ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

I dont watch army wives no, but thats funny.

I went to see my MW today and while waiting the cutest little boy kept running up to me to show me toys. He had an older brother there too, and the woman was pregnant. I asked how old the lil guy was who ran up to me and she said a year and a half. I was saying 'choo choo' with the train and he was repeating, it made me soooooooo want to meet my boy!

My mw apt went well, I asked if I would be allowed my acupuncturist in my room during labour for pain relief and they said they'd find out...they are ok with it but will check about the hospital :thumbup: Im definitely going to use acupunture at 40 weeks to try and induce if things arent happening naturally as I want to avoid the medical inductions.

Had our last prenatal class last night, she mentioned about not liking bassinettes which worried me. I purchased this bassinette to use in our room for the first 3 or so months, then will get a crib...

she was mentioning closed sides and airflow regarding sids, so now Im not sure whether to just get a crib now, and use the bassinette for napping. I know a lot of people use the bassinettes though, am I silly to worry? so then I thought perhaps I will have a friend who does upholstery remove some of the fabric and put in a mesh on the sides?? I liked the idea of the smaller space for him instead of a crib but I do worry about the sides.

oh a friend on fb mentioned she had some baby things to give away and Im getting them! a crib mattress, jolly jumper, high chair and swing :thumbup: this is the first giveaway Ive got as most of my friends had babies a long time ago. she is quite well off and meticulous so Im sure the items will be in good condition.
That's great that you're getting all those free things! What a bonus!

re the basinette - loads of people use them without a problem.
If you're worried you could get the angel care monitor with movement sensor which would sound an alarm if baby were to ever stop breathing.
We have one and I LOVE it.
Don't worry about it. I couldn't make myself put Kristin in her crib until she was almost 2 months because it was SOOO big compared to her. She actually slept in her sleep rocker and then her swing until she was almost 2 months old.
thanks huggles thats a good point. the only thing is my husband wont allow any wireless monitors around bub ....he is very against wireless waves (I wear a belly armour blanket when Im on the computer, have a wired in phone only no cordless anymore, and he moves cell phones away from us when not using!). I try to humor him as he is only trying to protect us and I dont have a strong opinion about it. I do see his point about having wireless monitors and things around a fragile growing baby brain.

anyway for a monitor we are going to use a special camera he found online that can be put on a tripod at a distance and pointed at the bassinette and streamed to our phone or internet. Im not sure if any motion monitors come in wired, I will have to have him research :shrug: :thumbup:
angel care is wired.

The parent unit works on batteries, but all the parts around the baby have wires.
We have taped down the wire from the breathing mat onto the base of his cot, under his mattress, adn the wire goes out the side of his cot next to the wall so he can't see or get to it.

The wire to the actual monitor goes between his cot and the wall, into the monitor which is on a side table next to his crib. Will probably have to move that away slightly as he gets older so he can't grab the monitor. Not a problem now though.

But ya, all parts around teh baby have wires.
angel care is wired.

The parent unit works on batteries, but all the parts around the baby have wires.
We have taped down the wire from the breathing mat onto the base of his cot, under his mattress, adn the wire goes out the side of his cot next to the wall so he can't see or get to it.

The wire to the actual monitor goes between his cot and the wall, into the monitor which is on a side table next to his crib. Will probably have to move that away slightly as he gets older so he can't grab the monitor. Not a problem now though.

But ya, all parts around teh baby have wires.

oh well that might be ok then, I think wires are ok just wireless waves.
is it this one
The name sounds right, but my monitor looks more like this one: https://www.angelcare-monitor.co.za/
and regarding radiation etc - on their FAQ page they answer that:

1. Is there any radiation emitted that could be harmful to my baby?
Your monitor is perfectly safe to use for any baby.
The sensor pad and its cord are entirely passive, ie: they carry no electrical current and do not radiate ANY form of energy around them and are therefore safe to use when there is lightening about or if there is a power surge.
The nursery unit emits a very low power radio signal through its antenna, this signal does not present a safety hazard to baby at all. All Angelcare monitors are tested independently and meet strict safety standards. All Angelcare monitors are approved by ICASA,( Independent Communications Authority of South Africa)
thanks huggles, hubby is saying "The motion part in the bed is wired to the transmitter....but then is wireless to the monitor...making it wireless!" grrrrrrrrr. Ive asked him if the transmitter/monitor could be far from bubs head and if not will have him research one thats not wireless at all. I know he is paranoid about the waves (all companies say they are safe but he has read too many other things being an IT freak) but its like weighing up the risks. they do so much wireless for convenience but there may be wired products out there too. thanks for the recommendation :thumbup:
Interesting. My hubby is also an IT guy and we have wireless stuff all over our house but don't worry about it.
That is so interesting! If I ever said any of that though OH would look at me like Im nuts. Do you have some articles or anything I could use?

