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Old School POAS addicts - chat thread!

OMG I can not imagine even trying the Diva cup. It's like a crime scene in my bathroom after a tampon change as it is. :haha: Sorry TMI! Interesting that you are successful even with heavy periods.

I agree motherofboys. I know I will find peace if we do not have more. I have 7 healthy and wonderful children right now I cherish and love very much. I do feel like he would be sacrificing more to have another child than I would be to not have another. It is very expensive. And my dh is going to be 54 in July. I know he's feeling old. As it is he is going to be 70 when our youngest graduates high school. Poor guy. It does keep him young though. What else does he have to do? And who wants to retire? I do think he will agree to give in, but I don't want it to be at too high a cost. Kwim? I just wish I could make my desire to have another go away... Maybe I need to invest my time on that instead of peeing on things and scrutinizing for lines. That's time consuming! :haha:
Its not a softcup...tired it once and made a huge huge mess. Love the diva cup! It can be full to the rim and I dont make a mess...I do sit on the toilet though when I take it out.
Hey, what if at least once a week we report 1 thing we did that made us feel good because we are wtt, ntnp, in limbo? It doesn't have to involve $ or it could. Just something to signify we are thinking of ourselves during this time too.

I'll start: I ordered some summer tanks & shirts from my most favorite store, Anthropologie. Granted they were all on sale. And, I opened a nice bottle of Merlot from our basement with my dinner tonight because I could. I also spent a little extra time with the kids outside today taking mental pictures of their awesomeness instead of running in to clean.

Great idea luv. And yay for new clothes and wine! 2 of the best, non-baby making bonuses right there.
My hubby is 45 ( I'm 27) I think it's more an issue for me, than for him. Knowing we are only having 1 more (although he did say a few times that he wouldn't mind a couple more) I want to squeeze them in before he is 50.
Lovn hope something happens to allow you to ttc sooner! It's amazing how these little people cost so much!

Luv it's a good idea to report something positive about NOT being pregnant! That will make us feel better.Today it was that i managed to carry both girls, plus bags up the stairs all in one go. Had I been pregnant I would have worried about carrying so much weight and would have done about 3 trips. Ha!

Well something happened yesterday that made me hopeful! I was blending baby food in the kitchen while my dh talked to his sister on the phone. I couldnt hear anything over the blender but then I switch it off and heard him say "...yeah me and Steph are just trying to decide whether to try for another baby now or after she goes back to work". So it means he is considering now! Yay! Tbh I think me finding a job will be harder than I thought, and he is starting to realise that it makes no sense to go through all the stress of finding one just to quit again. Now if only dear aunt flo could pay me a visit...
That's good Steph that he is considering it now, and I agree if you will be looking for a new job, rather than returning to an old one, it makes more sense to have another baby before hand.
That's great news steph! Now let's get your body on board!

After my wonderful glass of wine I had enough courage to ask dh the bottom line. He still maintains he is done. He thinks our older children will miss out with more babies in the house. He does feel old. I think he has valid reasons for being done. Then he said he is not 100% sure we can't have another. :wacko: He said to give him some time to come around, stop obsessing about it. He also asked it I could just wait for a little bit & see what it's like to not have someone stuck to the boob & attached to me all the time. I get it. It's only fair. Someone asked on another thread will I do this after # 8 for #9. Maybe I'm one of those people :nope:
I can see his point, I can understand how you must feel too. Maybe some time will be a good thing.
Yes I am glad my dh is (possibly) finally seeing the light! I really don't want to go back to my old job as it involved shift work and I don't want to do that with kids. I want one that isn't stressful, pays well, and allows part-time. Hmmm, ideas anyone?

Luv have you asked your older children whether they would like a new sibling? Maybe they wouldn't feel like they were missing out on anything.
I love the posting positives about NOT being pregnant! Great idea!

My first one is being rear ended on Tuesday - I was so glad to not only not have my daughter in the car but to also not be pregnant as the seat belt tighten up a lot and actually gave me a bruise across my body. If I had been pregnant I would be super worried about now. That, and I got to go home and have a glass of wine after an awful day! :blush:

We'll I'm glad you asked straight out, luv, and that the door isn't completely shut. I see his point, but I see yours as well. :hugs:

Steph, I'm glad your dh is starting to come around! :dance:
Sunshine, Vickie should respond today!

