Aww thanks magic!
I wasnt expecting much at my appt today but it went better than i thought!
Im 1-2cm dilated so she did a sweep, saw blood on her glove, she did it for a good 30 secs or so. Was a lil painful but bearable. Didnt know she had to go so deep in there! Lol also she said my waters was bulging so it should pop anytime now?
They also did a non stress test since i mentioned she isnt moving as much as normal. Baby did well.
Just in case happens this week, i have my ultrasound booked for monday and then induction on wednesday march 27th.
Lets hope it doesnt get to that and something starts happening soon! I wanna experience how it feels like to go into labor without pitocin or whatever.
What should i even expect from the sweep? So if nothing happens within the next cpl days, id just assume it didnt work?