Hi! Love your guy, his expressions amaze me! I don't comment or like many of your pics in case your family notices and wonders. My family knows now that some of my fb friends are from a parenting forum. Lol. My mom one day wondered how I knew so many from the UK so told her!
We are doing well. Loving my babies.
Super excited to hear of your new Ttc journey! Woohoo!
NY dont worry about that anymore....it was more when I was TTCing I didnt want to comment on babies too much as my friends and family would wonder. but its all good now so comment away! kian is looking so much older in the recent pics!
sheryl I know, its probably best I get pregnant before he starts moving around, as I might change my mind!! but Im 40 so I gotta get on with it if Im going to have more. you used to say you wouldnt have another, changed your mind yet?
ndh how are you doing? of course your pregnancy seems to be going quick to me, but probably not to you!
babyhopes are you trying for #2?
huggles how is logan? he looks so cute in your avatar
mummycat hows all the branding stuff going?
flying how is everything, caleb is so cute, sooooo blond! cierans hair is coming in blond so he has that half bald look.
so I just got my period so next cycle in about a month will be starting the FETs

wonder how long it will take me, or if any will work. it will be different this time around as I have cieran so less pressure. I dont mind it taking a few months as I dont mind 'using up' some of the embryos. will be interesting! started acupuncture today to gear up for it.
had the inlaws and aunts/cousins around yesterday. cieran is so happy every day when at home with me, barely cries unless he is hungry. but when he is around people he gets a bit cranky. a month ago we were at the spa doing maintenance my inlaws were there and he was screaming and mil convinced me that he had gas and to give him these natural drops we have. the only time ive had to give him the homeopathic meds for gas etc is when im with my inlaws so ive realized it cant be a co-incidence, that it must be just that he is overwhelmed or doesnt like the way she handles him or something.
he loves to lie on his back and kick around, when they are with him they want to hold him and I think that bothers him. anyone else notice that?
yesterday my MIL was insisting it was his teeth, but he has been teething all this time (has a 4th coming in) and hasnt cried like he was with them ( he never cries for no reason when with me, yesterday he was crying every 10 mins). she said 'he is crying real tears so something must be painful' and I wanted to say 'so please explain why the only time he is in pain is when he is with you'. it was so annoying! she wont give him back to me when he is crying as I think she wants to be the ultimate grandmother who can soothe him too. finally hubby said 'give him back to sarah' and she did. so I calmed him and let him lay on his back and talked to him. then at the end she came over and was leaning over him and he was all smiles at her. I should have said 'see how happy he is now'. I dont know how to handle her as we have a tense relationship as it is. I dont want her to think she needs to see him more for him to get used to them! its just so annoying that she is so convinced there is a physical reason for the crying and not realize it might just be them.