Everyone feel super sad seeing babies, and know that you can't have that for a long while? :(
I get it more from pregnant women and pictures of my own children as tiny babies, but I remember it well when wtt for number 1 and also when trying for number 4 as it took so long. But then again I still have a baby.

Right so I'm getting lots of signs of O now, checked cp again and it's now low and closed and firm! I know I shouldn't be bothering as we are meant to be wtt/NTNP but I need to know if I'm actually Oing or not.
On no Lovn, that sucks! I am glad everyone was ok. When my lo was 18 months and I was 20 weeks pregnant I had a head on impact with another car. Wrote off both of them, but luckily everyone was fine. It certainly shakes you up, doesn't it?

Blueberri I did go through a phase of feeling sad when I saw newborns but now I get more jealous of bumps! To be completely honest I don't enjoy the 0-6 months that much.

Motherofboys, sounds like something is happening! Will you be doing opks?
No I wasn't planning to as I'm supposed to not be obsessing lol I don't think opks will help me as they can tell me in having a surge but won't actually confirm I've O'd like temping will so I think I'm just going to get a bbt thermometer and use that for a month or 2 then hopefully just relax because I'll know that O is actually happening. I had several months of no O when my cycles returned with ds3 and then a short lp so just want to know that I O and that the lp is long enough to implant. Don't want to go months with no chance of getting preg again.
Lovn, I'm glad you are ok!

Blueberry, like motherofboys, I am worse when I see pregnant women. Probably because I still have one. There are two ladies at my kids school, both over 40, both unexpetedly pregnant with #6! I am so jealous of their bumps. :blush:

motherofboys, It drives my crazy not knowing if/when I o'd. I totally get what you mean when you say going months with no chance of getting pregnant. I actually enjoyed temping. Hopefully you can start there. Although it is hard to ntnp when you know when you are oing.

steph, We have asked the other kids about more children. All the younger ones say yes. My oldest says no way! Although she did say it doesn't have a huge effect on her either way. She was done before we had 5 & 6.

Afm, still no af, but cramps like I am going to die for the past 2 days. I think tonight or tomorrow. That's actually ok because my dh will be gone 6/9 - 6/13. So maybe I can convince him when he gets back to take his chances. I did buy some opk's for some unknown reason. I guess so I can pee on something? My O signs are usually so clear. Who knows what my cycles will be like now. I usually O cd18 or later. I also ordered 30 $ tree hpts. It was less embarrasing that going in the store to buy 30. :haha: I did take one when they arrived yesterday and it was white as snow, just like the other 4 I had taken this cycle. I like those tests right now. No false hope.
Also, talked more with dh. He's not dead set against it anymore, although I still think he feels done. It might sound funny, and I am not very religious, but I just keep kind of praying about it. Not give me another baby, but more like, let me accept and find peace with the outcome.

Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend. We have a date night tonight and might take the older kids to see Maleficent.
Thanks luv!

Hope cycles work themselves out soon for both of you ladies. I totally have tons of OPKS at home, just for something to pee on :haha: since we aren't trying at all.

Have a great date night, luv! I want to see that too, wish Sofia was movie going age :dohh:
Well af got me :wacko: It was so out of the blue, wasn't expecting it at all, but glad she's here! Me and dh had a talk last night, he still feels we should wait another 6 months to give a 2 year gap. If we got pregnant straight away (and didn't have another mc) we would have a 16-17month gap which he thinks would be too hard to cope with. We agreed that there is little point in me going back to work or starting a PhD in January if we really are wanting a 3rd baby soon, and he does see my point that getting pregnant now would enable me to get back to work/study sooner. Plus he wants to change jobs soon, and possibly move cities, so doesn't want me to commit to anything here. I'm getting slightly scared of the prospect of 3 so close in age too, but still want to go ahead! Anyway we didn't come to a final conclusion, we'll just wait and see.

Motherofboys must have been quite frustrating and upsetting to go months without a chance of pregnancy. Think positive, I won't happen again!

Luv enjoy date night!

Lovn do they have mother and baby cinema where you are? I take Sienna to the cinema every week, last week we watched Bad Neighbours!
I think I just need to relax about it because whether I'm Oing of not I can't change that. If I have a short lp I know b6 can help as it did before. I just have a accept that whatever happens it will be when and how it is supposed to.
I think I just need to relax about it because whether I'm Oing of not I can't change that. If I have a short lp I know b6 can help as it did before. I just have a accept that whatever happens it will be when and how it is supposed to.

Easier said than done! :hugs:

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