Okie Dokie! ...who is due within the next couple of weeks?!

Thanks! Same to you!

I'm not supposed to go more than 10 days overdue before I'll need an elcs so technically I have 8 days max until I meet my baby, but at the moment that feels like a lifetime!

I'm the opposite rite now, I really want to go overdue now! I was ready the other day but now we have horrible snow here and my parents would struggle to get to come and ook after DD! :wacko: In my head I was going overdue anyway, by a week, so psychologically it's not that bad 'waiting' ~ but I have the fun mood swings anyway! I'm just getting cabin fever and sick of the 'any signs' etc etc. Don't know why they didn't learn last time, even if they were, we lie and say no - they will find out when we want them to! :haha:
Well ladies..here is my super long birth story...i really hope you ladies that are waiting still have a smoother labour then me :)

Woke up on the 13th (Wednesday) to my waters breaking at 11am. Called my OB office and they requested that I go in to get checked. When I got there my contractions had not started yet. They tested to confirm that my waters had broken and my OB told them to admit me due to my history. My contractions started around noon. The contractions painfulness and timing was very sporadic...mostly averaged around 3-6 mins apart. I was 3 cm dilated whenever I got a really strong one I would be sick to my stomach (nobody told me that was possible). Prior going into the hospital I hadn’t eaten breakfast so they told oh to make me some toast…I ate one piece which did not stay down. They hooked me up to gravol IV and I continued to be sick through it. From noon to 5 they sporadically hooked me up to the monitor to check my contractions and babies heart rate. The heart rate was really low between 114 and 105. The ob said that I had to remain on the monitor and was told to be given fluids through IV. They gave me morphine and another anti nausea medicine to help make the contractions a little easier and try to ease the vomiting. I was still sick a few times but not as bad and the morphine took the edge off of the contractions. Around 10 I asked if I could sit in the bath and they told me that I was not able to because I had to stay on the monitors. The baby’s heart rate was going up by this point since I was more hydrated but they wanted to keep me on it to be sure. At that point I asked for the epidural. The epidural was in by midnight and what a relief!! I was only sick once after the epidural was in. I could still feel the pressure of the contractions but not the pain. I was then told that I had a fever and they gave me Tylenol and hooked me up to antibiotics. The nurses checked my temperature, baby heart rate, my heart rate, contractions and pulse every 15 mins all night. By 8 am my fever was down and I was 8 cm dilated. However all night they were having issues with the machine picking up my contractions...they kept readjusting it. The nurse at that point told me she figured I would have my baby by noon. Well at noon they checked me and I was 10 cm dilated and baby was low... but my contractions were still not being picked up as strong enough or regular enough to start pushing. At 3 the ob gave permission for me to start pushing…however still the machine was not reading my contractions. And they were still not strong enough. I would get a cluster of contractions then none for about 10 mins. The ob came in around 5 and even when I said I was getting pressure and wanting to push the machine was still not picking up all of the times I said it and only part of my stomach was getting tight. At this point they decided to use the vacuum to assist. The ob stated that my uterus is divided into two and is contraction at different times there for not strong enough to do it on its own. Eventually after and episiotomy and 3 hours of pushing and vacuum assistance Carson John Naida was born at 5:52pm after almost 29 hours of labor. He is completely healthy aside from a squished nose from being stuck in my birth canal for so long. The ob had told me that if I was not as good at pushing as I was that I would have had to of had a c section. I remember at one point during the pushing I was crying stating I just want him out of me. We are now home and I am healing well and he is doing well. He eats like crazy!!!

oh and my ob susoects that i have a bicornuate uterus and that would explain my strange contractions
I have another thread for my birth story.
Will catch up on everyones posts as soon as i have more time!!!

To everyone who have had their babies, CONGRATS!
To everyone else waiting, itll come when u least expect it, be patient, dont you worry!

Thanks for all the support and talk to all u soon.
Skeet - Crap i dunno how to do that so ill just copy and paste it here lol. Ps i read ur birth story! Im glad u and baby are doing okay! Sounds like an intense experience. Epidurals are amazing. Haha to the moms out there who did it natural, kudos! Moms of steel, thats for sure. Lol

Anywho, still trying to catch up on all the posts! Kinda working backwards lol dont remember where i left off last monday! Haha.
Copy of my birth story :)

'Hey ladies!!!
Finally have some time to write my birth story.

So Monday March 18, had my first and only sweep done. Was 1-2cm, she could feel my bag bulging. Didnt feel much at all the rest of the day and evening but was losing some plug. Didnt think it worked. Haha.

Woke up to pee at 5:15am, had very mild cramps, had my bloody show! I went to put my contacts in and whoosh! Water broke Tuesday morning at 5:20am.
I didnt expect that at all since i was just watching out for contractions lol.

Woke OH up, got to hospital around 630am.
Waited till about 12ish and not much progres but man, never knew how much fluid could come out! lol.
Barely feeling the contractions so they induced me at about 1pm. Had a trainee doing my IV, poked me 6 times, still couldnt get a vein! So a 'real' nurse had to do it. I was annoyed for that lol.
Started feeling contractions around 3pm-ish.

