially start trying in may. I think this is a resting period until then... Excited to try and really hoping I get my bfp soon because we want to leave Dubai in a year or two and I want to have another with my doctor. Gemma loves other kids and always goes up to them to try shake their hands at the playground and I know she loves company so I would definitely want her to have a brother or sister.

Ndh your bump is so neat... Glad everything is going well and you are so close now..

Love to all, hope everyone is doing well x
I hope it works quickly when you try. I remember looking into that monitor and it being expensive. I spent $3 on a fresh digital thermometer and like $10 for fertilityfriend.com and charted my cycles for a few months, knew exactly when I ovulated and Bam! got my :bfp: the first month I got the ok from the doctor.

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