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Old School POAS addicts - chat thread!

Af is here! I think I might die of cramps & backache! First af since 7/12. No idea what my cycles will be like, but if I go by average I am due for my next af the day we leave on our cruise. Awesome! Anyone else do this? I mean I have no idea when I will O, or when my next af really will be and I am already dreading the whole thing. Exactly 2 years ago I was in a similar situation - we were going on the same cruise & I got my bfp the morning we left. Wishful thinking right?! :dohh:
Luv we are af buddies! If by some miracle our dhs turn around and say they desperately want to ttc this month, we could potentially end up with the same due date! Yay!
Luv we are af buddies! If by some miracle our dhs turn around and say they desperately want to ttc this month, we could potentially end up with the same due date! Yay!

Now that would be Awesome! My plan is to just tell dh he's "entering at his own risk" this month. :haha: Who know, right?
My oldest 2 are 20 mos apart & I love it! There were challenges - just like with any age gap. They are super close and always have been.
My oldest 2 are 20 months apart as well and I'd love to go for similar again. I guess when you have a few kids and see the different age gaps you can see that there is no perfect gap.
Lmao at enter at your own risk
Yes that's what I figured, no perfect gap. If I did get pregnant straight away there would be 17 months and 3y2m between them. My main worry is that my eldest wouldn't get enough attention, I'd hate for that to happen.
It's hard in the first few weeks but I'm lucky I have DH around a lot, he doesn't work long hours or away from home and he is always there for dinner, bath and bed time, so I can get the baby to sleep, he takes the middle 2 and my eldest stats up a little later and has some time with me, and I try to find him activities that will be just for him and daddy, like at Christmas he had a build your own combustion engine set. But it's harder when they are much smaller, my 3rd came just after my 1st turned 4.
My cycles came back and were nearly "normal" right away. We only bf for one month though, so nit sure what it's like for a longer time without af :shrug:
What a crazy coincidence that it came on before the cruise again! Fingers crossed for a similar outcome!

20-24 months, in my mind, seems like a perfect age gap - but I have no personal experience so it's nice to hear you ladies like that gap!

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. Dh and I had some much needed 'adult time' last night and we didn't even hesitate to NOT use protection :blush: I was cd18 yesterday but of course I took an opk this morning, out of curiosity as I'd had random cramping earlier in the day and got this. Its rather dark for me this late in my cycle [although i've been known to O late. Sofia was a cd21 egg!]
Im going to take another later, I'm thinking egg already launched but I guess there's a slim chance we may be in a tww?! [Sorry for the ramble :haha:]


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Lovn that's pretty exciting!!!!! I know all logic and responsibility says to wait, but sometimes in the heat of the moment... Can't wait to see your test in like, 7 or 8 days? :haha:
It dried positive! :shock: I probably shouldn't take it as a true positive but O either just happened or is about to happen!
Yea, we should wait, but I know if it happens we do what it takes to make it work! Oh yes, I'll be testing by 7dpo :haha:
Tested 2 more times with super concentrated wee and its getting lighter, thinking O is today and if I'd tested yesterday I would have gotten a true positive! Eeep! I'm secretly super excited but it's a long shot that one bd will do it but can always hope lol
How's everyone's weekend going?
It only takes once, my DS1 is the result of dtd once at what I assume with regular cycles and no opks was the day of O, first month of TTC. Was shocked when I actually got a BFP.
I'm not so secretly excited for you!!!

My dh & I have always been very playful & traded things for certain "adult" favors if you know what I mean. Well, I told him this morning that I'd give him a special "favor" 3 times if he gave me what I wanted 3 times this month. He actually said yes, but I had to double mine.
Anyway he announces at Sunday family dinner that I want another baby & I'm going to extreme & desperate measures. No one was surprised or anything, which surprised me! So I think that was his way of breaking the ice & preparing himself to give in.
On a weirder note, my oldest & I are cycle buddies! Obviously not like the buddies on here. I know that can happen when females live together. Weird.
Everyone just expects us to have more, apart from MIL who wasn't too happy to hear DS4 was on the way.
And yeah that must be odd, something I don't have to worry about LOL
Ha ha I don't think ever, but I'm ok with that.

I really, with all my heart, feel you get what you are meant to have. I did have 2 girls after my 4 boys.... Anything is possible. Either way any baby is a blessing :flower:

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