I am not sure how wired monitors would work...as the point is for you to be able to walk around with them and hear the baby move or cry. Not sure how you could walk outside with a wired monitor? Maybe I am just mising something!
We have the angelcare also! Love it to death. I am so much more confident in night sleeping with Kian that I was with Ella. I barely ever slept with her.

I do like the idea of you having a friend put in some air flow material in the basinet. I wouldn't use one without some mesh on most of the sides up and down.
We dont have a baby monitor yet but will do when we get a 2 bed next year. ive seen one of those breathing monitors and apparently it works wonders, so might be worthwhile looking at getting one if youre concerned about the bassinett. i personally felt that they would wear out of them and have to sleep in a cribcot soon and tis only a matter of weeks so i thought it was pointless getting one, but each to their own.. xx that is so cute about the boy in the hospital.. im so excited for you.. 30 weeks !!! soon.. its so cute that you wear a belt against the waves etc. youre already so worried, more so than i was about such things. you will make an excellent mother im sure xx:cloud9: :kiss:
There are also other kinds of breathing monitors - like respisense. Maybe they don't use those wireless waves? We have one of those as well.

The angel care was always set up in his main cot in his bedroom, but for the first 5 months he slept in his camp cot (travel cot) next to our bed. I obviously didn't need a sound monitor with him being so close, but i did want the reassurance that he was breathing, so clipped the respisense onto him every night. Technically you're supposed to clip it onto he nappy, but with him sleeping on his tummy that wasn't really possible, so i just clipped it onto the back of his pants and it worked just as well. Now he's in his own room we don't really use that anymore as we use the angel care, but i still take it with and use it when he's in hospital. I just like having that peace of mind that he is breathing.
yes most people dont worry about that stuff, but my husband has read some in depth articles about wireless waves and its just one of his things. I dont really listen much but just humour him. I believe theres so many things in the air that are 'bad' so Im not going to go around worrying. He doesnt go around worrying but just tries to eliminate close contact wireless waves. So wireless near a babies head is a no-no. Remember how they came out saying regular cell phone use can cause brain cancer, same kind of idea.

I said to him last night that we need to weigh up the risks of brain cancer to the risk of him stopping breathing. he was like 'he will be with you all the time' so I said 'I wont be watching him breath 24/7'! he has a lot to learn :haha: I think I will bring up with his family over dinner see if I get their support!

NY I guess Im hoping that I could find a under sensor blanket that could be wired into our network like we are going to do with the camera. We will be able to see and hear him from any internet connection or on our phone, as the camera is wired/streamed to it. Yes the device you need to walk around with could be wireless like a phone (but that device is with me, not sitting by the babies head), or I can pop on the laptop thats wired into our network. Im not that technical so its hard to explain, but wireless basically gets rid of wires for convenience but it means theres wireless waves in the air 24/7. Hubby just prefers to do wired whenever possible. Its not something you should bring up to your hubby, most people dont worry/think about wireless waves including me!
someone on another thread who is a kindred spirit with hubby when it comes to wireless waves told me she is buying this one
it just makes a noise in the device itself, its not sending waves anywhere. I wouldnt go to far to not hear it, but if I have the camera on with sound I would hear it on the stream Im watching too.
did one of you mention something like this that attaches to their diaper? sorry I cant remember a thing these days :dohh::haha:
Wireless waves are everywhere though so I dunno how having them emit from 5 metres away is any different to emitting any closer... It's a nice idea; the thought of just how much STUFF is in the *air* is a bit freaky really; this post I'm writing is about to go across the world to each of your phones and computers, but to do that it has to broadcast pretty much everywhere where there is reception for it to broadcast, it's only that you *access* it by going to this post, not that the info isn't there to be accessed... But while I'd like to reduce my contact with wireless information like that, it is just not possible to do so unless I live somewhere out of range of wireless broadcasters (including radio and tv, which are sent by wireless waves too) *sigh*

I DO understand he's trying to reduce it, which is a worthy cause IMO, but I think it's pretty much pointless if you live within reception of wireless broadcasters, as it means those waves ARE around going to be around his head and body regardless. Wiring it in to your internet just so it can then be broadcast from your modem in another room won't make much, if any, difference to the amount he is subjected to! I do love that he's trying though, it's rather sweet!

And as for the bassinet, it isn't much different to all the blimmin bumpers people put around their cots; they restrict airflow a ton, as well as being a suffocation risk in themselves! But still they are used *so* much with comparatively few issues really. Same as there are a million bassinets that are solid and are used fine... Simply by having a bassinet in YOUR bedroom you are *hugely* reducing the risk of SUDI/SIDS anyway compared to babies who sleep in a separate room. I think that if you're worried, get some mesh panels put in and/or find a monitor you like that will help. I never ended up using our bassinet, despite my expectations that I would!