Didnt need anything until about 6pm-ish. Then i asked for gas and air, didnt work!! Just made me high lol. So i asked for the epidural. Then they tell me i have to wait because they didnt have a room for me! I was so mad, they didnt tell me that before. So they gave me a morphine shot, DIDNT WORK AT ALL! So i had to endure such painful contractions until 9pm-ish. Holy crap, did they ever hurt! lol but im glad i didnt cry.

9ish comes around, finally get the epidural, they check me, only 3-4cm.
They check me again at 1130pm-ish and im dilated to 10cms! Yayyyy!
I start pushing at 1215am-ish, and pop out Mikaela at 1:10am.

Just needed 1 stitch which i was so happy for. I had an epidural but low dosage enough that i can feel and control her coming out.

So thats about 20-21 hours of labor altogether?
Stayed at the hospital for 2 days and those 2 days i believe my experience with the maternity nurses and staff were worse than the labour itself! Came home Thursday. Didnt sleep a wink since my water broke but finally got some last night! I didnt feel like myself at all the last few days, hard to remember things that happened an hour earlier, couldnt concentrate, had a hard time speaking cuz id forget halfway what i was talking about. It was bad. Didnt let me enjoy my time with Mikaela but today, feel much better. Didnt know no sleep can do that to you!!

Anywho, things are finally settling down.

There's my story, sorry so long!!!
Good luck everyone and thank for everything. The support on BnB is awesome, and ill be logging on alot more as soon as i can.

Much love!!!


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Baby George Oliver is here!!!

Arrived at 10.35 Saturday 23rd march after 36hrs of labour

He's an absolute darling and Catherine was amazing (pushed him out in 20minutes when fully dilated!) - will post more later when we are all home


Congratulations! :flower: & wow, 20 min pushing, awsome!
Wow long labour!! Good job pushing out in 20 mins!! Congrats he's adorable!

Nikki- sorry you had a crap time with the nurses.. They can really make or break an experience. Lol I know how you feel with lack of sleep.. I was so sick the first couple days home from not sleeping.. Getting used to it now. Carson has days and nights mixed up.. His awake time is from4 am until 9am .. So exhausting!!
Had a checkup today - 2/3cm dilated, cervix soft and 80% dilated, baby at -1 station. The consultant said she didn't know why he is still in there lol. Anyway the good news is because I'm so favourable I won't need an elcs if I go too much further and they have booked me in for ARM induction on the 2nd of April.

So looks like a vbac is all set!
Had a checkup today - 2/3cm dilated, cervix soft and 80% dilated, baby at -1 station. The consultant said she didn't know why he is still in there lol. Anyway the good news is because I'm so favourable I won't need an elcs if I go too much further and they have booked me in for ARM induction on the 2nd of April.

So looks like a vbac is all set!

Ah that's really good, and sounds like things are getting ready in there! 2-3cm is great! I really hope they find the same sort of thing with me later today. If she says i'm barely 1cm again i'll probably hit her! :wacko:
Appointment isn't for 45 mins (i'm in USA) so will update when I get back. Hate that I feel I pin high hopes on these appointments as though they're going to do something magical that puts me into labour straight away!! Just a cm or two dilation would at least mean I can get a proper sweep this time. Fingers crossed.
Little lady get bouncing on the ball lol

I dont know what bought my labour on, it could be bouncing on the ball all day (the day before contractions started) or a sweep when I started contracting :huh:

GL!! Sounds like your little bubba is on the way :wohoo:

GL impatient!

Nikki- I think I forgot, so belated Congratulations!!!!!

Congrats ladies who had there babies!!!!!

And GL who's still waiting for their little ones to make arrival :flower:
Urgh so just got back from appointment. Still only 1cm dilated, but she could feel baby's head, and i'm 70% effaced, and I think she said baby is at -2 station (I need to look up what that means!) and cervix is quite soft. So she gave it a bit of a stretch and poke. She's said I should go and get acupuncture done at least once this week and then I have another appointment on Friday. If nothing has happened at that point, i'll be going into hospital Friday night to start the induction process. So by Sunday, one way or the other, baby will be here. I'm terrified of induction but part of me is happy to have a definite end date in mind. Just really really hoping she gets moving of her own accord before then.
Well impatient at least you have a day set now :) I took my two larg dogs out for a walk the 2 nights leading up to my labour.. Maybe it helped??
I'm off for a walk into town soon. I did a lot of walking last time since we were back and forth visiting FIL in hospital and I think it helped at least. I'm having period aches today but not much else but I normally just get them between 7-9pm and yet they are still here today. So I'm in the mind that my body is starting something at least, even if it could still take days. Hopfully it's not just becasue I have a bug! :wacko: :haha: Wish OH and everyone else would realise this. I have literally told them to stop asking yet every day without fail :grr:
My hubby got the hump this morning because I bit his head off when he asked me how I was feeling and any contractions? I know its frustrating for the men folk too but they're not the ones dragging around a baby strapped to their pelvis. Grr.

Anyway had a couple of false starts yesterday and lots of cramping this morning, but baby is still tight inside. Been on my ball loads, up and down the stairs, warm bath - I think I might be pregnant forever haha.

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