Okie Dokie! ...who is due within the next couple of weeks?!

Good luck! Maybe our first baby is almost here!

I've been having loads of Braxton Hicks this time, but I didn't have any at all with my first and went into labour spontaneously at 38 weeks, so it varies. This time I get them so frequently, I almost ignore them now. They did bother me yesterday when I was walking home from the supermarket and my bump was solid most of the way and I had pains in my groin. It's the most uncomfortable I've been, but nothing came of it :(

Regards in laws hassling you for progress, my MIL and SIL have taken themselves off to Iceland for ten days now, right over my due date!! They are really not bothered about this little one's arrival! My Dad, however, keeps calling me asking for a 'weather check', and as soon as I say it's dry or whatever, he bursts out laughing and says 'no, wether the baby has come or not'! D'oh! Stupid man

Hope you are all comfortable?
Good luck PGlady, hope baby comes without needing induction :)
I don't know if I'm being overly sensitive but it really annoys me when people call or text to ask "Any signs yet?" I'm not even at my due date yet and they're just making me more anxious.

I've been getting lots of BH and I'm definitely losing little chunks of mucus plug. I'm also pretty sure baby has dropped but I'll have to check with my mw tomorrow. However, I woke up this morning with a sore throat and just a general unwell feeling so I'm hoping baby holds off until I feel better.
Ooh good luck PGLady!! Eeek! And Nikki, let us know how you get on at your appointment today and if you have a sweep! My appointment is at 3:45 so will update you on whether I am swept or not! No idea at all if I'm dilated or anything as haven't had an internal yet, but fingers crossed!
Had my appt this morning .. I'm 2cm dialated and had my sweep today!! Ob is on holidays next week but put a request in to be called if I go into labour since we have had such a long road together.. She said the only day she can't be there is Saturday since she is in a wedding
Had my appt this morning .. I'm 2cm dialated and had my sweep today!! Ob is on holidays next week but put a request in to be called if I go into labour since we have had such a long road together.. She said the only day she can't be there is Saturday since she is in a wedding

Eeek, yay! Hope it works for you. I read that if you dtd soon after a sweep that makes it more likely to work (might be a load of rubbish, but worth a try!). Have fingers crossed for you!! Was that the first internal you'd had?
No I had an internal 2 weeks ago and I was 1cm dialated.. I'd love to dtd but oh is at work
:( .. He's also not really in to sex during pregnancy.. I managed to get him to do it once last week.. But he wasn't really into it.. He was very polite and caring with me.. But he just finds it weird..
I'm 2cm and also had a sweep today, got another booked for next week. My OH would LOVE to dtd but I'm the one that doesn't want to, I feel so sore and get cramps and so uncomfortable I don't want to make the effort lol. We haven't done it for about 6 weeks, poor hubby.
I know what you mean re dtd. We did last night for the first time in about 4-5 weeks and initially I was like 'ow'! But then it was alright. Hasn't got anything moving though! If the sweep this afternoon leaves me a bit sore then I guess the last thing i'll want to do is dtd. We shall see.

Anyway, hope your sweep gets things going!
Oh no the though of doing it turns my belly lol poor thing getting all squished lol. i didnt mind in the first few months but once the bump popped that was it. xx
Sooo jealous of all u girls! Lol

My appt didnt go as id like. Still closed and cervix is still very posterior. She mentioned if i havent progressed much by this coming up monday, theyll schedule an ultrasound (by the time im 41 weeks) and if baby and me are healthy, theyll schedule me to be induced within a cpl days of having the ultrasound. She said the most they wait is 10 days passed ur EDD.

Sooo pretty much im deciding that baby will be coming around March 27 lol as opposed to this weekend. At least she is head down haha.
Nikki - don't worry too much, with my first I went into labour naturally even though I had a closed, posterior cervix and no signs whatsoever.
Nikki- my friend was completely closed and told by her mw that baby would be late.. Very next day she went into labour
...and if it makes you feel any better I just had my appointment and my cervix is closed so she couldn't do a sweep on me either. She said she 'tapped it' in the hope that that may encourage it. But I am now more convinced than ever that she's going to be late. Oh well, I must be patient - she'll come when she's ready so people say! And we can't be pregnant forever!
I have no idea how dilated or effaced I am. My midwife hasn't done an internal and I haven't requested one yet. I wonder if they'll bring it up at my appointment tomorrow.

Part of me doesn't want to know in case I am completely closed. I know I'll be disappointed even if it doesn't really mean anything! But the other part of me wants to see if things are at least starting...
Yeah I wish I didn't know now cause I feel pretty disappointed and like she's not coming for ages! Silly really. Keep reminding myself she's not actually due yet!!
Aww thanks for the encouragement ladies!

It just seems more dissapointing to me becuase at 36 weeks the doctor i had at that appt told me i was 1cm and progressing well but i found out he was just a trainee so blahhhh to that lol. Also my mom had me and my older bro 2 weeks early and my sister 4 weeks early so she kept telling me that ill go early! Haha.

Now i kinda got a reality check and am totally okay with going overdue. At least the latest ill be waiting is end of March and whats another couple weeks for me to wait right!

It woulda been nice to go early tho just to prove to everyone that has been telling me 'u always go overdue with ur first' that theyre wrong. Lol
Ppl who talk to me like they know everything really gets on my nerve.

Anywho, anyones nursery done?!
I want to see pictures!
And updates from anyone are always fun to read. :)
I dont mind my little one in my tummy for another few more weeks, I'l miss her little wriggling and kicks when she's out naaawwwwww :sad2: lol

No nursery for me, I just have her changing table, dresser full of her clothes, nappies and blankets etc, cot in my room as OH works away truck driving so it will just be LO and I home alone while her daddy is on the road.
So there's still 2 spare guest rooms in my house lol
Oh, I just got back from my MW apointment and she will do a stretch and sweep next tuesday if LO hasnt decided come out by then
I don't mind of my lo stays in a bit longer.. I have a feeling I will miss my bump :)

My nursery is pretty much done.. I took pics on my phone but every time I try to load them on here they keep telling me they are too big :(

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