Only a couple of days until 30 weeks! WOW!!! And then it'll be only one more week until single-digit weeks-to-go tooooooo!!! So exciting that you'll be meeting your SON soon! :wohoo:
yeah, the snuza is similar to the respisense we have.
My friend had the snuza. With the respisense i could clip it to his pants/leggings, so he was able to sleep on his tummy and i also didn't have to open all his clothes to pu it on/off.
My friend said the snuza was nice but HAS to be in contact with their tummy, so against skin. They also had a few false alarms as the baby started getting slightly more active and the device would shift. I think they stopped using it before she was 6 months old. The also have the angel care.
flying yes I agree that theres a lot in the air too, it is the close contact waves he has read about. we dont have wireless internet in our house at all, its all wired. no cordless phone. the only thing is our phones which we turn off when not using and dont keep near us and dont put to our head (use headphones or speaker). so I am fine with him trying to reduce what is near bubs head, but if i couldnt find a wired monitor I was going to insist the risk of not breathing was higher than brain cancer.

arghhh the bassinette thing is driving me crazy. bumpers seem to be a big no-no here even though they are sold in bedsets. the bassinette I have does have thin fabric but im still wary. and to put in mesh Im not sure how easy that will be due to the design, I looked earlier. when it comes to sids and a monitor can help detect, how does it help though when you are alerted, itsnt it too late?

thats good to know just having him in our room reduces the risk, is that due to us breathing.

huggles good to know thanks for all your help and advice :thumbup:

next i have to think about a hospital bag, anyone got any advice on that??!! anything you wished youd thought of?

Im actually writing a letter to hubby from bub that I want to give him when I go into labour. The hypnobirthing concentrated on affirmations for me as Im giving birth, but I want to give something to hubby. So its a letter with a 'I can't wait' theme. As in Daddy I cant wait to cuddle you. I cant wait to see the pride in your eyes when I take my first step. I cant wait for you to show me how to play hockey. I cant wait to do the gardening with you. and so on. Im already in tears just starting to write the letter!
I'm not sure the reason why SIDS is so greatly reduced by being in your room, and I don't think anyone knows why actually, just that the huge proportion of SIDS occurs in babies asleep in another room...! Babies are built to be with their mum, or at least another close caregiver, 24/7 until they are physically able to move away themselves, so I guess that just being in the same room helps if you can't be in contact with them!

And the alarm thingys work if they haven't detected a breath in X number of seconds, so if they sound is is most certainly not too late; they can be resuscitated again pretty well if it's only been a brief lapse (or just spontaneously start breathing again at being disturbed by the alarm/parents!) It is if the lack of breathing continued that a baby could (obviously) then die... And hence I prefer to bed-share! The whole SIDS thing freaks me out!

Bumpers are, as far as I know, a no-no everywhere, but they continue to sell and people buy them all the time?? I don't know about your bassinet though, I don't think I'd worry about it; it's not like he's in a total cocoon with no air at all! You will position him with his feet right down at the bottom (rather than head at the top) and in the middle where his face is well clear, so I think he really would be ok... Remember SIDS *is* still an unknown thing, it is suggested, by research of circumstances around when a baby does die, that good airflow helps prevent it, but there is no total prevention either... but if you ARE worrying about it then maybe you do need to do something else?? Of course it's up to you!

As for hospital bag, I didn't forget anything, but I only stayed the one night too. Just some comfy clothes to be able to sit and breast feed in for hours and hours. I took a book but hardly touched it cos I lost hours admiring my brand new son. I drank loads and loads of water (every time he fed I got insanely thirsty) so had a bottle with me all the time. Toothbrush and toothpaste (I had them on a list on top of my bag, as obviously I couldn't pack them for weeks when I needed to use them!) Camera! I took tons of pics, and I'm SO GLAD! No one ever regrets taking photos; hand someone [your midwife or something?] the camera and get lots of photos; it's your camera so you can always delete them later if there are ones that are unflattering of you or something!!! Your phone to be able to txt or call family or whatever too.

You are making ME tear up reading about the letter; it sounds like such a gorgeous idea!!!! There is SO much to look forward to doing with them when they grow up, and I often find myself thinking ahead to stuff like that, but it is something I really try not to do too much of as well! We have to remember to enjoy the 'now' things too, and love the person he is NOW, not just the person we hope he'll be when older! We all do it though, and I think it is fun to daydream of our family in the future, just don't do so to the detriment of your family NOW either. And if, god forbid, anything happened to him, you don't ever want to regret having wasted time daydreaming of the future when there is only now. :hugs:

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